Microsoft, HP introduce touchscreen 'slate PC' at CES



  • Reply 161 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Microsoft?s Ballmer claims there isn?t a sizeable market for tablets

    "Last night's keynote address by Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer came and went without a mention of a Microsoft tablet. Ballmer had a line up of products that included a tablet PC from HP. He spent less than a minute showing it off," Laura Sydell reports for NPR.

    "This morning, I interviewed Ballmer and asked him about the market for tablet/slate computers," Sydell reports. "He made the excitement sound like empty chatter. He claimed to believe that there isn't a sizeable market for the tablet. 'They're interesting,' he said. 'But it's not like they're big numbers compared to the total number of smart devices in the world.'"

    "As the world knows, everyone is anticipating a tablet computer from Apple later this winter. Based on the veracity of past rumors about Apple, I believe this to be true," Sydell reports. "I asked Ballmer, 'Why would Apple spend so much money and time on a tablet if there wasn't a big market?' He deftly deflected my question saying, 'You'd have to ask Apple.'"

    "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance." - Steve Ballmer, 2007.

  • Reply 162 of 243
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    And virtually no one bought them. Is that because consumers were wrong or because such devices didn't serve any real purpose (outside of a few specialized markets)? If not, why? Perhaps because they were poorly designed? If so, what was wrong with them? Perhaps the OS was ill suited to the application? Perhaps the available hardware at the time of their introduction was inadequate to the task at hand?

    I highlighted the two main points.

    The tablets of ye old days were slow & expensive. The novelty was you could write on it! Awesome! While that is a cool concept and is very niche (very) i think almost everyone can type faster than they can write. That meant carrying around an EXTRA keyboard. Now why buy a tablet over a laptop when you need extra peripherals to accomplish the same task? Why pay for an overpriced tablet with less power than a laptop, that STILL needs even more money for peripherals to make it more usable for basic computing needs?

    Still, with the introduction of cheaper laptops, the tablet was pretty much killed.

    The Courier was exciting not only because of the UI but because it was similar to a laptop, one does not need to buy an extra keyboard. On screen solutions work but on a slate design you need to either prop it up to use both hands, hold it with one hand while you peck at it, or lay it completely down to type which results in you having to look down the entire time. With a style more similar to a laptop, all you have to do is just prop up the screen and type away (you still have to look at what your typing though unless they have similar nubs like those commonly found on the f and j keys)
  • Reply 163 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Microsoft?s Ballmer claims there isn?t a sizeable market for tablets

    "Last night's keynote address by Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer came and went without a mention of a Microsoft tablet. Ballmer had a line up of products that included a tablet PC from HP. He spent less than a minute showing it off," Laura Sydell reports for NPR.

    "This morning, I interviewed Ballmer and asked him about the market for tablet/slate computers," Sydell reports. "He made the excitement sound like empty chatter. He claimed to believe that there isn't a sizeable market for the tablet. 'They're interesting,' he said. 'But it's not like they're big numbers compared to the total number of smart devices in the world.'"

    "As the world knows, everyone is anticipating a tablet computer from Apple later this winter. Based on the veracity of past rumors about Apple, I believe this to be true," Sydell reports. "I asked Ballmer, 'Why would Apple spend so much money and time on a tablet if there wasn't a big market?' He deftly deflected my question saying, 'You'd have to ask Apple.'"

    "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance." - Steve Ballmer, 2007.

    I already posted that the current Tablet market is between 2-4%. Do you consider that sizeable?
  • Reply 164 of 243
    tsad23tsad23 Posts: 46member
    Ballmer has no business running a lemonade stand, let alone one of the largest corporations in the world. MSFT shareholders should toss this moron out with the rest of the garbage that they are trying to pass off as innovation and cutting edge.

    That being said, I hope Apple's slate kicks ass just to spite this arrogant moron.
  • Reply 165 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Microsoft?s Ballmer claims there isn?t a sizeable market for tablets

    "Last night's keynote address by Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer came and went without a mention of a Microsoft tablet. Ballmer had a line up of products that included a tablet PC from HP. He spent less than a minute showing it off," Laura Sydell reports for NPR.

    "This morning, I interviewed Ballmer and asked him about the market for tablet/slate computers," Sydell reports. "He made the excitement sound like empty chatter. He claimed to believe that there isn't a sizeable market for the tablet. 'They're interesting,' he said. 'But it's not like they're big numbers compared to the total number of smart devices in the world.'"

