Enterprise - The verdict?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
The new episodes have started up and if you haven't seen any of them yet, try it out. I find it better than DS9, and MUCH better than Voyager ever was or could be. It's about on par with TNG but it different ways. It's not soap-opera-like (yet) and have very distinctive episodes. I think later on they may introduce some continuity. And the characters act like normal people of our time instead of the emotionless stiffs of TNG and Voyager.

My verdict: So far so good.

Rating: A-


  • Reply 1 of 48
    From the little I've seen, it's lightyears better than Voyager! They'd have to try to make it that bad!

    But there's something about it that just feels like a bad spinoff of something like Andromeda... I can't quite put my finger on it.

    I watched the first few episodes, but nothing drew me in long enough to watch it regularly.

    Rating: B-

    [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 48
    I find it better than DS9


    You are kidding right? They did every thing right on DS9 and everything wrong on Enterprise (well not quite everything, they managed to learn from some mistakes with Voyager, but they still made new ones).

    Mind you Ive only seen about 3 episodes, but of those three I found them embarassingly bad. Note, they were from the first couple of weeks in which they were playing, have they improved?

    All I remember was some pilot being allowed to threaten Vulcan ambassadors( ), a "youve met with some spores, and thus you need to rub each other down with oil under UV lights" scene ( <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> ), and a few bits from the other episodes,
  • Reply 3 of 48
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by The Toolboi:

    [QB]"youve met with some spores, and thus you need to rub each other down with oil under UV lights" scene [QB]<hr></blockquote>

    A friend of mine writes for "Voyager" and says that the single biggest request she has gotten from her friends is more rubbing of the oil scenes.
  • Reply 4 of 48
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by The Toolboi:

    <strong>I find it better than DS9


    You are kidding right? They did every thing right on DS9 and everything wrong on Enterprise (well not quite everything, they managed to learn from some mistakes with Voyager, but they still made new ones).

    Mind you Ive only seen about 3 episodes, but of those three I found them embarassingly bad. Note, they were from the first couple of weeks in which they were playing, have they improved?

    All I remember was some pilot being allowed to threaten Vulcan ambassadors( ), a "youve met with some spores, and thus you need to rub each other down with oil under UV lights" scene ( <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> ), and a few bits from the other episodes,</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think that Enterprise has much more possibiliy than the other Star Trek shows. You know what they are leading up to. Star Fleet and earth grows powerful and there are many things that occur along the way. We will finally get to see some of these great wars that they speak of. We will get to see why there is a prime directive. etc... DS9 was a frontier show that wasn't. The laws were basically already laid out. There were few ways to go with it. Enterprise is a frontier show in that they have no clue what they are getting into for the most part (ala last weeks episode) and so they will have to make up the rules as they go along. This could be very fun! My rating: A
  • Reply 5 of 48
    I think Enterprise kind of sucks. It's too touchy feely psycho-bable for me.
  • Reply 6 of 48
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    I am a hardcore trekker and I lost interest in ENTERPRISE real quick... its boring...

    aliens are dumb and there is no real "cool" tech anymore... except for the "gadgets from the future" that they sealed up in that future cadets bunk room...

    before they ended voyager I was starting to actually get into that "temporal mechanics" stuff and now we are back to phase pistols and slow warp... no regenerative shielding or trans-phasic torpedoes... stuff anymore...

    what is there???... plot? drama? please I think i'll go read a book or pop a star trek movie in my vcr rather than watch this drivel...

    And is it me... or does everyone fight like a girl in the future...??? you would think starfleet would train there people in combat...? guess not...

    the few fighting scenes I have seen in this show are pathetic and "Kirkish"...



    [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 48
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by FERRO:

    <strong>I am a hardcore trekker and I lost interest in ENTERPRISE real quick... its boring...

    aliens are dumb and there is no real "cool" tech anymore... except for the "gadgets from the future" that they sealed up in that future cadets bunk room...

    before they ended voyager I was starting to actually get into that "temporal mechanics" stuff and now we are back to phase pistols and slow warp... no regenerative shielding or trans-phasic torpedoes... stuff anymore...

    what is there???... plot? drama? please I think i'll go read a book or pop a star trek movie in my vcr rather than watch this drivel...

    And is it me... or does everyone fight like a girl in the future...??? you would think starfleet would train there people in combat...? guess not...

    the few fighting scenes I have seen in this show are pathetic and "Kirkish"...


    Let me restate:

    Enterprise is a frontier show in that they (StarFleet) have no clue what they are getting into for the most part (ala last weeks episode) and so they will have to make up the rules as they go along.

    Captain Archer has finally discovered that they can just go out and say "Hi, be my friend." and expect them to do so. They are starting to better arm themselves and prepare for a more wary view of ships that approach from now on. They are learning the rules, and that with such exploration there is a lot of danger. By the time we got to Voyager the Federation was the big fish in the pond. Right now, StarFleet is smaller than a guppy. Give it time, in a few years it could be really really good. I think it is good right now so long as they keep building up like they are.
  • Reply 8 of 48
    I was and still am a big Voyager fan and think that Enterprise SUCKS!!! Now I never watched the original series, and I've seen a couple of DS9 and for the most part they were good. Getting back to Enterprise, there is NO plot! Its the same thing each time - "Hello. Be friends with me.", then they get into a crappy battle, and in the end they are friends. At least Voyager did have some cool technology (transwarp drive, metaphasic shielding, etc) and wicked special effects. On Enterprise, the ship hasn't even gotton trashed (bulkheads everywhere, casualties, etc.). Thats the best part of Star Trek, seeing battles with weapons and phasar fights, etc. This new series is to down to earth to be any fun to watch. Even the series premere was a drag. Stupid plot, crappy aliens, and boring technology....


