Apple developers told to prepare 'full screen' apps for Jan. demo



  • Reply 21 of 101
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Sounds like a horrible idea. Tablet owners would have to put up with horribly upscaled, blurry looking apps for years to come.

    And Apple better add Flash support to the iPhone OS browser, or the tablet really will be (even more) pointless.
  • Reply 22 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    When people talk about Android fragmentation, they are talking about different user interface, difference OS version, different hardware capabilities. Developer would have to make their apps compatible for all of these variances.

    The reason their is no such fragmentation with the iPhone OS is because all of the devices use the same OS version and the same user interface. The only difference for the tablet is increasing the screen resolution.

    Like getting websites to use internet standards when IE6 from 2001(?) is still the most dominate browser. Aren?t most devices on Android v1.6 still despite v2.0 having come out months ago?
  • Reply 23 of 101
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    But it would be able to use mobile broadband. There is less reason why Apple could not use a hybrid GSM/CDMA radio chip in a tablet.

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    iTablet won't be a phone.

    It'll have Wifi but it won't be a phone. It may have VOIP but it won't be a phone.

  • Reply 24 of 101
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Sounds like a horrible idea. Tablet owners would have to put up with horribly upscaled, blurry looking apps for years to come.

    Why do you assume this is the case?

    Do you honestly think Apple, of all companies, is capable of such a thing??? Jeez . . .
  • Reply 25 of 101
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Yes I'm confused about that. Do Android users have to get their OS updates from the carrier or do they voluntarily update the phone.

    I think Apple is smart in how they are getting around this problem. By forcing developers to update their apps to the next OS version and the new apps are not compatible with the old OS. That forces people to upgrade the OS.

    Thankfully the anchor that IE 6 had become on web development is slowing fading away.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Like getting websites to use internet standards when IE6 from 2001(?) is still the most dominate browser. Aren’t most devices on Android v1.6 still despite v2.0 having come out months ago?

  • Reply 26 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Sounds like a horrible idea. Tablet owners would have to put up with horribly upscaled, blurry looking apps for years to come.

    Which may be the reason why Apple is requesting devs to make their apps looks great on higher res displays.


    And Apple better add Flash support to the iPhone OS browser, or the tablet really will be (even more) pointless.

    A tablet likely running on ARM, still with no HW acceleration even in the new Flash Beta for OS X, Adboe?s inability to get Flash 10.1 out to the other devices with a remote ability to make even watching Hulu videos in Flash feasible when they finally do, plus their success with the iPhone without Flash and push for HTTP Streaming makes me think that Adobe Flash will not be available for some time.
  • Reply 27 of 101
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Full screen means flexible based on the arbitrary window size, whether it be 640x480 to HD 1080p and beyond.

    OS X application developers deal with this all the time as they don't know what the output resolution is going to be on the end user's device.

    Well thats not **entirely true**

    Developers know the most popular selling computers currently in use... Once upon a time it was the 15" CRT iMac and while other Mac models existed with different screen sizes the iMac v1.0 was the 'sweet spot' where most developers knew they should shoot for.

    Fast forward they still know they need to shoot for a 'sweet spot' when developing application today. Granted the resolution is much greater now and somewhat more diverse but in the end the developers know that if they code their app expecting it to be seen on a 30" LCD display it would severely limit their potential audience and instead probably shoot for the current default resolution of the Mac Book as the average screen size.

    The problem is there is no 'sweet spot' to shoot for without some insight from Apple since this is a brand new device.
  • Reply 28 of 101
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Sounds like a horrible idea. Tablet owners would have to put up with horribly upscaled, blurry looking apps for years to come.

    And Apple better add Flash support to the iPhone OS browser, or the tablet really will be (even more) pointless.

    The apps won't be blurry cause they will run "Full Screen". I would like flash as well.

