RIM takes another shot at iPhone, touchscreen with Storm2



  • Reply 21 of 95
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    The iPhone killer has finally arrived!

    Clicking the display on the Storm2 is practically effortless. OMG... how cool is that? Hands downs this is the best mobile device ever conceived. I read someplace that this phone synthesizes oxygen to charge its battery. Kewl!!!!!
  • Reply 22 of 95
    iansilviansilv Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Just off the top of my head, since Apple released the original iPhone a little over two years ago, they've added: third party apps, a robust SDK, the app store, cut and paste, MMS, GPS, video recording, a greatly improved Mail app, Exchange support, push notifications, parental controls, wireless music and movie purchases, Spotlight search, voice memos, a better camera, faster CPU, more memory, and a slew of smaller usability enhancements like more pervasive availability of landscape keyboard. I'm sure I've left a few major improvements out.

    Maybe those things aren't on your wish list, or you think some of them "should" have been included originally, but it doesn't seem reasonable to say that Apple has been sitting still with the iPhone, competition or no.

    No- I know this- I agree with everything you said. My point is that capitalism and competition promote better goods. I really have no complaints with my 3gs 32gb. And i will probably be amazed with the next revision. But my point is that if they just continue to kick the shit out of every other phone out there without any effort, then they may not put as much in to making it as good as they are able to, just as good as it needs to be to stay ahead of the curve. To be honest, the best thing to happen to us iPhone users would be to have a phone come out that is actually better. How, I have no idea. I just want to see competition produce better goods.

    Battery life is excellent- but it could always be longer. Speed is great but it could always be snappier, etc. etc.

    Plus I want a front facing camera- that I will probably never use, to be honest.

    I'm just not the kind of guy who listens to ATT send their sideways head guy to make videos and tell us to be patient with them- screw em! It's our hard-earned money! We should demand the best and never be satisfied as consumers. that is all.
  • Reply 23 of 95
    I looked at the Storm 2 on c|net this morning ... and they are not real impressed... but it does run on Verizon. It is quite a pickle on Verizon... for a touch screen phone, the choices are Samsung, LG, HTC, and Blackberry... I don't think there is an app store for the LG or Samsung (other than standard Verizon apps...). HTC run Windows Mobile and I know the Google phones are coming... but I don't want Android or Windows Mobile... so, the Storm 2 is at least a choice...

    I am not willing to move to AT/T for an iPhone nor am I willing to move to Sprint for a Palm Pre (though that would mean my fiancee and I could be on the same carrier...)....

    So, I guess I just move on with my Env2.
  • Reply 24 of 95
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    The fact that the screen actually clicks when you press down is kind of interesting.

    My wife has the original storm so I can speak from experience. I can't believe this product ever made it past QA. The "Clickable" screen is the worst idea ever. Well not worst idea, but worst execution of an idea. I never gave my wife instructions on how to use my iPhone and she can navigate and find apps and type on the keyboard with no problem what so ever. She is constantly having issues with the Storm in that she can't find the app she needs since all the icons look the same pretty much, and she usually needs to click twice on something, and then wait 5 - 10 seconds before it actually launches. The keyboard is so bad. You type the wrong letter more often than the correct one. Especially the S and D key. I can have my finger directly over the S key and click and the D is what gets typed. Hopefully they've improved all of the shortcomings of the first Storm, and they are plentiful. You know a phone is bad when someone who has just purchased the latest and greatest advanced smartphone (other than an iPhone), constantly asks to use your iPhone for all things other than making a call.
  • Reply 25 of 95
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by satchmo View Post

    I wouldn't quite go that far.

    It plays music, you can download music through VCast Music (whatever that is), and stream music.

    It has over 3000 apps, not quite 85,000, but it would be unfair to say it doesn't have apps.

    I'm not switching, but for those who absolutely need keyboard feedback, it's a decent option. Especially if your corporation is BB friendly.

