Apple predicted to sacrifice 'sweetheart' AT&T deal for Verizon



  • Reply 181 of 194
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    You could just Google "cdma simultaneous voice and data" and you find several links that discuss this. But to get it straight from the horse's mouth, go to the CDMA Development Group's press release at:

    Where they state:

    "A complementary device enhancement known as simultaneous 1X Voice and EV-DO Data (SVDO) will also become available during the same timeframe and will enable CDMA2000 devices to access EV-DO packet data services while in an active 1X circuit-switch voice call. For example, users will be able to send emails or access the Web while on voice calls; phones with GPS can update maps or download real-time traffic information while on voice calls, etc."

    But as I said, I've seen no affirmative statements that Verizon is planning on implementing this. However, Verizon has stated that CDMA will be around for a long time after LTE is deployed. Depending on what it takes to implement the new standard (and from the press release it sounded like a relatively minor upgrade from the hardware standpoint), it would make sense for them to deploy the new standard at some point.

    So, as I stated in early posts in this thread, we can safely assume that in the near future there will be several Verizon devices that support both CDMA and LTE, including sooner or later, every smartphone they sell. Obviously they have a plan to make this happen, so it's not like Apple needs to solve that problem. They could, if they chose to, simply select from the same options that the other handset makers do. This is exactly what they do now.

    If one is deciding on leaving VZ now for ATT+iPhone, vs wait, and that's me, VZ = no voice + data @ same time is a big to me. Then I remember that in June 2010 is the Annual Apple Developers Conference and the Anniversary of iPhone. There will be a huge pressure on Apple to declare their intentions re: ATT Exclusivity, and expansion to VZ/CDMA.

    Thank for posting this link but that still doesn't guarantee that it'll materialize by June 2010, to give Apple and VZ chance to prepare for VZ/CDMA, then prepare the product after getting approval from FCC... Meanwhile, ATT will be sweating to improve their network!

    I am waiting till January, or soon ager, to get a new MBP when that's ready! When next MBP 17, anti-glare screen, is out it I'll probably leave VZ and start my 2 Years ATT/iPhone Contract Meter. When that Contract Expires, I assume there will be a Neutral-4G-LTE-iPhone. So, after 2 years on 3GS, I'll upgrade to that, and it'll be an even playing field = 4G LTE, giving me an equal choice between ATT & VZ... Waiting for less vague promises from VZ is getting harder and harder for me. And now, that I found out about VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time, it's hard to accept promises, that VZ can't confirm to me personally.

    At this point I am just too frustrated with my Palm Treo 700p, seeing happy folks with 3GS's! The other thing thing that held me back is migrating my Memos/Notes from 700p to iPhone! Now seems possible: a choice of Missing Sync and Bento. We'll see... If anyone reading this can comment on those 2 apps + Docs 2 Go on iPhone, that would be great!

    Meanwhile, I will not accept Either Voice or Data at the same time from Verizon! And it seems that ATT is positioned better to improve its PR with a better Network, vs. a few Roll Out Markets in the 2nd Half of 2010, plus all the initial problem, and then bigger markets! That is why, for me, ATT seems like a safer bet as of now -- ATT already knows what they have and what needs to be done. They don't need to start from scratch! But, for VZ to pull it all off, plus Apple etc. -- that's sounds way too iffy to me... Also, will Apple be as Free to do its thing on VZ vs ATT? I have my doubts there! It's a fine line for Apple to walk, as all of us are guessing!!!

    I am grateful to this Forum for making me aware of VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time... How much "spin" there is on this Forum -- who knows? I have nothing against VZ, where I got to know a few people pretty well, but they are either in the dark on these matters, or won't tell me! So, nothing personal, I can't wait forever! And, it's not like I've never had Drop Calls or Bad to No Coverage spots with Verizon! That's why it's hard for me to accept the bad mouthing of ATT at Face Value, and the same is true in reverse - Verizon is not perfect!

    And in real practical terms for me: each time I go out, I have to strap myself into iPod and Treo 700p. My Skullcandy Link broke, so now my iPod is Mono/1 Ear, and Treo is the other ear, so I don't miss calls, cause I can't rely on vibration only! I crave to have my Stereo back! Skullcandy Link has been discontinued, plus I am tire of all those wires, Mono, and wondering if I just missed a call or not!!! All that is adds to frustration!!! I am missing way too much LIFE by not having iPhone NOW!!!

