Apple's Snow Leopard bests Windows 7 in speed tests



  • Reply 21 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by buceta View Post

    Despite the naysayers, this is a fair test. In fact it is biased towards PCs because it has been PROVEN windows and applications for windows runs faster on a Mac than PC.

    It is a fair test for the PC. It still does not answer the bigger questions: i) which is the most productive and satisfying computer to use?

    For instance, the test does not take into account the ridiculous amount of time you will be spending upgrading each and every 3rd party app including antivirus on your windows box. Something that does not happen in a mac since applications are fewer (since they accomplish more with less) and the upgrade path is unified (via Software Update...)

    Correct again. I have been saying this all along.

    Or you can run Geekbench and everything will start to make sense. Another problem is that Call of Duty 4 is not optimized for Snow Leopard.
  • Reply 22 of 168
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Actually, using click2flash ignoring all the pointless ads, my Mac runs Flash sites much faster then my windows machine. And YouTube is using my built in H.264 capabilities, not the resource hog that is your beloved Flash.

    I tried click2flash for 1 week and couldn't stand the way my web pages looked- like something out of George Orwell's "1984". It looked like I was banned from viewing 15% of the web. I un-installed it last night. I hate to impose censorship just because Apple and Adobe can't solve the problem. I'm not running any other Apps (usually) when I surf at nioght anyway. But I'm glad you can tolerate the look of censorship.
  • Reply 23 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by suckerpunch86 View Post

    what would the results be if Apple delivered Windows-7 optimized and compatible drivers?

    Apple provides drivers for Windows 7. They are included in Snow Leopard DVD.
  • Reply 24 of 168
    Originally Posted by buceta View Post

    Despite the naysayers, this is a fair test. In fact it is biased towards PCs because it has been PROVEN windows and applications for windows runs faster on a Mac than PC.

    It is a fair test for the PC. It still does not answer the bigger questions: i) which is the most productive and satisfying computer to use?

    For instance, the test does not take into account the ridiculous amount of time you will be spending upgrading each and every 3rd party app including antivirus on your windows box. Something that does not happen in a mac since applications are fewer (since they accomplish more with less) and the upgrade path is unified (via Software Update...)

    This really doesn't make any sense at all.

    Windows Update will update all MS software on a Windows computer, Software Update will update all Apple software on a Mac. Just claiming that the Mac's software update is significantly different than Windows goes to show how very little experience you have with the platform, and not in a position to judge.

    As for "proven windows" applications running faster on Mac than PC -- which ones would those be? None of those on the list are really examples of Windows Native apps. Just more nonsense...
  • Reply 25 of 168
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    Apple provides drivers for Windows 7. They are included in Snow Leopard DVD.

    They're not optimized drivers. In fact, they're frequently broken (eg, using the microphone port on a MacBook Pro doesn't work in Vista or 7) or very old (like the packaged Nvidia drivers). On my MBP I've had to hack in more modern drivers, and got noticable speed gains out of it.
  • Reply 26 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    They're not optimized drivers. In fact, they're frequently broken (eg, using the microphone port on a MacBook Pro doesn't work in Vista or 7) or very old (like the packaged Nvidia drivers). On my MBP I've had to hack in more modern drivers, and got noticable speed gains out of it.

    So they are intentionally cripling those drivers?
  • Reply 27 of 168
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    So they are intentionally cripling those drivers?

    I wouldn't say that. They're just not going out of their way to ensure the Windows experience is the best it could be. It's probably laziness or lack of caring more than malice.
  • Reply 28 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    I wouldn't say that. They're just not going out of their way to ensure the Windows experience is the best it could be. It's probably laziness or lack of caring more than malice.

    How do you explain this:
  • Reply 29 of 168
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by zeasar View Post

    actually, windows runs faster on my mac then on a regular pc.

    but i think they really need the same version of itunes for a fairer result.

    Do you think about your comments prior to posting them? Tell me...what is the difference between the Mac hardware and the PC hardware? Does Intel ship Apple different i7 920s than they do everyone else? Does apple use better DDR3 memory than Corsair offers for PC? Does Apple get higher performing Nvidia cards than what Nvidia offers PC owners? Please... educate me here, what is giving the Apple hardware it's advantage?
  • Reply 30 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Do you think about your comments prior to posting them? Tell me...what is the difference between the Mac hardware and the PC hardware? Does Intel ship Apple different i7 920s than they do everyone else? Does apple use better DDR3 memory than Corsair offers for PC? Does Apple get higher performing Nvidia cards than what Nvidia offers PC owners? Please... educate me here, what is giving the Apple hardware it's advantage?

    I don't know what kind of magic is involved, but Windows 7 boots faster on my iMac compared to friends Dell.

    2 Ghz C2D vs 3.06 Ghz C2D

    4GB RAM vs 4GB RAM

    1TB Hitachi vs 1TB WD

    Go figure.
  • Reply 31 of 168
    vachivachi Posts: 12member
    ""Apple's Snow Leopard bests Windows 7 in speed tests"""

    shoud be ""Apple's Snow Leopard beats Windows 7 in speed tests"""
  • Reply 32 of 168
    i'm a bit puzzled why windows is able to perform graphics operations significantly better.
  • Reply 33 of 168
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    I don't know what kind of magic is involved, but Windows 7 boots faster on my iMac compared to friends Dell.

    2 Ghz C2D vs 3.06 Ghz C2D

    4GB RAM vs 4GB RAM

    1TB Hitachi vs 1TB WD

    Go figure.

    Boots faster? Both machines have zero software installed and are of the same exact specifications in hardware? Please tell me you don't think 'boot time' is a performance number that shows an Operating systems dominance over another?

