Apple to test $1 TV program price alongside launch of iPad



  • Reply 41 of 71
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    first off the HD videos on itunes are 720p, same as the ipad.

    720p = 1280x720

    iPad = 1024x768

    SD = 640x480

    Either you are going to be watching SD upscaled or HD downscaled.
  • Reply 42 of 71
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A report indicates that Apple plans on offering individual U.S. TV shows for $1 coinciding with the launch of the iPad in April.

    Why pay $1 when they are available on the 'web for free? Is this why Apple will not allow flash?
  • Reply 43 of 71
    Why are half the ads I see on Hulu for non-profits and PSAs?

    I have a hard time believing Hulu is making much profit if any.

    They appear to be having a difficult time getting major NATIONAL advertisers.

    It seems to me they are missing out on an opportunity to do more LOCAL, TARGETED advertising.

    Apple's purchase of Quattro could pave the way for them to be able to offer subsidized programing via location based advertising.
  • Reply 44 of 71
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I really don't know what faction will win over, but the figures I've seen from an industry person that I trust reasonably well say that ad revenue per episode, per audience member, don't exceed $0.25.

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Yes yes I've heard this hogwash before.

    You highlighted it and called it hogwash.

    I'm backing my comment with this:

    It's not the same article that I read before, but same writer and much of the information is still the same. This isn't a two-bit punk either, he's in the post production industry and he keeps tabs on what the media industries are doing.

    Now, if you have a better source on how much money the networks get for advertising, per episode per audience member, all you need to do is back it up and lay out the source. Saying it's bunk won't cut it.
  • Reply 45 of 71
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    first off the HD videos on itunes are 720p, same as the ipad.

    second, i think a drop is an excellent idea. make it $1 for SD and $1.50 for HD (only not that two file thing which just eats up space). also get nets like Showtime to put up the episodes as they air and not when the DVD comes out. toss in some season pass only extras even.

    third, I still think a subscription plan is a good idea if the math can be worked out. use the same files but with an expiration or an 'at a time' limit (you can always download it again).a lot of folks would go for it if the price was right, the availability was quick and there were no ads.

    I have mixed feelings about the two file deal when buying HD.

    It's nice to have the iPhone optimized file sometimes.
  • Reply 46 of 71
    Originally Posted by LTMP View Post

    I have mixed feelings about the two file deal when buying HD.

    It's nice to have the iPhone optimized file sometimes.

    How about:

    $1 for SD

    $1.5 for HD

    $2 for both
  • Reply 47 of 71
    I've never understood the appeal of paid TV from iTunes, PS3, xBox, or whomever. I'm just not seeing the value, even at $1. The current pricing of $3, $4, or even more for an episode of a TV show is crazy. Let's not even mention how overpriced movies are. Oh I guess I just did.

    With a trivial amount of forethought I can get hghest quality blu-ray from NetFlix for way less than $1 per disc. If I miss a live episode of Lost, have no DVR (what, you have no DVR? are you joking?), can't get to Hulu or, don't understand torrents, then maybe I wouldpay a buck - just because I'm a Lost fanatic. But that's going to be a very rare circumstance for me, and would only be for a show where I'm a desperate fan. Not for CIS:NCIS:Phoenix.

    I guess I'm just cheap.
  • Reply 48 of 71
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    The current pricing of $3, $4, or even more for an episode of a TV show is crazy. Let's not even mention how overpriced movies are. Oh I guess I just did.

    With a trivial amount of forethought I can get hghest quality blu-ray from NetFlix for way less than $1 per disc. If I miss a live episode of Lost, have no DVR (what, you have no DVR? are you joking?), can't get to Hulu or, don't understand torrents, then maybe I wouldpay a buck - just because I'm a Lost fanatic. But that's going to be a very rare circumstance for me, and would only be for a show where I'm a desperate fan. Not for CIS:NCIS:Phoenix.

    I guess I'm just cheap.

