Steve Jobs disparages Google, Adobe at company meeting - reports



  • Reply 21 of 247
    I guess Apple may go down that road and hut leaks. But having read about all their secrecy when they really want it, my take would be that Steve actually counted on leaks here. There is no easy and safe way he can hunt down one or two leaks among hundreds of employees. It's also a good way to be able to say somewhere that you should not trust rumors. Unless you here it from me it's not true. But he can get a feel for the reactions though and if they run down his own alley - he can move along with them.

    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    While it is always interesting to hear some insider leaks about commentary they heard during one of these town hall meetings, I wonder if Apple would be seeking to root out sources of such leaks? I mean, didn't this site report not too long ago about how draconian Apple was about stuff, and yet here we have supposedly first party accounts about internal communication by the CEO to the staff of Apple. It makes one wonder what entices people to violate company confidentiality, especially under the guise of anonymous (which means your name is not glorified by your leak). Is the relatively small attention you receive by doing this worht losing your job? Just musing.

  • Reply 22 of 247
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I have heard, but don't really know, that Apple treats many employees very badly.

    I have talked with many of the Apple folks at the local Apple Store and they seem to be really happy to be involved with Apple at that level - especially in a retail environment. I didn't see anything really bad in what was reported about how Apple responds to confidentiality compared to any other company that produce intellectual property. And I really wish people who don't have personal experience not chime in with "that's so wrong", or "they are infringing our freedoms" crap. I work for a Fortune 50 company, we all have to sign confidentiality agreements, have to reconfirm Employee Conduct guidelines on a yearly basis. All our outbound email are filtered and inbound data scrutinized. This is how business is done. If I violate these guidelines, I am subject to disciplinary actions up to and including job termination and even criminal charge if merited.
  • Reply 23 of 247
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    The new Mac's he's talking about, are going to be based upon the iPad like design, thin and all sealed up with new A4 processors and a external optional Superdrive.

    I don't think he will port the iPhone/iPad UI over to Mac's though.

    So last chance this year of getting a Intel based Mac.

    You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
  • Reply 24 of 247
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Ideally, don't you want to avoid talking about the competition? Besides, going by actual sales, it doesn't sound like Google is serious competition, doubly so if you want any customer service if something goes wrong.

    It seems a little unprofessional to make comments like that that might leak.

    I don't remember this sort of thing leaking out of an employee "town hall" meeting before, so maybe this sort of thing happens often, just not reported.
  • Reply 25 of 247

    Apple will deliver aggressive updates to iPhone that Android/Google won't be able to keep up with.

    Without multitasking (especially on the iPad) it's difficult to imagine...


    Next iPhone coming is an A+ update.

    Really? Front facing camera + iChat?

    Let's be honest, even though the iPhone was a game changer (and it changed my life for sure) and even though the iPad will also be ubber-successful, there are a few basic things that Apple will have to introduce to keep up with the competition .

    Just as we screamed for copy-paste before iPhone OS 3.0, we now want multitasking with easy switching between applications (I could live with a nice multi-touch swipe), iChat with front facing camera and yeah, 5 MP camera with LED flash.

    Now, I have this theory that Apple always have a 5 years plan, just like the old communist party in the now defunct USSR: they come up with a fantastic product and introduce it bit by bit to the market. At first, the product seems lacking stuff, but really it's all there, in the lab or in the code, waiting to be updated or upgraded slowly!

    I for one will buy the iPad - for my mum - but I'll certainly wait for V2 or even V3 before I get one for me...

    But it's ok: in June, the new iPhone, and next year the new iPad
  • Reply 26 of 247
    I for one welcome our iPad overlords...
  • Reply 27 of 247
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by themoonisdown09 View Post

    Really? In my experience, I've found that Blu-ray discs seem to be more durable than standard DVD discs.

    For me, maybe 1 in 50 Netflixed Blu-Rays arrive cracked. Never had one not play due to scratching though, so that part works well, but I rarely get a DVD that doesn't play well because of scratches.
  • Reply 28 of 247
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    It's one thing to have rumors about what technologies the company is working on; what new product will be released; etc.

    When it gets to the point of Hey, there's a rumor that Steve Jobs said in a meeting that "Fred Shred sucks balls" or how about "Good morning fellow Apple employees, I am going to die next week."

    AI should just stay out of the "...somebody said that somebody said that steve said..."

    That stuff is not rumors. That's called gossip.

    This board is not a board made-up of 13 year old little whiney gossips, and I think that I...

    Oops, wait a minute,,,

    Never mind.
  • Reply 29 of 247
    I'm glad Google is competing against Apple. It makes Apple a better company.

