Apple predicted to sacrifice 'sweetheart' AT&T deal for Verizon



  • Reply 161 of 194
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    well, 82 million US subscribers must think it's good enough to use. Get over it.

    ps - the average consumer doesn't read tech reviews - they watch TV, where they are bombarded with "it's the network" and "there's a map for that" advertising - so, yes, verizon certainaly has something to do with that.

    Funny, I just got off the phone with AT&T, first time in four months. Previously, I spent over fifteen hours on the phone with them over several weeks trying to get them to do something besides tell me how their phone service was not guaranteed in users homes (or probably guaranteed indoors, or guaranteed at all).

    After losing three important attempts at a business call today, I called them afterwards and told them they could ship me a femtocell now or lose me the day the Droid comes out.

    As one of those 82 million US subscribers, and having personally talked to dozens of others who think the same thing, YOU are the one that has to "get over it". #attsucks exists on twitter and won't go away because they ruin the iPhone experience with a crappy network. Far more people would be complaining, but I assume they just got tired of complaining about the obvious, like I did.

    Apple will weather this, but I'll be locked in a two-year contract that ends in November, 2011. Whether they decide to make a device I can use, that's up to them, but I'm done with ATT. They suck.
  • Reply 162 of 194
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    $5 million to design a CDMA iphone, a former Virgin Mobile executive said.

    Apple doesn't even have to do the redesign if it is just a motherboard reshuffling space --- the taiwanese firms that do the manufacturing can redesign the iphone motherboard for Apple.

    People forget that Apple has been fighting long and hard to sell in South Korea, and just got approval within the last few weeks. SK is almost 100% CDMA. Am I missing something? (I hope not! :-))
  • Reply 163 of 194
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Oh please, stop backpedaling. That's all you do here, play with semantics. You know exactly what I said, and what I meant. Stop playing these silly games.

    All you need to know is that he's giving Verizon the benefit of the doubt. No argument can get past that. He's worse than a fanboy.
  • Reply 164 of 194
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    Apple will inevitably abandon AT&T, because they're a poor partner, they consistently disappoint Apple's customers and making the carriers compete with one another directly will lead to lower plan prices and make the iphone more affordable.

    unless the other carriers networks belly flop even worse then AT&T. I love the assumption that AT&T is the de facto worse carrier with nothing substantive other then marketing fluff to back them up. Why do you think Verizon has the reputation for having the most restrictions on phones - it's how they protect their network! If their network is so great, what are they afraid of?


    And roll-over minutes are not going to keep any customer that just wants a network that works.

    There is no such thing. No one carrier covers all areas - that's why this is such a specious argument.

    It's like arguing which flavored sugar water is better when the real answer is neither!
  • Reply 165 of 194
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by davegee View Post

    people who make generalized comments like 'at&t is the worst i can't ever make a call without a drop' or 'verizon has the best coverage hands down' are to put it kindly.... Diluted.

    Guess what.... Every carrier sucks **and** every carrier is great!

    If i happen to live on a street/subdivision where "joe's cellular & bath towles inc." has a tower and i only travel apx. 20 miles from home much of the time and the nearest verizon or at&t tower is 30+ miles away then guess what!??!

    Joe's cellular & bath towles is the greatest and the rest suck dirty dish-water!!

    Come on folks... We need to all realize that making comments about one carriers quality/coverage is subjective to the point that even in the same town two people could have two entirely different feelings when it comes to 'carrier a' vs. 'carrier b' if the town is sprawling enough and one person lives on one side of a mountain and the other person lives on the other side.

    bingo !!!!
  • Reply 166 of 194
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    yada yada yada

    see you on sat
  • Reply 167 of 194
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Apple is a control freak and Verizon is a control freak. It ain't gonna happen.

    We are talking millions & millions of more dollars for Apple and Verizon for them to get together. When money is involved, where sums are that big--there's bound to be serious negotiating going on and some compromises.
  • Reply 168 of 194
    It's amazing that Apple fanboys can create a WHOLE other battle: AT&T vs. VZW. Pathetic.

    ANYWAY, VZW is an inevitable. Why? At some point, there's some point of diminishing returns in remaining with one carrier. Apple knows this. With that in mind, there's only three carriers that Apple could choose: VZW, Sprint, or T-Mobile.

