Apple may not be Microsoft's biggest retail challenge



  • Reply 41 of 91
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Then prove it-Walk the Walk. Provide a link. You sling BS.

    Have you already forgotten the references to Walt Mossberg's review from an earlier thread today? ( you know, the one where you posted several times). TeckDud, I'm really starting to worry about you. It's not like you to be so ill informed .... oh wait, yes it is.... my bad.
  • Reply 42 of 91
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Then prove it-Walk the Walk. Provide a link. You sling BS.

    no one likes you.

    edit: newbee: he's not ill informed. he's a troll, an instigator.
  • Reply 43 of 91
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Then prove it-Walk the Walk. Provide a link. You sling BS.

    I really need a link because my mom won't let me use google anymore after she found all those searches for "Hannah Montana + nude".
  • Reply 44 of 91
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    no one likes you.

    edit: newbee: he's not ill informed. he's a troll, an instigator.

    My Grammy still loves me.
  • Reply 45 of 91
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    (Trying to ward off visions of goons in MSN butterfly suits, chasing down shoppers and dragging them into MS stores.)

    Oh, there are some morons - I could probably pick a couple of studs right here in this thread, but I won't - who, I'll bet, think those butterfly suits are really cool!
  • Reply 46 of 91
    Originally Posted by therealteckstud View Post


    Oh no! It's reproducing!!!!
  • Reply 47 of 91
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Oh no! It's reproducing!!!!

    Can anyone hear me? Let me out, please!!!
  • Reply 48 of 91
    Here in the beautiful Orange County, one of the school districts, Capistrano School District has now mandated that every student in the district from 5th grade, has to have Macbook or iBook. They must take the laptop to school everyday.

    This is less than 5 miles from Microsoft's proposed Mission Viejo store. Apple is the game in town in this very affluent county. There are 4 Apple stores within a 20 mile radius. So Microsoft is going to be shot down from the start.

    The leaders of tomorrow, the youth of today, wants nothing to do with Windows. Mac is their computer of choice.

    Microsoft is dead!
  • Reply 49 of 91
    Strategically speaking, this is and will continue to be a bad step for MS.

    Just as we saw in the Zune, MS's strategy of leveraging sheer financial clout and existing user population to penetrate the consumer market simply will not work.

    Apple has developed an incredibly tough reputation for quality in the consumer experience,

    and this is backed by an awesome pool of human resources, from CS to designers and frigging ingenious programmers.

    If MS intends to capture new household customers, it's going to need to rethink strategy and push out a more logical, concerted effort.

    To do this will require a massive overhaul of senior management.

    I imagine the board already knows this, but for some reason they have yet to take action.

    Most likely the board and management will cling to the status quo until MS is in the red -

    which it certainly will in the relatively near future.

    With regards to this recent venture, we can clearly see that the very nature of the business is imitational, and does not really compliment any of MS's strengths.

    If MS intends to actually establish a retail presence, this may be a long-term (3year?) investment,

    and I highly doubt that MS will have the strategic vision or organizational capability to continue this.

    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    no one likes you.

    edit: newbee: he's not ill informed. he's a troll, an instigator.

    Didn't I already give you the one-on-one about the ignore function?

    This is not the place for personal attacks. I HATE reading this crap.

    I have yet to ignore anyone under the hopeful assumption that everyone has something constructive or interesting at the least to contribute to the discussion.

    I really hope you don't make me change this.
  • Reply 50 of 91
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft is pulling no punches in its quest to directly compete with Apple in the retail space, going so far as to poach Apple Store staff and managers and hiring former Apple retail executive George Blankenship who played an instrumental part in the growth and popularization of the Apple retail outlets.

    MS is making the assumption that just having a brick and mortar store near the vicinity of an Apple store solves the problem... Is it a store that played an instrumental part in the growth and popularization of the Apple retail outlets? Or was it that the store sold Apple hardware and software?


    Microsoft has made no attempt to hide the fact that they are gunning directly for Apple's market share. Company executive Kevin Turner reportedly said several months ago that Microsoft intends to open stores next door to Apple.

    MS ventures of late when "gunning directly for Apple" with regards to a new and hipper OS, digital music players / music stores, cell phones have not proven to be as successful. Do they think a fourth time's a charm?


    Microsoft plans to mirror many aspects of Apple's retail outlets, including using "Microsoft Gurus" for tech support and demos much like the Apple store "Geniuses."

    MS to "mirror" the aspects of Apple, unfortunately for MS, since Steve Jobs is in tight with Disney, he has "The Mirror". You know, the one where you ask, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" It ain't MS, sorry...


    These steps are all indications that Microsoft considers Apple to be a credible threat to its market share. Mac sales saw double-digit growth in the third quarter of 2009.

    I thought MS considered Apple to be a rounding error?! Which is it MS??
  • Reply 51 of 91
    Nobody seems to be picking up on what I thought was the meat of this article, which is that unless Microsoft is planning on featuring only Xbox and Zune in their stores, they risk annoying the Windows OEMs who get left out. How do they decide which ones to feature? Another thing you can say for certain is that no matter how they decide to handle this, they're not going to be able to recreate Apple's consistent retail image.
  • Reply 52 of 91
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Nobody seems to be picking up on what I thought was the meat of this article, which is that unless Microsoft is planning on featuring only Xbox and Zune in their stores, they risk annoying the Windows OEMs who get left out. How do they decide which ones to feature? Another thing you can say for certain is that no matter how they decide to handle this, they're not going to be able to recreate Apple's consistent retail image.