    Imagine how your Mac would be today if Microsoft didn't have most of the Market share. You think you would be able to run all the stuff you can run in a Mac today, including Windows? Do you think you could get a Mac anywhere near a competitive price?

    Look, I love Macs and I love the iPhone, but I'm frustrated how Apple's tyrannical approach to everything has crippled my experience with their products.

    Google gets it. Google knows people like Apple's products, but they're not too crazy about using Apple's network of choice or use only the applications Apple tells you to use, or not having an option over anything Apple does.

    If more people embrace Android, Google is going to prove Apple they must relax some of their business choices. If people embrace Chrome OS, Apple is going to realize people want cheap devices (which have a camera, for @!#$ sake!) for browsing the Web, not necessarily XL iPod Touches.

    I hope Google is right on this one. If they are, they can actually save Apple from themselves. I don't call that evil at all.
  • Reply 30 of 247
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Best quote of the day...that is exactly how I would describe google's sw offerings right now, 'Mish-Mash!' As opposed to Apples offerings of tightly integrated sw and hardware. I take a video on my iPhone of my girlfriend's stupid, overfed, undersexed cat 'falling' out of a tree, post it on MobileMe and my 3 minutes using iMovie...'Announce' to my daughter who is living in St. Maarten and my GF is watching it on my AppleTV inside 5 about ease of use and integration!

    I can't deny the convenience integration provides. At least Apple hasn't lost its identity while increasing marketshare, hopefully Steve Jobs' successors will continue his work, and not "sell out."
  • Reply 31 of 247
    I for one will buy the iPad - for my mum - but I'll certainly wait for V2 or even V3 before I get one for me...

    Good plan plan is to get one as soon as it is available (use it have fun with it) and when the new version comes out give the 'old' one to my daughter. Win/win....kind of our own family earth-friendly recycling program.
  • Reply 32 of 247
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    "Next iPhone coming is an A+ update."

    I wonder if that means an Apple ARM chip or just an odd paraphrasing.

    "New Macs for 2010 are going to take Apple to the next level."

    I hope that finally means the removal of the optical drive from notebooks.

    Could take it to the next level or if the vast majority of Macs being Macbooks sold to general users could result in Mac sales free falling when they learn they learn they can't go out and by software or watch a DVD without an external device. SD cards are too expensive for software distribution and the way Apple has managed the iPhone App store, I'm not so sure I want a Mac version. Move away from optical media before the market is ready and it could be very much to Apple's peril.
  • Reply 33 of 247
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by macusersince1993 View Post

    I'm glad Google is competing against Apple. It makes Apple a better company.

    Imagine how your Mac would be today if Microsoft didn't have most of the Market share. You think you would be able to run all the stuff you can run in a Mac today, including Windows? Do you think you could get a Mac anywhere near a competitive price?

    Look, I love Macs and I love the iPhone, but I'm frustrated how Apple's tyrannical approach to everything has crippled my experience with their products.

    Google gets it. Google knows people like Apple's products, but they're not too crazy about using Apple's network of choice or use only the applications Apple tells you to use, or not having an option over anything Apple does.

    If more people embrace Android, Google is going to prove Apple they must relax some of their business choices. If people embrace Chrome OS, Apple is going to realize people want cheap devices (which have a camera, for @!#$ sake!) for browsing the Web, not necessarily XL iPod Touches.

    I hope Google is right on this one. If they are, they can actually save Apple from themselves. I don't call that evil at all.

    Another kool-aid drinker. Just another flavor.
  • Reply 34 of 247
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    For me, maybe 1 in 50 Netflixed Blu-Rays arrive cracked. Never had one not play due to scratching though, so that part works well, but I rarely get a DVD that doesn't play well because of scratches.

    For me, 1 in 50 DVDs show up damaged or cracked. I haven't received any damaged blu-rays yet though. Scratch-wise, everything seems to play just fine.
  • Reply 35 of 247
    For god's sake, I just want them to rev the processor on the MBPs already. I've been waiting with increasing impatience since December, hammering away at my aging G4.

  • Reply 36 of 247
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I think you missed the boat- Steve Jobs wants to you buy anything and everything from his iTunes store plantation from now on. He's trying to kill FLASH for that very reason in that it competes with his game sales on iTunes, Blu-ray competes with his low grade HD movies at iTunes, etc , etc. There is a method to his greed- say one thing, mean another.

    Nonsense. YOU can source media from many, many sources - the SD card slot appearing on new models follows SJ's comments about the disc being dead, and you can fit much more, with faster access on an SD card.

    A company wanting to make profit is not 'greed', it's how companies grow, and have a reason want to continue to grow. R&D expenses and profit. Yes profit - it's not a dirty word.

