Apple to delay iMac orders, citing display issues



  • Reply 41 of 75
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    If that's the case the case then you paid for AppleCare to take it to 3 years which is standard for most PC vendors.

    With Dell, even if you break it, your dog eats it or you spill your coffee in it if you pay the extra $100 it's a full replacement for any computer. That is not the case with Apple, it has to be a failure do to manufacting defect.

    In order to purchase Dell's "Complete Care" you must first purchase Dell's extended Hardware Warranty. Cost for a 3-year extended warranty: $300. Cost of the additional 3 year insurance $210.

    Total cost: $510

    Dell does not fully replace the computer unless necessary. The warranty states it will repair or replace.
  • Reply 42 of 75
    Originally Posted by hardcashe View Post

    In order to purchase Dell's "Complete Care" you must first purchase Dell's extended Hardware Warranty. Cost for a 3-year extended warranty: $300. Cost of the additional 3 year insurance $210.

    Total cost: $510

    Dell does not fully replace the computer unless necessary. The warranty states it will repair or replace.

    Do your research or lying a little better than that. Call Dell Customer Service 1-888-261-1716 and ask them for yourself.

    For a 3 year full replacement warranty it's $99.00. I have 24 hour full replacement for $99 for a full 3 yeas. Apple can't touch that.
  • Reply 43 of 75
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    That isn't necessarily as black-and-white as you suggest. A re-seller purchases the product; if they identify a defect then it gets returned and repaired. For Apple, the product has been sold, and as far as I can tell, the product is considered "used" when it is returned.

    The same concept holds true for display merchandise.

    If Apple has stock replacement parts and doesn't give replacement units away, it is a non-issue. If they give customers a full replacement product then they will end up with a bunch of refurbs, no matter what the technicalities are.

    Time will tell. So far, no 27" refurbs listed.

    No. I think you fail to see the point of law in addition to running a business and maximizing profits.

    You cannot sell and represent something as 'new' that has previously been sold - that means taken out of the box - by the end user.

    Why would Apple sell something refurbished when they can sell it new? What is your rational? It is a business. Why would Apple state it is refurbished if it is not and then sell it for 14% less than what they can sell it for as new?
  • Reply 44 of 75
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Do your research or lying a little better than that. Call Dell Customer Service 1-888-261-1716 and ask them for yourself.

    For a 3 year full replacement warranty it's $99.00. I have 24 hour full replacement for $99 for a full 3 yeas. Apple can't touch that.

    May I suggest you read more books in the hopes of raising your wisdom and ability to think? You seem capable of getting on the internet - maybe try using it to gain some facts versus providing a phone number to call Dell Customer Service? From Dell's own site - you must first get the warranty and then add the insurance. Got it? Thanks!

    "3 yr In-home Svs after remote diagnosis+Your Tech Team+Complete Care+LoJack [add $209 or $6/month1]"
  • Reply 45 of 75
    Originally Posted by hardcashe View Post

    May I suggest you read more books in the hopes of raising your wisdom and ability to think? You seem capable of getting on the internet - maybe try using it to gain some facts versus providing a phone number to call Dell Customer Service? From Dell's own site - you must first get the warranty and then add the insurance. Got it? Thanks!

    "3 yr In-home Svs after remote diagnosis+Your Tech Team+Complete Care+LoJack [add $209 or $6/month1]"

    That is not for their extended warranty. I would hope that all readers call the customer service number and ask for yourselves. I have a Dell XPS M1530 and it is covered for any reason for 3 years for $99.00. It's warrany was 1 year but I paid the additional for full coverage.
  • Reply 46 of 75
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Cranky View Post

    I only meant that if I had gotten one with the flicker issue I never would have heard the end of it. It isn't very easy to deal with a mad tight-wad.

    I hear ya... but you could have it worse... in my house it's not "WHY ON EARTH DO YOU WANT A 52in HDTV?!?!!??!" nope... in my house it's... "HEY HONEY? MAYBE WE SHOULD GET THE 60in insdead..."

    Now you might say... WOW thats GREAT!!!! But it's not... cause now I feel like I have to be the responsible one cause if we were left up to our own... We'd be totally bankrupt by now!
  • Reply 47 of 75
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    I received my i7 a couple days ago. I ordered it on November 27th (Black Friday), arrived on December 12. No cracked screen, no flickering, no DOA, ... nada. It's a pretty incredible machine.

    It's been flawless. No screen issues either. The only "quirk" so far is that prior mention of the Flash-stutter. Flash in Safari (particularly playing Vevo-YouTube) seems to stall for a second in-mid playback. It's not consistent. It's random.

    And for certain vocal people in this forum, my not having a matte-screen is a NON-ISSUE for me. The screen in gorgeous.

