Confirmed! Leaked G4 specifications!



  • Reply 101 of 118
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    Just 4 months after a speedbump? I would think July would be the earliest if this G4 thing is true.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    4 months sound reasonable. they did an update 2 months before the G4 was first unveiled with the B/W G3 systems so 4 months is an eternity compared to that
  • Reply 102 of 118
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    4 months sound reasonable. they did an update 2 months before the G4 was first unveiled with the B/W G3 systems so 4 months is an eternity compared to that</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, shit, then!! If only 4 months for something twice as good either Apollo or G5, I'll fricking wait.

    Can we take a poll?

    If these specs are real next week, when will we get the next revamp or speed bump?
  • Reply 103 of 118
    WWDC is closer to 3 months than 4 months away. It's early May.

    People, this is a speed bump, not a major revision. Don't expect it to last more than 3 or 4 months. Never in the last 5 years' history of Apple Computer has a minor speed bump lasted longer than 4 months.

    Beige G3 bump to 300MHz from 266 - lasted 4 months until the bump to 333MHz

    Beige G3 speed bump to 333MHz - lasted 4 months until unvieling of B&W G3's

    B&W G3 50MHz speed bump in June 1999- 3 months before replacement by G4's

    G4 50MHz speed bump back to 500MHz - 4 months to MWNY and dual G4's standard accross the line.
  • Reply 104 of 118
    Applenut wrote:

    "perhaps the key to this lackluster update will be pricing.

    maube everything will drop down a lot.

    1499, 1999, 2699?

    something like that?"

    This could be the case... then G5s could be the big shocker and start at $2499 and up. With outdated mobo technology and slower processors, buses, and RAM, the G4s could fill a lower cost prosumer gap, while the G5s could be the true pro machines. Ya never know... Just an idea.

    Personally though, I still think we will see G5s in some shape or form soon, in addition to G4s or not.
  • Reply 105 of 118
    [quote]I just want something for my multimedia guys that kicks ass, takes no names, and I can feel comfortable keeping on a desk for at least 16 months. <hr></blockquote>

    DUDE!!! You're gettin' a Dell!!!

    LOL, I just had to say that. And yes, it's a threat!

    LOL, at whoever said Apple is Motorola's bitch. It's true, they are.
  • Reply 106 of 118
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>WWDC is closer to 3 months than 4 months away. It's early May.

    People, this is a speed bump, not a major revision. Don't expect it to last more than 3 or 4 months. Never in the last 5 years' history of Apple Computer has a minor speed bump lasted longer than 4 months.

    Beige G3 bump to 300MHz from 266 - lasted 4 months until the bump to 333MHz

    Beige G3 speed bump to 333MHz - lasted 4 months until unvieling of B&W G3's

    B&W G3 50MHz speed bump in June 1999- 3 months before replacement by G4's

    G4 50MHz speed bump back to 500MHz - 4 months to MWNY and dual G4's standard accross the line.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    what about MWSF01--&gt;MWNY01? that was 6 months for a rev. and MWNY01--&gt;??? is more then 6 for a rev., unless we are going to see a big change....

    and I belive it was Matsu who said Apple was moto's bitch...
  • Reply 107 of 118
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]G4 50MHz speed bump back to 500MHz - 4 months to MWNY and dual G4's standard accross the line.<hr></blockquote>

    Don't know if this qualifies as a speed bump, I think it falls into the "man, Mot really screwed us this time" catagory.

    The G4's were initially supposed to go to 500 MHz, they bumped it down 50MHz due to not enough 500 chips and then bumped it back up. Then they went all Dual cause Mot STILL could not get their sh*t together.
  • Reply 108 of 118
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>WWDC is closer to 3 months than 4 months away. It's early May.

    People, this is a speed bump, not a major revision. Don't expect it to last more than 3 or 4 months. Never in the last 5 years' history of Apple Computer has a minor speed bump lasted longer than 4 months.

    Beige G3 bump to 300MHz from 266 - lasted 4 months until the bump to 333MHz

    Beige G3 speed bump to 333MHz - lasted 4 months until unvieling of B&W G3's

    B&W G3 50MHz speed bump in June 1999- 3 months before replacement by G4's

    G4 50MHz speed bump back to 500MHz - 4 months to MWNY and dual G4's standard accross the line.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    all of last year was jan-july speed bump, july to today with still no speed bump. My 450 came out in Jan of what 98 and that July it went up to dual 500s or something.

    They always go 6 months on the speedbumps.
  • Reply 109 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>People, this is a speed bump, not a major revision. Don't expect it to last more than 3 or 4 months. Never in the last 5 years' history of Apple Computer has a minor speed bump lasted longer than 4 months.