    1) TV Shows come out on disc AFTER a show airs, yet many shows now follow a season or series long hook.

    2) Watching on Hulu is great for the shows that do offer the option, but not all network shows offer it and you aren't going to find paid cable channel shows on Hulu.

    3) I travel, a lot, so I don't have a DVR. I use torrents but it's often more convenient to just pay the $2 for a show I missed. Especially if I'm going to watch it on a plane or in an airport.

    Example: I can start DLing to my iPhone while I'm showering and packing, still letting it DL while riding to the airport. This has worked out well on several occasions.

    But I'm not cheap. I want my entertainment when i want it and I'm willing to pay for that convenience.
  • Reply 49 of 71
    Apple should buy Hulu and incorporate it into Apple TV / iTunes. The 30sec ads serve as a nice break for grabbing some much needed hand food.
  • Reply 50 of 71
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    3) I travel, a lot, so I don't have a DVR. I use torrents but it's often more convenient to just pay the $2 for a show I missed. Especially if I'm going to watch it on a plane or in an airport.

    Good point. If I spent an hour each way commuting on a train and didn't have the time/knowledge to do my own transcoding I'd probably feel the same way. But that's got to be a minority portion of the iTunes pie.

    If I paid a buck for every TV show I watch my monthly cost would be enormous. I can't see it ever becoming a major delivery vehicle. A niche market for special case needs or people who have much less price sensitivity than I do.
  • Reply 51 of 71
    I know I'm late to this party, but wish to comment.

    I'm not going to pay $1 for a TV show, because that equates to $3 for 3 shows a night for 30 days or $90 a month to meet my viewing habits.

    I can get TV shows plenty for $8 a month streamed to my PS3 and watch 4 seasons in a week, no advertising either. Or I can simply watch the show with advertising at it's scheduled time or online for a week or so via HULU or the networks site.

    However there are some people that will, absolutely need to catch up on a hot show and willing to pay a buck now and then to do so. As well as there are some people with megabucks that can watch what they want without monetary care.

    But the majority of people are used to watching TV shows for free in exchange for putting up with advertising. With this recession going on, people in general do not want to spend money.
  • Reply 52 of 71
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Hulu is partially owned by a couple of different companies, Apple cannot just step in with a check book and buy it.

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Apple should buy Hulu and incorporate it into Apple TV / iTunes. The 30sec ads serve as a nice break for grabbing some much needed hand food.

  • Reply 53 of 71
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    This is an option if the show you want to watch is offered on the service you describe. Many networks don't offer their shows on Hulu or the PS3.

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    I can get TV shows plenty for $8 a month streamed to my PS3 and watch 4 seasons in a week, no advertising either. Or I can simply watch the show with advertising at it's scheduled time or online for a week or so via HULU or the networks site.

  • Reply 54 of 71
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Is there a reason why you annoyingly center all your posts?

    I don't bother reading your comments because it's really frustrating.
  • Reply 55 of 71
    So it's already being pushed back? I thought on Jan 27th, they said the wifi version would be for sale in 60 days - which is March.

    Great - they're already late - and they haven't launched yet. DAMN YOU APPLE.

    (and before you think I'm quibbling about a week - pay the IRS a week after April 15 and see how that works out for you)
  • Reply 56 of 71
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    So it's already being pushed back? I thought on Jan 27th, they said the wifi version would be for sale in 60 days - which is March.

    Great - they're already late - and they haven't launched yet. DAMN YOU APPLE.

    (and before you think I'm quibbling about a week - pay the IRS a week after April 15 and see how that works out for you)

    The Financial Times is just confused, being a UK newspaper. April is the launch month for the iPad in the UK; March in the US.
  • Reply 57 of 71
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    If Redbox really is really seen as competition as the article speculates, I think the real solution would be to offer episode rentals at half that. And it would still be more money than they can get through several other rental schemes.

    You can't compare TV episode pricing to RedBox movie rental.

