Verizon, AT&T in 11th hour talks for CDMA, GSM Apple tablets - report



  • Reply 61 of 98
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    I also think iLife will have some sort of presence on the new iPod Touch, working with the one on the Mac. Of course which begs the question if iLife is now going to jump over to Windows or not.

    And destroy one of the top reasons switchers have to buy a Mac?

    No way.
  • Reply 62 of 98
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    Crazy... CDMA was killed off here many years ago, I find it staggering that it even becomes an issue. It almost seems like like commercial suicide that they'll have to make a tablet/iphone just to suit the few networks that actually use CDMA tech still.

    Because just as with the iPhone, the US market will probably be the biggest for the iSlate.
  • Reply 63 of 98
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by jocknerd View Post

    If Apple releases a tablet that requires me to sign up with a data plan, then I have no interest in the device. Apple should make it wi-fi only and tell people that if they want access on the go, they should get a mi-fi. Thats what I plan to do if Apple doesn't screw it up.

    If it can do phone calls, I'll just take the SIM out of my iPhone and use that. If not, then yes, I also would not be willing to buy a second subscription. I have enough outgoings each month as-is.
  • Reply 64 of 98
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    This can't be good.

    Things that are free tend not to stay that way, just long enough to corner the market.

    And people are not going to go for a second cell phone bill in addition to their iPhone.

    So I suspect this is a bigger iPhone and a much bigger iPod Touch/iSlate.

    Good points, I pay too much for my iPhone service, I am definitely not about to add another $30 or $40 for service to a tablet that doesn't quite exist yet. Don't get me wrong though, I am curious to see said tablet flex it's muscles, but if it's tied to carrier service like the iPhone... deal breaker \
  • Reply 65 of 98
    Originally Posted by Patranus View Post


    But what percentage of the POPULATION does AT&T cover?

    Do you rally think Apple product target cities or hickville?

    Wow. Apple targets anyone that will buy their products. AT$T is keeping them from doing that with their crappy network. Who cares if you have AT$T coverage if it doesn't work. Sure you can cover 97% of the population but who cares when you drop calls everyday. I have 5 Bars and 3G sitting in my house but it still is useless and I live outside Washington DC, far from hickville.
  • Reply 66 of 98
    Originally Posted by ruckerz View Post

    You give people unlimited bandwith/download quotas and they'll freeload all day.

    Freeload? Sorry I want to use my service as it is described, "unlimited". Well if my service actually worked.
  • Reply 67 of 98
    Originally Posted by bartfat View Post

    ...somehow Europe's providers can manage in Europe to cover the continent for $20 a month, plus give you landline internet. I call shenanigans on the telcos...

    To be fair, Europe settled on the GSM standard long ago, while the United States has struggled with competing and incompatible RF standards for decades.

    Additionally, the EU has 60% greater population (500M) than the US, but in less than half the surface area (1.7M vs. 3.8M square miles). Less infrastructure is needed to cover a smaller area.

    And while you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much cellular coverage, I don't see the benefit to Verizon customers of covering 95% of Kansas with 3G unless cows are now using cellphones. ("Got milk? There's an app for that.")
  • Reply 68 of 98
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Plenty of United States citizens never leave these shores !

    Plenty of United States citizens also commute only between their job and their house in the suburbs, yet they still drive a 4x4 Hummer with skid plates and a chrome brush guard. You know...just in case.
  • Reply 69 of 98
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by cliphord View Post

    Why would I, the consumer, spend $600 - $999 for a tablet that prevents me from switching networks in the future? A tablet isn't meant to be somewhat "disposable" (replaceable?) like a phone.

    You already spend $600-$900 on your iPhone, except that in the US you cannot actually 'buy' it, it is more like a leasing contract.

    Just because you lease a $50000 car, does not make it disposable.
  • Reply 70 of 98
    I personally don't like the prospective pattern of Apple tying their devices to a specific carrier if it means exclusion for customers on other networks. Taking away choice for such desirable devices isn't palatable to loyal Apple customers, in my opinion.\
  • Reply 71 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jocknerd View Post

    If Apple releases a tablet that requires me to sign up with a data plan, then I have no interest in the device. Apple should make it wi-fi only and tell people that if they want access on the go, they should get a mi-fi. Thats what I plan to do if Apple doesn't screw it up.

    No, they shouldn?t make it ?wi-fi only?. There are many that want 3G access on this device or they?re not likely to get it. I want there to be an option for WiFi data access and an option for 3G+WiFi data access.
  • Reply 72 of 98
    The cellular modem should be a user replaceable module so carriers and technology can be changed/upgraded at will!
  • Reply 73 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    The cellular modem should be a user replaceable module so carriers and technology can be changed/upgraded at will!

    I hope they do that, too, like the way the old AirPort cards were set within the battery bay of old PowerBooks and iBooks.

    I wonder if they?ll just go the Kindle route and have some standard and free 3G coverage with the same of the device, but allow it to only access the Apple Publication Store unless you want to pay for data through the carrier. That would likely mean only one carrier, though.
  • Reply 74 of 98
    Verizon is trying to keep it's stock from being pummeled.

    This rumor is so credible - because we all know - Apple makes dozens of versions of it's products (apart from color and memory) to put in one single feature that's different. Because if there's nothing Apple likes to do more - is have piles of redundant products like they did in the early 90s.