    Thanks everyone for your posts!
  • Reply 182 of 194
    Originally Posted by ILoveFootball View Post

    Read the engadget review with a working Droid Phone.

    There are about 5 others above the following posting that says you will want Droid, Google is the greatest etc, etc.

    The Droid will cache your maps and when you're done with the call you are back on the path. You can still use both because it has multi tasking (cache the map and allow it to run while you are on the phone. You are running in on the phone so you don't need access to both internet and phone).

    The iPhone can't do this with 3rd party apps, but I really don't need to tell this room.

    I do feel it necessary to set the story straight about the Droid and what it CAN do.

    Caching as work around? To me that's not good enough... Thanks for the link. In general, I know my geography really well, with detours, so I hardly ever need directions. If it's a totally unknown location, I'll print the directions, and will occasionally glance at them..

    Q: Why in the WORLD would I want to be a hero and re-invent the wheel by trying to make Droid play nice with a Mac? I want to enjoy life!!!!!!!!! Mac and iPhone already work! If there's ever a Q, I got a bunch of Friends who already had years of that experience, plus Apple Care and Apple Store 3 miles away! Bringing Droid to Apple Store would be funny!!!! Droid is yet to prove itself, and if others, Apple Non=Lovers want to do Droid, they can have it! At the same time, I want Apple to stay on its toes, which is why it's good to have competition!

    I also assume that Multi-Tasking will come to iPhone! Till then, iPhone has a proven Echo-System around it, and I can't wait to become part of that?!
  • Reply 183 of 194
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    At this point I am just too frustrated with my Palm Treo 700p, seeing happy folks with 3GS's! The other thing thing that held me back is migrating my Memos/Notes from 700p to iPhone! Now seems possible: a choice of Missing Sync and Bento. We'll see... If anyone reading this can comment on those 2 apps + Docs 2 Go on iPhone, that would be great!

    If I had realized just how good the iPhone integrates with Mac OSX, esp. with Mobile.Me, I would have cheerfully broke my previous Sprint contract and dumped the Treo like a hot potato. The early termination fee would have been well worth paying for the increased utility and enjoyment I get from the iPhone. I wouldn't have even looked back. I felt kind of stupid waiting for the contract to expire after I got the iPhone, to be honest

    If you have Missing Sync you can get your contacts off the Treo. There are a ton of note applications - Bento might be overkill, but it has other cool uses - there are a ton of note solutions although I find the new syncing with the notes in Mail that OS 3 brought works well enough for me. Most of what I used to keep in notes are now in Things! - which has an excellent iPhone and Desktop Mac app that sync automatically if you are on the same wifi network (do you hear that, Apple?!)
  • Reply 184 of 194
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by orangesauce View Post

    People forget that Apple has been fighting long and hard to sell in South Korea, and just got approval within the last few weeks. SK is almost 100% CDMA. Am I missing something? (I hope not! :-))

    According to the GSMA there are two UTMS networks in South Korea
  • Reply 185 of 194
    Originally Posted by w00master View Post

    Sprint: A possibility, but like VZW a CDMA network. However, financially, Sprint ain't doing so well. Pre isn't doing the job that Sprint had intended. Toss-up.

    I think this is a possibility many people are overlooking at this point. Sprint does have a roaming agreement in place with Verizon so the network is more or less the same. Sprint offers more reasonable data/voice packages which would get the iPhone into an entirely new market. It certainly makes more sense than T-Mobile. Verizon is big and powerful so they don't need to give Apple any breaks. Sprint on the other hand would probably do just about anything to get the iPhone.
  • Reply 186 of 194
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    If one is deciding on leaving VZ now for ATT+iPhone, vs wait, and that's me, VZ = no voice + data @ same time is a big to me. Then I remember that in June 2010 is the Annual Apple Developers Conference and the Anniversary of iPhone. There will be a huge pressure on Apple to declare their intentions re: ATT Exclusivity, and expansion to VZ/CDMA.

    Thank for posting this link but that still doesn't guarantee that it'll materialize by June 2010, to give Apple and VZ chance to prepare for VZ/CDMA, then prepare the product after getting approval from FCC... Meanwhile, ATT will be sweating to improve their network!