    "As the world knows, everyone is anticipating a tablet computer from Apple later this winter. Based on the veracity of past rumors about Apple, I believe this to be true," Sydell reports. "I asked Ballmer, 'Why would Apple spend so much money and time on a tablet if there wasn't a big market?' He deftly deflected my question saying, 'You'd have to ask Apple.'"

    "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance." - Steve Ballmer, 2007.

    This hits the nail on the head.
  • Reply 166 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Microsoft?s Ballmer claims there isn?t a sizeable market for tablets

    "Last night's keynote address by Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer came and went without a mention of a Microsoft tablet. Ballmer had a line up of products that included a tablet PC from HP. He spent less than a minute showing it off," Laura Sydell reports for NPR.

    "This morning, I interviewed Ballmer and asked him about the market for tablet/slate computers," Sydell reports. "He made the excitement sound like empty chatter. He claimed to believe that there isn't a sizeable market for the tablet. 'They're interesting,' he said. 'But it's not like they're big numbers compared to the total number of smart devices in the world.'"

    "As the world knows, everyone is anticipating a tablet computer from Apple later this winter. Based on the veracity of past rumors about Apple, I believe this to be true," Sydell reports. "I asked Ballmer, 'Why would Apple spend so much money and time on a tablet if there wasn't a big market?' He deftly deflected my question saying, 'You'd have to ask Apple.'"

    "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance." - Steve Ballmer, 2007.

    Here you go look at how innovative Apple is being by creating a Tablet. Sure looks like they are in short supply......
  • Reply 167 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I already posted that the current Tablet market is between 2-4%. Do you consider that sizeable?

    Until Apple releases theirs.

    There isn't a sizable market for tablets with Winblows, that much is clear.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Here you go look at how innovative Apple is being by creating a Tablet. Sure looks like they are in short supply......

    Exactly. Neither of those were made by Apple.
  • Reply 168 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Until Apple releases theirs.

    There isn't a sizable market for tablets with Winblows, that much is clear.

    Exactly. Neither of those were made by Apple.

    Neither of those? Did you see how many Tablets are reviewed? You know whats so funny about this forum, if Apple announced their Tablet first everyone would have said they stole the thunder for CES. Looks like thats what CES did today to Apple.

    There is no way the Apple Tablet can live up to the hype. There simply isn't a need for a Tablet. The void simply isn't large enough.
  • Reply 169 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Neither of those? Did you see how many Tablets are reviewed? You know whats so funny about this forum, if Apple announced their Tablet first everyone would have said they stole the thunder for CES. Looks like thats what CES did today to Apple.

    How? By introducing a half-assed device that barely got any reaction and which prompted laughter from everyone reporting on it? Even Ballmer looked like he hated it.

    MS doesn't get it. Period.
  • Reply 170 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    How? By introducing a half-assed device that barely got any reaction and which prompted laughter from everyone reporting on it? Even Ballmer looked like he hated it.

    MS doesn't get it. Period.

    MS has nothing to do with this. MS simply provides software to anyone that wants to pay to use it. Thats something you seem to have trouble understanding. Microsoft doesn't and shouldn't care if their software is used on a 5,000 gaming system or a netbook they get paid the same amount.

    You act like Apple has never gone through hard times. You must have a short memory.

    In any case use yourself as an example. If you own a Macbook/MBP and an iPhone, then tell me what great void does a Tablet fill for you? Or anyone else for that matter.

    Whats the advantage to giving up a keyboard? Whats the advantage to having a less powerful system compared to a Macbook or MBP?

    What news can you get in tablet form that you can't already get online? Is it worth 700.00+ simply to read books or surf the net?

    Even Steve Jobs said a Tablet was only good for surfing the net in the bathroom.
  • Reply 171 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    MS has nothing to do with this. MS simply provides software to anyone that wants to pay to use it. Thats something you seem to have trouble understanding. Microsoft doesn't and shouldn't care if their software is used on a 5,000 gaming system or a netbook they get paid the same amount.

    That'as the problem. Whoring out your OS to any and all takers is not a recipe for ensuring that the User Experience meets ceratin standards. All MS is interested in is more units sales and sheer volume. That's how crap is produced.

