I think it's too little, too late for AT&T. They seem to think their bad image is only caused by the speed of the service when they have horrible customer service issues to deal with as well.
I'm getting really sick and f*cking tired of paying a $30 iPhone service charge every month.
We're finally seeing the fruits of AT&T's work over the past year. They still have much to do though, but we can see why Apple was okay with the AT&T improvement plan, and understand better why they're sticking with AT&T for the iPad.
They are measuring coverage, just not rural coverage.
Apple opened up bluetooth on the iPod touch for third party devices. I'd like to see a multi-carrier, minimalistic phone that you control by bluetooth (or wifi) from an iPod touch. Kinda like a headset, but includes the whole phone...
For me its not an issue, I have zero issues with either ATT or Verizone because I am in Atlanta. The coverage area for me is about the same for both. I can even get away with TMobile and thats saying something.
This is a major misinterpretation of Verizon's ads - and why AT&T sued.
Verizon claims that their 3G coverage is broader than AT&T's 3G covers - which is probably true. But when you look at how many people can't get a signal at all, Verizon has twice as many as AT&T.
Not to mention that AT&T's 3G is faster than Verizon's 3G and AT&T's EDGE isn't all that much slower than Verizon's 3G, so the 'Verizon is better than AT&T" statement is nowhere near universally true. In fact, when you consider that the majority of people in the US live in metro areas, it's not true at all for the majority of the population.
I would disagree about the ATT EDGE network. I have used it and it is painfully slow compared to Verizon.
I too live in Dallas. I too get dropped calls and it usually occurs when my phone switches from the 3G to Edge network. My suspicion is that it's a problem with the phone and not the network.
Other than that I haven't been getting dropped calls, so try to see if you're getting dropped calls in the same areas and check down and see if that's the problem.
There's an app for that. If you're getting dropped calls pull up the AT&T signal app & report it. There is no better way to report a trouble area since it has your GPS location. That app was the best idea they've had yet.
I don't know how accurate it is, but with the speedtest.net app on 3G, I get 3075 down but only 334 up. I get consistently around 3000 down and 300 up on 3G
I was looking through my speedtest history and saw that these results are about twice as fast than before - infact - about 127% increase in download speed. Upload speed hasn't improved at all.
On ATT Edge, I get a measly 150 down and 54 up - that's 5% of what i get down with 3G
On wifi, however, I get around 13000 down and 8000 up on comcast
I should add I'm in Seattle suburb and I have virtually no dropped calls or problems with 3G
I don't know how accurate it is, but with the speedtest.net app on 3G, I get 3075 down but only 334 up. I get consistently around 3000 down and 300 up on 3G
I was looking through my speedtest history and saw that these results are about twice as fast than before - infact - about 127% increase in download speed. Upload speed hasn't improved at all.
On ATT Edge, I get a measly 150 down and 54 up - that's 5% of what i get down with 3G
On wifi, however, I get around 13000 down and 8000 up on comcast
I should add I'm in Seattle suburb and I have virtually no dropped calls or problems with 3G
Measly? That is why there is 3G.
What iPhone are you using? That makes a difference too.
I live in Albuquerque and AT&T is great here. I do experience problems when I travel to bigger cities. I want AT&T to be successful. I applaud the improvement. I hope it continues.
Verizon = not perfect, but awesome! I'm an Apple fan boy but I'm not getting the iPhone until it Apple pleads with Verizon to take their phone.
Doesn't matter how fast the system is if it doesn't have coverage in the first place. I live in NW Ohio -- Findlay. Headquarters for two international corporations, a university and a county seat. No AT&T 3G coverage, NONE!
Funny. That was my experience too. I could walk 10 feet outside the door and get full strength though. That cleared up about 9 months ago. I get full strength throughout the building now.
AT&T is moving towards use of different spectrum to provide better building penetration.