    If this is a tablet, then I am relatively exited. This could replace what people call netbooks (crapbooks) for good. Especially if the price is right. But it could also impact macbook air sales, cause if a tablet can run OSx and intel atom, a mobile computer user might not want a full featured laptop. Anywho, happy exiting apple year everyone!
  • Reply 29 of 101
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Sounds like a horrible idea. Tablet owners would have to put up with horribly upscaled, blurry looking apps for years to come.

    Which may be the reason why Apple is requesting devs to make their apps looks great on higher res displays.

    Yeah why wouldn't a developer upscale their app, its not difficult to do, and supports a larger user base.


    A tablet likely running on ARM, still with no HW acceleration even in the new Flash Beta for OS X, Adboe?s inability to get Flash 10.1 out to the other devices with a remote ability to make even watching Hulu videos in Flash feasible when they finally do, plus their success with the iPhone without Flash and push for HTTP Streaming makes me think that Adobe Flash will not be available for some time.

    I think even more than hardware its a philosophical point for Apple. They want the internet to be ruled by web standards. Apple is going through all of this effort to support and grow webkit, h.264, HTML5, and now HTTP Live Streaming. Continuing to support Flash would render this effort for nothing.
  • Reply 30 of 101
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    When people talk about Android fragmentation, they are talking about different user interface, difference OS version, different hardware capabilities. Developer would have to make their apps compatible for all of these variances.

    The reason their is no such fragmentation with the iPhone OS is because all of the devices use the same OS version and the same user interface. The only difference for the tablet is increasing the screen resolution. The tablet will also likely be able to multitask, but that doesn't really change anything for how a developer would create compatible apps for all devices.

    When people talk about iPhone/iPod/iTablet fragmentation, they are talking about different user interface, difference OS version, different hardware capabilities. Developer would have to make their apps compatible for all of these variances.

    The reason there is such fragmentation with the iPhone OS is because all of the devices use different OS versions and different user interfaces. One such difference for the tablet is increasing the screen resolution and changing the underlying hardware. The tablet will also likely be able to multitask, and this inherently radically changes everything for how a developer would create compatible apps for all devices.
  • Reply 31 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    The apps won't be blurry cause they will run "Full Screen?.

    Not to be pedantic, but my iPhone with a 3.5? 320x480 display runs all apps ?full screen?. Without quantifying it with a size, resolution or type (even saying using SVG) this article really is puzzling to me.
  • Reply 32 of 101
    this, along with the tablet rumor article recently posted, i think is getting the wrong idea here. every month it seems there's an article about apple bringing out a tablet.

    this is probably just a higher resolution iphone. new phones like the nokia n900 are coming out with much higher resolution screens than the iphone. i would think it's just an iphone update.

    i don't think anything about steve jobs' thought process would allude to a tablet, at least like anything we've seen thus far. microsoft's idea of tablet pcs was a complete failure. i think apple knows that people either want a laptop, or something that fits completely in their pocket. nothing in between.

    and people don't want handwriting recognition.
  • Reply 33 of 101
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    When people talk about iPhone/iPod/iTablet fragmentation

    You can't talk about something that doesn't actually exist.
  • Reply 34 of 101
    I dunno. The LaLa and CBS/Disney deals, plus asking for apps that run "full screen" all point to a new and improved AppleTV with game app store, music streaming, TV subscriptions ,etc.

    We'll see.
  • Reply 35 of 101
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    What fragmentation are you talking about? There is no fragmentation.

    Currently there is no UI fragmentation between the iPhone/ iPod Touch, they use the exact same UI. Looking at the history of Apple's design philosophy Apple likes cohesion between its software and UI. There is absolutely no reason to believe that a tablet UI would be radically different from the iPhone UI.

    An iPhone OS tablet will likely have some slight differences in that there are some things that would work better on a larger canvas, but the basic touchscreen elements will be the same.

    What exactly would a developer have to radically change because of multitasking?

    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    When people talk about iPhone/iPod/iTablet fragmentation, they are talking about different user interface, difference OS version, different hardware capabilities. Developer would have to make their apps compatible for all of these variances.

