iPad has no camera, but Apple's SDK mentions video chat, flash

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Adding to the already-strong evidence that Apple toyed with the idea of a forward facing camera in the iPad, references to video conferencing, as well as camera flash and zoom, have been discovered in the latest beta of the iPad software development kit.

Digging through the PLCameraController.h frameworks in iPhone OS 3.2 SDK Beta 3, MacRumors discovered references to camera flash, zoom, and a front-facing camera. Earlier this month, an internal iPad part revealed a potential space for a forward-facing camera atop the device.

While the first version of the iPad, set to launch in March, will not ship with a camera, it's possible that all of the new functionality, including camera flash and video chat, could be included in the new iPhone, expected to debut this summer. Last month, AppleInsider reported that Apple moved to purchase significant quantities of LED camera flash components.

In addition, large icons likely for the iPad allowing users to accept or decline a video chat invitation were also discovered in the SDK.

The third beta of the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK was temporarily released on Tuesday, before Apple quickly removed the download from its developer Web site. The update made it easier to ensure iPhone and iPod touch applications would work on the forthcoming iPad.

First revealed in January, iPhone OS 3.2 is, for now, currently for the iPad only. It does not yet support the iPhone or iPod touch.


  • Reply 1 of 70
    Why does the camera have to be built in? Apple can sell one as an accessory.
  • Reply 2 of 70
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Why does the camera have to be built in? Apple can sell one as an accessory.

    An accessory camera would be too bulky for something that can easily be integrated. No... I still hope for a good surprise end of march...
  • Reply 3 of 70
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Why does the camera have to be built in? Apple can sell one as an accessory.

    Exactly. Plus, obviously, companies other than Apple are free to build them. Indeed, they already do. I'd be willing to bet a third-party external (Bluetooth?) videoconferencing camera will be sold as an accessory for the iPad from day one.

    On this question, see Roughly Drafted.
  • Reply 4 of 70
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Was it someone at Apple that said the announced price may be reduced when it ships?

    [Pure Speculation]

    Maybe - they are using this time to guage publc interest and or finalize camera options etc - and *if* not camera is offered on the forst models the price will be reduced - wheras if the camera does not make it into rev a - then price will drop so that the with caemra version that comes out a few months later can go up in price and few will even care that the price is higher.

    [/Pure Speculation]
  • Reply 5 of 70
    So we see the camera button there, we see the camera code in the SDK and people are STILL thinking the camera is going to be in gen2? Isn't it possible that it will ship with a camera and just not announced at the event? Matter of fact isn't the fact that Apple is recently trying to hide all of their shipment details mean they have more to hide in terms of what parts they are shipping? They are possibly shipping millions of more cameras but trying to hide it so they can surprise with a camera on the iPad at launch... just saying it's possible...
  • Reply 6 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by itpromike View Post

    So we see the camera button there, we see the camera code in the SDK and people are STILL thinking the camera is going to be in gen2? Isn't it possible that it will ship with a camera and just not announced at the event? Matter of fact isn't the fact that Apple is recently trying to hide all of their shipment details mean they have more to hide in terms of what parts they are shipping? They are possibly shipping millions of more cameras but trying to hide it so they can surprise with a camera on the iPad at launch... just saying it's possible...

    Background knowledge is always key. Like, for example, knowing that references to video chat and front cameras and mysterious icons have been "discovered" in the iPhone SDK as far back as 2.0.

    Nothing new here, unless you're a new iPad troll who has no prior knowledge of these things.
  • Reply 7 of 70
    I think the important thing to keep in mind is that sooner or later, there's going to be a camera in the iPad. Sooner = launch? Later = 2nd version of iPad?