    T-Mobile: Yes, they're GSM, but their network is WORSE than AT&T.

    Sprint: A possibility, but like VZW a CDMA network. However, financially, Sprint ain't doing so well. Pre isn't doing the job that Sprint had intended. Toss-up.

    VZW: Like Sprint, a possibility, but a CDMA network. However, UNLIKE Sprint, VZW is doing ok, continually expanding their network, as well as the LARGEST wireless carrier in the US.

    Ultimately, I think in 2010, Apple will add another network. It's going to be one of those three (duh), but for Apple to really expand on their sales, they are going to *have* to add another network. Evidence? Read some of the latest statements form the CEO of AT&T. It's a sign that the exclusivity is close to ending.

  • Reply 169 of 194
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    No, you made it sound like that all electronics motherboard shuffles are hard and complex and costly.

    If you had any electronics background you would understand a motherboard re-design is non-trivial and complex.

    Complexity rises exponentially when you are optimizing for size and battery life.

    Complexity increases cost.

    Implying Apple isn't doing a CDMA phone for anything other the cost or control reasons is just nutty.
  • Reply 170 of 194
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Apple belittled Intel chips while Steve Jobs ordered all their OS X development to start with both Intel and PowerPC chipsets.

    1) Development of NeXT step on Intel never stopped when it moved to Apple to eventually become OSX

    2) Many of his criticisms of Intel were (and some still are) perfectly valid

    3) Intel just sucked less then PowerPC in the mobile space after getting shaken up by AMD (competition is good). And they are now sucking less in the desktop space.
  • Reply 171 of 194
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see it growing in the US, where this device would first be launched if it were to get made. There are also many countries that can never get an iPhone if it doesn?t come out on CDMA since they have no GSM-based network. These are small in number and many very poor so the US would be the main focus.

    Are you talking about percentage or number of CDMA users. If you are talking about percentage, then I must insist that you stop with that argument. If you are talking about number of phones that are CDMA, then please show me some stats to back that up. Also show me by how they are falling and how Verizon?s growth would matter with 89M CDMA users and growing.

    PS: Apple will undoubtedly sell a record number of Macs this quarter, yet it?s quite possible that their OS percentage will drop because of all the hold outs waiting to buy new PCs with WIn7 and of course netbooks muddying the waters.

    I read an article the other day in the NY Times where it was said that in the US 85% of all people now have a cellphone, and so the market is mature. Likely, the other 15% are a lost cause. People who don't want one, people who are hearing impaired etc. So the only major growth avenue is population growth. but that a very small percentage each year. So one company will be cannibalizing from another.

    We're seeing that now with Sprint losing almost as many customers as AT&T and Verizon are getting, with T-Mobile unable to increase in size. We're not quite at that point yet, but close.

    So where are these new customers going to come from? Perhaps by buying up more small phone companies. But overall, the total number of customers for CDMA won't rise much. I'm sure Verizon knows this too.

    And in a few more years, CDMA will be effectively gone for them at least.
  • Reply 172 of 194
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: Apple will undoubtedly sell a record number of Macs this quarter, yet it?s quite possible that their OS percentage will drop because of all the hold outs waiting to buy new PCs with WIn7 and of course netbooks muddying the waters.

    Apple will likely sell a record number. But their marketshare won't drop. It will rise.

    Why? Because it's very unlikely that the PC industry will see a 20% increase in sales because of 7. But if Apple has an increase in the teens again, it will still have risen much faster.

    Meanwhile all those XP owners are prime candidates for Macs, and Apple's new ADs are making that clear to them.
  • Reply 173 of 194
    Originally Posted by w00master View Post

    ANYWAY, VZW is an inevitable. Why? At some point, there's some point of diminishing returns in remaining with one carrier.

    Ultimately, I think in 2010, Apple will add another network. It's going to be one of those three (duh), but for Apple to really expand on their sales, they are going to *have* to add another network. Evidence? Read some of the latest statements form the CEO of AT&T. It's a sign that the exclusivity is close to ending.


    I agree that Verizon will get the iPhone. I can't believe that Apple isn't already testing the LTE frequency spectrum. That spectrum has some nice advantages with longer distances between cell towers and stronger signals through walls are just 2 examples from the various articles I've read.