    I'm really curious about the issue Apple's been having with the 27-inchers. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
  • Reply 48 of 75
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    If that's the case the case then you paid for AppleCare to take it to 3 years which is standard for most PC vendors.

    With Dell, even if you break it, your dog eats it or you spill your coffee in it if you pay the extra $100 it's a full replacement for any computer. That is not the case with Apple, it has to be a failure do to manufacting defect.

    I have a late 2007 MBP with MANY Video issues and the Genius Bars keep giving me the run around and there is a KNOWN problem with these MBP with video issues and although you have a warranty I'd rush it in ASAP because if you do have an issue later on with spilt milk or accidental bump they will say you caused the problem-- I have 3 yr warranty that thing cost me $350 big ones -- I am going right in there next week-- i just had a MAJOR CRASH like my startup screen Apple logo was in friggin color stripes and shyt... arrrrrrghhh

    google it .. its all there for all to see.... INTEL is the DEVIL!!!! bad INTEL bad Intel...
  • Reply 49 of 75
    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    I have a late 2007 MBP with MANY Video issues and the Genius Bars keep giving me the run around and there is a KNOWN problem with these MBP with video issues and although you have a warranty I'd rush it in ASAP because if you do have an issue later on with spilt milk or accidental bump they will say you caused the problem-- I have 3 yr warranty that thing cost me $350 big ones -- I am going right in there next week-- i just had a MAJOR CRASH like my startup screen Apple logo was in friggin color stripes and shyt... arrrrrrghhh

    google it .. its all there for all to see.... INTEL is the DEVIL!!!! bad INTEL bad Intel...

    Video issues would be NVIDIA not Intel......
  • Reply 50 of 75

    According to the Apple iMac (Fall 2009) Issues blog, out of 678 respondents, nearly half have had problems with flickering displays. The issues blog reports that Apple resellers have been told of delays of 2 weeks in order to give Apple time to replace the graphics cards on the 27-inch iMacs. The iMac model in question comes in both dual-core and quad-core formats and contains the AMD ATI Radeon HD 4670 or 4850 model graphics cards.

    My Core i5 iMac was delivered on December 16, 2 days in advance. It was bought on Black Friday and delivery was last scheduled for December 18, 2009. My credit card was charged on December 10 as the iMac shipped out from Shanghai, China.

    I want to congratulate Apple and UPS Canada for delivering a brand new iMac with a huge screen and quad-core power. It's just been over a day and I still have to configure the wireless network, but so far, so good.

    Sound quality is impressive, thanks in part to 2 digital amplifiers of 17 watts each. I bought a mini stereo system with my iMac and I love it!

    Glare is not a problem, contrary to what I was led to believe on this forum. Before I bought the 27 inch iMac, I looked closer to my 17 inch HP CRT monitor or the LCD TV, and I noticed that both are highly reflective when they are turned off or display a uniform background colour like blue. But you don't notice any reflection if you turn them on and display images with a white background or a moving pattern.

    The screen is huge and doesn't have a reflection problem.

    Now, it's time to set up Airport Extreme so that I can surf the internet with my iMac.

  • Reply 51 of 75
    Originally Posted by quagmire View Post

    Video issues would be NVIDIA not Intel......

    I stand corrected, but I'm not leaving INTEL out, they are still EVIL

    BAD NVIDIA, BAD NVIDIA, and BAD INTEL have you been reading what they were up to ???

    I'm surprised apple wasn't caught up in their BS

  • Reply 52 of 75
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Mmm... this is a bit of a worry.

    I'm currently in discussions with Apple to return my 30" Cinema HD Display which (despite be advertised otherwise) doesn't work with Mini-DP.

    One of the proposed solutions was to swap the display out for a 27" iMac. Sounds like the iMac might suffer from the same problems?
  • Reply 53 of 75
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Apple are shipping all 27" imacs within 2 weeks and they have stock in the Apple high street stores. They just don't have anywhere near the amount of stock required to fill their internal orders and resellers so they are bumping reseller supplies.

    Resellers are being advised of a 'supply issue' with the 27" Displays not a fault. The information to suppliers is that the iMac 27" is a brand new model and there just are not enough displays available leading to a 4 to 6 week delay in supply.
  • Reply 54 of 75
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by MacOutlaw View Post

    Very Simple....

    Why, is everyone making such a gig about this?

    The new Screens take the glass to the edge...

    Is that a Hint? Any of you hardward developers??

    Of COURSE!

    You bump that edge, the screen gets cracked!

    I can't believe, who I'm written to!

    Where is SJ?

    He's too fugin stupid to read this.....

    You are a ....