    Blu-ray does not compete with his 'low grade' HD movies. It is an alternative, and no one is stopping you using it. Who wants to watch 1080 HD content on a 9.7" screen - that's just bull. Apple are not trying to "kill flash", they're ensuring that flakey software which causes hangs, crashes, causes products overheats and reduces battery life isn't allowed to run on their devices. It's SJ's company, and that's his right - don't like it, don't buy the product.

    Stability, security and a consistent user experience. That's what Apple are trying to achieve.

    I for one applaud it.
  • Reply 37 of 247
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by CU10 View Post

    No kool-aid for me!

    Steve Jobs is a genious but Apple cannot survive without Adobe, Google, or Blu-ray IMHO.

    We are not talking about surviving without Adobe, just Flash. I don't think Apple wants to exclude Google, they just have to protect what their turf. Bluray on the other hand, is a dead duck. I know some people love it for good reasons, but it will never be main stream on computers. Specially not on Apple computers. An optical drive is clunky and occupies too much valuable space.
  • Reply 38 of 247
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I think you missed the boat- Steve Jobs wants to you buy anything and everything from his iTunes store plantation from now on. He's trying to kill FLASH for that very reason in that it competes with his game sales on iTunes, Blu-ray competes with his low grade HD movies at iTunes, etc , etc. There is a method to his greed- say one thing, mean another.

    Flash had its day, but it's time to move on. Sometimes Apple has led the way in ditching old technology to embrace new (remember people complained iMacs didn't have floppy drives?). If Flash is still around, the HTML5 debate is going to drag on forever and we will be using 1990s proprietary technology for the Web when we could have 2010s open source technology. A lot of companies, not just Apple and Google, are waiting for people to make up their minds with HTML5 to save the money they pay Adobe in royalties.
  • Reply 39 of 247
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Nonsense. YOU can source media from many, many sources - the SD card slot appearing on new models follows SJ's comments about the disc being dead, and you can fit much more, with faster access on an SD card.

    A company wanting to make profit is not 'greed', it's how companies grow, and have a reason want to continue to grow. R&D expenses and profit. Yes profit - it's not a dirty word.

    Blu-ray does not compete with his 'low grade' HD movies. It is an alternative, and no one is stopping you using it. Who wants to watch 1080 HD content on a 9.7" screen - that's just bull. Apple are not trying to "kill flash", they're ensuring that flakey software which causes hangs, crashes, causes products overheats and reduces battery life isn't allowed to run on their devices. It's SJ's company, and that's his right - don't like it, don't buy the product.

    Stability, security and a consistent user experience. That's what Apple are trying to achieve.

    I for one applaud it.

    Perfect...well said and that is exactly apple's approach. Which I for one really appreciate.

    Do you think by new macs this year he is referring to Apple Chips being inside and slowly changing from intel?
  • Reply 40 of 247
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by themoonisdown09 View Post

    Really? In my experience, I've found that Blu-ray discs seem to be more durable than standard DVD discs.

    They are, but they still have a short shelf life and are locked down with copy-protection and not exactly portable once you have a large collection. I'd much rather have my HD content on external hard drive or on an SD card.

    I have a couple of dozen Blu-ray movies, I have no intention of looking at them on a screen less than 32", there's no point. Why would anyone want Blu-Ray playback on a laptop computer, the iPad or any desktop with a screen of less than 24"?

    As far as blu-ray storage/back-up is concerned, the average prices for recordable media (never mind RW) is £10 - £15 per disc in the UK. Why on earth would I do this, with 1 terabyte external hard drives available for £80 - £100. I've yet to do it, but I'm pretty sure it will take longer to burn a 5GB backup to a blu-ray disc than to drag 5GB of data over to an external HD.

    It's amazing how people latch on to the few 'weaknesses' they can find (blu-ray, flash, front facing camera on a consumer media consumption device) and constantly repeat these complaints about 'omissions' and 'faults'. The majority of users don't need blu-ray on their home computers. For those that do, get an external drive and toast - no one is stopping you from having blu-ray, it's just not a standard feature because it's not what the majority (or even a significant minority) want. All it would do is push up prices at a time when people criticise apple's prices for being too high.

    I can't wait for Apple to lead the way and remove optical drives from their line up, the uproar will be exactly as the loss of the floppy drive or the ADB/SCSI/Serial ports. Then in a few years, you won't even think about them. Fragile, limited useful life and bulky to store. An SD card will hold so much more data than a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray disc, with faster access times and less draw on battery, cost less to produce and be easy to carry around.

    Bring on the future.
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