Babylon 5: The best damn Sci-Fi ever.



  • Reply 21 of 28
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    I didnt think that Crusader was all that great. Then again I only watched like the first episode or so and it was, well... not so hot. But hey you cant win em all.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    B5 Rangers on tonight! 9:00 on Sci-Fi...
  • Reply 23 of 28
    B5 movies are on all this week on the SCI-FI channel at 9:00!

    Watch 'em, they're great free entertainment!

    Or you could go watch the real episodes. The Movies all sucked in comparison to even the worst episodes (and thats pretty bad).

    I hope that rangers keeps up with the quallity of B5s second/third season, damn that would give me new faith in TV (everything has sucked since DS9)...

    What I want to know is why they dont do a follow up on the ruined earth idea brought up at the end of... was it the 4th season? The episode when they flash through the rest of earths history.

    The clip im tlaking about was on a medeival (sp?) earth and a monk who, while searching through various books, finds something about a race of beings fro mspace called Rangers which would one day return to earth to free it from its ignorance (or something like that). The clips ends with the head of the monastry turning to the camera and saying "I think that Brother [xxxxxxxxxx, the guys whos reading the books]will make a good ranger someday."
  • Reply 24 of 28
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    [quote]Or you could go watch the real episodes. The Movies all sucked in comparison to even the worst episodes (and thats pretty bad).<hr></blockquote>

    Are you kidding me?! The movie 'In the Beginning' rocked. Thirdspace was the only one that was really bad.

    I dont remember that monk part.
  • Reply 25 of 28
    Argh! How could you like those movies? Oh well, I suppose taste varries more than the ingredients of McDonalds fries (trust me, I worked there AND found the secret ingrediant list).

    So you dont remember it eh? The episode ended with the last humen seeing that the sun was about to explode and turning into pure energy before entering a cool looking encounter suit and then speeding out of the solar system to leave the galaxy.

    The part Im refering two had the monk played by that weird overweight guy that looks kinda like the fat kid in Akira (man talk about obscure references), and the ranger to be played by the guy who played Marcus. Does any one remember this?

    That is what I thought crusade was, MAN was I disapointed (and actually I think that that guy {he was in ofice space as well wasnt he?} made a better captain than bloody Bakula in Enterprise).
  • Reply 26 of 28
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    Argh! How could you not like 'In the Beginning'???!

    Im still drawing a blank on the whole monk thing. Hey give me a break, I dont have the sci-fi channel so its been a awhile since I have seen a b5 episode. However for those of you who do have the sci-fi channel how was Legend of the Rangers?
  • Reply 27 of 28
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I watched Rangers and thought it was pretty good. I kept telling myself "this is only a TV movie" so as not to expect the world... But all considering I thought the show was a great start with a pretty good cast. I will definately watch if it become a series.

    I guess I'll have to mail another box of chocolates to Bonnie Hammer...
  • Reply 28 of 28
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    Cool. Too bad I cant get it up here with AT&T without buying a big ass package.

    Damn Morpheus, download my B5 episodes!
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