iPhone OS 3.2 is iPad-only, potential camera support, A4 processor



  • Reply 41 of 98
    Originally Posted by daddybone View Post

    Multi-tasking is coming with iPhone 0S 4.0 and it will be supported on the iPad.

    Apple just couldn't announce it or show it off today because it would steal the thunder from the next iPhone/OS4.0 announcement when it comes.

    Count on it.

    I suspect you might be right. If the processor is as quick as seems to be suggested from some of the reviews I have read, multi-tasking should be very possible.

    Plus, the thing to remember about Apple is that they do target products very much for the consumer market, not for the tech market, and most people in the consumer market probably don't know what multi-tasking is, much less care. I know when I'm trying to convince my wife to let me spend the money on one, the fact that it doesn't have multi-tasking won't be one of the reasons she'll give me for why I can't have one!
  • Reply 42 of 98
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    So Flurry Analytics was correct after all.

    Yep. It is exactly as we said. iPhone OS 3.2 with the ability to run iPhone apps.
  • Reply 43 of 98
    just counting the days before someone jailbreaks this to provide the functionality we are craving that is missing from gen 1 ... this will take same path as iphone imo...
  • Reply 44 of 98
    At the price point I think doing only a little more that a big iPod touch is fine. All the features I see people "demanding" would have driven this thing into the $1000 range that everyone said was too much.

    My future is now defined: iMac plus iPad plus the world's most basic cell phone.

    Interesting thing I've noticed on the train recently: women putting away their iPhones and using an iPod shuffle to listen to music. Maybe they think they're safer that way or maybe they find the shuffle is a better tool for music.

    I've always felt the iPhone UI is bad for music and I tend to shuffle play my playlists anyway so I don't even have music on my iPod touch, just apps, podcasts and photos. I don't listen to music during my commute after a few close encounters with pickpockets. Better to have all my senses available.
  • Reply 45 of 98
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Woode View Post

    Okay... your iPad is laying flat on the desk in front of you, or propped up at a slight, comfortable angle. What does the built-in camera see? The ceiling!

    What was Apple supposed to to, put in one of those roller-looking cams like on some laptops? Sorry, Apple doesn't do kludgy. IMO, this is a big part of why there's no camera.

    But if you're sitting in a chair (like Jobs was in his presentation) or lounging on the couch (as seen in the promo video), it's pointed right at your face.
  • Reply 46 of 98
    Originally Posted by bklynkid View Post

    Re: Camera support

    The official Apple iPad spec page has a camera adapter listed on the bottom under Accessories....

    i don't think that's the kind of camera support people are talking about. All that accessory set does is provide USB or SD ports for downloading pix from camera to iPad. My impression is the posts about camera support refer to using the device for iChats. Perhaps the USB connection could do that, with proper support from the SDK, but it'd be pretty kludgy.

    Like other posters, i'm disappointed the iPad lacks an iSight. But i'll be buying an iPad nontheless.
  • Reply 47 of 98
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Realistically the wifi only version is actually the better deal if you already have an iPhone. Just pair up the bluetooth tethering and use your data plan that way.

    Lets face it it isn't meant to be a big iPhone and its not meant to be as robust as an Mac/MacBook. Its the middle ground.

    As mentioned above musically if it can run a logic/ableton/protools style app it could be an awesome live device.

    Plus from what i have seen from the keynote, its going to change the way we use computers for education/lecture notes and libraries.

    Now to wait 2 long months

    EXCELLENT POINT on the tethering to my iPhone - hadn't thought of that! No need for 3G... I have a factory unlocked iPhone here in China and am able to use the tethering feature with no problem. I also have an airport express that I take with me when I travel with my laptop so I can have wireless access in my hotel room and can use it for wifi when traveling with an iPad as well.
  • Reply 48 of 98
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    I can't say multi-tasking worries me all that much. If an app can remember it's last state when you shut it down and re-open in the same condition (i.e. Pages would re-start with the document that was open the last time you shut it down), I can live without it.

    Exactly. Mail and Safari essentially do the same thing on the iPhone. Push notifications work fine for someone like me who only uses yahoo messenger as a third party program. Now if you listen to Pandora or something similar...well that sucks. I can understand the need for multitasking for that. I am sure there are other needs as well for other users, but it suits me fine the way it is.
  • Reply 49 of 98
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by webfrasse View Post

    From the article...