    What Steve Jobs said at one point, is what he said. The proof is in Apple's actions. Just look at what rolls out of Cupertino. We're on the verge of Slate computing for the masses. If Apple's making it, that means there's something they know that the pundits can't seem to grasp, that the big players can't seem to grasp, and that remains somewhat ill-defined until Apple shows us exactly what it's about. If it's a major project for Apple, chances are that current trends mean squat . . . because Apple's about to change them. You don't see a reason for a tablet? Apparently MS and HP saw one. Those other tablet manufacturers saw one. But this time around, there's an atual possibility that someone will do it right.

    But hey, keep repeating Ballmer's comments and pundits' common assumotions on the subject, because when Apple's device is revealed, we'll all be interested in your (very likely) "modified" opinion on the subject.
  • Reply 172 of 243
    csimmonscsimmons Posts: 101member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You clearly have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to understanding how the end user benefits from competition. Apple isn't the one that needs competition the end users is the one the benefits from it.

    Reading comprehension isn't part of your skill set, is it? My statement had nothing to do with whether or not end users benefit from competition. That's a given. The writer was using the "competition" argument to suggest that somehow companies like Microsoft and other are somehow forcing Apple to innovate in order to stay relevant.

    Again, the only competition Apple has had for a while is Apple itself, and end users have benefitted for it greatly, without the help of outside forces. What part of that did you not understand?

    Once again; Apple is pushing Apple to innovate, NOT Microsoft, NOT Dell, NOTHP.

    Try again.
  • Reply 173 of 243
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    That'as the problem. Whoring out your OS to any and all takers is not a recipe for ensuring that the User Experience meets ceratin standards. All MS is interested in is more units sales and sheer volume. That's how crap is produced.

    What Steve Jobs said at one point, is what he said. The proof is in Apple's actions. Just look at what rolls out of Cupertino. We're on the verge of Slate computing for the masses. If Apple's making it, that means there's something they know that the pundits can't seem to grasp, that the big players can't seem to grasp, and that remains somewhat ill-defined until Apple shows us exactly what it's about. If it's a major project for Apple, chances are that current trends mean squat . . . because Apple's about to change them. You don't see a reason for a tablet? Apparently MS and HP saw one. Those other tablet manufacturers saw one. But this time around, there's an atual possibility that someone will do it right.

    But hey, keep repeating Ballmer's comments and pundits' common assumotions on the subject, because when Apple's device is revealed, we'll all be interested in your (very likely) "modified" opinion on the subject.

    Very few products Apple has created has gone out to the masses. The iPod and iPhone are the only two products in Apples history that have a leading market share. By the way that leading market share is due mostly to Windows users. All you have to do is look at the iTunes for Windows install base to know if it wasn't for Windows users neither product would be successful.

    My opinion is based on how I think the public is going to react. I actually like the idea of a very functional Tablet and I will be one of the first to buy an Apple tablet if I feel is suit my needs. I have said that in several other thread. However you didn't answer my core question which was what void does this really fill and the answer is not a very large one.

    Even on this forum you would be hard pressed to fine members that agree that slate computing is gonig to replace notebooks. That simply isn't going to happen.

    Apple also isn't going to put out a product for 700.00 that is going to take away from a more expensive Macbook.

    Apple is simply in the position at this time to dive into pet project that may or may not be successful. Like Apple TV this would be one of those projects.
  • Reply 174 of 243
    Originally Posted by csimmons View Post

    Reading comprehension isn't part of your skill set, is it? My statement had nothing to do with how end users benefit from competition. That's a given. The writer was using the "competition" argument to suggest that somehow companies like Microsoft and other are somehow forcing Apple to innovate in order to stay relevant.

    Again, the only competition Apple has had for a while is Apple itself, and end users have benefitted for it greatly, without the help of outside forces. What part of that did you not understand?

    Try again.

    Companies are forcing Apple to say innovative. As bad as Microsoft is right now they still own the PC market. Google has now intro the Nexus One which looks to be a great smartphone.

    For the exception of the iPod what market share does Apple lead? As good as the iPhone is it still isn't a market share leader overall. Nokia and RIM are still ahead overall. Even LG overall has more market share then Apple.

    Everyone keeps talking about Microsoft when its Google thats going to blow by Apple if they don't stay innovative.
  • Reply 175 of 243
    Originally Posted by John the Geek View Post

    Or it could just be the word for a tablet that has no keyboard. Slate computers have been around for years. They just always used a stylus until now.

    Indeed. "Slate," like "convertible," is a generic term for a type of tablet computer, and has been for many years.
  • Reply 176 of 243
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    What gives?

