Foxconn reportedly tapped to manufacture next-gen iPhone



  • Reply 61 of 79
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Apple is #3 in smartphones, right behind RIM (within 2%), and by the looks of it, about to overtake them. That's a helluva lot of iPhones, and numbers are growing at incredible rates.

    Yes. the vast majority of consumers choose something other than the iPhone.


    iPods? That's all you see.

    Yep. They had a good run wit that one. But the market for standalone music players is dying.


    Macs are limited by:

    1) Price

    2) OS-lockdown

    Both 1 and 2 are deliberate strategies by Apple.

    Yep. And both strategies apply to the iPhone too. Even moreso on the lock-down front. The vast majority of folks will not spend huge sums for a smartphone.


    And if you believed the Laptop Hunter ads,

    I don't. They are fiction.


    it would seem everyone lusts after Apple products one way or another. After all, you're here, aren't you?

    I have an iPhone because it has great hardware. At the time of purchase, nothing came close to it (but that is not the case anymore).

    I bought my first Apple product in the mid-1980's, a //c. It was a great computer at the time. The next Apple product I bought was a 3GS, but the stupidly imposed top-down limitations really bug me. I've got my eyes on a Nokia N900 to replace it. The Nokia blows away the iPhone hardware. I have a wait-and-see attitude towards Maemo, however. If and when a great Android phone comes out on GSM, I might go that route.


    If you take the time to assess the situation and consider Apple's business model, then look at their mindshare, you'd begin to see the answers to your questions. You can use the fact that Microsoft is driven by Ignorance and Inertia as the starting point for your investigations.

    I am no fan of Microsoft. They are evil.
  • Reply 62 of 79
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Yes. the vast majority of consumers choose something other than the iPhone.

    Then you'll need to say the same thing about RIM. RIM and Apple are virtually neck and neck. If you claim people will not spend vast amounts of money on a smartphone, then I'm assuming you're applying this assessment to the smartphone market at large. If people aren't buying Blackberries, if they're not buying iPhones, then what smartphones ARE they buying? Nokia? Android is growing, but not even close to challenging either RIM or Apple yet. In this context, it seems consumers are still buying "dumb" phones. In which case you really can't fault the iPhone's numbers because they're virtually the same as RIM's. You'll need to apply the same judgment to RIM and the mobile market at large, save for perhaps Nokia.

    I agree with you about everything else.
  • Reply 63 of 79
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Unless you know of some real breakthrough advancements in the battery industry that i dont know of, the only way currently is through better chips/programming and a beefier battery. The option should ALWAYS be there for a hotswappable battery, cell phones demand you to be mobile, if you need to be tethered with a power cord constantly then some serious improvements need to come out or just do the obvious, make them swappable.

    Besides, swapping batteries is not that archaic like you would make it seem lol.

    How many phones have hot swappable batteries? My guess would be pretty close to zero. I think you meant user replaceable...

    You make it sound like an iPhone is going to die the moment you unplug the sync cable, yet it will continue on for days without a charge, unless you are playing games or something. How often do you go for days without a chance to charge your phone? There are plenty of juice packs out there if you need more power anyway, some even in the form of an iPhone case. Personally, I've never had to change a phone battery and my most vivid memory of my last phone with a replaceable battery was that the battery door always fell off. I like the form factor and ruggedness that iPhone can have because the battery is not user replaceable. If they could keep that and make the battery user replaceable, I say go for it, but I still wont be changing the battery and I suspect most people are in the same boat.
  • Reply 64 of 79
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    With a flash, better battery and camera, no doubt to keep up with the Droid.

    Hopefully the white will be discontinued.
  • Reply 65 of 79
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    How many phones have hot swappable batteries? My guess would be pretty close to zero. I think you meant user replaceable...

    You make it sound like an iPhone is going to die the moment you unplug the sync cable, yet it will continue on for days without a charge, unless you are playing games or something. How often do you go for days without a chance to charge your phone? There are plenty of juice packs out there if you need more power anyway, some even in the form of an iPhone case. Personally, I've never had to change a phone battery and my most vivid memory of my last phone with a replaceable battery was that the battery door always fell off. I like the form factor and ruggedness that iPhone can have because the battery is not user replaceable. If they could keep that and make the battery user replaceable, I say go for it, but I still wont be changing the battery and I suspect most people are in the same boat.

    Mine last barely half a day.
  • Reply 66 of 79
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I am no fan of Microsoft. They are evil.

  • Reply 67 of 79
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Apple is already falling behind the curve, compared to Android. By mid-summer, there is likely to be multiple Android phones which are superior to the iPhone.

    And Nokia seems to be waking from their slumber, with the N900 blowing the iPhone away in terms of hardware.

