Apple unveils browser-based iTunes Preview



  • Reply 41 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Neither - try perfectionist.

    complaining about everything 24/7 doesn't make one a perfectionist.
  • Reply 42 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Paul_ftw View Post

    This is probably the biggest reason they decided to enable the content to be viewed on a browser. If you look at how the pages' HTML tags are structured (title, H1, keyword density in <p>), the anchor text used for artists, contextual categories, and URL structure, it's very apparent Apple wants to surface well in search engine results pages. Their competition here is,,, etc.


    And if they make it to the top of the rankings (likely), every search for a group anywhere in the world will have a direct link to the iTunes walled garden.

    That plus the fact that links to the preview site will actually work more often than links to the store seems to indicate they are just straightening out their web presence and trying to be both more visible and more inclusive. All at relatively no cost to them at all.
  • Reply 43 of 60
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    A tad pointless, who doesn't have iTunes? Seriously, those that don't would never buy from the service so whats the point?

    People at work and people on non-iPhone smartphones with real web browsers are a couple that readily come to mind. Plus, by testing it out I?ve found that is considerably faster to use the browser service than iTunes Store to navigate quickly. If they add audio preview option this may get very popular.

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Maybe they have an idea that's going to build on it, but they're not ready to show their hand yet?

    ChromeOS is not too far off. Being based completely on HTML5 for the UI Apple may be working with Google to get the most popular digital music store and music organizer into that OS as pure web code.
  • Reply 44 of 60
    Originally Posted by iphonedeveloperthailand View Post

    Wonder if you can download media from the web version. If so how are

    they going to block Palm from their site?

    as the article said, no. you can't listen to the previews either. You must go to itunes for this

    my concern is that someone from not the US will see a preview page, get a jones for something and go to itunes only to see that it's not avail for them. so either they need to be warned about this somehow on the preview page or Apple needs to get those limits dropped by the record labels (I'm for the latter myself)

    Originally Posted by ds98 View Post

    Comparing the image in the article it looks like they are trying to compete with someone else. I think it is fair since we are always bashing Microsoft for copying Mac OS that we shoud point out who is being copied this time. The link below is for the same artist on

    there's not a whole lot you can do with the information to be presented. so yeah, a similar look and feel is not shocking.

    now, have Apple point for point copy the Zune Pass right down to the keep 10 and the monthly fee and you've got something.

    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Perhaps the "whole point" is to encourage those without iTunes installed to "get on board".

    or go the opposite. the google search hits is likely a point for these pages. but what if they are getting things set up to position the itunes store as something ANY syncing software could access and not just itunes. separating them in such a way would help to dissolve all the (erroneous) arguments that you must use itunes if you want to buy from the store. this is only music and the music is DRMfree so why not let other folks into the system. Even just for music and perhaps podcasts. The studios and networks are more certainly blocking their stuff from being a free for all, so you'll have to move past the gateway of the music and get itunes and then you'll see how awesome it is and if possible, dump your old stuff and buy Apple and live in itunes land all the time. la la la
  • Reply 45 of 60
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Neither - try perfectionist.

    I did. It didn't fit. So again I ask, liar or confused?
  • Reply 46 of 60
    Originally Posted by cdyates View Post

    This is good. Sometimes you want to check to see if a new movie is available, or the latest episode of a tv show is out yet, but you don't need to launch itunes. Its not a big deal, but its nice to have.


    What is quite obvious is that most here haven't bothered to check out the contents.

    Personally, I like the idea of being able to select an artist, preview their Biography, Top Albums and Top Songs. Then by clicking on an album cover or listed song, review availability, but more important listed below that are the song's Customer Ratings and Recent Customer Reviews.

    Certainly is a cleaner cataloguer/information data base than the Internet Movie Database (IMDb at and even simpler to navigate and search out other artists/genre than the iTunes app itself.

    I would suggest that many of you take some time to explore the site a little more. It is extremely informative, simple to navigate and if you bookmark the iTune Preview Music Genres page*, it is amazing how fast one can scan or peruse through the library.

    Then if you decide to pursue it further in iTunes for purchasing is your prerogative.

    Incidentally, if you change the country acronym, e.g., us to ca, uk, fr, jp, etc., you can check different song/recording availabilities between the various regions. I, for example, a Canadian also have a US and UK iTunes Gift Cards and the home address of a friend/relative in the respective country so that I can purchase music and even iPhone apps that are not available here.

    If there was anything missing, it would be the ability to search the data base by artist or song/title. I would expect that to come sometime in the future.


    Man's greatest fear is the unknown
  • Reply 47 of 60
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Zandros View Post

    Maybe, if you insist on closing iTunes every time you don't listen to music. But who does?

    Exactly, when I restart and subsequently log back into my Mac, I start up about 15 apps. They stay open until I shut down or log out again. iTunes is one of them.
  • Reply 48 of 60
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Yup pointless, unless there is some future developments to this story that we don't know about, having a list of songs on line, which you have to launch itunes to prview (and purchase?) is just silly. They could be trying to compete with amazon's MP3 service, but I still think it is way easier to just launch itunes, than navigate to a website and have limited functionality.