    Verizon already has world phones with multiple frequencies that has CDMA & GSM.

    No matter what you buy today, it will be outmoded in a year--look how fast the iPhone has progressed since it was out. Apple knows that as soon as one variation comes out, they are already working on the next and the one after that at the same time.

    What if Verizon gets the iPhone next year that works with multiple frequencies and they may sell millions. They know that every couple of years a certain percentage will upgrade to a newer version. There's always the built in "I gotta have the latest" guy or the "I will skip this version but get the next version" guy-- which is only 2 years tops between versions anyway. Marketing-wise there are repeat customers once you get hooked on a brand or device. So, Apple's not just thinking about that first year of sales or maybe even second but over the long haul with the gradual changes to the phone and networks, they will sell millions and that will grow especially now with multiple carriers in the same region. And last but not least-there's always the link to get that MacBook eventually to go along with the iPhone. I have friends that have done just that.

    I guess you might have guessed that I am with Verizon and will be patient to get my iPhone!
  • Reply 174 of 194
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    North America has a lot more than that.

    It's shrinking though.
  • Reply 175 of 194
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Because you don't understand that it will take time to make LTE radio chips small enough and energy efficient enough to fit a phone like the iPhone. That won't happen anytime soon.

    By next year the iPhone will be using 14Mbps HDSPA. That will be more valuable than a limited and untested LTE network.

    Originally Posted by calguy View Post

    I agree that Verizon will get the iPhone. I can't believe that Apple isn't already testing the LTE frequency spectrum.

  • Reply 176 of 194
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Because you don't understand that it will take time to make LTE radio chips small enough and energy efficient enough to fit a phone like the iPhone. That won't happen anytime soon.

    By next year the iPhone will be using 14Mbps HDSPA. That will be more valuable than a limited and untested LTE network.

    Here is what I have been reading: Speeds are a slightly slower than the 14 you mention but these speeds are just the starting point. There are still many testing challenges ahead as with all new technologies.

    LTE and Verizon Wireless Schedule rollout--

    During a Long Term Evolution developers conference held on May 13, 2009, CEO Lowell McAdam clarified the schedule Verizon Wireless has envisioned for rolling out its fourth-generation LTE network running at 700 MHz. McAdam said the network will launch in 20 to 30 markets during the second half of 2010. It is still on track to launch two trial networks, one each on the east and west coasts of the United States, by the end of 2009 and the company will reveal exactly which markets those are closer to launch. McAdam also revealed that devices that can access its LTE network will have swappable SIM cards, similar to those found in today's GSM-capable handsets (or Japanese CDMA handsets). However, the SIM cards will only be swappable with other Verizon Wireless LTE-certified hardware. McAdam said it believes the Verizon Wireless LTE network will be capable of speeds ranging between 8Mbps and 12Mbps.

    Here is the link for LTE adoption by all major carriers worldwide:'s

    So, it seems that in the long run worldwide, it will be in Apple's interest to work on a LTE standard for the iPhone.

    Verizon Wireless expects to commercially launch its LTE 4G network in up to 30 markets in 2010, covering 100 million people. Verizon has promised full nationwide 4G coverage by 2013.

    Now that's a lot of people on LTE by the end of next year! Ok, that's all the research for now.
  • Reply 177 of 194
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    I'd love to see your link to support that statement, unless you mean this article: But even then I can't escape this notion: how badly would both Apple and VZ. want to invest in - yesterday - the already outdated technology! Meanwhile, ATT is racing to improve what they have, and don't have that yesterday technology problem!

    You could just Google "cdma simultaneous voice and data" and you find several links that discuss this. But to get it straight from the horse's mouth, go to the CDMA Development Group's press release at:

    Where they state:

    "A complementary device enhancement known as simultaneous 1X Voice and EV-DO Data (SVDO) will also become available during the same timeframe and will enable CDMA2000 devices to access EV-DO packet data services while in an active 1X circuit-switch voice call. For example, users will be able to send emails or access the Web while on voice calls; phones with GPS can update maps or download real-time traffic information while on voice calls, etc."

    But as I said, I've seen no affirmative statements that Verizon is planning on implementing this. However, Verizon has stated that CDMA will be around for a long time after LTE is deployed. Depending on what it takes to implement the new standard (and from the press release it sounded like a relatively minor upgrade from the hardware standpoint), it would make sense for them to deploy the new standard at some point.