    What Apple needs to do is push to drop rental prices on their movies. Why can I get a physical DVD for $1 a night but for a 24hr(I only count the time you have to watch the movie, not the whole 5 days you have to start it) rental from iTunes I have to pay $4. When they first priced rentals it was based on what you pay at BlockBuster but that is no longer a good measure of pricing.

    If Apple dropped their rental price to .99 for SD & 1.99 for HD they would see a lot more interest in the rental side of their store. Right now I never rent from Apple because I can just as easily drive about a mile to the closest RedBox & get the same movie for $1. If it was only a dollar more for HD I'd be getting HD all the time! Shucks, I'd even rent a few HD movies I already have in SD!
  • Reply 58 of 71
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]One thing's for certain...

    Comedy Central's Daniel Tosh doesn't appear to have much love for Apple's 'New Creation', or paying for any iTunes sanctioned content, given that he just took a golf club to one on tonight's episode.

    Was It Real... or Fake?


    What?!?!? Like a real ipad and smashed it?

    Is he anti computer or was he complaining about it?

    I know some here wished it had/played more codecs, but if I had one I certainly would use it vs waiting for rev 3 like I did with the iPhone.

    Besides, how did he get one anyway???? It must have been a fake.

    Exciting times. Lots of small pads/slates coming. Can't wait to see some of them in action.

    Warning. OT:Was it msft that tried to but google????? I ask as I'm seeing firms go fit google apps for business instead of msft though win 7 not that bad. Much better than Vista and less bloated. Speaking if which, I wish 10.6 was at 5 as SL is still crashing logic and u Blane it in the developer of third party plug-INS not ue compatible. Cio.
  • Reply 59 of 71
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    I've never understood the appeal of paid TV from iTunes, PS3, xBox, or whomever. I'm just not seeing the value, even at $1. The current pricing of $3, $4, or even more for an episode of a TV show is crazy. Let's not even mention how overpriced movies are. Oh I guess I just did.

    With a trivial amount of forethought I can get hghest quality blu-ray from NetFlix for way less than $1 per disc. If I miss a live episode of Lost, have no DVR (what, you have no DVR? are you joking?), can't get to Hulu or, don't understand torrents, then maybe I wouldpay a buck - just because I'm a Lost fanatic. But that's going to be a very rare circumstance for me, and would only be for a show where I'm a desperate fan. Not for CIS:NCIS:Phoenix.

    I guess I'm just cheap.


    From one lostie to another. What's going to happen to sayid? Will the real Locke come back? Remember walt saying he was in a suit with people around him, wanting to harm him, the man in black is nit in a suit. Where did Desmod go. On the plane then gone. If the dark man can form as other, why was he walt warning Claire or was that Jacob. When Locke 2 said he wanted to go home, he looked really evil and my wife says she would not be surprised if all the people we think are bad are good and vise versatile. I think Ben will find something that scare or controls the man in black. I think as each one redeems the wrong they have ever done, they will die at the LAX parallel living. Hurley and Jack, might be spared. Lots of things going on. Hope Sayid makes it. Then the choice you make determines where you end up. Just one of my theories.
  • Reply 60 of 71
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    Good point. If I spent an hour each way commuting on a train and didn't have the time/knowledge to do my own transcoding I'd probably feel the same way. But that's got to be a minority portion of the iTunes pie.

    If I paid a buck for every TV show I watch my monthly cost would be enormous. I can't see it ever becoming a major delivery vehicle. A niche market for special case needs or people who have much less price sensitivity than I do.

    If Apple was smart. Kill of the torrents and offer shows for :50$ cents. Shouldn't be cheaper since the screen is so small. :75 for ipad $1-$2 for Sd/HD, $2.50 for Hd and iPhone with :30 extra minutes if next weeks programming.

    I think how TVwill win is by offering advance info before the general audience which some would pay for. Example, offer ABC Lost as soon as it's done, creat a signature banning them if they upload, sign a NDA, sell for $50-$100 and ABC WOULD make some nice change. Millions and millions.
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