Flash coming to most smartphones, but not Apple's iPhone



  • Reply 201 of 223
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    So why is YT using Flash then when it can use something that doesn't require people to have Flash?

    My guess is that it's because of all the extra features they've built into the Flash-based player that wouldn't be there (at least, not consistently across platforms) with any given browser's generic video player.
  • Reply 202 of 223

    In your post you said,

    "there is plenty of flash content that people DO want to see"

    "all of these make A LOT of money"

    "and have a HUGE consumer audience"

    "that WILL buy a phone that has flash"

    "whether you liek flash or not, many consumers do"

    "there is flash content people want to see"

    "consumers WILL notice if they cant view the content they want"

    "And they WILL buy the product that lets them view the content they want."

    I replied with, "Alkrantz, what evidence do you have that consumers will notice when flash content is missing and will therefore factor that into their device purchasing decision? I'm one of those so called normal customers/users with an iPhone you are talking about. I for one have not been impeded in ANY way by the lack of iPhone flash support in over three years of use! Stop guessing what you think other people are experiencing and trying to speak for them (and then try to use that as evidence for another point). There is enough BS floating around out there. We don't need more!"

    And in your rebuttal you said, "I'm not entirely sure what your even talking about.....BUT...If you really think no one cares that flash content is missing from the iPhone, and are looking for evidence that people are in fact impeded by it not being there, than you need to reread this thread, because there are multiple people in it stating they wish flash was on the iPhone in order to have access to content they currently can not see. So I'm not really 'guessing'. Besides, claiming that you represent the 'so called normal consumer' is in fact making the same presumption you claim that I am making."

    My reply to your post was so basic and straightforward I don't see how you can NOT understand it. What happened was I saw a lot of subjective opinion masquerading as hard-won objective fact gleaned from many expensive and accurate scientific surveys about what many people may think. And I simply asked you where all your evidence came from so I could go read it for myself. I then went on to clearly speak ONLY for myself, giving you at least one data point letting you hear from just one of the many typical consumers YOU were trying to speak for. I then ended asking you to do the same...speak just for yourself and leave all the other garbage behind. As far as your rebuttal goes, where do I say "no one cares that flash content is missing from the iPhone"? I just said...I...don't care. Speaking for everybody is your territory, not mine. And I never claimed to represent anything, you claimed it for me. I have read every word of all six pages of posts in this thread (by now). Have you? We need to be clear that when you posted near the end of the FIRST page, there weren't yet the "multiple people stating they wish flash was on the iPhone." Regardless, I'm not interested in a for/against count off this tiny little forum (relative to the whole world) or I would have done that already. Let us return to my unanswered question. I simply want to know where all YOUR scientific data comes from to support ALL your GIGANTIC claims? Don't have any? Thought so. Attack the person who asks for it? Yes. The classic response when one's argument has no teeth.
  • Reply 203 of 223
    Originally Posted by stardustag View Post

    there are plenty of websites out there that use flash that are not for video or annoying ads. This is a bummer.

    Agreed - there is absolutely a ton of sites that are flash based or have flash content besides kids ones. Whatever tricks HTML5 will be able to pull off if/when it is standardized, there's no reason that Safari on the iPhone can't support both. Even if web developers start to stray from flash more at that time, there's a sizeable chunk of the web being left out.
  • Reply 204 of 223
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by tawilson View Post

    You too seem to have missed the point.

    I don't want to use Flash on my Mac, it's a big resource hogging whale! By making a site Flash only, I don't have the choice to view it without Flash.

    Well, I DO want flash on my iPhone. I'd like to be able to, you know, actually view the internet properly.

    Apple don't give me that option. Apple's mobile internet experience is very broken, and unless they add flash, that will always be the case. Other mobile OSs will have flash before long, making the iPhone seem dated and out of touch.
  • Reply 205 of 223
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Well, I DO want flash on my iPhone. I'd like to be able to, you know, actually view the internet properly.