    The reason there is such fragmentation with the iPhone OS is because all of the devices use different OS versions and different user interfaces. One such difference for the tablet is increasing the screen resolution and changing the underlying hardware. The tablet will also likely be able to multitask, and this inherently radically changes everything for how a developer would create compatible apps for all devices.

  • Reply 36 of 101
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    So we're all excited about this but can anyone image having an iTablet? What benefit does it have over a Macbook?

    I'd rather have an iMac with a touch screen that can be removed from the base. The base would be used as a WiFi access point. This has been done before but it would be neat if Apple would do it.
  • Reply 37 of 101
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    You can't talk about something that doesn't actually exist.

    It does actually exist. I already explained it. Different versions of mobile OS X, different hardware capabilities, different interfaces.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    What fragmentation are you talking about? There is no fragmentation. Currently there is no UI fragmentation between the iPhone/ iPod Touch, they use the exact same UI. Looking at the history of Apple's design philosophy Apple likes cohesion between its software and UI. There is absolutely no reason to believe that a tablet UI would be radically different from the iPhone UI. An iPhone OS tablet will very well have some slight differences in that there are some things that would work better on a larger canvas, but the basic UI will be the same. What exactly would a developer have to radically change because of multitasking?

    There is obvious fragmentation of the iPhone/iPod Touch/iTablet. Just open your eyes and look at the very fact that there are multiple different hardware AND software iterations of the iPhone and iPod, and soon to be iTablet. iPhone 2g, iPhone 3g, iPhone 3gs, iPod touch 1st gen, 2nd gen, iTablet 1st gen.

    When one device can multitask, and others can't, then you can see the fragmentation.

    Take the blinders off. The fragmentation is right in front of you.

    The Great iPhone/iPod Touch/iTablet Fragmentation continues . . . .
  • Reply 38 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    One such difference for the tablet is increasing the screen resolution and changing the underlying hardware. The tablet will also likely be able to multitask, and this inherently radically changes everything for how a developer would create compatible apps for all devices.

    That would be a change and I think the demo in January with a release around March is likely important for several reasons.
    1) Introducing a new SDK that will give developers plenty of time to update their apps for the tablet platform, which will be done by most (though not all) that people use since to expand your app to a new platform with little effort will likely result in more money.

    2) There are likely subscribers not on board and the demo can serve as way to letting them know they need to play ball or be left in the dust by the already signed subscribers.

    3) Showing us the device HW and UI with the way subscriptions will be purchased, received and viewed to help spark interest and free press. As well as feedback for any UI tweaks before launch.
    To a lesser extent for demoing?
    a) It may have an option for carrier subsidization to lower the initial price or simply be at full price with no 3G card, either way significant investment for many that may require some thought.

    b) It needs to launch a few months before the next iPhone to hopefully not affect sales since there will likely be some minor overlapping.
  • Reply 39 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    It does actually exist. I already explained it. Different versions of mobile OS X, different hardware capabilities, different interfaces.

    Gee, really fragmented. There is no way I cold figure out the 3GS with v3.0 after using the original or 3G iPhone with v3.0.
    fragment: a part broken or separated off something, to break up or fragment.

    evolution: the gradual development of something, to grow or to modify.
    A different example…

    Windows 7 is the evolution of Windows over Windows Vista which is the evolution of earlier versions of Windows and DOS. Each Windows version is fragmented into different types of installs, from basic to feature filled, from upgrade-only-to full-install.
  • Reply 40 of 101
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Gee, really fragmented. There is no way I cold figure out the 3GS with v3.0 after using the original or 3G iPhone with v3.0.

    ironically, you are showing no picture of the original iPhone, or the iPod Touch with no camera. Oh yes, you are also not showing the many iterations of the iPhone OS's with various differences in features. Oh yes, you are also not showing any of the many differences in hardware specifications between the different models.

    Better luck next time, champ.
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