Apple could battle Fujitsu over ownership of iPad name



  • Reply 21 of 96
    hegorhegor Posts: 160member
    Apple should simply rename the thing the Apple Tablet.
  • Reply 22 of 96
    I don't get the big deal about the name. What makes a person who is perfectly fine with words like "mousepad," "launchpad," "lilypad" or "notepad" turn into a snickering, babbling dipshit when they hear the word "iPad?"

    If a joke is that obvious, then you're not being funny by saying it anyway. Come up with better iPad material or STFU already.
  • Reply 24 of 96
    ds98ds98 Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    I wonder how well the Fujitsu iPad has been selling?

    And how well it continues to sell today with an eight year head-start?

    The IPad sells very well today. It is not a consumer product though. It is designed for retail as an extension of Point of Sale systems. Can be used as a mobile POS terminal, Inventory, Receinving, Remote manager authorizations, que buster.
  • Reply 25 of 96
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by hegor View Post

    Apple should simply rename the thing the Apple Tablet.

    They won't rename it, but that would have been the name I'd have gone with. As we know now it's not exactly a Mac, I would have called it the  (apple) Tablet.
  • Reply 26 of 96
    Three ppl on this thread alone have 1 post. It's like Paul Thurrott and company are astroturfing everywhere.
  • Reply 27 of 96
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Amdahl View Post

    Apple doesn't own 'i-stuff' any more than anybody owns 'e-stuff' or '@-stuff.' You can't trademark a letter, or a number. Look at Intel and the 586. They realized in order to have a defendable name, it had to be something new. They went with Pentium.

    It was more complicated than that. It also mostly had to do with licensing the IP to other manufacturers, which IBM forced them to do when they (Intel) were in danger of shutting down, and IBM was interested in having a continuing source of x86 chips for its machines.

    After Intel got back on its feet, it found that it was stuck with the licensing. By going to "Pentium" they managed to claim the the new chip line was so different from the previous line that the licenses were no longer valid. As they had signed somewhat different licenses with AMD which didn't contain the name "x86" in it, AMD was able to continue licensing.
  • Reply 28 of 96
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    It's a totally different product selling into a totally different customer base. Both companies may be allowed to use it.

    The intent of trademarks is to prevent confusion. When two products have the same name, it may confuse. But if they are different enough, and the customer is expected to have no problem distinguishing between them, the courts usually rule that both can retain the name.

    I doubt here, that the intended customer bases would mistake one for the other.

    The only reason one would give up, if they did, was because spending on the case would cost more than the trademark is worth.
  • Reply 29 of 96
    crimguycrimguy Posts: 124member
    Ditto. The name sucks. I like iBook (why not?).
  • Reply 30 of 96
    Originally Posted by Crimguy View Post

    Ditto. The name sucks. I like iBook (why not?).

    I'd agree, but using that name to sell it to consumers may have people thinking that's it's just an ebook reader. Also, there was already an Apple iBook.
  • Reply 31 of 96
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Apple could have called it the iTampon and Id still buy it. It looks like an amazing device. Has it been 60 days yet?
  • Reply 32 of 96
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Apple could have called it the iTampon and Id still buy it. It looks like an amazing device. Has it been 60 days yet?

    yes, get back in line it's almost your turn!
  • Reply 33 of 96
    when you use names like a sanitary napkin

    you'll probably get sue by anyone who ever use a

    feminine sanitary pad ,could be sanitary towel ,maxi pad,menstrual pad

    ever since using the" I" in the new apple products

    apple is thinking way beyond the box

  • Reply 34 of 96
    Why does the product need an "i"?

    If they have to rename it how about KA-PAD as in Kick-Ass Pad!

    or, if they are annoyed by Fuji's claim, they could call it the FU PAD SU or TAB-LET-SU.
  • Reply 35 of 96
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Though iPad is ok enough and we'll probably just have to get used to it, I personally think simply calling it the Apple Tablet would have been better.
  • Reply 36 of 96
    Call it an A-pad A for Apple. And yes, iPad does suck as name brand
  • Reply 37 of 96
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    I hope Apple loses, as the name stinks.

    Yeah, not too thrilled with the name also...

    Should of called it "The KneePad"! Keep laptop moniker for MBP but for new genre "tablet" call it, The KneePad...
  • Reply 38 of 96
    moochmooch Posts: 113member
    They should call it an iPADD, like on Star Trek.
  • Reply 39 of 96
    pik80pik80 Posts: 148member
    I just don't understand why they don't resurrect Newton. I think it is fun how they play off the Apple name the same way they did with Macintosh. Why do they keep using "i" in everything? Everyone knows that all devices connect to the internet these so why do we keep needing to be reminded of that? I am really hoping that the iPad name gets blocked for them like the iTV name got blocked (which later became Apple TV.)
  • Reply 40 of 96
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Crimguy View Post

    Ditto. The name sucks. I like iBook (why not?).

    Books fold, we've been through this. The MacBook hardware physically folds, that's why the nomenclature "book" makes sense.
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