Former Newton developer rehired by Apple for marketing role



  • Reply 21 of 48
    Originally Posted by mrr View Post

    Great news!

    Maybe now we will finally get the EXTERNAL KEYBOARD and PEN INPUT that the Newton had back in 1997!

    The iPhone has been dumbed down to be a "smart phone" instead of a "powerful portable computer and communication device."

    I rather have something much more powerful like a Mac or a Newton than dumbed down iPhone or iTouch.

    Try writing a few paragraphs or doing even the simplest of graphics on the iPhone and you will realize what a toy it is.

    The iPhone can be, and should be much more powerful instead of having it's functionally arbitrarily limited.

    Problem for Apple: iPhone: wildly popular. Mac: not as popular in market share.

    Tablet: should be more like iPhone and phone-like or more like a Mac and computer-like.

    Big dilemma.
  • Reply 22 of 48
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    I really hope they stick to the Newton name. It'll be a great statement as if they were continuing the legacy. This way the new product won't be perceived as a me too product.

    On the other hand, the Newton name might trigger off the wrong expectations?
  • Reply 23 of 48
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    I really hope they stick to the Newton name. It'll be a great statement as if they were continuing the legacy. This way the new product won't be perceived as a me too product.

    On the other hand, the Newton name might trigger off the wrong expectations?

    They could never go back to using the name "Newton". Most people wouldn't even know the famous scientist reference, such is the youth of today (and I'm only 31)...
  • Reply 24 of 48
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Now people complain that a device the size of your palm have a "slow" 600Mhz processor with 256MB RAM and 32GB storage space

    and then, programmers did not give us resource hog monsters that are 6x full of crap than necessary. the art of programing had gone with the new millennium.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    Originally Posted by emulator View Post

    and then, programmers did not give us resource hog monsters that are 6x full of crap than necessary. the art of programing had gone with the new millennium.

    Yes Mac OS 10.6 "Hardcore" should be completely written in Assembly. But it is true, I'm a programmer LOL just PHP script. It's in demand, OK.
  • Reply 26 of 48
    You guys remember the hacker "Demos" they used to make in the 80s and 90s? Like 3D stuff and a .mod music track, the 3D thing was all written in assembly, IIRC.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by emulator View Post

    and then, programmers did not give us resource hog monsters that are 6x full of crap than necessary. the art of programing had gone with the new millennium.

    Yes, this is a big problem caused by MS when they said that they will develop their software and the hardware people need to catch up.
  • Reply 28 of 48
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    They could never go back to using the name "Newton". Most people wouldn't even know the famous scientist reference, such is the youth of today (and I'm only 31)...

    I don't know what kind of education the kids get where you live, but here they know about the El Nino effect and atom splitting by 10 years old, not to mention a million other things I didn't learn until mid high school. Ask them about Newton and they'll tell you more than most adults know off the top of their heads.
  • Reply 29 of 48
  • Reply 30 of 48
    The Nike+ website is really unimpressive, very buggy and slow to implement fixes and new features, almost like they don't care about it unless they're selling the shoes. The Nike+ app is also very, very basic and even then it has problems such as saved workouts not working with playlists. This is hardly a stellar resume.
  • Reply 31 of 48
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    He hired back John Scully?!?! Wow how big of him! I had no idea Jobs could be so forgiving.

    ...oh wait... just skimmed the article... never-mind!


    Oh you scared me there! I was reading the comments and had only read the headline.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I still remember when it was released years back (around 1994?), I was in high school then. I wanted to get one but it was too expensive. I used the money I saved to buy a desktop PC with 33 Mhz intel processor (there was a turbo switch to bring it up to 66 Mhz), CD player, and a printer. I can't remember the amount of RAM and the size of the HDD but they can't be more than few MB. I remember everyone was WOW this is fast machine

    Now people complain that a device the size of your palm have a "slow" 600Mhz processor with 256MB RAM and 32GB storage space

    Yeah, that's progress for you. The more we advance, the more we whine.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    I really don't want a tablet which requires another phone contract.

    Hell, I almost wish for a really simple looking phone that shares 3G data over wifi. I might have bought that plus an iPod Touch (which would then get wifi everywhere), instead of an iPhone.

    Just one data service please

    I agree,. Be nice if iPhone owners could piggy back the same account for a nominal fee. Even if only one could be used at the same time. I'd accept that limitation.
  • Reply 34 of 48
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    I miss the Turbo switch from the 286/386 etc. days. It was like, "f** yeah lets get it on!!!" when you pressed it and the numbers (sometimes displayed prominently in digital form on the case) magically doubled.

    I've got a Power Computing tee-shirt from the clone daze (days), it says "we go to eleven", that's about the same shit
  • Reply 35 of 48
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Steve Jobs is worldwide marketing, for Apple - really. His presentations are as important as everything else.
  • Reply 36 of 48
    Anyone know where I can get a decent browser for my 2100?
  • Reply 37 of 48
    Originally Posted by star-fish View Post

    I don't know what kind of education the kids get where you live, but here they know about the El Nino effect and atom splitting by 10 years old, not to mention a million other things I didn't learn until mid high school. Ask them about Newton and they'll tell you more than most adults know off the top of their heads.

    Obviously you're not living in the USA. Though those kids on that are-you-smarter-than-a-something-or-other-grader probably know who Newton is and seem pretty smart. They're not representative of the population, are they?

    All that atom stuff you learn at any stage of high school is garbage anyway. Once you learn about the orbital stuff in college (1s 2p whatevers) and quantum mechanics, even basic 1st year college chemistry, you can forget about whatever was taught in high school.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yeah, that's progress for you. The more we advance, the more we whine.

    Quiet you, I'm angry ATI didn't price the 5870 1GB at $99 USD and have half the fan noise it does. Never mind it's the fastest single GPU card on the planet right now.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    Originally Posted by akf2000 View Post

    The Nike+ website is really unimpressive, very buggy and slow to implement fixes and new features, almost like they don't care about it unless they're selling the shoes. The Nike+ app is also very, very basic and even then it has problems such as saved workouts not working with playlists. This is hardly a stellar resume.

    Yeah, Nike+, I haven't been feelin it for a few years now. I now just use Runkeeper app for my iPhone and it has made a world of difference. Just waiting for Runkeeper to integrate a pedometer into the app (coming soon apparently). Besides, I can mostly only wear New Balance because of the wider widths which are essential for any sort of comfort for me.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    All that atom stuff you learn at any stage of high school is garbage anyway. Once you learn about the orbital stuff in college (1s 2p whatevers) and quantum mechanics, even basic 1st year college chemistry, you can forget about whatever was taught in high school.

    NASA used Newtonian mechanics (not to be confused with Newton mechanics, who weren't around then) to get to the moon (and, just as importantly, back), so I think it still has some relevance. Of course, they may have used some math more advanced than what they learned in high school.
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