    D (I am being generous here. The only reason is the ok cast).
  • Reply 9 of 48
    [quote]Originally posted by NoahJ:

    <strong>Give it time, in a few years it could be really really good.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    LOL... THAT's reassuring.
  • Reply 10 of 48
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    So far, it's the most disappointing of any ST series.
  • Reply 11 of 48
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:


    LOL... THAT's reassuring.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You notice the "really really" in that post. I think it is good, but it will get way better as they work all the kinks out of the plotline. If not, then hey it is a tv show. My life does not revolve around it...
  • Reply 12 of 48
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Really? I thought Voyager was the absolute worst show EVER. Janeway just begged to be smacked around. The crew should have died many times over. Then DS9 sucked but towards the end it was getting good until it was cancelled. TNG was OK for the most part. Q rocked. The original had some good plots but the effects were B class. But I enjoyed it. Enterprise is much like the original and TNG.
  • Reply 13 of 48
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    Well i'm glad i'm not the only one here who though Voyager was cool. It wasn't so great to start, but towards the end it got cool.

    I never really got hooked on DS 9...not sure why because they had some really cool story lines (once again towards teh end of the series). TNG was great, i loved it.

    I've only caught a few episodes of Enterprise, and thus far it seems ok, nothing special though. It is definately a cool concept with lots of potential, i really hope they exploit this potential.

    For now i'm still going to rank it behind Voyager and TNG, in my book its still on par with DS9, but that is only because i haven't wateched a lot of DS9, i'm sure if i had it would beat Enterprise.
  • Reply 14 of 48
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cosmo:

    <strong>Well i'm glad i'm not the only one here who though Voyager was cool. It wasn't so great to start, but towards the end it got cool.

    I never really got hooked on DS 9...not sure why because they had some really cool story lines (once again towards teh end of the series). TNG was great, i loved it.

    I've only caught a few episodes of Enterprise, and thus far it seems ok, nothing special though. It is definately a cool concept with lots of potential, i really hope they exploit this potential.

    For now i'm still going to rank it behind Voyager and TNG, in my book its still on par with DS9, but that is only because i haven't wateched a lot of DS9, i'm sure if i had it would beat Enterprise.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I liked all the others a lot. Liked Voyager a little better than DS9 for the most part.
  • Reply 15 of 48
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    In my opinion, this is the best Star Trek ever. I am not a "trekkie" or "trekker" but just a person that watches Star Trek, so I probably have different views than a "die hard." I think it will be cool to eventually see other starfleet ships out there and for them to meet some more of the aliens from other Treks. Also, now that they actually have phasers on the ship, there should be more battles which is good. Their ship needs to take more damage, explosions and hull breaches are good. I think this series has tons of potential but B&B will probably screw up.
  • Reply 16 of 48
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    but B&B will probably screw up.

    That's what I'm afraid of.
  • Reply 17 of 48
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    I enjoyed Voyager. It was a little more 'fresh' than the other series'. It did suck untill 7of9 came on board. And no not because of her tits, but she brought in some good contension, and debate amongst the crew. And her struggles to become more human where interesting to see develop. I like the whole lost far away from home setting, and how the crew attempted to deal with the phycological aspects of this. The Beta(?) quadrent they where in was really drab though I thought. Except for the Borg, but the borg are always cool. Voyager did have some sprinklings of greatness everyonce in a while. Like the episodes Year of Hell 1 & 2 I though where a triumph for the series. To see Voyager being destroyed and run to the ground day after day, until Janeway must make the ultimate sacrifice to reverse events of time was more that a little bit moving.

    So far I think that Enterprise has been very good, and a refreshing change from the other StarTreks. They ushualy dont solve problems by spitting out incomprehensible techno babble crap since they dont have all that much incomprehensible techno babble crap to begin with. They have to solve things using the "real" ways: resourcefullness, cunning, intelligence, and bravery. So yes Enterprise has so far given me a pretty good sci-fi experience. And I try to catch it every week. /me looks at watch. Hey there is an episode in 2 hours here.

    But still no StarTrek will ever replace the greatness that was Babylon 5.

    [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Falcon ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 48
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    I started to get worried <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> about the future of star trek ever since Gene Roddenberry came out with the series called "Earth"... There isnt enough "bad words" to describe how much I hate that series...

    its been down hill for startrek ever since...



    [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 48
    [quote]Originally posted by FERRO:

    <strong>I started to get worried <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> about the future of star trek ever since Gene Roddenberry came out with the series called "Earth"... There isnt enough "bad words" to describe how much I hate that series...

    its been down hill for startrek ever since...


    Try watching Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. It's not a bad show--once you get past Kevin Sorbo, that is. (Actually, Sorbo isn't anywhere near as annoying like he was in Hercules, and even does a pretty good impression of a ruthless ba$tard in a few episodes.)
  • Reply 20 of 48
    Don't know why, but I just can't get into Enterprise. Just doesn't feel like the characters are clicking together, and the storylines seem a little...weak.

    I really liked DS9, especially when the Dominion war broke out. Nothing like blowing stuff up to boost ratings!

    TNG turned me away at first, since a lot of the early episodes were recycled from the original series, but got a lot better towards the end. I think this was the only series to get the finale episode right!

    Voyager sucked rocks.
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