    Not necessarily.

    All they did in 2001 was to bump the powermacs from 733 Mhz to 867 Mhz in MWNY. And with that 134 Mhz bump we've been going for more than 6 months now, only to receive another 133 Mhz in a few days/weeks probably.

    Hey, we've gone a whole year with 133 Mhz. Puts things in perspective when you think Intel will soon improve their bus-speed by exactly that much, to 533 Mhz.

    Seems like so far away now but... Wasn't it more than one year ago at MWSF that Steve had said they'd be closing the Mhz gap?
  • Reply 110 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by timortis:


    Not necessarily.

    All they did in 2001 was to bump the powermacs from 733 Mhz to 867 Mhz in MWNY. And with that 134 Mhz bump we've been going for more than 6 months now, only to receive another 133 Mhz in a few days/weeks probably.


    Regarding the MWSF01-MWNY01 transition: MWSF01 saw a major motherboard revision with new 733MHz G4's not shipping until February.

    As for MWNY01:

    Yes, a 133MHz bump for the single processor configuration. However, MWNY was a transitional update. All G4's moved to the new PPC7450 and all G4's came with GeForce2MX's standard. The dual processor configuration returned as a standard SKU, bumped by more than 267Mhz from the dual 533's. Plus we saw the the birth of the QuickSilver enclosure.

    You don't see new enclosures with speed bumps. It was more than a simple speed bump.

    This isn't.

    [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
  • Reply 111 of 118
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    And so we are reduced to the meager expectations of a few extra megahertz that will somehow be enough. Where is your Kormac now? HAHAHAHHA!!!
  • Reply 112 of 118
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Heh, I've always viewed the issue like this:

    Motorola is killing its own semiconductor biz trying to please Apple. They're tailor making CPUs that basically only Apple uses. Yeah, yeah, a few Cisco routers...we don't use em.
  • Reply 113 of 118
    Oh please.... QuickSilver was a speedbump. Yeah, maybe the outer plastic changed a little, but the case design itself hasn't changed since El Capitan. There were also no major mobo improvements over the DA PowerMacs released at MWSF '01. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    The towers are long in the tooth. We should (hopefully) see the next generation soon.
  • Reply 114 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:


    Regarding the MWSF01-MWNY01 transition: MWSF01 saw a major motherboard revision with new 733MHz G4's not shipping until February.

    As for MWNY01:

    Yes, a 133MHz bump for the single processor configuration. However, MWNY was a transitional update. All G4's moved to the new PPC7450 and all G4's came with GeForce2MX's standard. The dual processor configuration returned as a standard SKU, bumped by more than 267Mhz from the dual 533's. Plus we saw the the birth of the QuickSilver enclosure.

    You don't see new enclosures with speed bumps. It was more than a simple speed bump.

    This isn't.

    [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    First, I don't agree that QuickSilver was a new enclosure at all. It's merely a color/texture change and some minor modifications, that's all. It could be called a "tweak" if anything.

    As far as looking at the updates to the PowerMacs within the past year from a "dual processor point of view", things look even worse if you honestly do that.

    Let's see: The dual 500 Mhz was the fastest machine before MWSF '01, where the dual 533 took that crown, at least for the majority of "processor intensive apps", like 3D rendering. That was a meager 33 Mhz If things had gone as they normally should, even with Apple's pathetic Mhz incements, we should have seen dual 667 Mhz at MWSF '01. But we didn't and then at MWNY came the QuickSilvers with dual 800 Mhz. Which looks like a big improvement over dual 533, a whopping 267 MHz! but in fact it was just the update to the PowerMacs that had been waiting for a whole year, since MWNY 2000 when the dual 500s got introduced.

    As for Geforce etc. I don't consider swapping of standard AGP graphics cards major hardware improvements, do you?
  • Reply 115 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>I continue to laugh my ass off at the fools around here grasping in vain for the faintest validation of the Kormacian delusions. Crap now only means one thing, crap... now. And probably more later. Apple is Mot's bitch right now. And they won't have anything better untill Mot or IBM get their shit together.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Very well said.
  • Reply 116 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>2.) won't a dual 1Ghz G4 be limited by a 133Mhz Bus? I thought even a dual 800 was</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Given nicely threaded or multiple programs, it will probably even a more severe limit for the 800DP than for the 1GHz single proc.

    Then again, Intel's Tualatin / P3-M still has 133MHz FSB even at 1.2GHz or something, and the Celeron is even limited to 100MHz at the same core clock.


  • Reply 117 of 118
    Here we go.
  • Reply 118 of 118
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    wow, you were right
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