Inside the Magic Mouse



  • Reply 101 of 140
    Originally Posted by ediedi View Post

    Sadly, Engadget's hands-on confirms having to lift the left finger to achieve right click. What a waste of a beautiful design.

    Agreed. Absolute deal-breaker. I don't often play FPSs, but when I do I want them to work right.

    Guess I'll be sticking with my trusty Rocketfish.
  • Reply 102 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member

    Originally Posted by ediedi

    Sadly, Engadget's hands-on confirms having to lift the left finger to achieve right click. What a waste of a beautiful design.

    Originally Posted by LtKaffee View Post

    Agreed. Absolute deal-breaker. I don't often play FPSs, but when I do I want them to work right.

    Guess I'll be sticking with my trusty Rocketfish.

    Form over function - the Jony/Stevey connection strikes yet again.
  • Reply 103 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by buceta View Post

    I bought my magic mouse yesterday. I can't believe it is soooo good. Right now I am licking it. Tonight I am going to sleep with it.

    Poor thing- isn't there any cure for Macorexia?
  • Reply 104 of 140
    Originally Posted by ediedi View Post

    Sadly, Engadget's hands-on confirms having to lift the left finger to achieve right click. What a waste of a beautiful design.

    I gather that what you are saying is that you don't have the dexterity to raise you left finger slightly (to disengage a two-finger touch) as you press down on the top right corner .

    Now that's a waste of a beautiful hand. And without even seeing it, let alone trying it, thats a waste of a beautiful mind.

    Well. in your case, maybe not.
  • Reply 105 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    And what signals to you that it isn't?

    BTW, it does have middle click/dashboard capability right?

    Don't know- all I'm saying is most importantly in a mouse you need to check:

    1.) Ergonomics?

    2.) Responsivity?

    3.) Durability?

    4.) Ease of use?
  • Reply 106 of 140
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    a waste of a beautiful mind. Well. in your case, maybe not.

    Inappropriate. For shame.
  • Reply 107 of 140
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    Here's my $0.02.

    1. Apple makes their mice for the broadest audience possible. Not power users. Not people using specialized software that requires lots of buttons. For your mom - or aunt, or cousin, or some other not-quite computer literate person you know. The Mighty Mouse was an exception, and a failure.

    2. I think it's still too early to condemn or praise this new mouse. It has possibilities - especially third-party drivers. Sounds like it uses a real "click", i.e. microswitch, to sense button pushes, so that alleviates some of my fears about resting fingers on the body.

    3. Wireless = gets lost easier. If it's not tied down, it can wander off.

    4. I still prefer a trackball. I like my pointing device to be in one place. I like not having to provide a movement area or to pick up the pointer for moving across big spaces. The trackpad on my MBP is not too bad and I'd be willing to try out a detached one. But all other trackpads I've used fall short of Apple's built-in ones.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 108 of 140
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Keep in mind that AI hasn't actually tested this mouse, so I wouldn't call it a broken deal just yet.

    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    It does not however currently support four-fingered Expose (up/down) or app switching (left/right) shortcuts, and pinch rotation or pinch zooming.

    this is a deal breaker for me

    I can understand people's qualms with this new Magic Mouse. It is amazing and I'm blown away by the design. Awesome job, Apple. However, my current Mighty Mouse (though dirty as it's little scroll ball gets) has two additional "gestures" that I believe the Magic Mouse is missing. I currently have Expose tied to the scroll ball, so when I hit it, all open windows slide apart. I also have the side "squeeze" buttons on the Mighty Mouse tied to Expose to separate the windows of the current application. This really helps my productivity. When I want to see everything I have open, I just click the little scroll ball and I can quickly switch from one window to another without moving my hand to the keyboard or elsewhere.

    Obviously a four-finger swipe isn't very practical, but I'm sure there is another way to add two more clickable areas.

