In-depth review: Apple's iPad and iPhone OS 3.2



  • Reply 81 of 113
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    They don't specify a voltage for the charger, is it 10V or just 5?

    It's 5VDC since the iPad uses USB, same dock connector as iPod/iPhone.


    And if it's only 5, then isn't it silly to force iPad users who just want video output to buy a charger that doesn't really support the device?


    No one is "forcing" users to buy anything.

    It comes with a 10 watt (not volt) cahrger.
  • Reply 82 of 113
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    It's 5VDC since the iPad uses USB, same dock connector as iPod/iPhone.


    No one is "forcing" users to buy anything.

    It comes with a 10 watt (not volt) cahrger.

    I'm talking about the fact that the video adapters are only sold bundled with a charger and that you can't buy the video cable alone. So you're saying the composite and component cables come with a 10 watt charger? That would be good, where did you find that info? I hope that's the case, but I would wonder why apple would ship a 10 watt charger when other iPod adapters all seem to be 5.

    Along the same lines, what happens if you plug an iPod or iPhone into the iPad charger, will it work or can it damage the iPod?
  • Reply 83 of 113
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Lukas View Post


    And I have a question to all iPad users who read this: Did you, at some point, miss having a mouse/cursor e.g. while typing in Pages using the physical keyboard? Or did it just feel natural?

    It feels great. I took notes on it for a 3 hour Pharmacology class with no problems. I've synced my Bluetooth keyboard just to try it out, but I'd never lug it around because typing on the iPad is easy. A lot easier than I anticipated.

    I must note that I'm also using the iPad case which makes typing for long periods of time a pleasure.
  • Reply 84 of 113
    arlomediaarlomedia Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    last night i had the opportunity to try the new iPad that a friend brought over.

    I'd have to say that i am on the fence about this device. there are many great things abotu it and some that just don't make sence.

    Are you submitting these to (I mean the ones that could be addressed in a software update, anyway.) I agree with most of your observations and have already submitted several feedback notes myself.
  • Reply 85 of 113
    Originally Posted by jeffreytgilbert View Post

    It's targeted at couch potatoes and yet it doesn't have an Infrared port to control blue-ray, dvd, cable box, tv, surround sound, or any of the existing pieces of hardware I have in my living room that apple currently can't replace. I don't want an Apple TV with their low definition "HD" video playback / streaming. I want an awesome universal remote which is what this thing should have been. Awesome being the key word. Having a floppy phono dongle dancing around you have to aim at the TV is NOT awesome. It's lame.


    There are several IR dongles that can be attached to the dock connector on the iPad and companion software to use it as a remote. The current software is designed for the resolution of the iPhone, however these apps will still work on the iPad and I'm sure the developers are working quickly to take advantage of the extra screen resolution.

    Additionally, the new Sony Blu-Ray players support remotes over WiFi and there is an App for it. This will work NOW on the iPad.


  • Reply 86 of 113
    The iPod/iPhone 5 watt chargers charge the iPad just fine, they just take about twice as long as the 10 watt charger that comes with the iPad.
  • Reply 87 of 113
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    It feels great. I took notes on it for a 3 hour Pharmacology class with no problems. I've synced my Bluetooth keyboard just to try it out, but I'd never lug it around because typing on the iPad is easy. A lot easier than I anticipated.

    I must note that I'm also using the iPad case which makes typing for long periods of time a pleasure.

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I don't have one in front of me at the moment but I checked the tech specs and it says there's keyboard support for English UK. will try to confirm if that include dictionary


    Yes, the English UK spelling is supported. In the General Settings/Keyboards/add English UK. Then then doing something like typing a reply in the Mail app, you can use the English UK keyboard/spellcheck by clicking on the world icon to the left of the spacebar. I have both English UK and US enabled but you can just have the UK keyboard and not have to switch between them if desired.

  • Reply 88 of 113
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    The key would be the language localisation's in the settings under general >international >language.

    iPhone OS 3.1 has "English" only which appears to be American English, and a variety of other non-English languages.

    The same kind of setting on the Mac has "British English", "Canadian English," etc. as well as French variants.

    As Curtisthegreek said, if you add UK keyboard it loads Uk dictionary.
  • Reply 89 of 113
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by JamesGr View Post

    I have an iPad and really enjoy it. It has reduced my desire to use my desktop at all.

    I primarily watch NetFlix, play some games, read comics and news, surf, experiment with new apps.

    I did buy Sketchbook and ArtStudio for it but there is definitely a bit of a sensitizer limitation. We need a company to introduce a Bluetooth stylus (finger-sized and conductive unfortunately, much like the Pogo Stylus) so that it can use pressure sensitivity. Using this thing for artwork has huge potential.

    There are so many factors that would cause schools to hesitate using these. Can't be used in direct sunlight, no printing without 3rd party applications, Apple's keyboard solution only works in portrait mode and with a Bluetooth keyboard you'd need a way to prop it up, the device must be associated with a computer and won't operate by itself until you do so, the screen needs constant cleaning...the list goes on and on.

