February mobile device traffic up 193%, led by Apple iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 54
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The key is the word smartphone is the title. The Touch isn't a smartphone

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    A: They must be including iPod Touch

  • Reply 42 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course you would have a hard time with reading comprehension. RIF there buddy!

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt (yet again) post the query you made that revealed the detailed answered in the 2nd result.

    Did you ever think of doing a search for 3?


    Doing the same query through google.com gives you the first four results for 3.


  • Reply 43 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    And now for a 3rd time due to your lack of reading comprehension (and now your ability to even post an image in a forum): Which Google query for 3 is giving me the data for the metrics hey used to obtain their Nexus One sales over the iPhone in the 2nd result?

    So, where is my detailed answer about how they measured the data? Again, you have failed to understand the communication. This would be acceptable if your native language wasn't English. Seriously, it wan't a long post, so you have no excuse for not being able to keep up.
  • Reply 44 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: Naming your company '3' makes it tough to google.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    And now for a 3rd time due to your lack of reading comprehension (and now your ability to even post an image in a forum): Which Google query for 3 is giving me the data for the metrics hey used to obtain their Nexus One sales over the iPhone in the 2nd result?

    Now I know you have trouble with reading, so you I will try make this simple for you, made a statement, a statement which claimed it is hard to google '3', I proved you wrong, provided you with a google search for '3', now you are backtracking wanting different results, maybe you should have said something different than "3 is hard to google". You were wrong, get over it.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    So, where is my detailed answer about how they measured the data? Again, you have failed to understand the communication. This would be acceptable if your native language wasn't English. Seriously, it wan't a long post, so you have no excuse for not being able to keep up.

    I understood well enough, you didn't understand what you wrote, if you have so much trouble with reading, then maybe you should either get someone to read things for you, or to get your Mac to read out your posts, it is very easy to do.
  • Reply 45 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Now I know you have trouble with reading, so you I will try make this simple for you, made a statement, a statement which claimed it is hard to google '3', I proved you wrong, provided you with a google search for '3', now you are backtracking wanting different results, maybe you should have said something different than "3 is hard to google". You were wrong, get over it.

    I understood well enough, you didn't understand what you wrote, if you have so much trouble with reading, then maybe you should either get someone to read things for you, or to get your Mac to read out your posts, it is very easy to do.

    I didn't understand what I wrote? Funny how that makes sense to you because you can't admit you made yet another error in reading comprehension.

    It's also great how you have conveniently left out each quote the rest of my post detailing the information I was specifically looking for just before my post script stating that a company titled '3' doesn't make it easy to google. Now you are doing your typical trollboy backpeddle, trying to get yourself out of another embarrassing losing argument. Which isn't working, as usual.

    And that is without even considering the FACT that included data in my post was clearly gained by googling 3. Again, your reading comprehension is poor, to say the least. I really hope your kid isn't home schooled.
  • Reply 46 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    And that is without even considering the FACT that included data in my post was clearly gained by googling 3. Again, your reading comprehension is poor, to say the least. I really hope your kid isn't home schooled.

    I would rather you keep my children out of this conversation, I think it is rather sick of you to even bring them up. But in saying that, I am rather glad they are not as ignorant as you, hiding behind your pseudonym, thinking you are so great.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I didn't understand what I wrote? Funny how that makes sense to you because you can't admit you made yet another error in reading comprehension.

    There is another example of your poor comprehension skills, I said you didn't understand what you wrote, learn to read.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    There is another example of your poor comprehension skills, I said you didn't understand what you wrote, learn to read.

    Which is exactly what I replied to. I even added a rhetorical question to the start of my comment to make that perfectly clear. What's even funnier is that I said to myself, "The fool is still not going to get it and will likely dig his tardhole even deeper.

    PS: You're right, I shouldn't mention your children. Let me rephrase that statement to say, "I really hope you aren't a teacher of anything to any children." Better?*

    * Again, rhetorical.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Which is exactly what I replied to. I even added a rhetorical question to the start of my comment to make that perfectly clear. What's even funnier is that I said to myself, "The fool is still not going to get it and will likely dig his tardhole even deeper.

    I suggest you seek professional help
  • Reply 50 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    I suggest you seek professional help

    Your typical comment to the inevitable unraveling of your original losing comment. When you know you made a mistake just own up to it and I won't have to Whac-A-Mole? you every time you pop your head up.
  • Reply 51 of 54
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by AppleRulez View Post

    If that is true, then why is Google trying to kill the iPhone?


    Isn't Apple, likewise, trying to "kill" their smartphone competition with incoming iPhone 4? Haven't they actually "killed" other MP3 players with their iPod line?

    Well, I don't think so.

    Every company is trying to make as much money as possible by selling as many products as they can. It is tough market out there. If they manage to launch so successful product that it eats into others market shares, well, too bad for the others - they should have tried harder. But trying to be competitive is far cry from trying to kill someone. Each and every one of them is simply putting out product they are expecting to sell - they don't design product having in their mind murder of another product.

    They guy who "invented" something-killer phrase should be jailed.
  • Reply 52 of 54
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Your typical comment to the inevitable unraveling of your original losing comment. When you know you made a mistake just own up to it and I won't have to Whac-A-Mole? you every time you pop your head up.

    I haven't changed my story like you do every five minutes, I have said this a number of times, I will say it again, it is very obvious that you have issues, I suggest you seek professional help with these.
  • Reply 53 of 54
    We at Symbian are thrilled to see the growth of smartphone traffic, and are eager to support that growth across all devices as we continue to show momentum in the US and beyond.

    Globally, Symbian owns more than 50 percent market share of operating systems and is growing at 20 percent a year. In a January 2010 report issued by IDC, Symbian is expected to retain its leadership position, a stark contrast to AdMob's report: http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS22176610.

    With the highly competitive Symbian^3 devices due to enter the US market as early as Q3 of 2010, Symbian?s presence in the states is growing and anticipates a significant increase in AdMob?s relevant shares moving forward.

    Andrea Heuer for Symbian Communications
  • Reply 54 of 54
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by AppleRulez View Post

    2 to 24 is an increase of 1200%.

    33 to 50 is an increase of 51%.

    These kind of changes are not sustainable. Google will fail.

    Also take this quote however you like...

    "Googleandblog.com lists 115 phones currently running Android. While some of these are spread across different countries and a variety of carriers..."

    SO with over 115 DIFFERENT phones from who knows how many manufacturers ALL running Android they've managed to gobble up 24% of the smartphone OS share worldwide. Anyone wanna take a stab at how many more manufacturers have to each develop 3 or 4 cheap Android based phones before they crack the 35% mark? Sorry but if it took 115 unique devices to push android to the 24% mark that really doesn't seem like too much to brag about does it?
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