    So, if these were added to the Magic Mouse, I believe it's full feature set would be as follows (new features adopted from Mighty Mouse in bold:

    -Move Cursor

    -Left Click

    -Right Click

    -Scroll (vertical & horizontal)


    -Two-Finger Swipe

    -Middle-click (expose all)

    -Squeeze (expose app)

    Like others have said, maybe Apple will add these in some sort of future update.
  • Reply 109 of 140
    I'm interested to see how the mouse can be used with programs like PhotoShop in the future. There could be some great possibilities there. I'm figuring I will be able to use the mouse with the MacBooks. I got a new MacBook Pro. Since I was in the market for one I wound up getting it from the site below. It's worth a look if you want one...
  • Reply 110 of 140
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I gather that what you are saying is that you don't have the dexterity to raise you left finger slightly (to disengage a two-finger touch) as you press down on the top right corner .

    Now that's a waste of a beautiful hand. And without even seeing it, let alone trying it, thats a waste of a beautiful mind.

    Well. in your case, maybe not.

    Has nothing to do with dexterity. There are situations where you have to use both left and right click functions at the same time. You cannot do this with the Mighty or Magic mouse.
  • Reply 111 of 140
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    I can understand people's qualms with this new Magic Mouse. It is amazing and I'm blown away by the design. Awesome job, Apple. However, my current Mighty Mouse (though dirty as it's little scroll ball gets) has two additional "gestures" that I believe the Magic Mouse is missing. I currently have Expose tied to the scroll ball, so when I hit it, all open windows slide apart. I also have the side "squeeze" buttons on the Mighty Mouse tied to Expose to separate the windows of the current application. This really helps my productivity. When I want to see everything I have open, I just click the little scroll ball and I can quickly switch from one window to another without moving my hand to the keyboard or elsewhere.

    Obviously a four-finger swipe isn't very practical, but I'm sure there is another way to add two more clickable areas.

    So, if these were added to the Magic Mouse, I believe it's full feature set would be as follows (new features adopted from Mighty Mouse in bold:

    -Move Cursor

    -Left Click

    -Right Click

    -Scroll (vertical & horizontal)


    -Two-Finger Swipe

    -Middle-click (expose all)

    -Squeeze (expose app)

    Like others have said, maybe Apple will add these in some sort of future update.

    I agree. if nothing else, with it being able to tell if you have two fingers on the mouse, let there be a two finger click for expose functionality. Its like take a huge steps forward on some things than take steps back on others.
  • Reply 112 of 140
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    hahaha.....there isn't enough real estate to swipe 4 fingers on this mouse, unless you're a 4-year-old. What do you expect?!?

    The two-finger up/down is currently unexposed on the Magic Mouse (left/right is used for application actions), and this would be the natural match. I've just tried with my desktop mouse to do the movement and it is quite easy, so I presume it would be on the Magic Mouse too.

    Or maybe they could add a three-fingered tap action.
  • Reply 113 of 140
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by hittrj01 View Post

    Expose is amazing, and I use it just as much, if not more, than the next guy, but to say it is Apple's innovation is wildly untrue. It has been in the Linux world for a much longer time than it has been in Apple's, although I do understand that people would not know that, seeing as how Linux has barely 1% of the computer market.

    You're thinking of Spaces, which indeed has been available in Linux (via the X Windows System) for years and years (indeed pre-dating Linux itself). However Apple did make it work very nicely.

    Expose was certainly an Apple innovation, and possible because Apple innovated the accelerated composited desktop in Mac OS 10.2 (that first accelerated Quartz for compositing) which naturally led to Expose in 10.3 when it was refined.
  • Reply 114 of 140
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    The two-finger up/down is currently unexposed on the Magic Mouse (left/right is used for application actions), and this would be the natural match. I've just tried with my desktop mouse to do the movement and it is quite easy, so I presume it would be on the Magic Mouse too.

    Or maybe they could add a three-fingered tap action.

