Apple unveils new iMacs with 21.5 and 27-inch displays



  • Reply 741 of 853
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by esseff View Post

    Spoke to Apple yesterday about this vague 'November' delivery time on my i7 quad order. No one could give me a reason for it, especially when all the other models are available for shipping in a few days. Well, I think it has something to do with the GPU. The C2D 27" has this as an option too. I can change the configuration of the C2D in anyway I want without altering the shipping time EXCEPT if I choose the HD 4850, then it moves to November. The Core i7 has it as standard. It's not the first time they've offered these GPU's so why should it cause such a delay I wonder?

    .....'s new? It's been 3 days. Relax.
  • Reply 742 of 853
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Isn't the iMac a computer? Should it attempt to become a " jack of all trades master of none"?

    Isn't that what it is already?
  • Reply 743 of 853
    Originally Posted by Ayla View Post

    My 27" iMac with Core i7, extra RAM etc. has a delivery date of 3 Nov. - 6 Nov. when I check the online order status.

    I just called Apple and they confirmed that the date is correct.

    Was sure that "November" would mean end of November, but I guess not.

    I hope you guys get yours soon - I can't wait to try mine out

    PS. I ordered mine within 10 min. of the Apple Store coming online, after the downtime Tuesday.

    Delivery or shipping date?

    How did you manage to be there waiting? You didn't have to think about anything? Impressive.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't just make up my mind that fast, even though I 'knew' I'd get the top spec one anyway. So, assuming there are more like you, that explains why my order placed the next morning may take a while yet to show a date. Still, it does confirm that they're going out. I'll just have to be a little more patient
  • Reply 744 of 853
    Anyone know why the i5 and i7's are not listed on the Canadian apple store ?? Is there a shortage of these units?

    EDIT: LOL. After a few minutes it popped back in.
  • Reply 745 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Because the others add nothing to the feature set, while decreasing economies of scale.

    CF is the only one with any real advantages, and those will disappear with the next SD version (SDXC)

    I would have really preferred a CF reader. That makes much more sense.

    There is no was that SDXC cards negate the advantages of CF, because of three major reasons.

    One is that no matter what happens, CF will always have a larger capacity than any other card because of physical size.

    Two is that most D-SLR's come with CF slots, and therefor use CF cards. Some also offer SD, but I don;t know of a single serious photographers who uses then in that second slot for more than backup of JPEGs. Cheap D-SLRs sometimes have SD slots only.

    Three is that while you can get CF to SD adapters that only stick out a quarter of an inch from the CD slot in a machine, you can't get SD to CF adapters. These adapters are pretty cheap, Apple could have included one for free. They're just a small plastic frame with the pin in and out connector. costs about $5 bucks, and would cost a manufacturer as OEM about $0.50.

    You can also use these adapters in a camera CF slot if they're short enough to let the door close, but most aren't, and most photog's won't use them because it's just one more little thing that can get lost when they have to remove it from the camera to remove the SD card, and doesn't offer the same capacity.
  • Reply 746 of 853
    aylaayla Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by esseff View Post

    Delivery or shipping date?

    How did you manage to be there waiting? You didn't have to think about anything? Impressive.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't just make up my mind that fast, even though I 'knew' I'd get the top spec one anyway. So, assuming there are more like you, that explains why my order placed the next morning may take a while yet to show a date. Still, it does confirm that they're going out. I'll just have to be a little more patient

    Delivery date...

    But, I just checked again now, and delivery date is now back to just "November".

    Hmm, as I wrote earlier, I even called Apple and verified the Nov. 3 - 6, but now they changed it back.

    Guess I'll have to wait just as long as you guys then
  • Reply 747 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by KM37 View Post

    What about going from the dual core to i5? How much of a performance gain should I expect? I mean, right now, the dual core 2.66 is already good enough for me as i dont do any heavy video/graphic editing. But buying the new imac makes me wanna think a couple of years ahead, is the i5 necessary just to maintain a workable performance 3, 4 years down the line?

    There's more than one way to look at this.

    One is has been said about future apps going 4 core. Also, the 17 gives two threads per core, so that's almost the equivalent of 8 cores.

    But also, if you multitask, as most of us do these days, more cores will be used. So even today, 4 cores are a decent bet.

    But truthfully, todays machines are more than fast enough for most things already. The only thing here that useful for most people in so far as an upgrade is the 4850, which is the best card being offered, sadly enough.
  • Reply 748 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    What are you talking about? On what planet is Blu Ray as successful as you imagine?

    On what planet is it a bad idea for Apple to continue their insanely successful iTunes store model, instead of adding a menial disc drive which is not only already outdated and irrelevant, but is NOT sold through Apple?