    Unless Apple comes up with some kind of killer app or killer hardware feature, the momentum will be gone for them.

    I disagree with your contention that it's already happened, but if the next iPhone isn't something fantastic it surely will happen.

    I would say that currently, Droid isn't anywhere near the iPhone in speed, usability, or features and Nokia's stuff is hardly useable at all unless you're a Linux geek and want to tinker all day long. There isn't a phone on the market with a keyboard that even comes close to the iPhone's for instance.
  • Reply 68 of 79
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    RFID is evil

    If next iPhone has RFID I'm not buying unless there is a software option to disable it and can be proven to do so.

    It would be an RFID scanner, not an RFID tagged device. You would actually be able to perform the sneaky unauthorized RFID scanning that ( presumably ) you are fearing currently.
  • Reply 69 of 79
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    If that is true, then why do so few people buy Apple products? They ave single-digit market penetration in pretty much every market they have ever entered.

    I respectfully suggest you visit an Opthamologist.


    Apple entered the music sales business by launching the iTunes store 2003 and in 1 year they became the highest grossing online music service, capturing 88% of the market share.

    In 2008, just 5 years, they became the #1 music retailer period.


    I won't even bother bringing up iPod sales stats. Apple killed that market so bad, only Microsoft has even been able to look in the vaguest way like a competitor. Ipods are so popular that even the word "ipod" has entered the lexicon, just like the Walkman did before it.


    In 2007 they announce the iPhone and the goal to capture 1% of the global Cell Phone market share by the end of 2008. They met this goal and have gone on to gain 2.5% of the market in 2009.[A]

    This is the 2nd fastest acceptance of a new telephone in history, only outdone by the record holder, the motorola RAZR. This is also the fastest rise of a newcomer to the phone market in history.

    MOVIES/TV/Music Videos:

    In 2007 Apple announced it had sold 2M movies, making it the most popular online movie store.

    45 million music videos sold in 200,

    50 million television episodes sold: beginning of 2007,

    and 200 million television episodes sold 2008. [E]

    They have not published an 2009 stats, I'll give you that. Only Netflix can compete with this, however. Neither Netflix or Amazon will even publish their numbers.


    Apple has 5.8 percent of the market for computers, but that is 4th in the world, higher than some big names like Toshiba, and Sony.[C]

    On the other hand, Apple has the highest profit margin of all computer makers in the top 10, at 34% average, while Dell ( the Sales leader ) is 19% [D]

    So the only market they have single digit penetration in is "Computers". BUt that's a pretty damn fiine number for single digits. In the other categories that practically DEFINE the market. And if the rumors are true about the tablet, I think they're very likely to revive the ebook market as well. ( though I'm a skeptic on this one... I don't drink all of the Jobs Koolade)





  • Reply 70 of 79
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by huntercr View Post

    In 2007 they announce the iPhone and the goal to capture 1% of the global Cell Phone market share by the end of 2008. They met this goal and have gone on to gain 2.5% of the market in 2009.[A]

    According to this, Apple only has a 0.7% worldwide market share
  • Reply 71 of 79
    Originally Posted by Stoobs View Post

    I hate to tell you this, but "they" can already track you via your mobile phone already

    well, to the religious bible thumpin' crowd, (me; not being one of those) they believe that 'SATAN' will use his power (i.e. RFID) to keep track and control people (since they have been implanting these things in Dogs, and now children) so i see his point in that he would think this is EVIL and the next step to 'Track' everyone and therefor its evil or that BIG BROTHER will be able to 'see' everything that is done on the iphone so he is against that. The tracking GPS thing on the iphone only gives data as to where you are at any given time but it doesn't allow the information to be 'read' from another iphone, thats my guess.. I could be totally wrong and if I am then I apologize for the error..
  • Reply 72 of 79
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    care to share why? or are you too paranoid to disclose your reasons?

    well, to the religious bible thumpin' crowd, (me; not being one of those) they believe that 'SATAN' will use his power (i.e. RFID) to keep track and control people (since they have been implanting these things in Dogs, and now children) so i see his point in that he would think this is EVIL and the next step to 'Track' everyone and therefor its evil or that BIG BROTHER will be able to 'see' everything that is done on the iphone so he is against that. The tracking GPS thing on the iphone only gives data as to where you are at any given time but it doesn't allow the information to be 'read' from another iphone, thats my guess.. I could be totally wrong and if I am then I apologize for the error..
  • Reply 73 of 79
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    RFID is evil

    If next iPhone has RFID I'm not buying unless there is a software option to disable it and can be proven to do so.

    well, to the religious bible thumpin' crowd, (me; not being one of those) they believe that 'SATAN' will use his power (i.e. RFID) to keep track and control people (since they have been implanting these things in Dogs, and now children) so i see his point in that he would think this is EVIL and the next step to 'Track' everyone and therefor its evil or that BIG BROTHER will be able to 'see' everything that is done on the iphone so he is against that. The tracking GPS thing on the iphone only gives data as to where you are at any given time but it doesn't allow the information to be 'read' from another iphone, thats my guess.. I could be totally wrong and if I am then I apologize for the error..
  • Reply 74 of 79
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    According to this, Apple only has a 0.7% worldwide market share

    But this might just be for the quarter?
  • Reply 75 of 79
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    But this might just be for the quarter?