    I'd say there are primarily 3 issues with the venture:

    1 being what you just mentioned; walking on ice with it's retail and hardware partners

    2 serious issues with CS must be considered (how to avoid the blame game)

    3 I personally think this is the largest issue - creating a consistent retail brand image.
  • Reply 53 of 91
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    As many have noted already, it is hard for me to understand exactly how a "Microsoft" or a "Windows" store might work. Since there are so many hardware vendors on the windows side, who are they gonna pick, and how are they gonna split up the floor space.

    My guess would be that we will see a lot of HP in there, since HP was the favorite company in the "I'm a PC commercials with Lauren". It is easy to see though, how these stores could start hurting or be hurt by already existing network of Sony's and Best Buy's stores...

    I doubt that these will be highly successful at any rate, since most people already use windows, and will not need to come to a store to see how it works, which kinda defeats the point of having a dedicated "Windows" store.
  • Reply 54 of 91
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well what do YOU want me to say -that it appears they have another flop like VIsta? I won't because - THEY DON"T!

    And I said hit- not home run!


    I dont want you to say something that isn't yet known.

    If they have a hit, we'll know soon enough. So if they do, you can come and gloat.

    I'll give you a free pass.

    But at least wait until we know either way.
  • Reply 55 of 91
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    WOW- pure genius!

    I thought it was Google.

    No. Google is their biggest challenge for almost everything else. Most of what Google does that hurts MS is free.
  • Reply 56 of 91
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Nobody seems to be picking up on what I thought was the meat of this article, which is that unless Microsoft is planning on featuring only Xbox and Zune in their stores, they risk annoying the Windows OEMs who get left out. How do they decide which ones to feature? Another thing you can say for certain is that no matter how they decide to handle this, they're not going to be able to recreate Apple's consistent retail image.

    Microsoft has always ruled their hardware "partners" using the very real threat of jacking up the unit price of OEM copies of Windows to install on their hardware. If the manufacturer displeases Microsoft, watch out.

    With PC hardware margins being as razor thin as they are, a jump in a few dollars per machine for a Windows license could threaten a company's survival.

    I'd guess that MS granting a space for your hardware in their stores would be presented as some sort of showcasing opportunity.

    MS' hardware partners will do as they are told and like it.
  • Reply 57 of 91
    I think the solution would be for Microsoft to sell their own hardware.

    Zune Laptop maybe?

    Xbox 360 laptop? (with a xenon chip?)

    Then they would be shooting themselves in the foot, as manufacturers will make sure they have a driver disk for (xp, vista, 7) but only ship with a flavour of Linux as default.
  • Reply 58 of 91
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by jeffharris View Post

    Microsoft has always ruled their hardware "partners" using the very real threat of jacking up the unit price of OEM copies of Windows to install on their hardware. If the manufacturer displeases Microsoft, watch out.

    With PC hardware margins being as razor thin as they are, a jump in a few dollars per machine for a Windows license could threaten a company's survival.

    I'd guess that MS granting a space for your hardware in their stores would be presented as some sort of showcasing opportunity.

    MS' hardware partners will do as they are told and like it.

    Some of that was stopped in the last trial they underwent where Windows was declared to be a monopoly.

    Vendors ARE getting more independent. Several years ago, they never would have dreamed of putting Linux on computers. One reason was that MS charged them even if the machines went out without Windows on it. No more.
  • Reply 59 of 91
    I just finished reading this review of Win7, on 10 different desktops, including a 2009 Mac Mini. The article is by Ed Bott at ZDnet

    Truthfully, I'm just not ready to consider Win7 a "hit" just yet, especially for the average user... and certainly not those that decide to upgrade, rather than purchase a new computer. Every system Ed tested had problems. The same-o renaming DLLs, driver-hunt, trackpad antics, including a couple of BSODs even. Regardless, once set up by a Tech "Guru", he seems to like the experience.

    Since I'm the Guru in these parts, I'm tickled that I've managed to "upgrade" the most of my closest friends to Macs. Those half a dozen left though on Windows... I am NOT looking forward to getting a call from(!)... regardless of free beer and schnitzel.

    PS. I'll humbly consider myself a "Genius" the day I'm able get those left-over hard-heads on to Macs
  • Reply 60 of 91
    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this or not, but here's a selected quote from a forum poster to the above article I linked to:

    "My first experience with Win 7 RTM was very negative in that my Dell XPS 410 machine, the first day I built it, would sleep and resume just fine. From the second day on, I had blue screen crashes or the machine just would NOT stay in sleep. It turns out the an Intel Gigabit Ethernet driver update I accepted from Windows Update was the blame. This update completely slipped past me and it took me days to track down the problem.

    This was, and will remain, the reason why I moved back to Macs in '06 after a 7 year "experience" with "going with the flow" and using Windows as my primary system. For the old guys out there, attribute my move back, to "The 7 Year Itch".
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