    Why? Other than the fact that You find it to be a good idea, provide one reason WHY Apple should go Blu Ray?

    To save you time, there is no reason why, because there is only a reason for why not: the iTunes store.

    Apple has products, the Apple TV and ALL Macs, that have direct access to Downloadable HD movies and TV. This. Is. The. Future. Burned disc media is long long long over. Just because it will take another 10 years before it's no longer taking shelf space, is no indication of anything. The environment developing around physical media is dictating all.... And Apple will continue to be poised to dominate said distribution, regardless of whatever glimmering temporary distractions pop up to syphon money from clueless technophiles.

    Considering it's still very much a new product, as it didn't really become viable until Toshiba admitted defeat in 2008, and pulled HD-DVD from the market.

    And also considering that we're in the worst, longest recession since the depression, B-R is doing really well. It will do much better as players drop to $100, or lower, and the average B-R movie release continues getting to the price of DVDs.

    Apple's iTunes movie rental and purchase store is fine, but the quality is still just so-so.

    I don't know why people like you think that the fairly large number of people who want this ability shouldn't have it because YOU don't think is so great.

    Why does your opinion have to do with anything regarding this? You wouldn't have to buy the upgrade if it came out.

    The new hi rez 27" monitor on the iMac is made for REAL hi def. Not the highly compressed 720p product Apple still currently offers.
  • Reply 749 of 853
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I would have really preferred a CF reader. That makes much more sense.

    There is no was that SDXC cards negate the advantages of CF, because of three major reasons.

    One is that no matter what happens, CF will always have a larger capacity than any other card because of physical size.

    Two is that most D-SLR's come with CF slots, and therefor use CF cards. Some also offer SD, but I don;t know of a single serious photographers who uses then in that second slot for more than backup of JPEGs. Cheap D-SLRs sometimes have SD slots only.

    Three is that while you can get CF to SD adapters that only stick out a quarter of an inch from the CD slot in a machine, you can't get SD to CF adapters. These adapters are pretty cheap, Apple could have included one for free. They're just a small plastic frame with the pin in and out connector. costs about $5 bucks, and would cost a manufacturer as OEM about $0.50.

    You can also use these adapters in a camera CF slot if they're short enough to let the door close, but most aren't, and most photog's won't use them because it's just one more little thing that can get lost when they have to remove it from the camera to remove the SD card, and doesn't offer the same capacity.

    The overwhelming majority cameras are not SLRs. Playing to your niche is not in Apple's cards.
  • Reply 750 of 853
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I'll just add a couple of things here:

    We just bought an HDTV that advertised its ability to be hooked up to a DVD player and a PC: It came with HDMI and dual DVI, and we hooked it up to both the PS3 and the PC, and it's performing well.

    The 27" iMac has one input that allows it to be an external display for a computer and to display HD content, since DisplayPort handles HDCP content. DisplayPort also has a thinner cable. (Remember, we're dealing with Steve Jobs. This matters.) Why have two ports when you can have one that does both? It's not exactly unusual for Apple to require adapters, is it?

    I'd like to see someone buy two of them and hook them up to each other.
  • Reply 751 of 853
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Playing to your niche is not in Apple's cards.

    Irony at its best.
  • Reply 752 of 853
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Okay, I pulled the trigger on a 27" Core 2 Duo this week. I've got it here now.

    This is my first flatscreen. Before I transfer any data, how do I check this thing for dead pixels?
  • Reply 753 of 853
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Okay, I pulled the trigger on a 27" Core 2 Duo this week. I've got it here now.

    This is my first flatscreen. Before I transfer any data, how do I check this thing for dead pixels?
  • Reply 754 of 853
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    What are you talking about? On what planet is Blu Ray as successful as you imagine?

    On what planet is it a bad idea for Apple to continue their insanely successful iTunes store model, instead of adding a menial disc drive which is not only already outdated and irrelevant, but is NOT sold through Apple?

    Why? Other than the fact that You find it to be a good idea, provide one reason WHY Apple should go Blu Ray?

    To save you time, there is no reason why, because there is only a reason for why not: the iTunes store.

    Apple has products, the Apple TV and ALL Macs, that have direct access to Downloadable HD movies and TV. This. Is. The. Future. Burned disc media is long long long over. Just because it will take another 10 years before it's no longer taking shelf space, is no indication of anything. The environment developing around physical media is dictating all.... And Apple will continue to be poised to dominate said distribution, regardless of whatever glimmering temporary distractions pop up to syphon money from clueless technophiles.

    I live on planet Earth, you might want to visit! We have stores full of blu-ray discs, all in glorious 1080p with sky high bit rates, lossless audio, and lots of behind the scenes features. Really quite good, I'd recommend them heartily!

