Apple's iPad Case ships, gets unboxed in high-quality photos

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
After 72 hours of coddling their iPads like a newborn baby, early iPad adopters who pre-ordered one of Apple's official iPad cases have begun to receive the first deliveries of the accessory, which can be seen in the below unboxing photos.

Made of a rubberized exterior and soft microfiber interior, the $39 iPad Case folds tight like a hardcover book once the iPad is slipped into its snug frame and a piece of microfiber tucked underneath its left-side binding. It also act as a stand that holds iPad at an ideal angle for watching videos and slideshows or for typing on the onscreen keyboard.

AppleInsider will publish a short review of the case once it's had a few days to gauge its durability and the level of protection it offers.



  • Reply 1 of 84
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member
    Why is this a big deal? I got one Sat with my iPad.
  • Reply 2 of 84
    twoslicktwoslick Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Why is this a big deal? I got one Sat with my iPad.

    Same here.
  • Reply 3 of 84
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member



  • Reply 4 of 84
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Why is this a big deal? I got one Sat with my iPad.

    Not everybody's bought an iPad yet, like me.
  • Reply 5 of 84
    bxs6408bxs6408 Posts: 72member
    So u may have obtained one or more Sat Apr 3rd but for others that pre-ordered for home delivery they got theirs today. Two different events and AppleInsider is simply discussing today's event. I was please to see the article as I was interested in the review.

    Why don't you post your review since you've had yours for 3 days now. Thanks...
  • Reply 6 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    The case is very disappointing and is certainly not worth $39. The worst part is that when the iPad is in the case the wifi antennae are so shielded that you lose you wi-fi connection. So you can really only use the iPad out of the case. I have already read somewhere how Apple reduced the strength of the wifi to improve the battery, and how the aluminum case (as opposed to plastic for the iPhone) blocks the wifi even more. It only stands to reason that if you put it in a case the wifi will be further reduced in strength, in fact to nil. Tomorrow the case is going to the Apple store for a refund.
  • Reply 7 of 84
    twoslicktwoslick Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    The case is very disappointing and is certainly not worth $39. The worst part is that when the iPad is in the case the wifi antennae are so shielded that you lose you wi-fi connection. So you can really only use the iPad out of the case. I have already read somewhere how Apple reduced the strength of the wifi to improve the battery, and how the aluminum case (as opposed to plastic for the iPhone) blocks the wifi even more. It only stands to reason that if you put it in a case the wifi will be further reduced in strength, in fact to nil. Tomorrow the case is going to the Apple store for a refund.

    Shielded by what? The case is not made out of metal at all, and I've had absolutely no wifi problems connecting. I've been to several places where my iPhone had minimal connection (still useful), and my iPad has had the same or better connection, INSIDE the case. Maybe you should try using one before talking out of your ass.
  • Reply 8 of 84
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    We'll see what AI's review discovers, but my first impression is that the case offers little protection for the most vulnerable entryways for moisture: the headphone jack and switches.
  • Reply 9 of 84
    As some will know, you can't dock the iPad dock with the case.
  • Reply 10 of 84
    kennethkenneth Posts: 832member
    I agree. I kept my iPad inside the Apple case and didn't notice any signal dropout.
  • Reply 11 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by twoslick View Post

    Shielded by what? The case is not made out of metal at all, and I've had absolutely no wifi problems connecting. I've been to several places where my iPhone had minimal connection (still useful), and my iPad has had the same or better connection, INSIDE the case. Maybe you should try using one before talking out of your ass.

    I got two cases today and cannot use them so I am not talking out of my a**, i am speaking from experience. I am happy that you do not have the same problem, but I cannot use the case so I am going to seek a refund.