    Do you compare cars by turning the key and timing how long it takes the engine to start up?
  • Reply 34 of 168
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by jimerl View Post

    i'm a bit puzzled why windows is able to perform graphics operations significantly better.

    Driver maturity for one...DirectX maturity...and it would probably have a lot to do with the developers of the game that was tested. If they initially wrote the COD series for OSX and not Windows I'm sure it would be the other way around by now. They have had a long time to figure out how to get the most from the PC platform running under Windows. As far as I know the OSX platform is relatively new for hardcore gaming and the COD series. (I could be wrong on that though)
  • Reply 35 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Boots faster? Both machines have zero software installed and are of the same exact specifications in hardware? Please tell me you don't think 'boot time' is a performance number that shows an Operating systems dominance over another?

    Do you compare cars by turning the key and timing how long it takes the engine to start up?

    Dell with better hardware boots longer than iMac which is 2 years old. So to you it's completely irrelevant? Of course Dell will outperform my iMac in most of tasks I have no illusions about that, but the fact is it boots slower than my iMac. Is it so hard to believe?
  • Reply 36 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Driver maturity for one...DirectX maturity...and it would probably have a lot to do with the developers of the game that was tested. If they initially wrote the COD series for OSX and not Windows I'm sure it would be the other way around by now. They have had a long time to figure out how to get the most from the PC platform running under Windows. As far as I know the OSX platform is relatively new for hardcore gaming and the COD series. (I could be wrong on that though)

    OS X Nvidia drivers are quite bad. I guess it's one of the reasons.
  • Reply 37 of 168
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member
    I think all you really need to know about this test is in the graphic. They only show the tests where OS X wins and conveniently leave out the two tests where Windows 7 wins.

    Basically, all the article proves, at best, is that Apple hardware runs Apple software better then Microsoft software.

    Here is a test for you. I just compared over 100 different benchmarks tests on my HP Vista Laptop. In every test, Vista out performed OS X. In fact, OS X wouldn't even boot the machine. Thus, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that OS X has major compatibility issues and should be avoided.

  • Reply 38 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by kpluck View Post

    I think all you really need to know about this test is in the graphic. They only show the tests where OS X wins and conveniently leave out the two tests where Windows 7 wins.

    Basically, all the article proves, at best, is that Apple hardware runs Apple software better then Microsoft software.

    Here is a test for you. I just compared over 100 different benchmarks tests on my HP Vista Laptop. In every test, Vista out performed OS X. In fact, OS X wouldn't even boot the machine. Thus, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that OS X has major compatibility issues and should be avoided.


    Looks like BS to me
  • Reply 39 of 168
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    I like Macs, and the tests showed Mac in a good way, but those "tests" were pointless and all over the map. Really, there is a large difference between SL and Win7. These types of tests need to be revamped, and conducted later when both OSes have a little time to mature.

    Keeping in mind no test will ever be perfect, you have to make some decisions about what you want to test. Do you want to test SL & Win7 performance on Apple hardware, or do you want to test performance on *equivalent* hardware? Are you testing the hardware or the OS? Are you going to test the OS or test Apps running on the OS? Testing with Apps shows the performance of the App on a particular platform, not the performance of the OS. Choose what you want to test for.

    If you want to test the OS, then boot/shutdown times are good. Disk access, network performance, I/O, graphics performance and other subsystems are what you look at.

    Separately you can test App performance... but seriously, you need to find 3rd party Apps, but those where the developer has optimized for BOTH platforms, not just ported generic code from one to the other.

    Based on Windows to Windows testing conducted elsewhere, Win7 is faster than Vista but slower than XP. MacOS X has been shown to be consistently faster in some functions than Windows, but behind in some others (like graphics performance ironically).

    What do you need your computer to do? Games will likely always be faster on Windows cause developers optimize for DirectX. Other Apps such as video editing run exceptionally well on Mac. When serious developers optimize for multi-core processing that MacOS does very well, those apps run better on Mac. When developers start to take advantage of the full 64bit, GCD, OpenCL, etc. features of SL, then those particular apps will really spank similar/equivalent apps on Win7.

    There is no blanket "faster" system. It's case by case, over time.
  • Reply 40 of 168
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    I like Macs, and the tests showed Mac in a good way, but those "tests" were pointless and all over the map. Really, there is a large difference between SL and Win7. These types of tests need to be revamped, and conducted later when both OSes have a little time to mature.

    Keeping in mind no test will ever be perfect, you have to make some decisions about what you want to test. Do you want to test SL & Win7 performance on Apple hardware, or do you want to test performance on *equivalent* hardware? Are you testing the hardware or the OS? Are you going to test the OS or test Apps running on the OS? Testing with Apps shows the performance of the App on a particular platform, not the performance of the OS. Choose what you want to test for.

    If you want to test the OS, then boot/shutdown times are good. Disk access, network performance, I/O, graphics performance and other subsystems are what you look at.

    Separately you can test App performance... but seriously, you need to find 3rd party Apps, but those where the developer has optimized for BOTH platforms, not just ported generic code from one to the other.

    Based on Windows to Windows testing conducted elsewhere, Win7 is faster than Vista but slower than XP. MacOS X has been shown to be consistently faster in some functions than Windows, but behind in some others (like graphics performance ironically).

    What do you need your computer to do? Games will likely always be faster on Windows cause developers optimize for DirectX. Other Apps such as video editing run exceptionally well on Mac. When serious developers optimize for multi-core processing that MacOS does very well, those apps run better on Mac. When developers start to take advantage of the full 64bit, GCD, OpenCL, etc. features of SL, then those particular apps will really spank similar/equivalent apps on Win7.

    There is no blanket "faster" system. It's case by case, over time.

    Couldn't agree more.
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