    It's not pointless, if the point is to avoid installing a 160 GB app on your new Apple device. It's possible the iTunes store functions will eventually be de-linked from the store app.
  • Reply 49 of 60
    Originally Posted by trip1ex View Post

    Apple needs to make iTunes store browser based.

    This preview hybrid is annoying. Also easier to just go into Amazon and buy a song than open up iTunes just for shopping media.

    IMO, the recent iTMS upgrades make the application as clumsy and slow as a web page anyway, so it won't make a huge difference once they do go all-in for some kind of web-based solution... perhaps for secret upcoming wireless devices?
  • Reply 50 of 60
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I did. It didn't fit. So again I ask, liar or confused?

    He is a perfectionist. Don?t remember anyone who had a perfect score of being wrong. Quite an accomplishment. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  • Reply 51 of 60
    Am I the only one who thinks Apple stands to gain more from making a Linux version of iTunes (by helping Linux to unseat Windows dominance) than it stands to loose (by people choosing Linux instead of Mac OS X)?
  • Reply 52 of 60
    Originally Posted by bluedalmatian View Post

    Am I the only one who thinks Apple stands to gain more from making a Linux version of iTunes (by helping Linux to unseat Windows dominance) than it stands to loose (by people choosing Linux instead of Mac OS X)?

  • Reply 53 of 60
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bluedalmatian View Post

    Am I the only one who thinks Apple stands to gain more from making a Linux version of iTunes (by helping Linux to unseat Windows dominance) than it stands to loose (by people choosing Linux instead of Mac OS X)?

    I don?t see how. There are several things to consider here. First of all there is the elephant in teh room, Linux?s nearly non-existant marketshare. Linux is used mostly with servers which aren?t going to be running consumer medias software and by a small group regular users who are the anthesis of Apple?s core demographics.

    These users tend not to even care for iTunes simplifying the syncing process when drag-and-drop gives you more control. They don?t like Apple?s organization process because doing it manually also gives you more control.

    On top of that, they would rather use OGG, FLAC, AVI, x264 and MKV codecs and containers instead of Apple?s rigidly controlled codecs for iTunes import. Hell, I?m a longtime Mac user and i wish I could import other media types in iTunes.

    Buying media from the iTunes store isn?t going to work for them because of the DRM on video and fact that Apple?s 256k AAC is not quasi-opensource lossless.

    Then you have the other issues like QuickTime and WebKit frameworks to make up the foundation for the iTunes app to work properly. Apple needs to spend those resources in making iTunes for Windows better, as well as getting iTunes for Mac OS X ported to Cocoa. I?m betting that a 64-bit Cocoa iTunes will come with iTunes X next fall for the iTunes Special Event.
  • Reply 54 of 60
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    A tad pointless, who doesn't have iTunes? Seriously, those that don't would never buy from the service so whats the point?

    Linux and BSD people?
  • Reply 55 of 60
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ds98 View Post

    Comparing the image in the article it looks like they are trying to compete with someone else. I think it is fair since we are always bashing Microsoft for copying Mac OS that we shoud point out who is being copied this time. The link below is for the same artist on

    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    Looks like Cupertino got some photocopiers in action. Looks like the Zune website but without the Zune Pass.

    I try to see the similarity that isn't related to the actual information of the item being sold, but I don't see much. Except for the album art and having a list of songs, and having a white background, pretty much everything else is different. Different font, different arrangement of elements, even what is being presented in the song list has differences.
  • Reply 56 of 60
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Linux and BSD people?

    Plus people who don't like Apple's attempts at writing software for Windows
  • Reply 57 of 60
    If Apple is so big on the open source scene with HTML 5 did they choose to write their website with using standard HTML, CSS & Java Script?

    Seems like the same old standards for something anything but innovative.

    Not even evolutionary, just the same old crap to get you log into a proprietary system.

    This is why it will never be used by Enterprise IT employees. They will not use LooneyTunes to run their businesses.

    It's already a cluttered mess with a broken infrastructure. It needs to be rewritten from the ground up.
  • Reply 58 of 60
    Really?? So if one can't preview songs, why even bother to call it Preview, especially if one has to go to iTunes anyway to preview a song? I smell lameness.
  • Reply 59 of 60
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Sounds good- Anything to free up the bloatware know as iTunes. Hopefully they remove them from iTunes itself.



    in itunes they have blurb ad for a celebrity playlist

    the 2 women shown were paris hilton look alike blond bombshell big breasts and all

    like these 2 stupid bitches cab inform me about some good music

    why because of blond hair ??

    big breasts

    or there celebrity's

    i read there names but i guess desparate housewives type names escape me

    discusting steve jobs

    i puked in my mouth

    you wanna good playlist of live rare un released hendrixwhodoorsdeaddylanjoplinsantana ecte etc call me
  • Reply 60 of 60
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    complaining about everything 24/7 doesn't make one a perfectionist.

    and reading complaints 24.7 makes you >>

    no really

    get a life

    you placed yourself below my buddy teckstud
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