Hulu for Apple iPad likely to be a pay-only service - report

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
While content providers intend to bring Hulu to the iPad, the TV streaming service would likely be offered by subscription only on Apple's new hardware, according to a new report.

Citing people familiar with the company, which is owned by three of the largest U.S. broadcast networks, Peter Kafka of MediaMemo reported Friday that the service, which is free for Web users, will likely be pay-only for the iPad. He said the "most likely scenario" would involve some sort of subscription package.

Hulu has been rumored for months to be exploring some sort of subscription plan to help the Web site turn a profit. Sources reportedly said the company is still unsure of the approach it will take with its anticipated premium service, and those issues would need to be resolved before an iPad plan could be made official.

Among the problems for Hulu would be Adobe Flash. Last week, the media Web site was rumored to be working on an iPad-friendly version of its Web site, which would operate without Flash.

Given all of the hurdles that lie in front of the service, Kafka said it's "very unlikely" that Hulu would launch its subscription plan or have a presence on the iPad when it launches at the end of March. But he noted that Apple would "love it" if Hulu could meet that tight timeframe.

"A rumor that the service would launch alongside the iPad surfaced in the wake of Steve Jobs' New York media tour earlier this month," he wrote. "And I don't think that?s a coincidence. But I don't think that makes it so, either."

Weeks ago, Jobs was in New York meeting with numerous media outlets, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal to pitch the iPad. In addition to the Hulu-related rumors, the trip produced allegations that Jobs disparaged Flash as "old technology" doomed to failure in meetings with newspaper officials.


  • Reply 1 of 137
    Hulu for free on a laptop/desktop or pay for it on the iPad? I think I'll stick with free.
  • Reply 2 of 137
    I hope this happens and that they take the technology to the AppleTV as well. I've tried a couple of the downloadable hacks that are supposed to upgrade your ATV to run Flash so I could watch Hulu, but couldn't get them to work. I would pay a modest monthly fee for Hulu, $20/month?, if it means I can ditch my HD cable subscription ($50+).
  • Reply 3 of 137
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member

    Strange, and clearly not the direction HuLu should be going, yet I do believe that this was inevitable once they entered into talks with Cupertino.[/CENTER]
  • Reply 4 of 137
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Hulu for free on a laptop/desktop or pay for it on the iPad? I think I'll stick with free.

    This is yet another blow to iSteve's lie that the 'Pad is the best way to experience the 'web.
  • Reply 5 of 137
    Originally Posted by beakernx01 View Post

    I hope this happens and that they take the technology to the AppleTV as well. I've tried a couple of the downloadable hacks that are supposed to upgrade your ATV to run Flash so I could watch Hulu, but couldn't get them to work. I would pay a modest monthly fee for Hulu, $20/month?, if it means I can ditch my HD cable subscription ($50+).

    Me too. I think Hulu is good enough to be worth paying for, as long as when you pay the adverts go.
  • Reply 6 of 137
    iPad, no way, not buying that POS. But iPhone, oh yes! I'd pay $5-$10 a month to have Hulu on the iPhone.
  • Reply 7 of 137
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Strange, and clearly not the direction HuLu should be going, yet I do believe that this was inevitable once they entered into talks with Cupertino.[/CENTER]

    FYI: Perhaps it's just me, but your "unique" formatting does make your posts stand out, but it also makes me skip over your posts entirely.
  • Reply 8 of 137
    Originally Posted by beakernx01 View Post

    I hope this happens and that they take the technology to the AppleTV as well. I've tried a couple of the downloadable hacks that are supposed to upgrade your ATV to run Flash so I could watch Hulu, but couldn't get them to work. I would pay a modest monthly fee for Hulu, $20/month?, if it means I can ditch my HD cable subscription ($50+).

    I'd say Hulu works great on the AppleTV 95% of the time. The interface sucks though IMO. I finally just restored mine back to factory settings and now I only watch Hulu on my notebook.

    I agree though, Hulu on the iPad could be great. We'll see....
  • Reply 9 of 137
    Hey, OskiOTroll:

    DO YOU ACTUALLY HAVE AN IPAD TO TEST AND EVALUATE? Wow, most of us mere mortals don't, so you must be "special," indeed. Now, on the other hand, I DO have a Kindle DX . . . and that truly and undeniably IS a cheap POS (to use your crude and wanting vocabulary). Its days are certainly numbered (and rightly so). Wanna buy one CHEAP? I hear Amazon is going to give them away to their Premium members, which, actually, might be the true market value of the device: FREE.