    So, as I stated in early posts in this thread, we can safely assume that in the near future there will be several Verizon devices that support both CDMA and LTE, including sooner or later, every smartphone they sell. Obviously they have a plan to make this happen, so it's not like Apple needs to solve that problem. They could, if they chose to, simply select from the same options that the other handset makers do. This is exactly what they do now.
  • Reply 178 of 194
    Google Maps Navigation (Beta)

    Looks great, but... VZ = no voice + internet/data @ the same time! Thus, that would mean either/or for voice or maps! Unless Verizon revises their CDMA and Google and other Smart Phones are able to do voice + internet/data @ the same time!

    I'd like to see Apple, and or ATT, or somebody, make a bigger issue out of VZ = no voice + internet/data @ the same time!, or at least as much issue out of it, as Verizon brags about their Network! Looks like VZ wants people to by additional data plans for laptops, and or iPod Touch. Sprint has MyFi WiFi. All that helps CDMA Carriers, like VZ and Sprint, to mask this shortcoming: VZ, and or CDMA = no voice + internet/data @ the same time!

    Meanwhile, given the bad pr on their Network etc., ATT has ample reasons to improve their Network, and do better on PR Wars front! But, I do like ATT's Roll-Over Minutes, and their Top 10 Numbers for Unlimited Calls, that can be both Landline and Mobile, unlike Sprint's Mobil to Mobile, and Verizon's answer to that...

    Of course, all of that is work in progress for all parties involved...
  • Reply 179 of 194
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    LTE is going to start on mobile broadband cards and mobile broadband capable computers. There won't be LTE phones next year. These transitions don't happen that quickly.

    Yes pretty much the entire mobile industry is transitioning to LTE. The GSM networks are not in a big hurry to make the transition, they still have a lot of room to grow their current HSDPA networks and organically transition to LTE.

    The reason Verizon is rushing out LTE is because their network has no where else to go. For the next couple of years they will be stuck with a slow aging CDMA network and trying to ramp up a totally new LTE network. The transition will not be as smooth for them.

    Of course Apple will develop an LTE iPhone, buts its nothing to worry about for a couple of more years.

    Originally Posted by calguy View Post

    Here is what I have been reading: Speeds are a slightly slower than the 14 you mention but these speeds are just the starting point. There are still many testing challenges ahead as with all new technologies.

    So, it seems that in the long run worldwide, it will be in Apple's interest to work on a LTE standard for the iPhone.

    Now that's a lot of people on LTE by the end of next year! Ok, that's all the research for now.

  • Reply 180 of 194
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    Google Maps Navigation (Beta)

    Looks great, but... VZ = no voice + internet/data @ the same time! Thus, that would mean either/or for voice or maps! Unless Verizon revises their CDMA and Google and other Smart Phones are able to do voice + internet/data @ the same time!

    I'd like to see Apple, and or ATT, or somebody, make a bigger issue out of VZ = no voice + internet/data @ the same time!, or at least as much issue out of it, as Verizon brags about their Network! Looks like VZ wants people to by additional data plans for laptops, and or iPod Touch. Sprint has MyFi WiFi. All that helps CDMA Carriers, like VZ and Sprint, to mask this shortcoming: VZ, and or CDMA = no voice + internet/data @ the same time!

    Meanwhile, given the bad pr on their Network etc., ATT has ample reasons to improve their Network, and do better on PR Wars front! But, I do like ATT's Roll-Over Minutes, and their Top 10 Numbers for Unlimited Calls, that can be both Landline and Mobile, unlike Sprint's Mobil to Mobile, and Verizon's answer to that...

    Of course, all of that is work in progress for all parties involved...

    Read the engadget review with a working Droid Phone.

    There are about 5 others above the following posting that says you will want Droid, Google is the greatest etc, etc.

    The Droid will cache your maps and when you're done with the call you are back on the path. You can still use both because it has multi tasking (cache the map and allow it to run while you are on the phone. You are running in on the phone so you don't need access to both internet and phone).

    The iPhone can't do this with 3rd party apps, but I really don't need to tell this room.

    I do feel it necessary to set the story straight about the Droid and what it CAN do.
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