    I am waiting till January, or soon ager, to get a new MBP when that's ready! When next MBP 17, anti-glare screen, is out it I'll probably leave VZ and start my 2 Years ATT/iPhone Contract Meter. When that Contract Expires, I assume there will be a Neutral-4G-LTE-iPhone. So, after 2 years on 3GS, I'll upgrade to that, and it'll be an even playing field = 4G LTE, giving me an equal choice between ATT & VZ... Waiting for less vague promises from VZ is getting harder and harder for me. And now, that I found out about VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time, it's hard to accept promises, that VZ can't confirm to me personally.

    At this point I am just too frustrated with my Palm Treo 700p, seeing happy folks with 3GS's! The other thing thing that held me back is migrating my Memos/Notes from 700p to iPhone! Now seems possible: a choice of Missing Sync and Bento. We'll see... If anyone reading this can comment on those 2 apps + Docs 2 Go on iPhone, that would be great!

    Meanwhile, I will not accept Either Voice or Data at the same time from Verizon! And it seems that ATT is positioned better to improve its PR with a better Network, vs. a few Roll Out Markets in the 2nd Half of 2010, plus all the initial problem, and then bigger markets! That is why, for me, ATT seems like a safer bet as of now -- ATT already knows what they have and what needs to be done. They don't need to start from scratch! But, for VZ to pull it all off, plus Apple etc. -- that's sounds way too iffy to me... Also, will Apple be as Free to do its thing on VZ vs ATT? I have my doubts there! It's a fine line for Apple to walk, as all of us are guessing!!!

    I am grateful to this Forum for making me aware of VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time... How much "spin" there is on this Forum -- who knows? I have nothing against VZ, where I got to know a few people pretty well, but they are either in the dark on these matters, or won't tell me! So, nothing personal, I can't wait forever! And, it's not like I've never had Drop Calls or Bad to No Coverage spots with Verizon! That's why it's hard for me to accept the bad mouthing of ATT at Face Value, and the same is true in reverse - Verizon is not perfect!

    And in real practical terms for me: each time I go out, I have to strap myself into iPod and Treo 700p. My Skullcandy Link broke, so now my iPod is Mono/1 Ear, and Treo is the other ear, so I don't miss calls, cause I can't rely on vibration only! I crave to have my Stereo back! Skullcandy Link has been discontinued, plus I am tire of all those wires, Mono, and wondering if I just missed a call or not!!! All that is adds to frustration!!! I am missing way too much LIFE by not having iPhone NOW!!!

    Thanks everyone for your posts!

    Just a little posting there a particular reason why in every single post you feel compelled to use bold font every time you mention that Verizon doesn't currently do simultaneous voice and data? It's really quite annoying and makes it look like you have an ax to grind, which then makes me less interested in what you may have to say if you are going to put that much effort into beating a dead horse.

    Just my perspective...
  • Reply 187 of 194
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    If you have Missing Sync you can get your contacts off the Treo. There are a ton of note applications - Bento might be overkill, but it has other cool uses - there are a ton of note solutions although I find the new syncing with the notes in Mail that OS 3 brought works well enough for me. Most of what I used to keep in notes are now in Things! - which has an excellent iPhone and Desktop Mac app that sync automatically if you are on the same wifi network (do you hear that, Apple?!)

    This one right? I'll read up on that one too! Yep, I gotta check out: a choice of Missing Sync and Bento, + Docs 2 Go, and see what's the best fit for me! Wish there was a way to do a Dress Rehearsal to test drive those apps on a live iPhone and MPB. I don't want it to disrupt my life with this transition, that's why I've been pushing it back.... Thanks a lot for replying!
  • Reply 188 of 194
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Just a little posting there a particular reason why in every single post you feel compelled to use bold font every time you mention that Verizon doesn't currently do simultaneous voice and data? It's really quite annoying and makes it look like you have an ax to grind, which then makes me less interested in what you may have to say if you are going to put that much effort into beating a dead horse.

    Just my perspective...

    You are right... I might have overdone it with the bold. No ax to grind against Verizon. It's just that that this Issue -- VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time -- kind of snuck up on me, like in -- oops, an obstacle that was there all along, and I just found out about it here on this forum...

    Also, over the years, I've got used to using CAPS instead of BOLD, because I am not a huge fan of Rich Text Emails for email conversations. Not happy with my Entourage 2004 email. So I prefer Plain Text for Inline Comments, rather then all my reply text at the top. The Inline Comments look more like a Chat.