I'd be afraid to use any cell phone that had a strong enough transmitter to eliminate dead zones in buildings. If you have a problem in a building, you buy a repeater. Most businesses that need their customers or staff to use cell phones have these. Verizon uses a lower frequency that can go through dense materials more easily, but you still need a repeater. You are always going to have dead zones in buildings despite what Verizon's commercials say.
I have a Verizon phone and consistently get signals in these locations, while AT&T customers hunt for windows. T-Mobile users don't even bring their phones in.
AT&T is already the fastest, just wait until they go to 7.2Mbs and then 14.4Mbs later this year. Verizon is STUCK at their slow CDMA speeds with no place to go. Yes, all carriers will eventually go to 4G, but Verizon needs to have phones that support 4G and CDMA since it will take a long time before 4G is rolled out across the country (>2014). They will need to support parallel networks (costly) and need to convince cell phone makers to produce 4G/CDMA phones. 4G includes the 3G standard....so AT&T does not have to worry about that.
This article is a perception puff piece. Nothing more. Everyone knows the ipad is coming out and AT&T is already putting the lure out. Hey, it's okay to get an iPad! We don't suck anymore!
Exactly as they did with their coverage maps when the iPhone launched. Hey, were not really AT&T, were Cingular! We don't suck!
In the New York Metro area AT&T coverage is no better now than it was a year ago or ten years ago. The dead zones are in alll the same places.
What's this study got to do with International coverage of Verizon phones?
I was just wondering why you'd bring it up as 0 is what almost all Verizon phones would have outside the USA, which is my area and there are millions more like me.
Originally Posted by extremeskater
Fast speeds mean nothing if you don't have coverage in your area. So its not the right choice for many. Look at no coverage as 0 and anything times 0 is still 0
What good are fast downloads if the signal doesn't penetrate large buildings like hospitals or university lab buildings?
AT&T is the only vendor that penetrates the dense re-enforced concrete construction of my office building. Probably because there is a cell tower for them 2 blocks away and everyone else is farther away.
It depends on tower location, frequency, number of users per tower - there is no panacea or magic carrier. There is no 100% coverage and that's the true market fluff of the "theres a map for that" Verizon ads.
I think it's too little, too late for AT&T. They seem to think their bad image is only caused by the speed of the service when they have horrible customer service issues to deal with as well.
if you think they are bad just wait until you get over that fence into grass that looks greener.
I'm getting really sick and f*cking tired of paying a $30 iPhone service charge every month.
you going to drop data on a smartphone period? All carriers charge the same.
Not 'THE O.C.' that is stupid, just plain old OC.
At least someone got the reference.
I think it's too little, too late for AT&T. They seem to think their bad image is only caused by the speed of the service when they have horrible customer service issues to deal with as well.
I'm getting really sick and f*cking tired of paying a $30 iPhone service charge every month.
What? When did they add THAT?
They are measuring coverage, just not rural coverage.
Apple opened up bluetooth on the iPod touch for third party devices. I'd like to see a multi-carrier, minimalistic phone that you control by bluetooth (or wifi) from an iPod touch. Kinda like a headset, but includes the whole phone...
For me its not an issue, I have zero issues with either ATT or Verizone because I am in Atlanta. The coverage area for me is about the same for both. I can even get away with TMobile and thats saying something.
This is a major misinterpretation of Verizon's ads - and why AT&T sued.
Verizon claims that their 3G coverage is broader than AT&T's 3G covers - which is probably true. But when you look at how many people can't get a signal at all, Verizon has twice as many as AT&T.
Not to mention that AT&T's 3G is faster than Verizon's 3G and AT&T's EDGE isn't all that much slower than Verizon's 3G, so the 'Verizon is better than AT&T" statement is nowhere near universally true. In fact, when you consider that the majority of people in the US live in metro areas, it's not true at all for the majority of the population.
I would disagree about the ATT EDGE network. I have used it and it is painfully slow compared to Verizon.
I too live in Dallas. I too get dropped calls and it usually occurs when my phone switches from the 3G to Edge network. My suspicion is that it's a problem with the phone and not the network.
Other than that I haven't been getting dropped calls, so try to see if you're getting dropped calls in the same areas and check down and see if that's the problem.