    I believe I can safely infer from your whopping "10" posts that you've come out of the sewer now primarily to trash the "Pad," which means you must be somehow affiliated with Dell, Nokia, Asus, Sony, HP, Amazon, Adobe, Gateway, Microsoft, Ballmer, Gates, Palm, RIM, Acer, Schmidt, Enderle, Dvorak, Motorola, Lenovo, or some other member of the Luddite Party. One and all, they are literally quaking (quacking?) in their boots wondering where their future profits may lie, especially in the realm of netbook trashware.

    To use your venerable "patois," sucks to be you and your opinion re: the Ipad . . . especially since it's based on a complete and utter lack of knowledge and experience, i.e., the perfect confluence of fantasy and ignorance. (Actually, and the truth be known, you probably can't AFFORD both a "Pad" and a "Phone," so this issue is, factually, moot.)

    Let's hear from you again in a couple of months when you can evaluate this product from FIRSTHAND experience. Otherwise, and until then, silence is truly golden.
  • Reply 10 of 137
    So Hulu for iPad will be created to fail? I would only be interested if it was ad free.
  • Reply 11 of 137
    Hulu is going to fail, because the cheapest paid content you can't beat the 3¢ a TV show*, view anytime you want, commercial free streaming from Netflix.

    *based upon viewing 300 shows a month for $9 a month basic DVD service.
  • Reply 12 of 137
    This will be either good for the iTunes store or bad for the iPad.
  • Reply 13 of 137
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    Hulu is going to fail, because the cheapest paid content you can't beat the 3¢ a TV show*, view anytime you want, commercial free streaming from Netflix.

    *based upon viewing 300 shows a month for $9 a month basic DVD service.

    You really watch 10 TV shows a day?

    I can't find 10 a week worth watching!
  • Reply 14 of 137
    Hulu, as a technology, is WAY too immature to charge's still an early adopter thing...this will be a failure if Hulu moves to a subscription model.

    I would be willing to pay in, say, 5 years when maybe I won't need cable...but right now I'm not going to pay for cable and THEN pay for the same content on Hulu.
  • Reply 15 of 137
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    FYI: Perhaps it's just me, but your "unique" formatting does make your posts stand out, but it also makes me skip over your posts entirely.

    Don't mean to 'pile on'...but I agree, a little distracting.
  • Reply 16 of 137
    I'm not sure how Hulu can start charging for something that they have already valued at zero.

    There has to be something new in their value proposition. Either that means no adverts (but how would that play with the advertisers -- feeling they were being cut out), or some sort of limited on device storage (a la the Spotify iPhone app) that will allow you to cache shows to watch when away from wifi or 3G.
  • Reply 17 of 137
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    You really watch 10 TV shows a day?

    I can't find 10 a week worth watching!

    I can't find 10 a month....Formula one, Some of the Winter Olympics, some of Pro Tennis...really can't think of anything else. Maybe Tosh.o

    The rest is just so bad and the interminable adverts! Ahhhhhhhh!
  • Reply 18 of 137
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    This is yet another blow to iSteve's lie that the 'Pad is the best way to experience the 'web.

    Another bitter post from iMoron.
  • Reply 19 of 137
    Hulu is worth paying for if it had HD content, the premium channels & PBS. I would immediately get rid of my cable box if they could add this.
  • Reply 20 of 137
    In watching the iPad keynote, I thought it was so strange how Job’s could release the device WITHOUT Flash….In his argument that the iPad had to do things BETTER than a phone and BETTER than a laptop, it just didn’t make sense. Flash maybe a pain and ultimately doomed, but for now it makes up a ton of content on the web. Between this story and the story of CBS considering charging .99 cents an episode, you really get the sense that Apple is trying to monetize all aspects of the web. Couple that with the rumours of Apple parterning with Bing and it gives you a not-so-nice feeling in your stomache. I can’t imagine why someone would pay money to watch Hulu on an iPad when they could watch it for free on a laptop.

    I’m getting so sick of these Android fan boys posting on this site…Google borrowed so many mobile ideas from Apple… and Google is NOT Wikipedia, they're a for-profit company just like MS and Apple.....Apple really needs to step up their game though…I think they need to allow Flash on the tablet, they need a big upgrade to the iPhone OS and I hope to God they won’t push Bing in a major way. I fear Apple is slipping in public perception. AT&T’s battle with Verizon hasn't helped and Google is moving very fast….As Apple showed with cut/copy/paste, sometimes it really pays to move slowly and get it right. Let's hope that iPhone4 makes some big leaps forwards

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