Inside the Magic Mouse



  • Reply 41 of 140
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Yeah, I really scoured Apple's website for some more in-depth info on the mouse. I'm sure support documentation will be added eventually. But at this point, I'm perplexed that they would eliminate the optional click abilities of the old mouse. I really need to be able to activate Spaces from the mouse.\

    These complaints are like when people complained when the arc lamp was invented because they couldn't understand where the gas fuel went, nor could they service it like their old street lamps.

    MIddle-click complainers, listen up. I'm not a graphic designer, I don't work on a computer for a living in the slightest sense. But obviously if there are now gestures, you will be able to completely rearrange (if you want to) your entire work style. Who needs a middle click when you could just pinch, or swipe, or whatever you want. There are third-party programs that allow you to any number of interesting, simple to contortionist-like gestures.

    If you don't want to rearrange your work style to include these new multi-touch gestures...... then don't buy the multi-touch mouse.

    Problem solved.
  • Reply 42 of 140
    I know it's probably a bridge too far for most users, but I would KILL to have a desktop version of my aluminum MacBook's trackpad. Not a combined keyboard+trackpad, but a standalone trackpad with rubber feet to keep it in place. Three- and four-fingered gestures, pinch, zoom . . . all would be possible.
  • Reply 43 of 140
    It is rather short-sighted of the reviewer (no pun intended) to describe zooming as a "fluff novelty" feature on the desktop. I beg to differ. Why is it any less necessary or useful on the desktop than it is on the iPhone? For someone who has always needed glasses and doesn't see well, the zoom feature on my Mac is one I use all the time. Print is often too small and I zoom in and out all the time. This is better than lowering the overall resolution of the display which would impact images and not just text...
  • Reply 44 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by emoeric87 View Post

    These complaints are like when people complained when the arc lamp was invented because they couldn't understand where the gas fuel went, nor could they service it like their old street lamps.

    MIddle-click complainers, listen up. I'm not a graphic designer, I don't work on a computer for a living in the slightest sense. But obviously if there are now gestures, you will be able to completely rearrange (if you want to) your entire work style. Who needs a middle click when you could just pinch, or swipe, or whatever you want. There are third-party programs that allow you to any number of interesting, simple to contortionist-like gestures.

    If you don't want to rearrange your work style to include these new multi-touch gestures...... then don't buy the multi-touch mouse.

    Problem solved.

    And you can use your Madgec Mouse to just surf the web and read email then.
  • Reply 45 of 140
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    hahaha.....there isn't enough real estate to swipe 4 fingers on this mouse, unless you're a 4-year-old. What do you expect?!?

    I'd expect 2 fingers up and down to be programmable for things like Exposé and Dashboard. (Maybe hope for this in a future software update?)

    Exposé is one of Apple's greatest innovations, which I use constantly, and I'd hate to give up the main way that I use it: keyboard free without even moving the mouse! Button or gesture--either way, I DO want Exposé on my mouse.

    Too bad, because I really like the new shape and other features.
  • Reply 46 of 140
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by ex-Windows-Fanboy View Post

    I know it's probably a bridge too far for most users, but I would KILL to have a desktop version of my aluminum MacBook's trackpad. Not a combined keyboard+trackpad, but a standalone trackpad with rubber feet to keep it in place. Three- and four-fingered gestures, pinch, zoom . . . all would be possible.

    You don't have to kill anyone. It already exist and this is probably the 100th time the link was posted today.
  • Reply 47 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by ex-Windows-Fanboy View Post

    I know it's probably a bridge too far for most users, but I would KILL to have a desktop version of my aluminum MacBook's trackpad. Not a combined keyboard+trackpad, but a standalone trackpad with rubber feet to keep it in place. Three- and four-fingered gestures, pinch, zoom . . . all would be possible.

    That's what I was saying. Kill the mouse! Old technology- like an answering machine or something else no longer needed.
  • Reply 48 of 140
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Sounds interesting but I think I'll test drive one before I buy. I didn't care for the mighty mouse so it might be the same deal here.

    Anyone love the mighty mouse?

    When it worked.

    Originally Posted by krankerz View Post

    No middle click is a big deal for me too.

    As a 3D artist, middle click is essential and excluding this from the mouse's functionality is a huge problem. Apple needs to address this soon.

    For 3d i always used one of these. Not that I was an artist or anything.

    Seems like it lost a couple buttons though.

    I also had one of these for my desktop:
  • Reply 49 of 140
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Yeah, I really scoured Apple's website for some more in-depth info on the mouse. I'm sure support documentation will be added eventually. But at this point, I'm perplexed that they would eliminate the optional click abilities of the old mouse. I really need to be able to activate Spaces from the mouse.\

    use hot corners and you can do that
  • Reply 50 of 140
    My biggest problem with the Mighty Mouse (and presumably this mouse) is that in order to right click, you have to lift your left finger off the left side of the mouse, otherwise it registers as a left click. In the Mighty Mouse (and presumably the Magic Mouse) there is only one physical button, and it uses the touch-sensitive surface to detect whether there is a finger is on the left side of the mouse (left click), both sides (also left click), or right side only (right click). Having to lift the left finger to right click is awkward and I found it to be uncomfortable after a while. If you watch the new Magic Mouse video on the Apple site, it clearly shows the guy lifting his left finger off the mouse before right clicking.