    OR perhaps Verizon is discovering that only 20 thousand Droid users doesn't bode well for their quarterly reports and are desperate to get some action on the stock market before they get the snot beaten out of them again.
  • Reply 75 of 98
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    How soon would one guess if/when the iPhone is available to Verizon, will Verizon offer tethering? \

    Instantly, most likely, in order to drive the competition. It's a perfect adavantage just handed to them.
  • Reply 76 of 98
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    How about Apple creates a super secret hybrid dual chip that connects to both CDMA and GSM simultaneously and fuels your data connection based on signal strength/speed. Best of both Att and Vrz at the same time...$40/mon directly to Apple, no contract.

    Tablet only of course.
  • Reply 77 of 98
    TRUE 4G is not available from ANY carrier in the US.

    Sprint is saying 4G, but it's more like 3.5G.

    The infrastructure is not even here yet.

    Originally Posted by marielox View Post

    Why wouldn't sprint be able to get the islate or the iphone?

    It seems like everyone has forgot about this company.

    They are the first to have full blow 4G internet in the national from any carrier. Guess what that means....unlimited mobile internet. I don't care what company you talk about, 3G internet service has a 5 GB cap. How is someone going to "stream music from a itunes cloud" or "cruise the internet all the time" with this tablet that has a 5GB a month cap. And I bet the capabilities of this tablet will allow heavy users to flirt very close to the cap. A 4G system, a system sprint has,is UNLIMITED USAGE. And it is 12 times faster than any 3G network out there. Verizon is 2 years away from full blow 4G, at&t isn't even the picture, and Sprint is every where. In my home town in the central valley in California we are getting 4G in 5 months. Meanwhile, lots of other places already have it.

    On that note, 4G would be able to support the iphone and the islate. No problem. And why wouldn't Sprint get it. We already have everything in place for ebooks because the amazon Kindle goes through sprint already. Everything is in place and we already know what we are doing. We just need a unit that people want like the islate.

    Sprint should get the iphone also. We don't have our exclusivity with the Palm Pre anymore which was our "flagship" vs the iphone as of February because verizon is getting in then. I don't get why people think Steve Job's wants to work with verizon. He is a man of grudges and his business history can prove that. They reject him already, he will get them back. OH WOW, verizon has all this great coverage and blah blah blah. Sprint has great coverage also and when Sprint doesn't have coverage, it roams for FREE on VERIZON towers. So we both have each others coverage under one umbrella which gives the service area a HUGE amount of cell coverage.

    Also verizon is to anal retentive for an apple product. They have to many rules and want to control to much of what is going on. For christ sake, Verizon used to tell phone makers to block bluetooth on handsets and they were charging a small fee monthly if you wanted to have bluetooth. You think a company who nickel and dimes is going to let a revenue monster like itunes roam freely with verizon not getting a cut? NO WAY. And apple wont budge on it either. I guess we will see what happens.

  • Reply 78 of 98
    Re your response, i.e.,
    Originally Posted by gus2000 View Post

    To be fair, Europe settled on the GSM standard long ago, while the United States has struggled with competing and incompatible RF standards for decades.

    Additionally, the EU has 60% greater population (500M) than the US, but in less than half the surface area (1.7M vs. 3.8M square miles). Less infrastructure is needed to cover a smaller area.

    And while you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much cellular coverage, I don't see the benefit to Verizon customers of covering 95% of Kansas with 3G unless cows are now using cellphones. ("Got milk? There's an app for that.")

    to :

    Originally Posted by Bartfat

    ...somehow Europe's providers can manage in Europe to cover the continent for $20 a month, plus give you landline internet. I call shenanigans on the telcos...

    Bartfat lied. There is no such plan. In fact, it is significantly more expensive when considering the roaming charges traveling from country to country
  • Reply 79 of 98
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    How about Apple creates a super secret hybrid dual chip that connects to both CDMA and GSM simultaneously and fuels your data connection based on signal strength/speed. Best of both Att and Vrz at the same time...$40/mon directly to Apple, no contract.

    Tablet only of course.

    Apple would end up in court quicker than you can say Qualcomm. They own the patents on CDMA, and are very picky who they license it to?which is why most of the world uses GSM. Qualcomm supposedly has a combination GSM/CDMA chipset in the works but it's vaporware at this point.

    I personally don't see Apple using anything from Verizon until 4G has supplanted most of the world. Apple likes to keep their supply chains very simple. There's only 1 version of each product they make, sold all around the world. There's no iMac for Japan, iPhone 3G for India, iPhone 3GS for New Zealand?they're all the same all around the world. Even the iPhone 3G for China is the same; they just disabled the WiFi via a software firmware update.

    If they made a tablet that used CDMA they would need 2 versions, one for the US and the rest of the world. And contrary to what was said earlier, the US is actually less than 50% of Apple's iPhone sales. So they're not going to give up on the portion of the world that buys 51% of their products.

    I also agree with others in that the data contract won't be included. If this device is supposed to be a "media" device, there is NO WAY IN HELL any cell company is going to let a device that can browse the full Web for what will amount to a couple bucks a month. Most analysts have surmized Amazon pays Sprint about $2 per subscriber per month, while AT&T and Verizon charge $30/month for a data plan on top of a $30/month voice plan. I doubt either network would give up the gravy train of $30/month subscribers for a couple dollars from Apple, when Apple's device will consumer way more bandwidth and tie up a lot more cellular channels to the tower, than a cell phone.
  • Reply 80 of 98
    Originally Posted by skittlebrau79 View Post

    I also agree with others in that the data contract won't be included.

    I tend to think the tablet device will be wifi only, disappointing a lot of folks who want to use it on cellular networks.
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