    Apple don't give me that option. Apple's mobile internet experience is very broken, and unless they add flash, that will always be the case. Other mobile OSs will have flash before long, making the iPhone seem dated and out of touch.

    1) Why don't other mobile OSes have a full veraion of Flash already since Apple isn't holding them back? Could it be that Adobe is late o the game with this "announcement" and that Apple's decision not to include Flash Lite on the iPhone back in 2007--when in late-2009 Flash on Mac OS X is still a resource hog--actually the right move. Jobs said Flash sucked on mobile devices and we now have Adobe saying that they will finally get a real version of Flash on mobiles sometime in 2010. How was he wrong?

    2) If you want to count plugins as being an integral part of the Internet and not actually deem a browser having the full Internet without plugins then adding Flash won't change that. Specifically, there a lotvof sites, especially gov't sites, that rely on ActiveX. Are we to expect to support this somehow? What about other plugins? Whether he was lying or not, Jobs didn't say that Flash was not an option, just the versions that Adobe had available. Despite nearly 3 years since the iPhone announcement and their many statements about "working on it" they still haven't produced a decent mobile version of Flash. If Adobe would have been on the ball instead of playing catchup to both mobile Flash and Silverlight, then Apple may have had no choice butvto include it as an option.
  • Reply 206 of 223
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    I don't want Flash on my iPhone, I don't want surreptitiously installed Flash cookies on my MacBook either or my PC, which is why I install flash blockers.

    I don't want no stinkin' flash period.

    Other mobile OS's already have flash in the form of flash-lite just think of all this precious time you've wasted by having an iPhone when you could have been browsing Flash based sites to your heart's content.

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Well, I DO want flash on my iPhone. I'd like to be able to, you know, actually view the internet properly.

    Apple don't give me that option. Apple's mobile internet experience is very broken, and unless they add flash, that will always be the case. Other mobile OSs will have flash before long, making the iPhone seem dated and out of touch.

  • Reply 207 of 223
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Much as I love my iPhone, it's beginning to look a little old to me. The lack of flash is a big part of that, as mobile browsing isn't all that useful when you end up seeing an awful lot of those 'no flash plug in' icons on web pages.

    I'm also growing increasingly impatient over Apple's inability to support multi-tasking on the iPhone. It would be incredibly useful to be able to have Spotify or other web radio/streaming aps running in the background while I email, browse, use google maps etc. And I'd like Twitter, IM, and other gadgets running all the time on the home screen, instead of having to launch them, then quit them, then launch them, then quit them etc etc.

    The iPhone is a good device but one which is beginning to fall behind other smart phone OSs, and if I was Apple I would be working hard to get Flash, and other expected modern technologies working sooner rather than later.

    Nearly all the big name sites that use Flash have resolved lack of Flash by having either a free app or having an iPhone version of their site. With 80% usage in the mobile browser market the iPhone is the trend setter for mobile web.

    So forgive me when I laugh at people claiming that lack of Flash is tempting them to switch from the iPhone. Switch to what?! No mobile phone supports those flash pages.

    As far as falling behind, are you kidding me? Most of the features seen in current smart phones wouldn't even be there if Apple didn't keep pushing the envelope of expectation. Yes you may find new features on some phones that iPhone doesn't have, but then the next iPhone OS update often brings new & advanced features that other phones don't have. The tug of war will always go back & forth, it will go on forever.

    For me, I use an iPhone because it simply works! I had a blackberry before, it crashed all the time. Friend just got new BlackBerry, it crashes all the time. I work in IT & we support WinMobile devices, they crash all the time, loose e-mail settings, etc.

    Of our smartphones among staff 80% are iPhones, 15% BlackBerry, 5% other. 90% of our support issues revolve around BlackBerry & WinMobile sync issues. Only support calls we ever get on the iPhones are typical laptop issues like being unable to get on wireless, & the issue is actually almost always our wireless!