    "The iPad does not support the unique 1700Mhz spectrum utilized by the T-Mobile 3G network in the U.S. So although the hardware is unlocked and could theoretically access T-Mobile's EDGE network, 3G connectivity will not be an option anywhere but AT&T in the U.S."

    So in US the unlocked means nothing....

    Actually if you are a traveler it means a lot, in fact it is huge. Being that the tablet is an ideal travelers machine I'm very glad that Apple was able to get this concession from AT&T.

    As a side note this machine doesn't quite deliver what I was expecting. Most upsetting to me is the screen ratio, which seems to be very short sighted on Apples part. This seems to fly in the face of the media industry at large. The second problem is Apple and their need to keep us, the customer, in the dark. By this I mean where is the data on the RAM, the structure of the SoC and other segments of the machine.

    In the end I'm pretty much convinced that a 10" device is pretty large for this sort of machine. I would have preferred a 7" or so device. The unit just looks huge next to Steve on stage and does not inspire images of portability or lightness.

  • Reply 50 of 98
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by BAW View Post

    Who is the "they" about which you rant? Certainly not Apple, who released no specific information about the iPad ahead of time. The build up of your expectations was almost entirely due to the antics, speculations, rumors, and outright lies of the Apple blogosphere and news sites. So next time, to avoid being truly bummed about not getting all of the features you wanted on an Apple product that did not yet officially exist, don't read anything on the web until after Apple actually ANNOUNCES the danged thing. But it's silly to blame Apple.

    Finally someone with some sense.

    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    Interesting thing I've noticed on the train recently: women putting away their iPhones and using an iPod shuffle to listen to music. Maybe they think they're safer that way or maybe they find the shuffle is a better tool for music.

    I've always felt the iPhone UI is bad for music and I tend to shuffle play my playlists anyway so I don't even have music on my iPod touch, just apps, podcasts and photos. I don't listen to music during my commute after a few close encounters with pickpockets. Better to have all my senses available.

    Maybe they also dont want to drain their battery on their phones if they have to use it all day by playing music on it. Plus the shuffle is perfect for when you go to the gym compared to the touch/phone size/weight wise.

    But on the touch i can see the iPad phazing the touch out. Because eventually it will become redundant. Hell why not when you can play all the games you have on a bigger screen.

    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    But if you're sitting in a chair (like Jobs was in his presentation) or lounging on the couch (as seen in the promo video), it's pointed right at your face.

    Welcome to Uncle Steves book hour..... this week we are going to review "Inside Steves Brain by Leander Kahney"

  • Reply 51 of 98
    I'm rather dissapointed in the ipad. It seems to be to just be a oversized ipod touch. Am I missing something here?

    I wish it actaully ran the desktop OSX and functioned a bit more like a laptop rather than use the iphone OS.

    Could anyone tell me this, how do I get my own data on the device? I have tons of movies but none are in a format itunes supports. I have an extensive ebook library and very few are epub, how do I get those on the device?
  • Reply 52 of 98
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by archer75 View Post

    I'm rather dissapointed in the ipad. It seems to be to just be a oversized ipod touch. Am I missing something here?

    No. That is exactly why it will succeed.
  • Reply 53 of 98
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    Originally Posted by Woode View Post

    Okay... your iPad is laying flat on the desk in front of you, or propped up at a slight, comfortable angle. What does the built-in camera see? The ceiling!

    What was Apple supposed to to, put in one of those roller-looking cams like on some laptops? Sorry, Apple doesn't do kludgy. IMO, this is a big part of why there's no camera.

    I agree that this was their motivation, but with a half inch of depth they could have done a few interesting things. One that would be neat is to do a fish-eye lens and have software digitally pan and correct the image. A clunkier option would just be to provide some kind of motors that can allow for pan and tilt in a limited range from within the bezel cavity.

    The bottom line is that they didn't need to do it to make this a huge opportunity. I think they need to really get case designers involved though to help allow alternate ergonomics.

    Actually, just found this-- a bluetooth webcam. http://www.bt-1.com/
  • Reply 54 of 98
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by archer75 View Post

    Could anyone tell me this, how do I get my own data on the device? I have tons of movies but none are in a format itunes supports. I have an extensive ebook library and very few are epub, how do I get those on the device?

    I could tell you, but it wont be for about.....oh another 2 months when its officially released and instores.

    At the moment anything that people say in regards to how things work will be purely speculation.