    One of the huge concerns I have is ergonomics and forward head posture. If you are sitting on a couch or chair and your neck is in a completely downward position it is not a good thing for your long-term back and neck health. Same thing if you are walking around, or even using it on a desk without a stand of some sort.

    I find with the Apple case, that slight angle it gives in horizontal mode on the lap with your knees up on the couch is good. I tested this for a long session and it works as long as the gin and tonic is close by on the side table. I continued testing this for many hours and it really works well if your wife refreshes the gin and tonic every half hour. After about six hours I couldn't feel my neck at all so it seems excellent ergonomicaly used like that.
  • Reply 90 of 113
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I had one other beef about the OS as well...PLEASE GIVE US MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS FOR EMAILS WHEN USING PHOTOS FROM OUR LIBRARY! So if i take a bunch of photos, i can send them all in one email! PUT A DAMN ATTACHMENT BUTTON IN THE EMAIL APP!

    And you can't? Funny, I can. In fact, I can pick and Share on my iPhone up to 5 pics from my Camera Roll at a time via email or MMS or I can pick and Copy as many as I like and using Mail send them all at the same time.

    I guess I can do it because I can read, or better yet, I can read and have an iPhone.

    By the way, your review was full of crap. However, I can give you the benefit of the doubt. As previously pointed out, i.e., post #51,

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    If you're hoping to use it as a replacement for your MacBook, or if you really want it to be something other than what it is, or if you'd be happier paying a bit less for a more conventional netbook loaded with lots of USB ports and the ability to run Flash, then you'll likely hate the iPad. But you knew that before you started reading this review.

    and you fit the bill perfectly.
  • Reply 91 of 113
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Unfortunately there is apparently no way to delete a photo. I wish they had made this a little more functional and allow you to organize your photos better. Syncing photos is not that intuitive either. If you have a lot of photos you need better management tools than are provided.

    What the heck are you talking about?

  • Reply 92 of 113
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Unfortunately there is apparently no way to delete a photo. I wish they had made this a little more functional and allow you to organize your photos better. Syncing photos is not that intuitive either. If you have a lot of photos you need better management tools than are provided.

    That is because the iPad is not a standalone device. You need to hook it up to your Mac.

    Don't focus on what the iPad CAN'T do. It is not DESIGNED to allow you to delete a photo.
  • Reply 93 of 113
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    For the most part, the iPad is great. It really is the first really usable tablet for consumers. That said, I do find the Safari page reloading issue to be unbearable and will be returning the device tomorrow. If you have browser that can open up 9 pages I expect them to open up and be usable with reloading. The iPhone's Safari set this precedence so I don't think it's unrealistic to have expected this on the iPad.

    You need to evaluate it based upon what it CAN do, rather than what it is NOT DESIGNED to do.
  • Reply 94 of 113
    Originally Posted by Arthur_Klok View Post

    That is because the iPad is not a standalone device. You need to hook it up to your Mac.

    Don't focus on what the iPad CAN'T do. It is not DESIGNED to allow you to delete a photo.

    Yes it is. Did you not see my last post? You can delete photos just fine on the iPad. You can delete multiple photos at once.
  • Reply 95 of 113
    Originally Posted by Thomaspin View Post

    As both a consumer and creator of content I suspect there are two populations out there - those who get it and those who will be left behind.

    Anybody who doesn't use the iPad WILL be left behind. Simple as that.
  • Reply 96 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    edit: deleted because I just responded to another troll.
  • Reply 97 of 113
    Originally Posted by Lukas View Post

    And I have a question to all iPad users who read this: Did you, at some point, miss having a mouse/cursor e.g. while typing in Pages using the physical keyboard? Or did it just feel natural?

    It is MUCH more natural to move your whole arm and to lift it up to poke the screen, rather than using, say, a touchpad built into the keyboard. Folks who go back to their MacBooks find themselves wishing they could touch the screen rather than use the touchpad.

    It is totally natural, and it feels like you are one with your data.
  • Reply 98 of 113
    [QUOTE=Prof. Peabody;1609430

    That thing just turns my fat adult finger into a slightly more svelt little girl sized finger. I'm not sure what the design problems are exactly, but until you can draw a fine line, one might as well use a finger.[/QUOTE]

    The finger is the best stylus available. You have ten of them already!

    There is no need for a stylus when the Apple touchscreen technology is the best in the world!
  • Reply 99 of 113
    OK... that convinces me. Arthur_Klok is Apple Rulez is whoever the else he was before that...
  • Reply 100 of 113
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    OK... that convinces me. Arthur_Klok is Apple Rulez is whoever the else he was before that...

    That is what I was thinking, hence my deleted reply above.

    Arthur_Klok is AppleRulz is iGenius
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