    This new HP device still runs Windows. HP should choose another operating system and give consumers a real choice, now that would dazzle me. That would be revolutionary.

    I agree with you that as this product is it's far from revolutionary, but since it's a Windows machine being useful and working well is still light years away.

    Well, that is your opinion. I'm working with Win 7 both home and office and can't be happier with it. Even our customers, who got a bit lazy with almost a decade with XP, are responding well to Win 7.

    While overly simplified GUI works well for iPhone-size devices, from tablet I want full functionality - things like access to printers, for example. External screen or projector. If I can't get simple OS that does it all, I'll rather take "complicated" OS that does it all.
  • Reply 177 of 243
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    That'as the problem. Whoring out your OS to any and all takers is not a recipe for ensuring that the User Experience meets ceratin standards. All MS is interested in is more units sales and sheer volume. That's how crap is produced.

    What Steve Jobs said at one point, is what he said. The proof is in Apple's actions. Just look at what rolls out of Cupertino. We're on the verge of Slate computing for the masses. If Apple's making it, that means there's something they know that the pundits can't seem to grasp, that the big players can't seem to grasp, and that remains somewhat ill-defined until Apple shows us exactly what it's about. If it's a major project for Apple, chances are that current trends mean squat . . . because Apple's about to change them. You don't see a reason for a tablet? Apparently MS and HP saw one. Those other tablet manufacturers saw one. But this time around, there's an atual possibility that someone will do it right.

    But hey, keep repeating Ballmer's comments and pundits' common assumotions on the subject, because when Apple's device is revealed, we'll all be interested in your (very likely) "modified" opinion on the subject.

    Well what really roll from Apple?

    Good looking phone with great GUI, poor reception and some sad limitations.

    Music players with built in cameras (???)

    Notebooks in metal cases (wow)

    Quad Core desktops (just a few years late)

    I'm really not getting you. Tone of your messages indicate that whatever comes from Apple, you see as The Newest Testament... or Qur'an Rebooted... some earth shattering, civilisation changing achievements... when it is only consumer IT with nice looks, some sleek interfaces, and number of limitations.
  • Reply 178 of 243
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well what really roll from Apple?

    Good looking phone with great GUI, poor reception and some sad limitations.

    Music players with built in cameras (???)

    Notebooks in metal cases (wow)

    Quad Core desktops (just a few years late)

    I'm really not getting you. Tone of your messages indicate that whatever comes from Apple, you see as The Newest Testament... or Qur'an Rebooted... some earth shattering, civilisation changing achievements... when it is only consumer IT with nice looks, some sleek interfaces, and number of limitations.

    Thats one thing Apple should work on, making the iPhone a decent phone. Great web browser awful phone.
  • Reply 179 of 243
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well what really roll from Apple?

    Good looking phone with great GUI, poor reception and some sad limitations.

    Music players with built in cameras (???)

    Notebooks in metal cases (wow)

    Quad Core desktops (just a few years late)

    I'm really not getting you. Tone of your messages indicate that whatever comes from Apple, you see as The Newest Testament... or Qur'an Rebooted... some earth shattering, civilisation changing achievements... when it is only consumer IT with nice looks, some sleek interfaces, and number of limitations.

    Yep, Apple hasn't been doing much of anything. Pointless or crippled products which make no impact and sell poorly.

    Oh, and they're hemorrhaging money. You have an astonishing grasp of the tech industry, sir.
  • Reply 180 of 243
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple also isn't going to put out a product for 700.00 that is going to take away from a more expensive Macbook.

    Why not? Cannibalisation doesn't mean that each and every 'tablet' sale is a lost Macbook sale. What if it's 1 in 5, or 1 in 20? That's a big chunk of new income.

    And then there is the cannibalisation that Apple is actually aiming for.....


    All you have to do is look at the iTunes for Windows install base to know if it wasn't for Windows users neither product would be successful.


    The vast majority of Apple's current customers use Windows. If this Apple tablet is enough to tempt (some) Mac users away from buying an Apple notebook then it's just as capable of tempting PC users also. (And there's many more of them!)


    By the way that leading market share (ipod, iPhone) is due mostly to Windows users.

    It always amuses me when people think that that's some kind of negative.


    Apple is simply in the position at this time to dive into pet project that may or may not be successful. Like Apple TV this would be one of those projects.

    As a product, it may or may not be successful, but I am absolutely certain that it's not a "hobby".
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