    Did I ever say Apple should give up on iTunes. I don't believe I did, in fact I think it is you who made that statement! I'm all for downloadable video (I own an Apple TV!), but the quality of the 'HD' downloads is poor and I can't see that changing for a long time yet. I have a 50mbit uncapped cable line so I'm alright Jack, but few others are, and caps and thottling are getting worse, not better. Fancy downloading a 50gig 1080p blu-ray quaility movie over an average DSL connection? Good luck with that one! I live in the UK and there won't be high speed broadband (ie. 10mbit and over) for all for many years, possibly decades.

    Hence, optical is king and will be for a very, very, VERY long time to come. Hence, Apple are burying their head in the sand by refusing to support blu-ray. Why do you think blu-ray is so common on other platforms? Why are they available from every major PC manufacturer? Could it be because the format has a future and people want it? Surely not!

    Oh and I'd just like to correct you on another point. You claimed iTunes 'HD' (which is really stretching it, to be frank) downloads are available to all. Pish posh I say. All I can get through iTunes are SD downloads, as the small selection of HD ones are ALL Apple TV only. No exceptions. No Apple TV = no 'HD'.

    Don't get me wrong, I use my Apple TV from time to time. Downloads are convenient and okay for films I don't really have much interest in. But for stuff I care about, I'll only watch a blu-ray. I'm fussy like that, quality kind of matters. A LOT.

    Good night!
  • Reply 755 of 853
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    The overwhelming majority cameras are not SLRs. Playing to your niche is not in Apple's cards.

    Wouldn't have cost much to add a multi-card reader though, would it? My PS3 has one of those and it's pretty damn nifty.
  • Reply 756 of 853
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Wouldn't have cost much to add a multi-card reader though, would it? My PS3 has one of those and it's pretty damn nifty.

    Apple is quick to drop things it deems unnecessary and not add extraneous ports just for the sake of adding it. A multicard reader on a Sony product is expected; they?ve invented most card reader types than Bill Gates has dollars.

    Frankly, I?m surprised they even added the SD Card slot, so I have to imagine they have some future use for it beyond the current, normal use. After all, they?ve expected people just to buy USB readers until earlier this year, so why now?
  • Reply 757 of 853
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Apple has products, the Apple TV and ALL Macs, that have direct access to Downloadable HD movies and TV. This. Is. The. Future. Burned disc media is long long long over. Just because it will take another 10 years before it's no longer taking shelf space, is no indication of anything. The environment developing around physical media is dictating all.... And Apple will continue to be poised to dominate said distribution, regardless of whatever glimmering temporary distractions pop up to syphon money from clueless technophiles.

    Though I hate to admit it, the AppleTV is done. Not only did I not hear any mention about it with Apple's latest financial results, the analyst really didn't care to ask anything about it. At the Apple store, it sits on the corner that everyone avoids. Just like at my house, in the corner that is never used. They only play it gets is when friends come over and laugh at it.

    Downloadable means Youtube. Not a money maker.
  • Reply 758 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by pt123 View Post

    Though I hate to admit it, the AppleTV is done. Not only did I not hear any mention about it with Apple's latest financial results, the analyst really didn't care to ask anything about it. At the Apple store, it sits on the corner that everyone avoids. Just like at my house, in the corner that is never used. They only play it gets is when friends come over and laugh at it.

    Downloadable means Youtube. Not a money maker.

    It's not really any of my business, but I think you need new friends. People who come over to your house and laugh at your hardware choices are just dreadful assholes.
  • Reply 759 of 853
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pt123 View Post

    Though I hate to admit it, the AppleTV is done. Not only did I not hear any mention about it with Apple's latest financial results, the analyst really didn't care to ask anything about it. At the Apple store, it sits on the corner that everyone avoids. Just like at my house, in the corner that is never used. They only play it gets is when friends come over and laugh at it.

    Downloadable means Youtube. Not a money maker.

    Either a new device or licensing out iTunes Store access to other vendors. They can?t forego the living room to other media extenders. It would be suicide and total destroy an important front to Apple?s future iTS business.

    Look at the new iTunes LP. It specifically makes mention of HDTVs and uses 1280x720 resolution making it a true 16:9 ratio.
  • Reply 760 of 853
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Either a new device or licensing out iTunes Store access to other vendors. They can?t forego the living room to other media extenders. It would be suicide and total destroy an important front to Apple?s future iTS business.

    Look at the new iTunes LP. It specifically makes mention of HDTVs and uses 1280x720 resolution making it a true 16:9 ratio.

    Apple's play does seem a little muddled, here. They've just released iMacs that seem to want to replace your TV, but are actually engineered to stick pretty close to being computers.

    Then they have Apple TV, which seems to want help your TV be more like a computer, but remains stubbornly limited much less than that.
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