    The person I was replying to was referring to all mobiles. And you are confusing sales with the actual number of mobiles in use.
  • Reply 76 of 79
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Is carrying around an extra internal swappable battery really that much better than carrying around an external peripheral battery? It's a little smaller, but that's about the only advantage. And you'd have to shut off your phone to change batteries.

    The trade-off is that if Apple made the battery swappable but kept the overall dimensions of the iPhone the same, that swappable battery would have to be smaller with less capacity than the built-in battery (battery compartment walls, connectors, latches, and battery shell itself all take up space that aren't needed for the built-in battery). So you'd be forced to carry around an extra swappable battery in more circumstances because that battery would run out sooner than today's battery. You could make the iPhone larger, but then the same argument would still apply...I could put in a higher capacity built-in battery than I could a swappable battery in the same space.

    an external peripheral battery is very discreet, unless you have some honkin 80s motorola size isnt a big deal lol.

    Also the parts you are speaking of for the battery are the same for internals and externals (sans latches and keeping the innards of the phone safe), but compartment walls to keep it from shifting and shock absorption are all taken account for when making the battery user accessible or not. Plenty of other companies make even more powerful phones than Apple and skinnier as well (see HD2) with removable batteries, so this isnt a "cant be" its a "wont be" if it is about the form factor or size.

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Not gonna happen.

    You need to stop treating the iPhone like some brick of generic hardware. It isn't. Its form and clean lines are just as important as any other aspect of the device. And that is certainly a substantial part of the love consumers have for this device.

    An external battery booster I'll take any day over compromising the iPhone's form. Consumers certainly aren't complaining. Apple went its own way with this device (as with most things) and they've proven they know best. Simple as that. No hardware keyboard. Not even MMS or copy and paste from the get-go. Yet the iPhone has developed as it did, under Apple's sole direction and has hit nothing but high after high, record sales, and now within 2% of RIM almost overnight. The rest of the industry is trying furiously to copy it and most are coming up short, including the latest "iPhone Killer."

    We've gone past the swappable battery debate months and months ago. In other words, there is no debate. Accept it.

    iPhone battery life is adequate for day to day use. If your battery is draining prematurely, you might have a stuck process or application that remains open despite your closing it. It's rare, but in such an event simply back up your iPhone and then restore it as per Apple's recommended procedures in this event. That should at least eliminate one possibility.

    If for some god forsaken reason changing the back shell from being static to being able to slide off completely destroys the lines and makeup of the phone, then Apple has the worst team of engineers on the planet hands down. At worst it would add one line (not even, if Apple extended the chrome to cover all the top and sides and bottom, then the plastic would be purely on the back and not wrapped around)

    What planet are you on Quadra, tons of people complain about the iphones battery and a quick glance at google with just "iphone battery life" yields over 17 million hits, with news storys and tips on how to help the sad thing not clunk out on you with partial day usage. Its sad when one of the first things you have to do when you come through the front door is plug your phone into the charger and its not even 2PM...

    BTW where are you getting Apple of being within 2% of RIM (in what category) because Apple has sold 33 million iphones since introduction (how many are in the hands of users?) while RIM has over 32 million current subscribers (new up to date data is available December 17th when they have their quarter announcements) on a BES/BIS with 65+ Million having been sold (the 50th million being sold earlier this year). So i'm a bit intrigued to find out where this info is coming from. (All mine comes from Apple quarterly reports and RIMs quarterly reports).

    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    How many phones have hot swappable batteries? My guess would be pretty close to zero. I think you meant user replaceable...

    You make it sound like an iPhone is going to die the moment you unplug the sync cable, yet it will continue on for days without a charge, unless you are playing games or something. How often do you go for days without a chance to charge your phone? There are plenty of juice packs out there if you need more power anyway, some even in the form of an iPhone case. Personally, I've never had to change a phone battery and my most vivid memory of my last phone with a replaceable battery was that the battery door always fell off. I like the form factor and ruggedness that iPhone can have because the battery is not user replaceable. If they could keep that and make the battery user replaceable, I say go for it, but I still wont be changing the battery and I suspect most people are in the same boat.

