iPad likes and dislikes - hands on



  • Reply 21 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Nope, it's just really stupid. I find both the iPhone and Mac App Stores difficult to navigate. I give up after searching the first 50 or so apps because they are always apps Apple recommends and their recommendations seem to place a low value on user ratings. There's also no way to flag apps you've seen so you have to scroll through the same lists over and over. And there is no remembering your position from one screen to the next. I've seen Angry Birds about 20 times now and I still don't want it but next time I visit the store, there it will be.

    It makes it difficult for new apps to get seen because I can't browse the apps properly and apps that have been popular just stay in the chart earning more money and mostly because Apple is recommending them to people.

    I like the http://appshopper.com/ipad/all/

    You can set if for only iPhone apps, iPad apps, or all. You can set it for all apps in a category, or only "popular" ones. clicking on the "buy now", which isn't really a buy now button, brings the Safari apps page, which then will also open up iTunes to that app.

    I agree that the App Store is confusing. It seems as though Jobs wants people to type something in the search box, and go from there. I don't think it's the best way. I'd like to see more categories. That part was better before. The bookstore also needs a way to better browse around (as well a a LOT more books).
  • Reply 22 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Reviewed the iPad at the Apple Store.

    Note: I don´t have a iPhone or smartphone as the text/screen is too tiny for my eyesight and big fingers.


    Bigger screen a plus.

    Useful for a road tripping (need the internet NOW!) getting instant on/per month 3G connection in out of the way places (except North Dakota, Montana area where AT&T has no service). AT&T is already providing better options for itś 3G laptop connect card for laptops. Hopefully they will allow people to buy the laptop connect device, then ala carte monthly service like on the iPad. Until then, the iPad is better.


    Heavy, slips out of single hand especially if sweaty, two hands holding creates sore muscles after a time, needs propping up with legs raised, afraid of dropping the device, especially if falling asleep while reading. (Note: with a laptop it has itś own built in stand, thus I can keep it on a table next to my chair when reading and if I fall asleep it doesn´t fall)

    Glossy screen, hard to read in many brightly lit environments, needs a darkened environment to see the whole screen clearly.

    Low storage capacity, will get filled fast requiring frequent hookups to a computer for loading and off loading content like the iPod Touch, price for storage capacity not good at all. For large content carriers, this could be a issue.

    Note: I have 14GB for about 4,000 photoś and 47GB for about 8000 songs which woudn´t leave much left over for movies, TV rentals, e-books, Apps, etc on a 64GB iPad. Content grows over time and syncing takes too long to be doing it on a low capacity device. I rather use a iPod Classic with 180GB of storage or my MacBook Pro with 500GB of storage instead.

    Cumbersome interface, web sites are not optimized for the bigger finger stylus. Lotś of accidents.

    I found the interface required a lot of learning, it wasn´t intuitive, I had to guess around touching parts of the screen to find out what did what. I was always looking for the menu bar a the top like on OS X to find out what all my command options were.

    Requires a computer to operate, means dragging a laptop on long trips for updating or adding or removing content. (Note: I took most of those 4,000 pictures on just one trip!)

    Typing is terrible, if your used to touch typing and keyboard shortcuts, requires dragging a keyboard along. My longer middle fingers kept touching the keypad, it required me to elevate my hands in the air slightly above the device, it grew tiring very fast as I couldn´t rest my hands or fingers on the keys.

    Screen gets dirty fast from fingerprints, possibly prone to micro scratches. Requires a table or apparatus to hold the device for hands free, laptop is better ergonomically

    All iPad software features is available on laptops already and are either much superior, a lot more choice, free versions etc. No ¨must have¨ feature or software the iPad has that laptops don´t.

    Lack of Admin/root level control without ¨jail-breaking¨ the device, can´t install security or network monitoring software, can´t run software outside of the App Store

    Safari hasn´t been very secure as a browser lately, lack of plug-ins to provide additional security, not many other browser choices (Opera Mini)

    No Flash support, meaning most video and games on the net will not work with the device, also making it hard to use the device at sites when one needs Flash, understandable as the device isn´t powerful enough to handle Flash. But still a lot of the web uses it.

    Problems reported with Wifi and overheating issues in the sun, hot environments

    One 30 minute TV show on Netflix or YouTube over 3G eats up one´s entire 250MB allotment under the $15 a month AT&T plan. Apps reportedly are and suspect AT&T in the future will have to resort to throttling users under the $30 a month unlimited plan. So likely no movie a day or any sort of extensive YouTube video watching via 3G. Just plain web surfing and emailing, e-reading etc.