    Once upon a time, there was a country called Apple. It made lots of money and all was well in the land of the Apple. Then some evil shareholders decided they didn't need the King of the land of Apple anymore, so they ousted him and installed a new King who made soft drinks and spoke German. But the crops failed and the harvests were poor in the land of Apple, and the shareholders hung their heads in shame at their foolishness.

    Meanwhile, the old King made for himself a new land of clever software and moving pictures - and he made lots of money. In fact the pictures were so good that another, older country that also made pictures grew jealous and fearful that the new type of moving pictures were better and more successful than their own so they offered half their treasury to the old King of Apple to take his moving picture making serfs and lands to make them their own.

    The shareholders saw how the old King prospered and thrived while the land of Apple withered before their eyes, so they cast out their new King, who spoke with a funny accent, and invited back the old King and gave him a sky chariot to play with. Under the new Old King, the land of the Apple once more thrived and prospered and all was good in the land of the Apple and the shareholders vowed they would never be so foolish again. All the Kings of all the countries that made things, agreed that the King of the land of the Apple was the wisest and best of all of them.

    The screen doesn't go to the edge, the glass in front of it does. The problem under discussion has nothing to do with failure due to edge impacts. Quite a few products contain glass to the edge designs without any real functional problems.
  • Reply 55 of 75
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Apple will never do a product recall during the holiday season and will more than likely handle it through warranty. Better hope your dad's goes out before warranty ends.

    If Apple is apologizing during the holiday season it likely means the entire product line is bad.

    They would never chance losing holiday sales for something that has become common for a first gen product from Apple.

    Personally, I like that they're even acknowledging that their are issues. In the past they tended to try to sweep them under the carpet.
  • Reply 56 of 75
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by grahamw View Post

    Please stay on topic everyone. I've warned the user for his off-topic and off-colour language.

    As for refurbs: I have worked in the supply chain side of retail and there is indeed such a thing as factory refurbs. HP is famous for them (they have a high throughput to business and their QA catches most of their defects prior to delivery.)

    So yes, there can be models that have never seen a retail store or a consumers hands that are marked as "refurbished".

    About HP . i understood that they USED refurb parts on spanking new p/c's and sold them as new / or is that gateway i am thinking about ?

    as opposed to apple pulling machines out of supply chain ? fixing a glitch and re-selling as refurbs.
  • Reply 57 of 75
    Well Apple are still shipping, they have just sent email confirmation that my "Advanced Replacement 27" i7" has shipped today and will be delivered in the Uk on the 16th..

    My first unit will be returned when I get the new one with really bad flickering and the screen going black.

    So if they have stopped shipping i7's its not stopped mine!
  • Reply 58 of 75
    Originally Posted by kim kap sol View Post

    Your words fall onto deaf homosexual knight ears.

    You know this happens 3-5 times a year with something bad yet Apple remains at number one in satisfaction. Just goes to show you how great the experience must be.

    Then again, in all seriousness, I wonder how the Pro market would rate them, no matte, esata, iMac nit upgradable, slow updates, with some software rumored to be stopped ala shake. Serious question. Anyone want to take a guess?

  • Reply 59 of 75
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    most of there cars for faulty floor mats.

    It's NOT just Apple that waits, it's damn near every major corporation who see it in their best interest to wait and see.

    There is always a chance that 1 run, one shift, (maybe 50-250 machines) are all that is bad, and recalling all of the product seems extreme.

    That does bring up a good question, and that is, when do they acknowledge that there IS an issue?

    It appears from some posts here, that Apple has in good will, taken machines back, repair or replaced them with no questions, this seems like a good thing.

  • Reply 60 of 75
    crankycranky Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    You are getting upset for an obvious design flaw or packaging issue by Apple. Don't blame him for being upset.

    Your response was not even warranted and given the number of 27" computers returned, I understand his/her frustration at how it has been handled by Apple until today to be unreasonable.

    So, yes I'll stand by my comment given the evidence that Apple has chosen yet once again to look the other way until it was called to the likes of the press.

    I was bothered by what he said becase of the caustic manner in which it was stated. The only thing that bothers me about the design flaw is the fact that I almost got one before it was discovered. The lesson I have learned from you and others on this forum is that while Apple for the most part turns out quality products that they are willing to stand by, they are very reticent to publicly admit their mistakes, i.e. glass to the edge screens, no matte finish option, and the flicker issue currently under discussion.

    I never thought about it the way you stated it above (see bold print). If that is what you had in mind when you said, "If Apple is apologizing during the holiday season it likely means the entire product line is bad, then I would have to say that although I may not entirely agree with you about the entire product line being bad, it would be stupid of me not to seriously consider the wisdom of your words.

    Thanks again for making me think.
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