Apple's Steve Jobs graces Time magazine cover for iPad launch



  • Reply 41 of 104
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    i noticed it as well...and i'm sure it was intentionally overlooked...

    Technically, a few minutes of Photoshop will take care of that.
  • Reply 42 of 104
    kiweekiwee Posts: 102member
    Hopefully they will add profiles to it so you can share it for real.

    I for one don't want my girlfriend login on to my Facebook, checking my mail etc.

    Not that i am paranoid.
  • Reply 43 of 104
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by josephwinters View Post

    Thinking in a totally different direction, but curious to all hell... Knowing that the iPad is the next revolutionary device that will "Change the way we interact and compute"... I'm curious as to how far it will be pushed.

    Thinking in still a different direction about "pushed", you should check out

    From Apple's patent submissions, it looks to be making a push with iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad devices in at least two areas: medical/health care, and gaming.
  • Reply 44 of 104
    Originally Posted by kiwee View Post

    Hopefully they will add profiles to it so you can share it for real.

    I can hear the heads of the music and movie industries forming ulcers in their guts as we speak.
  • Reply 45 of 104
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    I don't think I have any point. It just reminded me of some of my colleagues' the way Ive talked, which basically sound like there's sublime meaning but you couldn't quite touch it. Hence "LOL".

    Sorry, however these guys really do believe in what they're doing, as I do in my work.

    I can see what Ive is getting at though, the experience in using the iPad (as an example) will be to simply produce (most of) what you want without having to look beyond the App at hand.

    In other words, ignore the OS and journaled HFS file system and just get it done. I feel that's what he's after and I've gotta admit it's going to make the iPad very consumer friendly.
  • Reply 46 of 104
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    For those of you who don't know who S. Fry is he was 1/2 of the comedy team Fry and Laurie (yup him and dr. house were a comedy team for 20 or so years... and actually very funny, he is also in Bones)
  • Reply 47 of 104
    ilokiiloki Posts: 13member
    If I buy the iPad and the Time magazine app will Steve appear ala hologram like Princess Leia in Star Wars? Steve says it's magical, so just wondering. .
  • Reply 48 of 104
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by t_k View Post

    In the movie 'Objectified', Ive himself makes fun of how seriously he takes design matters (last few seconds)

    Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that before and found it fascinating. For me the big attraction of Apple is that the aesthetic is absolutely at the core of what they do. It is not an adornment after the fact, it is the essence of the thing itself. It almost goes beyond 'design' to being a form of applied art. The things have a beauty, but that exquisite form is totally integrated into the function. So the aesthetic applies not only the to the form and the function, but also the integration of the two. If you 'get that', it is hard to imagine going outside of an Apple product in the handful of spheres where they operate. If you don't 'get it' I would imagine it could almost be intimidating, and I suspect that's what lies at the heart of a lot the seemingly irrational hatred (rather than a more logical indifference) to all things Apple expressed by some.

    If this perception makes me a 'fanboy', well I shall just try to bear the burden of that trite label with as much dignity as I can muster.
  • Reply 49 of 104
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by iLoki View Post

    If I buy the iPad and the Time magazine app will Steve appear ala hologram like Princess Leia in Star Wars? Steve says it's magical, so just wondering. .

    Sure will R2D2, just spin your little head around as fast as you can and within a couple of minutes you'll be seeing all sorts of things.
  • Reply 50 of 104
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by OzExige View Post

    Sorry, however these guys really do believe in what they're doing, as I do in my work.

    I can see what Ive is getting at though, the experience in using the iPad (as an example) will be to simply produce (most of) what you want without having to look beyond the App at hand.

    In other words, ignore the OS and journaled HFS file system and just get it done. I feel that's what he's after and I've gotta admit it's going to make the iPad very consumer friendly.

    That's basically it but I'm sure it's more than that. "there's nothing between the user and the content they are interacting with" could mean the device's designed to be instinctive (the manual is almost non-existent) or maybe he just took a dig at WP7 where interface is kind of get in a way, or he could mean something else totally. The bottom line is a guy like this know so much more than they couldt communicate it clearly. He's not a marketing person after all.