    In conclusion

    In my opinion if your a tech buff that won´t mind monitoring your childś iPad, then this is the device for them, itś safe and controlled for the most part.

    I feel a lot of people are going to buying a iPad without realizing a computer is required or have to use their computer to monitor the iPad.

    In my opinion if you want your child to reinforce touch typing behavior, or they deal with a lot of content, then a laptop is a better choice.

    I think the 3G iPad would make a good spare, in vehicle computing device, although itś pricey. If AT&T would adjust their laptop connect card to be able to sign up via remote for per month charges, then this would be even better.

    The ergonomics of a laptop are hard to beat. Real keyboard, monitor holder, larger storage, open device, customizeable etc.

    The iPad is, entry level speaking, cheaper than a Mac laptop, but one will add to it and bring itś cost up to one anyway.

    In my opinion the iPad is no answer to a cheap netbook, rather it will spur people into either getting a MacBook Pro or a Windows netbook at the expense of Appleś MacBook line.

    Because the iPad requires a computer, it drives itś cost up even more and limits itś adoption.

    I think people were looking for a open, standalone Mac tablet with decent storage. Not a closed, computer dependent, larger screen iPod Touch with poor storage capacity.

    The iPad would make a good device for those without a lot of demands, can live within itś restrictions and the App Store ecosystem.

    A educational or limited media consumption device, yes. A media creation or business tool, no.

    In my opinion the iPad is a rich boy tech gimmick, most people don't need one, just want one, it serves little purpose. It can be easily broken and not a safe choice for children. This comes from a 20 year plus Apple veteran who usually adopts quickly to new Apple tech. I see little purpose for this device other than very simplistic use for some.

    Note: I must add the 15" high resolution matte screen MacBook Pro is a very, very nice machine, even better than the previous versions. Spin it around on the Apple store table and it doesn´t reflect a single thing. SWEET!!

    I've got mine for almost a month now, and I don't agree with a lot of the criticisms. You obviously haven't used this for more than a short time in the store. That tells you nothing useful, other than just a little bit of how it looks and feels.

    Since the business press thinks this is a very good business tool, you are certainly wrong about that. The only thing I can agree about is that at times, the gloss is annoying, but is easily moved so that it is not.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I like the http://appshopper.com/ipad/all/

    You can set if for only iPhone apps, iPad apps, or all. You can set it for all apps in a category, or only "popular" ones. clicking on the "buy now", which isn't really a buy now button, brings the Safari apps page, which then will also open up iTunes to that app.

    I agree that the App Store is confusing. It seems as though Jobs wants people to type something in the search box, and go from there. I don't think it's the best way. I'd like to see more categories. That part was better before. The bookstore also needs a way to better browse around (as well a a LOT more books).

    Nice, thanks. That goes right on my Safari bookmarks bar.

    I think the App Store is becoming the victim of its own success, and the current shortcomings are less by design than a differed need to reorganize to take in the new categories. The fact that it doesn't hold your place when you go back to the list after looking at an app's description can't be seen as anything but a mistake, one that we can hope Apple will correct soon.

    Personally, I believe Apple is showing signs of being a bit overwhelmed at the moment.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Nice, thanks. That goes right on my Safari bookmarks bar.

    I think the App Store is becoming the victim of its own success, and the current shortcomings are less by design than a differed need to reorganize to take in the new categories. The fact that it doesn't hold your place when you go back to the list after looking at an app's description can't be seen as anything but a mistake, one that we can hope Apple will correct soon.

    Personally, I believe Apple is showing signs of being a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

    This is something they've really go to work on. It's sad when another party comes up with a web site that does more of what they should be doing.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Reviewed the iPad at the Apple Store.

    You could have stopped right there.

    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Note: I don´t have a iPhone or smartphone as the text/screen is too tiny for my eyesight and big fingers.

    I also have poor eyesight. In fact, I am legally blind. The iPhone and iPad are the only devices a person with poor eyesight should even be considering as they has a built-in screen reader, magnifier, and lots of other accessibility enhancements. You, sir, are full of it.
  • Reply 26 of 42
    ranumranum Posts: 43member
    Though probably not important to many - perhaps most - iPad owners, I would be grateful for a dock adapter that would provide an ethernet connection for Internet access.

    Other than that, I love the iPad as it does all that I need for it to do. It's completely changed my personal computing experience. I still have an iMac to do the heavier lifting when necessary and to manage media. But most day to day needs are met 100% by the iPad.
  • Reply 27 of 42
    One of the things I have found that I love to do with my iPad is read books. I have never used a Kindle, Nook or other book reader/device in the past, and I was worried about the interface being too cumbersome, and about eyestrain.