    Can you watch a movie on it?
  • Reply 26 of 95
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Maury Markowitz View Post

    Not to rub salt in that wound, but the situation up here in the GWN really is pretty good. Rogers/Fido has the exclusive now, but that's OK because their service is nothing short of spectacular. I have to drive at least an hour outside of Toronto before I lose 3G. Oddly, my GF's house is one location where I sometimes do.

    But if that were not enough, the other two major carriers, Telus and Bell, are both scared crapless that the Olympics meant everyone that visited with a GSM phone would go right onto their sworn enemy's network, Rogers. So they spent the last year moving every major urban location across the country to HPDSA+ In less than one year they did a cross-country rollout of 21 Mbps! The iPhone becomes available from both of them next month.

    The good news here is that the switchover from CDMA/PCS to GSM doesn't appear as difficult as the pundits said. I expect the same sort of switch will happen within the next year or two in the US as well. Then Apple has some real room for movement.



    Apparently, we're due for some competition in this sector over the next 6 months. Should be interesting.
  • Reply 27 of 95
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Can you watch a movie on it?

    You can watch movie trailers.
  • Reply 28 of 95
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by iansilv View Post

    No- I know this- I agree with everything you said. My point is that capitalism and competition promote better goods. I really have no complaints with my 3gs 32gb. And i will probably be amazed with the next revision. But my point is that if they just continue to kick the shit out of every other phone out there without any effort, then they may not put as much in to making it as good as they are able to, just as good as it needs to be to stay ahead of the curve. To be honest, the best thing to happen to us iPhone users would be to have a phone come out that is actually better. How, I have no idea. I just want to see competition produce better goods.

    Battery life is excellent- but it could always be longer. Speed is great but it could always be snappier, etc. etc.

    Plus I want a front facing camera- that I will probably never use, to be honest.

    I'm just not the kind of guy who listens to ATT send their sideways head guy to make videos and tell us to be patient with them- screw em! It's our hard-earned money! We should demand the best and never be satisfied as consumers. that is all.

    Well, sure, and I'm not going to go out of my way to defend AT&T, although that's kind of a different issue.

    I just think that Apple sees the iPhone as pretty much the lynchpin of its future (which is ubiquitous mobile computing), and I suspect they have a pretty robust long range plan for where they want to take the platform. I doubt that plan is going to be hugely affected, on way or the other, by whether or not a competitor adds this or that feature.

    In fact, I would go so far as to say that resistance to adding "this or that feature" is what distinguishes Apple from the competition. Most of the smart phones in the iPhone mold coming onto the market now have a me too, bucket of features quality to them, like someone in marketing took a look around and made up a checklist-- big touch screen, app store, plenty of animations, Webkit based browser, etc. That's competition driven features.

    Apple is playing a different game, it seems to me. They have an idea about what they think these kind of devices ought to be for, and why people would want to use them, and how that scenario will evolve as hardware and software services become available.

    The drive to innovate and improve is coming from Apple's core philosophy, not from some perceived need to match other manufacturers feature for feature.

    A good example of this is multitasking. Apple could enable third party multitasking, but they have an underlying idea about performance and simplicity that mitigates against it, at this time. They'll do it when they think they can make it work well for their customers, and not because other platforms are claiming a competitive advantage.

    Obviously everyone doesn't agree with all of Apple's choices, but it's undeniable that their playbook is fundamentally different than most if not all of the other handset makers-- for better or worse.

    Having said all that, I still agree with you in the sense that good implementations of possible UI conventions are always useful. I'm sure Apple's design people keep a keen eye out for how anyone else is doing it, and are not adverse to incorporating best of breed solutions to whatever evolution of the iPhone is to come. For instance, their are aspects of the Pre UI that might find their way into a future iPhone OS, in some form, although no doubt thoroughly "Applefied." In that way competition, meaning really excellent variants on the cracking the mobile computing nut, are indeed to be welcomed.
  • Reply 29 of 95
    morkymorky Posts: 200member
    Originally Posted by FlashmanBurgess View Post

    My wife has the original storm so I can speak from experience. I can't believe this product ever made it past QA. The "Clickable" screen is the worst idea ever. Well not worst idea, but worst execution of an ideal.