    But, I've noticed that ? occasionally ? I run into people who are really bothered by that... Hey, we all have our ways, and hang in different circles... But no matter which "circles", let my CAPS be the worst thing ever, and never rise to the level of a Religious War! The tast thing I want is to get into fights on this Forum. I've become a fan of this Forum, and it's sad to see people get personal sometimes etc. I just want to get some good info here, that's all. If I can contribute some of my own discoveries, that's even better. "VZ/CDMA = No Voice + Data @ the same time" - was a discovery for me, thank to this Forum...

    Q: Is there a way of Starting a New Topic/Thread on this Forum... I'd love to start one and explore Memos/Notes Syncing, as you can see from my Post #188... Or is it just like: AI posts and article, and people Comment? Maybe I should just try Apple Discussions on Apple site....
  • Reply 189 of 194
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    Apple will inevitably abandon AT&T, because they're a poor partner, they consistently disappoint Apple's customers and making the carriers compete with one another directly will lead to lower plan prices and make the iphone more affordable.

    And roll-over minutes are not going to keep any customer that just wants a network that works.

    Again, total exaggeration. Keep basing your judgements on myths, and you'll continue to be wrong.

    I have AT&T, and I have a network that works. Works really well in fact. Actually, find me a phone in the U.S. that renders a webpage faster the 3GS on AT&T 3G. You won't, because there isn't one.
  • Reply 190 of 194
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by ILoveFootball View Post

    Read the engadget review with a working Droid Phone.

    There are about 5 others above the following posting that says you will want Droid, Google is the greatest etc, etc.

    The Droid will cache your maps and when you're done with the call you are back on the path. You can still use both because it has multi tasking (cache the map and allow it to run while you are on the phone. You are running in on the phone so you don't need access to both internet and phone).

    The iPhone can't do this with 3rd party apps, but I really don't need to tell this room.

    I do feel it necessary to set the story straight about the Droid and what it CAN do.

    Did you somehow miss/ignore the part where the old-news iPhone 3GS loads the web faster? In fact, much faster?

    Yawn. Next. Sorry, but its true. Make something faster than the iPhone 3GS, and I'll consider looking at it for more than 30 seconds.

    Until then, EVERYTHING else is: Irrelevant
  • Reply 191 of 194
    I don't think Apple would crank out a CDMA iPhone and a GSM iPhone simultaneously. Its just not their style. The iPhone 3GS silicon is so integrated and designed around GSM (which is a cranky thing these days from a silicon POV, quad band = four amplifiers, etc.) you'd need a whole new board setup for a CDMA kit...not just dropping another piece of sand on a GSM-spec device.

    However, Apple did buy Freescale a couple of years ago for some reason. If I were a betting man, I would say Freescale is probably working on either a piece of silicon that talks to both GSM and CDMA networks, or a proprietary low-power LTE setup with GSM legacy support. Plus all kinds of police-statey Apple love to keep the things locked down irrespective of carrier cooperation (cut to Steve Jobs in leather trench coat gazing at crystal ball whispering "Die Cydia...DIE!") of course.

    Based on past behavior, Apple does seem willing to turn down chances at volume in exchange for dining at margins. I don't see them cranking out $200 dollar netbooks or $400 desktops for Wal-Mart, though they would sell briskly I am sure. Plus Apple is willing to be a technical codger (EDGE on iPhone 1G anyone?) rather than bleed too much cutting itself on the bleeding edge (old habits from Newton debacle die hard I guess).

    Based on that, I would wager no EV-DO iPhone - ever - though a 2010 launch of an LTE iPhone that segways with Verizon's LTE rollout is I think possible if not probable. Seems like a match made in heaven, if heaven is made out of money anyways.
  • Reply 192 of 194
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    We also have this article, which says something similar to what I've been saying about Verizon's advertising.


    Verizon would not launch such an actively negative campaign if they were trying to obtain the iPhone. You don't make friends, even in the business world, by denigrating someone.

    I keep thinking that Verizon's Ads are really strong, and highly directed towards both Apple and AT&T. The AT&T Ads I can understand. That could be directed towards their competitor without being directed towards any of the phones they carry. It's just a " Come to us" bit.

    But the Ads listing the things the iPhones "doesn't do", it a very strong pitch.

    That doesn't mean that the iPhone might not appear later, perhaps in late 2010, if LTE is advanced far enough, or late 2011, when is surely will have.

    But before then, Verizon will have had to tame their anti iPhones Ads.
  • Reply 193 of 194
    It would be awesome if the iPhone would come to Verizon. Given Verizon's market share, Apple would be able to put out a lot of volume.
  • Reply 194 of 194
    forums are funny
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