    I do not see the need for you to be a jerk in this matter. Why did you assume that I had not tried the case on my iPad? I happen to be a very loyal Apple user and I think the iPad is great. I am disappointed that I cannot use the case, but I still maintain that it is cheaply made and in not worth $39.
  • Reply 12 of 84
    weshsuweshsu Posts: 5member
    How stable is the iPad when the case is in "typing" mode? Do you find the angle at which the iPad is lying to be a good angle when typing?
  • Reply 13 of 84
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member
    Yup, I just got home and there was my iPad case sitting on my front door. Received the iPad dock I pre-ordered last Saturday ... now all I have to do is wait about three weeks for my pre-ordered 64GB 3G iPad to arrive, and then I can actually use these accessories.

    p.s. I also thought this was kind of funny. I've been "excited" shall we say to get my iPad and my girlfriend really isn't very keen on Apple (except for her iPod Nano) ... she's been telling me how stupid the iPad is, and how its a waste of money, etc ... Yesterday we went to the Apple Store in San Diego and played around with a WiFi demo. After five minutes on the device she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry, you were right ... this thing is AWESOME!" So, now we have to find a way to get her one ...
  • Reply 14 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by weshsu View Post

    How stable is the iPad when the case is in "typing" mode? Do you find the angle at which the iPad is lying to be a good angle when typing?

    When it is flat in the case the typing is not a problem. But he case does not sit well upright for reading. Or in the "wedge" position, where I find that it is even more unstable. I think t is too flimsy.

    Whoever suggested a leather case may be on to something, but any thicker covering may impede the work of the antennae. I understand that one antenna is under the apple logo on the back of the iPad.

    It has already been established that the wifi strength on the iPad is not as strong as on the iPhone: The good news is that this can be remedied by a software adaptation. That may mean, however, shorter battery life.
  • Reply 15 of 84
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member
    I find Apple's fold over design great - it does not however work with the dock as someone else mentioned. If you want to carry other stuff (e.g., charger, keyboard) you probably need just the envelope type case and then a small laptop bag or backpack.

    The fold over is a bit thick for playing with accelerometer controlled games but is easy enough to take out if/when you want to do that.

    None of the cases were cheap so I guess $39 is reasonable and I suspect it will not take much to really scratch the shiny backside quickly from what I have read so it is a good investment (unless you are looking for a nice patina on yours ). The condom sleeve type cases do not protect the device except in transit and the Apple case has a bit better protection for corners and edges.

    IHTH, Cheers!
  • Reply 16 of 84
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by blursd View Post

    p.s. I also thought this was kind of funny. I've been "excited" shall we say to get my iPad and my girlfriend really isn't very keen on Apple (except for her iPod Nano) ... she's been telling me how stupid the iPad is, and how its a waste of money, etc ... Yesterday we went to the Apple Store in San Diego and played around with a WiFi demo. After five minutes on the device she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry, you were right ... this thing is AWESOME!" So, now we have to find a way to get her one ...

    ... and I was ready to tell you to dump the girlfriend...
  • Reply 17 of 84
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Judging from the pictures, this case is only really useful in landscape orientation. It can't hold the iPad slightly slanted back from vertical in portrait. I would have thought the minds at Apple could have figured out how to do both.
  • Reply 18 of 84
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    I find Apple's fold over design great - it does not however work with the dock as someone else mentioned. If you want to carry other stuff (e.g., charger, keyboard) you probably need just the envelope type case and then a small laptop bag or backpack.

    The fold over is a bit thick for playing with accelerometer controlled games but is easy enough to take out if/when you want to do that.

    None of the cases were cheap so I guess $39 is reasonable and I suspect it will not take much to really scratch the shiny backside quickly from what I have read so it is a good investment (unless you are looking for a nice patina on yours ). The condom sleeve type cases do not protect the device except in transit and the Apple case has a bit better protection for corners and edges.

    IHTH, Cheers!

    I'm reading reports that the case is extremely tight making it difficult to get the iPad out or back in. Can someone who has the case comment on this?
  • Reply 19 of 84
    twoslicktwoslick Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Judging from the pictures, this case is only really useful in landscape orientation. It can't hold the iPad slightly slanted back from vertical in portrait. I would have thought the minds at Apple could have figured out how to do both.

    It actually is slanted back about 5 degrees from vertical.
  • Reply 20 of 84
    I got my case today and it is very very good.

    It is extremely useful in landscape mode for typing and for watching videos but it is very minimally obtrusive in portrait mode also. In fact I am typing this on my iPad in portrait mode with the case on.

    The case is a snug fit and feels very solid but it is not at all difficult to move the iPad in and out of the case.

    I didn't experience any variations in wifi signal strength because of the case.

    All in all the case is very solid and will be a very good buy.
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