    Don't even get me started on some of the technical limitations of BlackBerry & others, did you know BlackBerries won't sync Cantacts with a no last name? Did you know about how finicky it is that one invalid character & it will start duplicating your contacts like crazy? How long has BlackBerry been around & had the chance to resolve this issue? Seriously, the dribble is getting old.
  • Reply 208 of 223
    Originally Posted by dalasc View Post

    What happened was I saw a lot of subjective opinion masquerading as hard-won objective fact gleaned from many expensive and accurate scientific surveys about what many people may think.

    As I stated in my first post:

    "Obviously you will take what I am saying however you want, but this is my real world experience working in web and what I have seen to be true."

    How you were able to interpret this statement as "hard-won objective fact gleaned from many expensive and accurate scientific surveys" is beyond me. I have always been clear that my opinion, like the rest of us here, is based on my personal experience and entirely subjective. Which of course entitles you to dismiss it as you see fit.

    Originally Posted by dalasc View Post

    Let us return to my unanswered question. I simply want to know where all YOUR scientific data comes from to support ALL your GIGANTIC claims? Don't have any? Thought so. Attack the person who asks for it? Yes. The classic response when one's argument has no teeth.

    First, let me explain that I have not failed to respond because I had no response, but because I actually do things other than come to this forum. It just so happens there was a Vikings vs Packers game I wanted to see. Go Vikings!

    Second, judging from the way you have responded to my posts, you seem to have anger management issues which lets me know that there really isn't anything I can say that you will like and that this will not be a cordial conversation, so this will be the last time I indulge you.

    In answer to your questions, the reason I am not quiet sure what you are talking about is because you have stated that I am making outrageous and gigantic claims and misrepresenting the typical consumer with some sort of scientific data, but really I don't know what claims you're talking about. To my knowledge all I have claimed is that some people want flash on the iPhone and further more that Flash isn't going away. I have also stated that flash has many purposes beyond just banner ads, and that many of the developers who create it are also creating other content and are actually good developers. These don't seem like scientific claims to me, as much as common sense.

    But seeing as you are preoccupied with where I get the information to make these assertions, I will tell you. Some of this is gleamed directly from this thread, some if it from the other numerous threads about this same subject on this site and others, but also much of my understanding comes from being in the web development field for over 10 years developing all varieties of web content for a wide variety of clients.

    If you are looking for me to point you to a scientific report of some kind backing up my assertions, or maybe a signed letter from the Bureau of Pointless Statistics, I don't have one, and if you would like to discount my opinion due to the lack of any official supporting documentation, than go right ahead, I am not writing a dissertation here, I'm just putting my two cents in on a forum filled primarily with other apple enthusiast (and a few windows enthusiasts) who find the issue entertaining and in some cases professionally relevant.

    Either way, I will say again, that I don't really care if you believe what I am saying. If you need me to be wrong and you need to be right, then I am fine with that. You win. Congratulations. my suggestion to you is, don't take it all so seriously, maybe have some tea.
  • Reply 209 of 223
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    On the Mac, Flash stands for "Rich, Reach, and Retch".


    You're absolutely correct, IMO. I'll see your 100% and raise you 11%.

    Happens every day. I wish safari could tell me which page (tab) has the Flash process that's killing my machine. Often I have to just quit Safari and restart.

    I honestly don't see how mobile safari and the iPhone could support Flash. It's not as stable as my desktop environment and Flash kicks it in the balls every day. I could see mobile Flash killing usability on the iPhone.

    Here's hoping HTML 5 gains traction.
  • Reply 210 of 223
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Well, I DO want flash on my iPhone. I'd like to be able to, you know, actually view the internet properly.

    Apple don't give me that option. Apple's mobile internet experience is very broken, and unless they add flash, that will always be the case. Other mobile OSs will have flash before long, making the iPhone seem dated and out of touch.

    So go get one of the phones that do support Flash. The experience is pretty ugly, but have at it. I'm just glad I don't have to...
  • Reply 211 of 223
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    No conversion. YouTube started using H.264 a few years ago. Flash can play the H.264 codec.

