Inside Apple's iPad: VGA video output



  • Reply 41 of 165
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    I completely understand, and I think in 2010 it is pretty poor on Apple's part to have their worst product as the only gateway to HD output.

    Many would say it's practical. Maybe it is, but the Apple TV is a failure, so iFail to see why they need to continue propping it up by crippling NEW products.

    The iPad has 720p playback. It can watch YouTube HD, it can Rent/Buy HD Movies/TV Shows. Ok, that is a big step for the Apple such feature on the iPhone or iPod Touch to date...

    But the iPhone has been able to output its highest capable resolution via component cable since day one.

    iPad is intentionally crippled in that it outputs less than it does on the screen. It's lame, no matter how you slice it.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I wish they'd do something a bit more interesting with the AppleTV. I have one, but it's basically a music server for my multi-room audio system. I think I've rented 1 movie on it and that's it.
  • Reply 42 of 165
    Revised Edit
  • Reply 43 of 165
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by pt109 View Post

    After the phenomenal success of the iPad 1.0 in 2010, Steve will allow us to purchase the new improved iPAD HD in 2011. It will sport a 16:9 screen at 1280 x 720 and have a mini-displayport driving 720p out in addition to the dock connector. Prices will be the same, but the new iPad Classic that looks like 1.0 with more memory than before will sell for 349 USD (for those still using VGA projectors and 4:3 monitors).

    As much I'd like to see your mythical device, I just don't see a 16:9 aspect ratio being practical on a tablet type device. I think it would earmark the device too much as a movie or HD TV show playback device as opposed to the multi-purpose device they're trying to position it as. Don't forget, an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper has a ratio of 1.29:1 (H:W) which closely relates to the 1.33:1 ratio of the iPad (assuming the 1024x768 screen has square pixels).
  • Reply 44 of 165
    foobarfoobar Posts: 108member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Originally Posted by foobar

    If app support for it takes off, they might add an HDMI or DisplayPort version, but I currently don't see a real use case for it.

    Hooking it up to a hotel TV or a friend's TV or your bedroom TV to watch videos. How's that?

    I can't image that's what a lot of people would buy an iPad for. It's something to hold in your hands, you pay premium for the mobile experience, after all. I don't think many people want a $499 memory stick for transporting video files...

    Sure, it would be nice to have the option, but anything that doesn't use the touchscreen seems kind of besides the point of having one. Imagine having an "all powerful" portable device and having to get up and walk to pause the movie, because it's chained to the TV. Really doesn't sound like the experience Apple wants to sell, does it?

    Plus, the iPad screen in your hands will look bigger than most TVs on the wall.

    Now, as I said, with wireless transmission the whole thing looks much better. The iPad remains in your hand and is player and remote. That I could see happening...
  • Reply 45 of 165
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Zune HD can deliver 720p output. and it's enabled.

    and you still have to buy the special dock to do it. So what's your point?
  • Reply 46 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Zune HD can deliver 720p output. and it's enabled.

    And impractical for the 90% of projectors out there in the real world that don't support it.

    But it has that feature and the all important checkbox! /sarcasm

    And people wonder why Apple sells rings around them? Sheesh...
  • Reply 48 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    i have about 9 of this things

    i never knew whar they were for

    Sounds like a personal problem. The labeling on the package was always sufficient for me to figure out their intended use, but failing that you can always visit an Apple store and I'm sure they would be happy to identify them for you.


    the ipad is crippled on purpose

    The iPad is NOT crippled - it has expansion! That magical keyword that everyone always loves to accuse Apple of lacking. Yet here it is and people still criticize?



    SJ wants us to buy all his products

    Well duh, but not in the way you envision:


    the ATV >> IPAD .. DREAM JUST died

    Huh? What the heck does the Apple TV had to do with the iPad? They serve two totally and unrelated purposes. Your disappointment stems from faulty expectations more than any shortcomings in the products.
  • Reply 49 of 165
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    As much I'd like to see your mythical device, I just don't see a 16:9 aspect ratio being practical on a tablet type device. I think it would earmark the device too much as a movie or HD TV show playback device as opposed to the multi-purpose device they're trying to position it as. Don't forget, an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper has a ratio of 1.29:1 (H:W) which closely relates to the 1.33:1 ratio of the iPad (assuming the 1024x768 screen has square pixels).

    Good point. But the ePub standard is all about reflow and taking the "paper size" out of publishing. I just don't see extending the length of a "page" as a longterm problem. I just think the 4:3 screen size is one of a number of compromises Apple shrewdly made for the 1.0 product. As with the iPod, there can be an indefinite stream of "new, improved" models: HD for movies, camera for vid conferencing, new sensors for better gameplay, and always, always faster silicon and more memory. In Steve's vision there will be demand for the next year's model for another 5-10 years. I suspect he's right.
  • Reply 50 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    You're pretty well saying DVI and HDMI and DisplayPort are pointless. To my eye they don't make much difference - but if you're going to say what you've said, may as well make it clear that you see no point in the whole digital connector movement.

    I think that's reading quite a bit into things. The simple fact is, VGA is the dominant (by a VERY wide margin) connector on projectors. Blame the PC/Windows crowd - display port is a much more modern and sane standard but the majority of PC laptops still come with VGA ports. Until that changes, don't expect to see projectors with display port any time soon. And once they show up with display port, there are still going to be millions of legacy projectors with only VGA out there. VGA will be around for a long time

    For the first time I now have a PC laptop with something other than VGA out - my Lenovo T400s (an awesome laptop, BTW - almost as good as Apple's) has a display port on the back. And it still has a VGA connector /facepalm


    I don't buy this. Yes VGA is for computing workspaces. But Composite and Component is for TV. For users who do want to watch video, it's a pity it doesn't output widescreen 720p (over component). Instead it downgrades it to widescreen 480p NTSC. So Apple offers widescreen but only lower resolutions.