There's an app for that. If you're getting dropped calls pull up the AT&T signal app & report it. There is no better way to report a trouble area since it has your GPS location. That app was the best idea they've had yet.
I was looking through my speedtest history and saw that these results are about twice as fast than before - infact - about 127% increase in download speed. Upload speed hasn't improved at all.
On ATT Edge, I get a measly 150 down and 54 up - that's 5% of what i get down with 3G
On wifi, however, I get around 13000 down and 8000 up on comcast
I should add I'm in Seattle suburb and I have virtually no dropped calls or problems with 3G
I don't know how accurate it is, but with the speedtest.net app on 3G, I get 3075 down but only 334 up. I get consistently around 3000 down and 300 up on 3G
I was looking through my speedtest history and saw that these results are about twice as fast than before - infact - about 127% increase in download speed. Upload speed hasn't improved at all.
On ATT Edge, I get a measly 150 down and 54 up - that's 5% of what i get down with 3G
On wifi, however, I get around 13000 down and 8000 up on comcast
I should add I'm in Seattle suburb and I have virtually no dropped calls or problems with 3G
Measly? That is why there is 3G.
What iPhone are you using? That makes a difference too.
I live in Albuquerque and AT&T is great here. I do experience problems when I travel to bigger cities. I want AT&T to be successful. I applaud the improvement. I hope it continues.
Verizon = not perfect, but awesome! I'm an Apple fan boy but I'm not getting the iPhone until it Apple pleads with Verizon to take their phone.
Funny. That was my experience too. I could walk 10 feet outside the door and get full strength though. That cleared up about 9 months ago. I get full strength throughout the building now.
AT&T is moving towards use of different spectrum to provide better building penetration.
Who in their right mind wants the signal to penetrate through dense material like concrete, brick, reinforced steel and more?
Perhaps you'd like to try lead?
Even when I had a friend at T-Mobile they had localized zones in their buildings to make sure the signal was solid.
Corporations will have to invest or keep those Old Copper lines running. If you think PBX corporate phone systems are going to die you're nuts.
My Verizon phone works fine in these locations... you seem confused.
I'd be afraid to use any cell phone that had a strong enough transmitter to eliminate dead zones in buildings. If you have a problem in a building, you buy a repeater. Most businesses that need their customers or staff to use cell phones have these. Verizon uses a lower frequency that can go through dense materials more easily, but you still need a repeater. You are always going to have dead zones in buildings despite what Verizon's commercials say.
I have a Verizon phone and consistently get signals in these locations, while AT&T customers hunt for windows. T-Mobile users don't even bring their phones in.
Exactly as they did with their coverage maps when the iPhone launched. Hey, were not really AT&T, were Cingular! We don't suck!
In the New York Metro area AT&T coverage is no better now than it was a year ago or ten years ago. The dead zones are in alll the same places.
Oh, and I dropped three calls today.
I was just wondering why you'd bring it up as 0 is what almost all Verizon phones would have outside the USA, which is my area and there are millions more like me.
Fast speeds mean nothing if you don't have coverage in your area. So its not the right choice for many. Look at no coverage as 0 and anything times 0 is still 0
What good are fast downloads if the signal doesn't penetrate large buildings like hospitals or university lab buildings?
AT&T is the only vendor that penetrates the dense re-enforced concrete construction of my office building. Probably because there is a cell tower for them 2 blocks away and everyone else is farther away.
It depends on tower location, frequency, number of users per tower - there is no panacea or magic carrier. There is no 100% coverage and that's the true market fluff of the "theres a map for that" Verizon ads.
I think it's too little, too late for AT&T. They seem to think their bad image is only caused by the speed of the service when they have horrible customer service issues to deal with as well.
if you think they are bad just wait until you get over that fence into grass that looks greener.
I'm getting really sick and f*cking tired of paying a $30 iPhone service charge every month.
you going to drop data on a smartphone period? All carriers charge the same.
Except for AT&T on the iPad