Adobe evangelist lashes out at Apple over iPhone 4.0



  • Reply 141 of 273
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Arthur_Klok View Post

    Apple is not a conspiracy theory.

    Apple wants nothing except a good experience for their customers.

    Because ultimately, this and ONLY this will ensure Apple's continued success.

    The proof in in the (Apple) pudding.
  • Reply 142 of 273
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Dell, M$, Google and Adobe.

    Notice a theme?

    Jobs is going after them, gunning them down, one by one.

    And with Job's finger on that trigger, they will all die horrible bloody deaths.

    And we will rejoice.
  • Reply 143 of 273
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Wow, just wow.

    Apple are out competing Adobe how exactly? Flash has near 100% penetration on PCs. Photoshop totally dominates the graphic design market.

    Google dominates search. Android is a far more advanced OS than even iPhone OS 4, and Android market share is rapidly rising.

    And as for MS... oh come on. Think before you type.

    Jobs is gunning them down, one by one!
  • Reply 144 of 273
    Originally Posted by Avidfcp View Post

    Adobe After Effects are used on nearly 90% macs for tv and film. If Adobe pulled the plug, Apple would for sure HEAR ABOUT IT.

    Adobe needs Apple a LOT more than Apple needs Adobe.

    Apple should be the one to pull the plug! And then we could all watch Adobe slowly circle the drain...
  • Reply 145 of 273
    With the presence Flash has on the internet Adobe has a real opportunity to provide tools to build Flash apps AND HTML5 apps. Think of Dreamweaver but for web apps instead just web sites. The tools could pump out either format. Those tools would truly be as popular as Photoshop. Just think of the devs flocking in droves to those tools to port there Flash apps to HTML5 so their apps support mobile devices as well. Adobe doesn't own the JPG, PNG or TIFF format and they are doing great with Photoshop. Adobe stop complaining and seize the day!!
  • Reply 146 of 273
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Arthur_Klok View Post

    Adobe needs Apple a LOT more than Apple needs Adobe.

    Apple should be the one to pull the plug! And then we could all watch Adobe slowly circle the drain...

    Look at how far Pixelmator has come already:

    And it's just a few guys working on it.
  • Reply 147 of 273

    Jobs is gunning them down, one by one!

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 148 of 273
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Apple Ambivalent View Post

    [...] It is the amount of control that Apple seems to take to protect us all that has me scared to death.

    You know, this whole "control" thing is like airport security. Before there was airport security (Mac OS) people were constantly hijacking planes and taking them to Cuba, holding hostages, etc. So Apple instituted airport security (iPhone OS/App Store) to prevent hijackings. But the hijackers kept looking for ways around airport security (Google Voice/Adobe Flash to iPhone) so Apple has to tighten the security to prevent hijackings.


    First they seem to have an arbitrary selection process for there apps store. Second they seem to have one set of APIs for them to develop apps and another APIs for everyone else. This creates a situation that allows them to take over any market some other developer creates. This is very similar to what MS did. The power that the apps store and APIs give Apple will be hard to not abuse.

    ... And sometimes airport security has to adjust on the fly to new threats. Your point about different sets of APIs is overblown, though. There will always be some functions of the plane that the business class passengers are not allowed to control. Apple has to get everyone to their destination, so, allowing everyone access to the rudder creates the risk of the plane being diverted off course.
  • Reply 149 of 273
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It's all part of the plan.

    Apple's making a key transition here. They're among the first to start leaving behind the old "operating system on a computer" paradigm.

    Desktops in their current form will be dead. Retail outlets can hardly move them as it is.

    Risky. Ballsy. And incredibly inspiring. THIS is how the industry moves forward.

    100% correct. Apple has announce it at least twice.

    Apple is no longer a computer company, but instead is a mobile device company.
  • Reply 150 of 273
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    [QUOTE=Apple Ambivalent;1609795]
    Originally Posted by jaypres View Post

    Apple is getting very close to a monopoly in mobile operating systems. If they keep having the success that they have had, it won't be long.

    What are you talking about?

    Last I checked Nokia's OS and RIM's aging dog of an OS had far more share than Apple's iPhone OS.

    And a monopoly isn't a problem. It's what you do with it that determines whether regulators go after you. Monopolies are fine. Abusing that position is not.
  • Reply 151 of 273
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    So stupid. We are collateral damage as a developer here said. I wanted to get into iPhone apps a bit even and the Flash development environment sounded like a great friggin idea. My programmer colleagues universally seem to detest Obj-C. Big time.

    You and your "colleagues" should move ahead, and not stay mired in the past. Only lazy developers don't like Objective C.
  • Reply 152 of 273
    I use CS4 Master on Apple platform. I love this combination. I also write a lot of my own code in Dreamweaver most of the time but love a lot of the time saving features. Why would someone pay you to build their sites if you don't know how to control your code. They could just use simple code generators and pre-made templates. Adobe is not going anywhere. They will adapt to H5. Flash will also be useful for many years. Learn Javascript AND Actionscript. You will not waste time learning object oriented programming.

    Individual evangelists will get a little over the top on either side just like Dems vs Repubs and their idiotic rhetoric.

    There is actually only one true evangelist because the only Good News is that Jesus Christ died for you!

    God Bless!

  • Reply 153 of 273
    Just been looking at the Pixelator info' page.

    Phew. It's quite feature rich. I may buy this. Impressive.

    With another few point releases...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 154 of 273
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    No. We didn't. We aren't beaten. We didn't wither up and die like Adobe thought we would.

    "The desktop computer industry is dead. Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation. That's over. Apple lost. "

    --Steve Jobs
  • Reply 155 of 273
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    My programmer colleagues universally seem to detest Obj-C. Big time.

    The only thing more like a religious war than the Mac vs Windows debate is the debate over programming languages. Of course they detest Objective-C, they aren't Objective-C programmers.
  • Reply 156 of 273
    Also don't fall for idiots saying Apple will stop being a computer company. You can't develop high end rich internet apps on an iPad. You need an actual type on a real keyboard, put your files in folders computer. Apple will ALWAYS provide them. They actually can do more than one thing at once.
  • Reply 157 of 273
    Originally Posted by stargatesg1 View Post

    Some people say what if Adobe Pulls the plug on a mac version of its suite. If this happens it would loose 90% of its business.

    Creative Suite for the Mac is 90% of Adobe's business! So who has more to lose - Adobe or Apple?
  • Reply 158 of 273
    Originally Posted by Arthur_Klok View Post

    You and your "colleagues" should move ahead, and not stay mired in the past. Only lazy developers don't like Objective C.

    Who else uses Objective C besides Apple?
  • Reply 159 of 273
    Originally Posted by TheShepherd View Post

    Who else uses Objective C besides Apple?

    You mean there are other people out there besides Apple followers?
  • Reply 160 of 273
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by iLuv View Post

    "The desktop computer industry is dead. Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation. That's over. Apple lost. "

    --Steve Jobs

    Steve is so shrewd at times. Beautiful bit of psychological manipulation there. And while Microsoft et al. were busy congratulating themselves over their "victory", Apple was busy outflanking them.
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