    I like that idea, or perhaps:

  • Reply 115 of 140
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post

    Come on guys, just set it up with a hot corner for Expose'. I've never seen so many hard- to-pleasers!!!!! If I were Steve, I'd be perplexed! I'm left handed and adapted to the right click after all. Give it a chance! MY!

    I don't want to have to skate the mouse pointer all the way across my very large monitor to a corner to get Expose, I want it to work from exactly where I'm at (mostly I want it to return me to where I was originally). I really don't think this is too much to ask, and I don't like seeing a useful feature eliminated. I think its great for people who like hot corners to be able to do that but IMO that is a poor replacement.
  • Reply 116 of 140
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Sounds interesting but I think I'll test drive one before I buy. I didn't care for the mighty mouse so it might be the same deal here.

    Anyone love the mighty mouse?

    I really like the Mighty Mouse, for everything except having to clean the scrollball. It's great ergonomically for me, though I use it kind of backwards - with my right hand, my primary click is the right side of the mouse (so my hand rests very comfortably on it's side, not having to constanty twist my wrist to lay my hand flat). Then for the secondary click, I move my index finger to the left side.

    I like the center click, the side buttons and the feel of the scroll ball - when it's clean. My hand and wrist aren't forced into unnatural positions and stay relaxed through many hours of use. Your mileage may vary.
  • Reply 117 of 140
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Looks like JONY Ive has F'd up the mouse yet once again. Now I agree with GAZOOBEE- he must be designing for SJ's spastic finger placement.

    Whay has this post not been removed, it is very offensive to disabled people.
  • Reply 118 of 140
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Look you little knob, don't mention me in your shitty posts if you are going to ascribe things to me that I never actually said. Mind your manners for once or I'll wash your mouth out with soap.

    Why has this post not been removed, is is a Gross Insult regardless of who it is too.

    You appear to be running dual standards here.

    One user gets banned then this one does not.

    Be consistent!
  • Reply 119 of 140
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by mgz View Post

    I'm curious, what can't you get a mighty mouse to do? I'm a programmer, and after giving the mouse a few days, I now prefer it. The only downside is the ball getting dirty, so I'm looking forward to this new mouse.

    The might mouse has left, right, middle click, and scrolling to a fine degree (as long as the ball stays clean). What can't you get it to do?

    Admittedly my experience was limited, but I read up on it, headed to the Apple Store, tried several that just seemed not to work as advertised, got an employee to assist me and he couldn't get 'em to function either. So I just put it in a mental bin with the hockey puck and other sucky Apple mice and moved on. Then bought a notebook and Apple mice have not been a part of my life since.

    Originally Posted by ex-Windows-Fanboy View Post

    I know it's probably a bridge too far for most users, but I would KILL to have a desktop version of my aluminum MacBook's trackpad. Not a combined keyboard+trackpad, but a standalone trackpad with rubber feet to keep it in place. Three- and four-fingered gestures, pinch, zoom . . . all would be possible.

    I'd take either the combo or your suggestion.

    Just look at the preference panels as to how many more things you can do with the track pad - plus it would make moving from desktops to notebooks totally seamless.

    As for the Wacom Bamboo tablet:


    You don't have to kill anyone. It already exist and this is probably the 100th time the link was posted today.

    Well, OK, but....

    1. It's big and black and hardly looks like part of an iMac system

    2. It's 3rd party (its own issues, not the same gesture as Apple t-pads, disruptive when moving between computers that don't have one, and what about working with Win)

    3. It has a stylus to lose (and roommates already lost my last Wacom stylus, plus I never liked using one in the first place - and yes I know this puppy can be finger controlled, but another issue nonetheless.)

    4. It adds $70 to the cost, which ain't nada, which an Apple t-pad in the keyboard would include (as an alternate to the current KB/Magic Mouse.
  • Reply 120 of 140
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by rwilliams View Post

    Whay has this post not been removed, it is very offensive to disabled people.

    Robin- Who mentioned anything about anyone disabled? You're reading way too much into it.
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