    What about iChat and video chatting? Would that automatically be included once the camera has been included, or would they wait again to add in that feature?
  • Reply 8 of 70

    Unless your a stock holder or an avid kool-aid drinker you're bound to be dissapointed in 6 months - guaranteed. Just look at the iPhone for example. You waited in line for hours , paid $600, then 2.5 months later the price dropped to $400 yet you only received a 100 Apple dollar$ yet not for use in iTunes.
  • Reply 9 of 70
    Or they decided to keep video chat exclusive to the iPhone 4G.......
  • Reply 10 of 70
    Originally Posted by ElmCityWeb View Post

    I think the important thing to keep in mind is that sooner or later, there's going to be a camera in the iPad. Sooner = launch? Later = 2nd version of iPad?

    What about iChat and video chatting? Would that automatically be included once the camera has been included, or would they wait again to add in that feature?

    I'd bet its already designed, tested, and ready to go. The next gen is always already wrapped and ready to go. Apple never gives you everything all at once.
  • Reply 11 of 70
    Real industry insiders and pundits explain that camera wasn't keynoted only because Steve wasn't comfortable enough with showing his nasal hair to everybody around the world... While lucky iPad owners will undoubtedly be able to...
  • Reply 12 of 70
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I'd bet its already designed, tested, and ready to go. The next gen is always already warpped and ready to go. Apple never gives you everything all at once.

    Ain't that the truth! That's usually the case more times than not. Now it's a waiting game.

    I also won't buy a 1st gen device, usually.
  • Reply 13 of 70
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Why does the camera have to be built in? Apple can sell one as an accessory.

    Oh gawd. The iPad should have a front facing cam, and it's probably will upon launch.
  • Reply 14 of 70
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I'd bet its already designed, tested, and ready to go. The next gen is always already wrapped and ready to go. Apple never gives you everything all at once.

    Could it be that they are doing the same stunt they did back in 2007(?) with the draft N wireless on the MacBooks with the Core2Duo processors, where you had to pay 1.99$ for the N-wifi to be activated ?

    To me knowing that there will be an iPad WITH camera is enough to put me on hold for the latter one. So it ain't an easter pressie - I can wait for Santa. But the idea of doing Video Calls with Skype on the iPad is just too tempting. So unless iPad Mark One(tm) has a camera - I'm out
  • Reply 15 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    I'm going to buy this 1st gen device because if offers a lot built in, plus a ton of potential for accessories. A lot of you are going to be wowed when you really see how amazing such a large screen controlling any other hardware device, is.

    This accessory talk hasn't fully developed on the iPhone, but there hasn't been much time either. The difference in screen size creates a whole new ballgame.
  • Reply 16 of 70
    Why on earth would Apple put a camera in the first revision of their product? They have to leave something "worth" upgrading to for the next generation...
  • Reply 17 of 70
    Originally Posted by telusman View Post

    Why on earth would Apple put a camera in the first revision of their product? They have to leave something "worth" upgrading to for the next generation...

    Dangle the carrot? Nah- not Apple!
  • Reply 18 of 70
    Or rather, "a flash."

    (Frankly, both are pretty useless, although given a choice, I'll take the camera flash.)

    So good!
  • Reply 19 of 70
    Originally Posted by itpromike View Post

    So we see the camera button there, we see the camera code in the SDK and people are STILL thinking the camera is going to be in gen2? Isn't it possible that it will ship with a camera and just not announced at the event?

    rarely to never does Apple do something like that. Especially on a component that could tip the scales to buy for a lot of folks. "and with the built in web cam and our ichat software, you can keep in touch with the family back at home (showing some road warrior dad video chatting with the kiddies)" would be a huge feature.

    the inclusion is likely for 3rd party since we know that accessories are part of the OS already. And a company with some savvy could create a dock connecting camera no bigger than that whole Nike+ receiver or the old tunetalk mike and it would sell big.

    and then perhaps in Gen2 Apple will add it as a built in.
  • Reply 20 of 70
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Having a lot of rich content at release (and I'm not talking about just the app store) will be more important to me than having a webcam. I want to see some interesting iPad versions of some of my favorite magazines.
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