Apple confirms Jan. 27 media event to show off 'latest creation'



  • Reply 81 of 299
    My guess is that all the ink blots are a clue that this device is going to revolutionize the printing industry. Apple wants to do for magazines, comic books and textbooks, what they did for the music industry.
  • Reply 82 of 299
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Or perhaps we are reading far too much into the technicolor vomit?


    LOL. That is well put. Much as it is fun to speculate and all, the splatter does look kind of ugly to me.
  • Reply 83 of 299
    Man, it's going to be during one of my classes, and it's the first week of them and skipping isn't even an option
  • Reply 84 of 299
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Apple does not stream video of their live events.

    You can follow it liveblogged on various tech sites (Cnet, Engadget, Gizmodo, etc.).

    At some later point in time (usually a day or two), they will upload video footage to their own website.

    Thanks a bunch for the info!
  • Reply 85 of 299
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Could be just colors Apple likes, or the art director talks to Ives, but.... that's an exact match.

    It's interesting that the colors only really relate to the Nano, not the shuffle or anything else. The iphone nano rumors may come true:

    and the iphone can come in a variety of colors.

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson

    Is it just me who would find it hilarious if Steve came on stage and just said something like, "we've re-designed our website" then wandered off!

    That's what I'd do. The whole PC industry has jumped on the slate idea and brought out products to take attention away from Apple and they've just shown blatantly how they are tailing them even when they bring out products first. That's why I think if there's going to be a slate input, it should just be an iphone/ipod docking display.

    This way Apple can ship more ipods/iphones with OS 4 and (restricted) multitasking and not give people the dilemma of choosing between an iphone and a tablet - few people can afford both.

    It will be what the 24" Cinema display is to the Macbook Pro. The main device is portable but you get a bigger screen when you need it. It simply needs a screen, big battery and SD memory as well as the speakers and microphone for incoming calls.

    This way people who already have an ipod/iphone get a very cheap slate and there's still the incentive to buy the new one as the Cortex A9 + PowerVR will run so much more smoothly. This also gets round any data contract issues as it's using the phone contract you already pay for to go online.
  • Reply 86 of 299
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyp View Post

    To quote my favorite scholar, Bugs Bunny, you guys are a bunch of maroons!

    I prefer ultra-maroon. That's what he says in the episode where he also uses the words nin-camp-poop and gulli-bull (an especially good one as he is making fun of a bull). Those writers were both brilliant and high.
  • Reply 87 of 299
    Dunno if it's already been said, as I haven't read the comments. But my guess is that the colours refer to the comparison with BW E-Books such as the kindle.
  • Reply 88 of 299
    January 27 is my birthday. I have a feeling it will be one of the most memorable in years. Hopefully my heart rate will slow down before next Wednesday; otherwise I might collapse. How do I do that? Every day there's another rumor, and now we know something's coming. Damn! I may die before my next birthday, no chance to see the multicolored creation...
  • Reply 89 of 299
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    What are we to make of the graphics? Is it some kind of Rorschach Test?

    I'm thinking it might have a color screen. But don't hold me to that
  • Reply 90 of 299
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Hmmmm..... someone already reference the iPod socks, but those colors come from the

    Here's the current Nano pallet, also using the paint motif:

    And here's the product announcement colors, again:

    Could be just colors Apple likes, or the art director talks to Ives, but.... that's an exact match.

    Looks like someone shot the Nano pallet with a shotgun. I guess that means the announcement is going to blow us all away
  • Reply 91 of 299
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Emerging from and replacing the confusion of multiple [paint splatters], Apple stands on the solid background of [a calming color], shining with a simple, familiar white purity which cuts through ALL the clutter.

    It is a very powerful and evocative image. Apple must have just about the best PR firm in the world.

    Ah yes! The splatter reprensents the history of the tablet, and the Apple logo, all-confirming of our hopes and dreams... that the Apple concept will leave all others behind.

  • Reply 92 of 299

    Is 2010 and what will happened on 27 Jan ?

    As Dave said ...

    "Something Wonderful"


    Change The World?


  • Reply 93 of 299
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    That graphic might make a cool image to skin the back of the tablet. Maybe I'll be the first to make one
  • Reply 94 of 299
    Originally Posted by GlynC View Post

    As I've said previously, I believe (from what I've seen/read) that there'll be no stand-alone 'Tablet', there'll be a new iPhone hardware version with a super-fast multicore chip spawned from their PA Semi IP. There will then be an iPhone accessory which is essentially a large, multi-touch display which will house the iPhone.

    While it is commonly believed that the P.A. Semi engineers are working on new ARM designs, I am not sure if the timing is right.

    These guys were previously working on PowerPC designs. I don't know if it is reasonable to think that they can come up to speed on a new architecture (ARM), design, tape out and release a new chip in a year and a half.

    I'm sure that P.A. Semi-designed silicon will eventually show up in various Apple products, I don't know if the time is now and the tablet is the device. After all, the tablet has been a project going on for years and years. I would guess that a more likely CPU would be a multicore ARM Cortex-A9 in a more conventional design.

    More likely, a P.A. Semi-designed ARM chip would show up in the iPhone first, where power and space constraints would benefit the most from a system-on-a-chip design.
  • Reply 95 of 299
    To my eyes this invitation is a homage to the revolutionary artist Jackson Pollock.

    The message is clear: This will be a game changing announcement. Nothing will ever be as it was before. The choice of colors gives it the typical simple Apple style.

    Revolutionary yes, but simple as kids play.

    This will be the announcement that SJ has been working towards and dreaming about for the last 20 years. And this will be what he will be remembered for. The stakes are high and we will see if this will be his biggest success or, well, yes: It might turn out to be the first miss in a long time.

    Can't wait to see it!

    Have fun everybody!
  • Reply 96 of 299
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Or perhaps we are reading far too much into the technicolor vomit?



    If you believe some of the commenters here, we should be able to predict the entire design of the device from the invitation e-mail graphic.

    More likely, someone in Apple PR is laughing hysterically because they said, "Why don't we just post some random colorful blotches as see what these maniacs come up with?"
  • Reply 97 of 299
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Am I detecting any sarcasm in this post?

    Nope, I just don't put much stock in the rumors and speculation. When it comes to unannounced Apple products, reliable information sources are very hard to come by.


    After all, this thread immediately follows one which essentially discounts the use of OLED displays due to supply chain issues (cost, availability).

  • Reply 98 of 299
    Originally Posted by Daggermann View Post

    To my eyes this invitation is a homage to the revolutionary artist Jackson Pollock.

    You mean it will be an abstract mess that many will say that my child could have created it?

    We'd better hope not!
  • Reply 99 of 299
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    That graphic might make a cool image to skin the back of the tablet. Maybe I'll be the first to make one

    That reminds me of a discussion in an earlier thread where we were speculating on the touch sensitive back surface. But now that you mention it, the technology would seem to be at odds with protective case maker's usual designs.
  • Reply 100 of 299
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post

    The biggest problem I see is that I can't rip the books on my bookshelf, and I'm sure not going to buy them all again.

    I have this very same problem with Movies. The one thing that bugs me about iTunes movies is i can't rip the movies i own. If there was the same flexibility as music does. Then the a-la-carte marketing of iTunes would be more viable for movies, books, magazines, etc.
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