    Also, I think the lack of a middle click is a dealbreaker. You don't need to be a gamer or graphic designer or anything fancy to appreciate a middle click -- I middle click all the time while browsing the web to open links in a new tab. Without a middle click, that means I have to use the keyboard to command-click on links, which is also awkward and unnecessary.
  • Reply 51 of 140
    Try installing boot camp without a wired keyboard and mouse. When MS is installing it does not find a wireless keyboard or mouse. Need to have that available for the installation so.

    Anxious to try the mouse as my mighty mouse was on its last legs and the track ball was constantly sticky despite a no food policy near the iMac and a mouse pad...Great excuse now...glad I waited.
  • Reply 52 of 140
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Agree 100%!

    Lack of left/right side buttons for Exposé is a complete dealbreaker for me. Its the one truly redeeming feature of the old Mighty Mouse (and is the reason I continue to use them).

    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    I'd expect 2 fingers up and down to be programmable for things like Exposé and Dashboard. (Maybe hope for this in a future software update?)

    Exposé is one of Apple's greatest innovations, which I use constantly, and I'd hate to give up the main way that I use it: keyboard free without even moving the mouse! Button or gesture--either way, I DO want Exposé on my mouse.

    Too bad, because I really like the new shape and other features.

  • Reply 53 of 140
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Exposé is one of Apple's greatest innovations, which I use constantly, and I'd hate to give up the main way that I use it: keyboard free without even moving the mouse! Button or gesture--either way, I DO want Exposé on my mouse.

    Expose is amazing, and I use it just as much, if not more, than the next guy, but to say it is Apple's innovation is wildly untrue. It has been in the Linux world for a much longer time than it has been in Apple's, although I do understand that people would not know that, seeing as how Linux has barely 1% of the computer market.
  • Reply 54 of 140
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Agree 100%!

    Lack of left/right side buttons for Exposé is a complete dealbreaker for me. Its the one truly redeeming feature of the old Mighty Mouse (and is the reason I continue to use them).

    Come on guys, just set it up with a hot corner for Expose'. I've never seen so many hard- to-pleasers!!!!! If I were Steve, I'd be perplexed! I'm left handed and adapted to the right click after all. Give it a chance! MY!
  • Reply 55 of 140
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    am i the only one who thinks this mouse is amazing? ergonomic low profile.. aesthetically perfect.. simple intuitive gestures.. as is typical for mac, it doesnt try to do everything (no superfluous features), but what it does it does perfectly. this mouse epitomizes why i love apple products.

    as usual there are whiners afraid of change, who lack vision, and who like to complain, but this is always the case, even with apple's best products. i think apple hit a home run with this one, and same goes for the rest of the products released today IMHO.

    I ordered one, what the heck....
  • Reply 56 of 140
    Originally Posted by hittrj01 View Post

    Expose is amazing, and I use it just as much, if not more, than the next guy, but to say it is Apple's innovation is wildly untrue. It has been in the Linux world for a much longer time than it has been in Apple's, although I do understand that people would not know that, seeing as how Linux has barely 1% of the computer market.

    You need to explain how Linux had expose before OSX, because OSX had desktop compositing in 2000, long before Linux did in 2006, or TheLookingGlass project before it, and of course, loser Vista.
  • Reply 57 of 140
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Daniel001 View Post

    The thing that worries me most about the new mouse (without having used it yet) is that there appear to be no middle click?which some people would regard as almost essential.

    Unless I'm missing something, it would also be difficult to add this functionality later as it lacks physical markings to indicate where the middle button would be (i.e. you could easily right click instead of middle click by mistake).

    But as Daniel points out in the article, Apple is obviously not cornering the market on mice when they are only offering essentially one high end offering. People who want unusual things like extra buttons and expose stuff can just buy another mouse.

    The only programs I've ever run across that "need" the third button are arcane technical things and usually ports from some Linux based original like Blender or something. There's a second crowd that likes to have four or five button mouse so they can assign things to the other buttons like expose, but that's hardly the norm.

    Where I work, whenever we handed out a new computer, 9 times out of 10 we had to *disable* the expose buttons on the side of the Mighty Mouse because it drove people crazy going into expose every time they picked up the mouse. Many users who have always used a Mac never even activate the right click function of the Mighty Mouse either as it ships with one button clicking by default and that's the way the majority of our users want it.
  • Reply 58 of 140
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    You don't have to kill anyone. It already exist and this is probably the 100th time the link was posted today.

    I wish it was as good as Apple's...
  • Reply 59 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    I wish it was as good as Apple's...

    How do you know APple's is any good? Did you eat one for dinner?
  • Reply 60 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by VeloRandy View Post

    I ordered one, what the heck....

    Without even reading a review??? Fanboy defined!
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