    Having read a couple of books now on it, I have to say I love it as an electronic book reader.

    I was initially concerned about the weight, and it being too slick. I am using a clear Belkin case, that adds little bulk, but leaves me feeling much more secure when holding it in one hand (and when letting others use it!).

    The interface is smooth enough that I forget about it and get lost in the story in no time, just like with a paper book. But as my middle-aged eyes find paperback book text harder to see in low light, the ability to change text size, colors, backlighting... it is all priceless.

    I picked up a hardback book the other day (one I had bought a few months ago and had not read yet) and immediately was wishing it was on my iPad instead. I would have a hard time even considering reading a paperback book now. Do that requires me to put on my reading glasses and make sure I have a strong light source behind me or on the book. Neither is an issue with the iPad. I wish my local library had a way to check-out ePub books, because the cost of the books is an issue. But as a reader it is awesome.

    I have also found myself using the iPad instead of my iPhone for email and web-browsing. It's such a nice experience on the iPad.

    I will mention that I did NOT like Apple's iPad folio case. After waiting weeks for it to arrive, I am very disappointed. Sharp edges, outside seams, cheap feel. I am going to return it this week. I'll wait until the nicer folios come out and I can handle them in the store. I may just stick with my Belkin case and a padded sleeve if I come across one that accommodates the iPad and the case.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by LikesToRead View Post

    I will mention that I did NOT like Apple's iPad folio case. After waiting weeks for it to arrive, I am very disappointed. Sharp edges, outside seams, cheap feel. I am going to return it this week. I'll wait until the nicer folios come out and I can handle them in the store. I may just stick with my Belkin case and a padded sleeve if I come across one that accommodates the iPad and the case.

    I have Apple's case, and so far, with a few minor mods, it's the best case out there. All the others I've seen or handled have bigger problems. The outside seams are sonic welded, a very secure method of attachment, and act as shock bumpers.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    1024x768 has been a web standard since inception.

    the app store sucks for browsing.. I dislike how it loses your place. So trivial to fix. UI fail! Apple should know better.

    fingerprints aren't an issue. you can't see them when its on. I just carry my iPhone screen cleaner with me... now why didn't Apple put one in the iPad box? whacky.

    It was the most common res. when Internet became popular ~15 years ago....so it's frustrating to still have this screen size around. It's the same as at considering IE6 for a site

    Sizewise, I agree that the Itunes Store isn't usable on a iBook 1024*768 too.

    lol about the sceen cleaner ;-)
  • Reply 30 of 42
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    I also have poor eyesight. In fact, I am legally blind. The iPhone and iPad are the only devices a person with poor eyesight should even be considering as they has a built-in screen reader, magnifier, and lots of other accessibility enhancements. You, sir, are full of it.

    And I have seen a copy of the building plans from Stevie Wonders house.

    One big circle with four smaller identical circles attached around the perimeter that are bedrooms.

    You wait until he chooses a bedroom before you retire, or else take a one in four chance he will crawl in bed with you.

    Wonder what the odds are with two legally blind people?
  • Reply 31 of 42
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    agreed. it is very difficult to browse throu apple store. those featured apps are not usually what ppl want.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Nope, it's just really stupid. I find both the iPhone and Mac App Stores difficult to navigate. I give up after searching the first 50 or so apps because they are always apps Apple recommends and their recommendations seem to place a low value on user ratings. There's also no way to flag apps you've seen so you have to scroll through the same lists over and over. And there is no remembering your position from one screen to the next. I've seen Angry Birds about 20 times now and I still don't want it but next time I visit the store, there it will be.

    It makes it difficult for new apps to get seen because I can't browse the apps properly and apps that have been popular just stay in the chart earning more money and mostly because Apple is recommending them to people.

  • Reply 32 of 42
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Another iPad Dislike:

    AT&T just eliminated their iPad "unlimited" 3G plan.

    For those who grandfathered and maintain their unlimited monthly plan perhaps it will continue, but likely will experience throttling to reduce demand behavior regardless.

    Downloading video consumes a lot of bandwidth especially on trips or to entertain the kiddies in remote locations with little or poor wifi service.

    So that eliminates a good purpose for the 3G iPad.

    I knew from the iPad announcement that AT&T couldn't handle video/heavy downloads over 3G, so did Apple, but they both go ahead and announce a "unlimited plan" and then switch up a couple of months after the first iPads get shipped, basically doing a "bait and switch" tactic.