    Maybe my LOL is a wrong choice. Maybe it should just be only "L".
  • Reply 51 of 104
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    For those of you who don't know who S. Fry is he was 1/2 of the comedy team Fry and Laurie (yup him and dr. house were a comedy team for 20 or so years... and actually very funny, he is also in Bones)

    Fry and Laurie were very funny indeed. He's been in a fair few movies too. Perfectly cast as Oscar Wilde in the movie of the same name.
  • Reply 52 of 104
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    For those of you who don't know who S. Fry is he was 1/2 of the comedy team Fry and Laurie (yup him and dr. house were a comedy team for 20 or so years... and actually very funny, he is also in Bones)

    Here's some vintage Fry & Laurie: The Hedge Sketch
  • Reply 53 of 104
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Spoke like a true artist.

    more like a true matador, deflecting a charge with a deft swipe of a cape.....
  • Reply 54 of 104
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    For those of you who don't know who S. Fry is he was 1/2 of the comedy team Fry and Laurie (yup him and dr. house were a comedy team for 20 or so years... and actually very funny, he is also in Bones)

    Jeeves & Wooster, Blackadder, Q.I., Steven Fry in America. I think I've seen every series he's ever been in, which isn't easy for a Yankee.
  • Reply 55 of 104
    t_kt_k Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by AeronPrometheus View Post

    Originally Posted by kiwee View Post

    Hopefully they will add profiles to it so you can share it for real.

    I can hear the heads of the music and movie industries forming ulcers in their guts as we speak.

    I'm much more 'optimistic' that music executives will be able to see user profiles as yet another money-making opportunity. You know, for each device, really only the "license-holder" shold have access to his songs, so profiles would make sure that depending on the person accessing the device, only properly licensed files for this specific person are accessible.

    Originally Posted by OzExige View Post

    Sorry, however these guys really do believe in what they're doing, as I do in my work.

    I find that designers in particular are kind of 'sensitive' when it comes to the estimation of their work... I guess there's many ways to interpret that...ahem... Maybe it's because they fear to end up like Philippe Starck when they retire, claiming that "design is dead" and concluding about their own work ?Everything I designed was unnecessary.?
  • Reply 56 of 104
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    more like a true matador, deflecting a charge with a deft swipe of a cape.....

    Yes, from "In many ways, it's the things that are not there that we are most proud of," you can interpret it that way. I give you that. (if you thought he's talking about some missing hardwares but I thought he's talking about software asperct, which is not the question asked of course)
  • Reply 57 of 104
    ozexigeozexige Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by t_k View Post

    I find that designers in particular are kind of 'sensitive' when it comes to the estimation of their work... I guess there's many ways to interpret that...ahem... Maybe it's because they fear to end up like Philippe Starck when they retire, claiming that "design is dead" and concluding about their own work ?Everything I designed was unnecessary.?

    Believe me when I say I really do understand what you're implying about a designers estimation of his work - or should that be worth
  • Reply 58 of 104
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,805member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Interesting. I have Beta 3 installed of the SDK and the Sublime video doesn't give me the option to click the play button. This means that Apple has made changes to underlying code, not Jilion, to get this to work.

    HTML5 video is going to be big once that damn breaks. I only wonder if anyone will use the Apple created HTTP Live Streaming with it.

    edit: SCratch that, it plays fine for me, I didn't give it enough time to load the content, so Sublime must have changed something. Those other sites are looking nice, too, tested on the iPad sim.

    Funny you mentioned the other sites. I set them all up as desk top apps on the iPad and have spent the rest of the time since then using the iPad like a browser on the 30" ACD while I work on other things. I actually forgot it was the iPad for a while, even using a mouse it somehow seems just right!

    Just noticed too, they replaced Flash ads on CNN with still images and links to the advertisers web sites. Far more restful on the eyes!
  • Reply 59 of 104
    Originally Posted by Doxxic View Post

    1. That cover would make a great iPad background.

    Obviously a bit gushing fanboy - but for a week or two it'd be too ironic not to use. Paper magazine on an e-reader (mobile computer etc). Ya. I'd do it because in the last year I think I paid for 2 or 3 magazines TOPS, and this one would undoubtedly be my last.

    At least that's the reason I'd make a point of telling people if they asked.

    After that I'd put other magazines covers on it to keep the ball rolling. Neat idea - thx.
  • Reply 60 of 104
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Funny you mentioned the other sites. I set them all up as desk top apps on the iPad and have spent the rest of the time since then using the iPad like a browser on the 30" ACD while I work on other things. I actually forgot it was the iPad for w while, even using a mouse it somehow seems just right!

    Just noticed too, they replaced Flash ads on CNN with still images and links to the advertisers web sites. Far more restful on the eyes!

    I can't get to play on my iPad simulator for the Beta 3 SDK. Can you?
    PS: It's odd that they list all these sites but offer no direct links to them.
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