    Ok yeah not hot swappable lol you know what i meant.

    Those juice pack chargers/cases are hideous, i wouldnt even buy one as a present for someone who has an iphone lol.

    Its not rocket science to have a removable battery, unfortunately 2 people i know who had iphones conveniently got dealt a busted battery right outside the 1 Year warranty, only thing left to do was go buy a new one (this is why i think apple does this...shady imho) the other actually had some clown replace the battery for like 120 bucks.

    It doesnt need a radical design change, i personally liked the 2G design over the current ones with the metal/chrome. If they extended the chrome on the sides to cover the audio keys/top/bottom they could definitely make a snug slip on battery door...that in itself is a huge selling feature (and we know how Apple likes to hype up the most basic features like it revolutionized it)
  • Reply 77 of 79
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    No kidding. A nonremovable battery is just stupid. I can't think of any reason not to have it other than greed. I agree, it's likely because they can charge you $ to replace or get a new one, outside warranty. Oh well.
  • Reply 78 of 79
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    1- 5 MP camera have already been shown to not make much difference in taking better pictures on a phone, the request for HD recording shows you don't really understand the practicality of usefulness of such a feature, in other words a phone would not be able to record an HD picture of any real usefulness

    2 - Camera flash is good at taking washed out pictures, not so good at taking properly exposed pictures

    3 - If you are still asking for swappable battery you really are not paying attention

    4 - As the list of phones with software keyboards grows

    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    i agree, many of us are hoping for

    1- 5+ megapixel camera - HD video capability to record

    2- flash for camera

    3- swappable battery

    4- slide out keyboard!!

  • Reply 79 of 79
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Also the parts you are speaking of for the battery are the same for internals and externals (sans latches and keeping the innards of the phone safe), but compartment walls to keep it from shifting and shock absorption are all taken account for when making the battery user accessible or not. Plenty of other companies make even more powerful phones than Apple and skinnier as well (see HD2) with removable batteries, so this isnt a "cant be" its a "wont be" if it is about the form factor or size.

    Well it is apart of Apple design philosophy to have a solid device. You either buy into it or not. There isn't much good in complaining about it. The HD2 is larger than the iPhone, that is why it gets to be thinner. The HD2 also doesn't have 32GB of internal storage.


    If for some god forsaken reason changing the back shell from being static to being able to slide off completely destroys the lines and makeup of the phone, then Apple has the worst team of engineers on the planet hands down. At worst it would add one line (not even, if Apple extended the chrome to cover all the top and sides and bottom, then the plastic would be purely on the back and not wrapped around)

    Since Apple does not have to design a battery to fit into a battery compartment, its battery covers a large area of the phone which allows a larger battery. Have you yet seen a battery test for a phone with a removable battery and as thin as the iPhone with better battery life?


    What planet are you on Quadra, tons of people complain about the iphones battery and a quick glance at google with just "iphone battery life" yields over 17 million hits, with news storys and tips on how to help the sad thing not clunk out on you with partial day usage. Its sad when one of the first things you have to do when you come through the front door is plug your phone into the charger and its not even 2PM...

    You can find people on the internet who complain just about anything. I would argue that iPhone sales clearly show that enough people don't care about replaceable batteries to make the iPhone highly profitable. How many people truthfully carry around a second battery for their phone?

    The need to recharge the phone is directly related to how much you use the phone. If you use the phone and its apps rigorously the battery is going to drain quicker. There is no battery good enough to get around that paradox.


    BTW where are you getting Apple of being within 2% of RIM (in what category) because Apple has sold 33 million iphones since introduction (how many are in the hands of users?) while RIM has over 32 million current subscribers (new up to date data is available December 17th when they have their quarter announcements) on a BES/BIS with 65+ Million having been sold (the 50th million being sold earlier this year). So i'm a bit intrigued to find out where this info is coming from. (All mine comes from Apple quarterly reports and RIMs quarterly reports).

    You are saying because there is no way to know the exact number of iPhone users that their is a question of how close Apple is to RIM in market share. That goes both ways since we don't know there is no absolute way to prove Apple is not close to RIM in market share.


    Its not rocket science to have a removable battery, unfortunately 2 people i know who had iphones conveniently got dealt a busted battery right outside the 1 Year warranty, only thing left to do was go buy a new one (this is why i think apple does this...shady imho) the other actually had some clown replace the battery for like 120 bucks.

    I know several people who still have the first iPhone and have had no battery problems. But if one has to replace the battery, Google is your friend.

    A company that will replace the battery for $20.
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