    People are not pleased with the behavior of both Apple and AT&T over this.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    I don't currently own a iPad, but one of my cousins have one and the tablet is absolute brilliant. One of my favourite features is the online book reader (as reading is one of my favourite interests). Furthermore, I plan on investing in my very own iPad within the next month or so.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by anakin1992 View Post

    agreed. it is very difficult to browse throu apple store. those featured apps are not usually what ppl want.

    Now that I've got my iPad, I have gotten into the habit of checking the store daily and just checking on the new releases, having spent the first day I had it doing a fairly thorough search through every topic area. Takes about 5-10 minutes a day, can be done while watching TV,and it is fun to know what is out there.
  • Reply 35 of 42
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    I just wish more was out there. I'm pretty desperate for a good mobile database for the collection of field data, one that can import a database created on the Mac. Lacking any better alternatives I bought HanDbase, which while it might do the job (remains to be seen), is inelegant in the extreme. It's early days I know, but this is one potentially huge iPad market, which so far is going wanting, for no obvious reason.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    The only problem I have so far is the attention iPad draws. I'm getting tired of answering questions about it when engrossed in a book or movie.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Another iPad Dislike:

    AT&T just eliminated their iPad "unlimited" 3G plan.

    For those who grandfathered and maintain their unlimited monthly plan perhaps it will continue, but likely will experience throttling to reduce demand behavior regardless.

    Downloading video consumes a lot of bandwidth especially on trips or to entertain the kiddies in remote locations with little or poor wifi service.

    So that eliminates a good purpose for the 3G iPad.

    I knew from the iPad announcement that AT&T couldn't handle video/heavy downloads over 3G, so did Apple, but they both go ahead and announce a "unlimited plan" and then switch up a couple of months after the first iPads get shipped, basically doing a "bait and switch" tactic.

    People are not pleased with the behavior of both Apple and AT&T over this.

    In response to that, I don't do any video downloads with 3G. The qulity, or lack thereof, is painful.

    But I have an interesting bit of info on data usage due to a situation here.

    Three days ago, my internet service went out. I use Covad, and they are very reliable. But something happened, and they were down here.

    I called, and was given a three hour, or so time to uptime. But that didn't happen, It turned out that my service was down for about 2.5 days. Versizon's equipment was also part of the problem it seems.

    Anyway, I've had the $15 250MB deal, as I only use it when out of the house.

    So, I'm 7 days short of the 30 days, and I get a message from AT&T that I've got 20% lft and would I like to re-up? I said not now. When I'm down to 9% a day or so later, the same message appears, and again I say no.

    So, I've used about 240 MB data in about 26 days, about what I expected.

    But now comes the internet implosion. So I re-up for $30 (still being offered to me as I've still got 6 days left) for unlimited.

    As I'm using this as my primary Internet service, and by the way, AT&T's 3G is pretty dang fast in NYC on my iPad (just so's you all know), I'm using it a lot, and my daughter stole it for part of a day, it's getting a lot if 3G usage.

    So, after the 2.5 days of 3G use, I used 290 MB data, in and out!

    Of course, this includes all those app updates and purchases, but still, no video downloads...

    But as for AT&T limiting unlimited, for most people, it's a good deal, and don't forget that it was first Verizon that said it would come, and now O2 in the UK that says they will be doing it, and I'm pretty sure that most other carriers will follow, or do something that will make downloading video unbearable, such as throttling, which I think T-Mobile is already doing.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member

    So, after the 2.5 days of 3G use, I used 290 MB data, in and out!

    Jesus, what did your daughter do? Watch a movie? YouTube?
  • Reply 39 of 42
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Jesus, what did your daughter do? Watch a movie? YouTube?

    I already said, no movies, no Youtube, no streaming music. This is just being on the internet several hours each day, and updating the apps, which are megabytes in size. It adds up faster than you think when you depend on only it for everything. You don't think about it when you're on your computer.
  • Reply 40 of 42
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I already said, no movies, no Youtube, no streaming music. This is just being on the internet several hours each day, and updating the apps, which are megabytes in size. It adds up faster than you think when you depend on only it for everything. You don't think about it when you're on your computer.

    Sorry, you said your daughter had your iPad for part of the day, I assumed you were not watching.

    Heck even cable throttles my data/Netflix/PS3 eating @ss and I don't even p2p. I got six operating systems to feed regularly.

    3G iPad? Sounds like a trap to me, it's just human nature to do what the heck they need to do on line and not count the data.
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