    Agreed, I tried it, too - it was horrendous. The claim is that this is now much improved, as they have increased the number of sensors behind the screen (there was just one big button behind the screen in Storm 1). While I have no interest in buying one, I would like to try one to see if they actually made it work.
  • Reply 30 of 95
    anyaanya Posts: 14member
    App World? I lol'd.
  • Reply 31 of 95
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    You can watch movie trailers.

    I rest my case
  • Reply 32 of 95
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    Agreed, I tried it, too - it was horrendous. The claim is that this is now much improved, as they have increased the number of sensors behind the screen (there was just one big button behind the screen in Storm 1). While I have no interest in buying one, I would like to try one to see if they actually made it work.

    Who cares it if vibrates up a storm (get it)?

    It's everything else it either can't do or lacks.
  • Reply 33 of 95
    When I travel I use a GPS app that records my path (among other things). I keep the app running throughout the day, along with Google Maps, then export the path to a Google Earth .KML file and send it over to my MacBook via Bluetooth. Best of all, that app is free and open source. All of that is impossible on the iPhone.

    Like it or not, the messaging and text input on the Blackberry is still lightyears ahead of the iPhone. Even if you take the keyboard out of the equation and look only at the software, the iPhone has a long, long way to go. I've had an iPhone for 2 years now and I still shake my head every time I type anything on that thing. I've typed whole paragraphs only to find that it has replaced every instance if "its" with "it's". It doesn't even have simple spell checking.

    Over the term of a contract your smart phone will cost you well over $1000, so the question you have to ask yourself is this: are you spending that money to communicate or to listen to music?
  • Reply 34 of 95
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I just noticed. Brilliant sig.

    Why, thank you!
  • Reply 35 of 95
    I just finished watching the review ob cnet and it was not good see link below:


    RIM need to stick with business sector market, since Storm 2 is slight improvement on the original.
  • Reply 36 of 95
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I rest my case

    Dude... the screen clicks when you touch it. How cool is that? The last time I heard clicking this cool was during The Gods Must Be Crazy.
  • Reply 37 of 95
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by iansilv View Post

    I love my iPhone. I mean, I really love it. But I am getting sick of it not having any competition. Apple needs to be inspired to add and develop new features- although I think the 2010 model will be the leap the 3g and 3gs were not.

    But seriously- we need some competition- otherwise, Apple can just sit there, and not make it better!

    I understand the 'competition makes the world go round' meme, but I never get the sense of despair I feel from some. Its not exactly like Apple's standing still. Without any serious competition, they've lapped the field.

    Is the concern that they're going to pull a 'rabbit and the hare' out of the bag and sit on their laurels?
  • Reply 38 of 95
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by astrosmash View Post

    Over the term of a contract your smart phone will cost you well over $1000, so the question you have to ask yourself is this: are you spending that money to communicate or to listen to music?

    I am spending that money (whatever it is) for a really smart phone that is an integral part of my own little mac ecosystem. It may not be perfect (you win some you loose some) and I may be able to replicate all or most of that functionality using other systems but I'll have to be seriously pissed off with Apple (iPhone) before I'll bother even to think about that option. Still, competition is great as it will make my iPhone even better, quicker.
  • Reply 39 of 95
    dylerdyler Posts: 37member
    They want to maintain and grow their leadership? What leadership, they make crappy phones for people who don't understand that the iPhone is now the best device for consumers and business users. RIM does not have leadership anymore and Apple has taken the leadership role in the smartphone world thats why everyone is trying to catch up with them. RIM is now a laggard and they are about three years behind Apple, how is this leadership?
  • Reply 40 of 95
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by astrosmash View Post

    Over the term of a contract your smart phone will cost you well over $1000, so the question you have to ask yourself is this: are you spending that money to communicate or to listen to music?

    Both -in addition to simplifying everyday tasks in my life which the iPhone does quite handily. No thanks - you can keep your haptic touch.
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