    Because the iPad isn't targeted at being tethered to a TV? The whole point of it is mobility and intimacy. If you have to have it attached to your TV, how intimate is that? As others have pointed out, there are other devices that are more appropriate to tether to your TV than the iPad.
  • Reply 51 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Yep. So can the Archos Tablet. And with the DVR dock, it can schedule and record 60 Gigs of HD TV.

    The more I learn about the 'Pad, the more disappointed I become.

    So the iPad won't act as a DVR and your disappointed? What? There are many things I can think of (and do have) attached to my TV, but the iPad is not one of them.

    For controlling some of the things attached to my TV, I think the iPad will be brilliant! But why would I want to tether something as mobile as the iPad to a TV? That just makes no sense at all.

    It's like complaining that an airplane makes a poor submarine. Well duh!
  • Reply 52 of 165
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by pt109 View Post

    Good point. But the ePub standard is all about reflow and taking the "paper size" out of publishing. I just don't see extending the length of a "page" as a longterm problem. I just think the 4:3 screen size is one of a number of compromises Apple shrewdly made for the 1.0 product. As with the iPod, there can be an indefinite stream of "new, improved" models: HD for movies, camera for vid conferencing, new sensors for better gameplay, and always, always faster silicon and more memory. In Steve's vision there will be demand for the next year's model for another 5-10 years. I suspect he's right.

    I suspect SJ is right as well. I just grow weary sometimes of what seems like intentionally crippled devices just so they can sell it to you again a few years later with the omitted feature enabled.
  • Reply 53 of 165
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ? The iPad gets the new VGA output option primarily to support video projectors?

    ? 1024x768 is called XGA resolution, but it's still delivered via a VGA connector?

    ? most (all?) video projectors support the (iPad's) XGA resolution of 1024x768 over a VGA port?

    ? The iPad? presents a page format suited to a computing workspace.

    I think it's all there.

    And I still haven't seen a video projector without a VGA connector taking XGA. Wide spread standard.

    iTunes LP though is by definition a 1280x720 HTML package.

    Will the iPad scale it when its supported?

    Perhaps Apple will use the 192 spare pixels to make a little OSD under or over the iTunes LP content? Like options for next track, exit and volume.
  • Reply 53 of 165
    Here's my question about Keynote and the iPad--

    Does the iPad allow for an extended desktop so that I'd get a presenter's screen on the iPad and my presentation on a projector?

    I use Keynote at least twice a week and make extensive use of presenters notes. If the iPad merely mirrors to a projector, it won't be as useful for my purposes.

    Does anyone know yet if it offers an extended desktop?
  • Reply 55 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    But I won't purchase it because I can't take the HD video anyplace and play it on another TV (friend's house, hotel, etc). Why would I pay the same price as the DVD for something that's essentially tied to my one TV?

    Until recently it wasn't even possible to hook into most hotel TV's, and even now it's still pretty rare. And most of the time my laptop or the display on the iPad will be a thousand times better than what is in the hotel room anyway.

    As for a friends house, a DVD isn't HD, very few of my friends have BlueRay, and they are usually the ones providing the video content anyway if we are going to watch a movie. Beyond movies, there are multiple ways to get to video but just as I have never used my iPod or iPhone to show video, I can't imagine using the iPad to either. But if I wanted to, amazingly the plasma's, LCD's and even my HD CRT RPTV all have VGA inputs. My sisters newest LCD only has DVI, but a cheap VGA to DVI dongle fixes that.

    Bottom line - if portable HD video is your thing, the Archos seems like a much better solution for you. Thankfully I'm glad Apple didn't focus on movie playback. I think it's a grossly overblown use case and a 16:9 screen would be much more awkward than 4:3.
  • Reply 56 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by normis View Post

    They chose VGA for other reasons, probably price.

    Or that people will plug it into projectors for presentations far more than for televisions and VGA is the dominant connector for projectors.
  • Reply 57 of 165
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Great. But is it possible to use a USB-based wireless remote control with the iPad like this one?

    Keyspan Wireless Presentation Remote for Conferences, Boardrooms and Classrooms

    Model #: PR-US2

  • Reply 58 of 165
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Well duh!

    Abster used to go after people like those with much dirtier words.
  • Reply 59 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Think of it from Apple's perspective. If they enabled 720p video out from the iPad, then it would compete with one of their own existing products. Since the AppleTV probably doesn't see much in the way of sales, even a little bit of competition from the iPad could spell doom for it.

    I think they know that very (VERY) few people tether portable devices to TV's. It just does't make sense.

    I love that some of the people arguing for connecting their iPad to their TV are the same folks that in other threads argue passionately about how they will never download movies digitally because of speed, size, quality, etc...
  • Reply 60 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    I completely understand, and I think in 2010 it is pretty poor on Apple's part to have their worst product as the only gateway to HD output.

    So all those mini's that are used as media centers are irrelevant? Heck, my Mac Pro and my MacBook Pro can output HDTV - over HDMI no less.

    This is a portable device. Is it really that hard to understand why Apple doesn't envision it tethered to a TV?
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