    Yeah, that's great. And now it seems QT X can play Flash videos too. The world is complete! Hummmm....
  • Reply 212 of 223
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Yeah, that's great. And now it seems QT X can play Flash videos too. The world is complete! Hummmm....

    You can also get an .flv quicklook plugin and just play everything using quicklook (using Quicktime of course). I hardly open the Quicktime ap now and when I do its Quicktime 7....
  • Reply 213 of 223
    erunnoerunno Posts: 225member
    The ones complaining about bothersome flash ads seem to completely miss the irony as what would happen should HTML 5 + SMIL + CSS animations and whatever new developments are currently in the pipeline should really manage to replace Flash: You'd have animated ads on your iPhone with no means to turn it off. The prevalence of Flash, the current irrelevance of alternatives *and* the lack of a working iPhone Flash player is all there stands between you and a hell of animated banners on your precious iPhone.
  • Reply 214 of 223
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Erunno View Post

    The ones complaining about bothersome flash ads seem to completely miss the irony as what would happen should HTML 5 + SMIL + CSS animations and whatever new developments are currently in the pipeline should really manage to replace Flash: You'd have animated ads on your iPhone with no means to turn it off. The prevalence of Flash, the current irrelevance of alternatives *and* the lack of a working iPhone Flash player is all there stands between you and a hell of animated banners on your precious iPhone.

    I made mention of it in this thread or another. At least with Flash I can turn it off, but with HTML5 animations it?ll be a much harder to discern which content is unfavourable. Ou of the frying pan and into the skillet. On the bright side, at least it?ll use less resources.
  • Reply 215 of 223
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I made mention of it in this thread or another. At least with Flash I can turn it off, but with HTML5 animations it?ll be a much harder to discern which content is unfavourable.

    You can only turn it off if Apple provides that option. That and it won't run on the bloody phone without serious headaches.
  • Reply 216 of 223
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You can only turn it off if Apple provides that option. That and it won't run on the bloody phone without serious headaches.

    I?m referring to Flash in general. On Desktop browsers I have Flash turned off by default. I have ?whitebaord? sites that will auto-load Flash if I go to that site or I simply click in the appropriate Flash box. On YouTube it auto loads QuickTime X for me.

    With HTML5?s animations I won?t have this option of keep Flash banners from appearing; at least not with ease. They won?t be resource hogs, but they will be visually unappealing.
  • Reply 217 of 223
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I?m referring to Flash in general.

    Oh, my bad.
  • Reply 218 of 223
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Oh, my bad.

    My bad, I could have been clearer.
  • Reply 219 of 223
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Erunno View Post

    The ones complaining about bothersome flash ads seem to completely miss the irony as what would happen should HTML 5 + SMIL + CSS animations and whatever new developments are currently in the pipeline should really manage to replace Flash: You'd have animated ads on your iPhone with no means to turn it off. The prevalence of Flash, the current irrelevance of alternatives *and* the lack of a working iPhone Flash player is all there stands between you and a hell of animated banners on your precious iPhone.

    We just need the Mobile Safari version of Adblock Plus + Element Hiding Helper.

    On my desktop, most Flash placeholders for ads never materialize if I click the Flashblock > arrow, as Adblock Plus already took care of filtering that crap out.
  • Reply 220 of 223
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    On my 2.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo iMac 24 with 4 gig RAM-- Snow Leopard and all updates.

    I did not have any Safari windows, with Flash, currently open (though several YouTube windows had been used, but were now closed).

    I got the following (and I can duplicate it with ease):

    Notice that second line! Once I force quit the Flash plugin task it was like giving a constipated person an enema.

    On the Mac, Flash stands for "Rich, Reach, and Retch".


    How do you see this? Even with a Flash video playing, I can't see "Flash Player (Safari Internet plug-in)" listed in Activity Monitor. I only see Safari and it's only at 41%.

    MBP 2.16 GHz Core Duo 2GB RAM
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