    On a side note in regards to your ebooks why not have a look around on the Googles
  • Reply 55 of 98
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by donlphi View Post

    I just don't understand why they wouldn't put a camera and iChat on this thing. I would think one of the biggest features that a "person on the go" would want is some contact with their family. I live on the west coast but most of my family lives in the Midwest. iChat and Skype are a normal part of the week for me. It's the only way my kids get to visit with their grandparents and great grandparents. If I leave on a trip, it's the only time I get with my kids. No lame ass e-book is going to make up for that. So this means I'm still traveling with my laptop.

    I see a built in camera as being a problem on a tablet this size. The question is how would you keep the camera reasonably pointed on the intended target.


    I'm sure as hell not adding a bigass clunky camera to it. By the time you add all the accessories, the thing weighs as much as a desktop and it takes away from the whole aesthetic. I guarantee it will have the camera in a year, not because the technology has caught up, but because they decided they've made enough money on the lame first generation. They just want to milk us again, like they did with the 3G vs. the 3GS.

    Actually this part of the reason I wanted standard USB ports on this device. Then a camera could be clipped in an optimal position so that the user could be free to move a bit. Plus a USB port means you have at your disposal a wide range of cameras suitable for may mobile uses. Oh don't even get started on the dock connector as that is no substitute for a standard USB port.


    It just seems like a no brainer to me. It would have been more popular than the iPhone.

    That is still a minority opinion, many of us do no want video conferencing/phone calls.


    Sorry for ranting, but they built it up sooo much. I'm truly bummed. I'm just glad I didn't take off work to watch the liveblogs.

    Who are they?

    In any event I'm disappointed my self, but I can't say I'm bummed. It is just that I see the iPad as grossly over priced for what it delivers. The only way to deal with that is to voice loudly in forums that Apple has been known to audit or to Apple directly.

    However I'm one to agree with others stating that we need to wait for the next Iphone OS revision, before completely condemning the device. That isn't because of expectation built up here but rather the desire for a slightly different portable computing platform.

  • Reply 56 of 98
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by archer75 View Post

    Could anyone tell me this, how do I get my own data on the device? I have tons of movies but none are in a format itunes supports. I have an extensive ebook library and very few are epub, how do I get those on the device?

    How do you "have" them exactly? If you own the DVD, you can use HandBrake to get them into a compatible format. Regarding the books, either someone will provide a converter (less likely if they are DRMed books), otherwise you won't be able to read those books on this device. I have hundreds of physical books that are incompatible with this device too.
  • Reply 57 of 98
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    In any event I'm disappointed my self, but I can't say I'm bummed. It is just that I see the iPad as grossly over priced for what it delivers. The only way to deal with that is to voice loudly in forums that Apple has been known to audit or to Apple directly.

    Overpriced? GROSSLY overpriced?? That's the one area the rumors were generally wrong a good way. The first iPod (5 gig, music only) was $500. The first iPad is $500. The pace of technology advancement is incredible. In a year, it will be even cheaper and more capable. If you don't like the first version, enjoy your current tech and reevaluate in a year. To be the best feature is the no-contract affordable data plan. The $15/month version might be awesome for some people. For more, this is a larger, more capable, CHEAPER iPhone. (Not having a phone or be able to receive texts is a feature :-) )
  • Reply 58 of 98
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Plus from what i have seen from the keynote, its going to change the way we use computers for education/lecture notes and libraries.

    How? As a grad student I can't see using this any differently than I've used similar devices in the past. I did the whole Palm V and keyboard note taker and the Tablet PC running One Note with digital editions of my text books. How would this be any different?
  • Reply 59 of 98
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    I want flash in iOS 4.0. No matter how bad flash is, it is vital for internet experience today. Not being bale to watch hulu over 3g on the train is a huge turnoff for this otherwise awesome device.
  • Reply 60 of 98
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    Originally Posted by Woode View Post

    Okay... your iPad is laying flat on the desk in front of you, or propped up at a slight, comfortable angle. What does the built-in camera see? The ceiling!

    What was Apple supposed to to, put in one of those roller-looking cams like on some laptops? Sorry, Apple doesn't do kludgy. IMO, this is a big part of why there's no camera.

    no... they could do the exact same camera they have in their laptop.

    As far as table use goes, you can't do anything with this if it's sitting on a table, so that's a pretty lame. The scenario I'm thinking is sitting on the couch watching TV or reading a book on my iPad. iChat starts ringing. I pick it up and talk face to face.

    When the camera shows up in 6 months or a year, you'll know I was right. Until then, keep thinking they didn't include it because it couldn't sit on a table properly or it would be "KLUDGY".

    Anybody that buys this device has money burning a hole in their pocket.
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