Google may bring free turn-by-turn navigation to Apple iPhone [u]



  • Reply 61 of 95
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    For those of us who have been involved with both companies since the 1970's that will be a truly historic day for sure. My guess is that could be achieved this year maybe a few months after WWDC. What's your best guess?

    For those saying it doesn't matter perhaps you are correct perhaps you are not. For many of us it is akin to supporting a sports team and seeing yours doing well again after many years. It also means a lot of money for those of us who risked a lot on AAPL out of faith a long time ago. So no need to make this a Sicilian rage moment

    It's actually $27/share (edited post) which is 10%. Which isn't too hard to do with some of the trends we're seeing in the market. If Apple announces any additional carrier in the US, especially Verizon, I think we'll see that in a day. I don't see anything flux with their business model and I expect them to continue to grow. As I recall, about 50% of Mac sales are to switchers and about haf of AT&T's new customers are coming for the iPhone. There is a plateau, but it's not here yet.
  • Reply 62 of 95
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Is there a contest going on? What happens if Apple takes the lead?

    We're all going to Disneyland!
  • Reply 63 of 95
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Why not just remove this story since the update makes it inaccurate. It's like posting "Apple out of business" Update: "Apple spokesman says Apple not out of business".

    AI retracted the story yesterday about Apple being capped larger than MS, why not this story?
  • Reply 64 of 95
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It also means a lot of money for those of us who risked a lot on AAPL out of faith a long time ago. So no need to make this a Sicilian rage moment

    Agreed... I still own and have framed the first share of AAPL I ever purchased...

    8/18/97 - $23.50 (split adjusted... $5.80ish)

    Fast forward 13 years

    4/23/10 - $1076.00

    Hmm come to think of it I've got almost 2 iPads just hanging on my wall... I just wish I had the other 499 shares that went along with that first buy but I'm a buy low and sell high kind of investor and with hindsight being 20/20 I would made TONS more just holding on to it... It's really hard to not sell ANY stock once you've doubled your initial investment.

    Oh and as for something not being a Sicilian rage moment?!?!?! You mean such an environment actually exists?!?!?! BREAKFAST can be a Sicilian rage moment in my family!
  • Reply 65 of 95
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    It would be interesting to see how this application will develop. And whether Google would make the App comply with the terms of agreement set by Apple.

    Since it is free, I wonder how it would affect the business of the other GPS Apps, like TomTom, which are very costly. Do I see the future from the past? Netscape vs Internet Explorer? All those Search engines, then comes Google Search.

    It would be interesting too how it would affect Apple's own Maps ambitions. Didn't Apple just acquire their own Map company?

    I am sure eventually there will be advertisements in the Google Apps. iAd vs AdMob?

    The direct Apple vs. Google competition thickens. Tighten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.


    Apple acquired PlaceBase:

    Follow the link to run some samples.

    From what I could gather, PlaceBase has a pretty good mapping capability. But the real jewels are the arrangements (contractual and logistical) that provide them (now Apple) with detailed demographic information.

    Here's a map:

    where the different colors could represent different demographic breakdowns, say:

    -- political party

    -- ethnicity

    -- average age

    -- household income

    -- number of children

    -- education level

    -- credit card debt

    -- investments value

    -- disposable income




    -- any combinations of the above

    as you zoom in the colors change to reflect more detail.

    I suspect the big advantage to Apple will be for iAd purposes. Consider how apple could target ads and provide analysis feedback to advertisers, venders (music, apps,TV, whatever) and customers, alike.

  • Reply 66 of 95
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Thanks for tip. I had missed this app. Just tried it and it seems pretty amazing for free. However, unless I am missing something, instead of saying 'turn left on XYZ street 'it says turn 'North'. I can't see any options to change compass directions to street names. If you have used this app, any info that would help?

    It starts out speaking a compass direction, but if I remember correctly from the 2-3 times I've used it, it will speak "left" or "right" turns.

    Text to speech (TTS) is not available as far as I'm aware. I wish it were more full-featured, but for now, I take it as a positive sign that some decent, free competition is coming to the iPhone. (The paid apps are already there.)
  • Reply 67 of 95
    Originally Posted by maxmann View Post

    sorry to be so OFF subject here.. but my life is not now complete.. but it would be if..

    If only Apple would split 4 for 1 and allow the market to reconsider its valuation. These high stock prices over 200 just never jibe easily with growth rate of revenue and net earnings.. here we have wall street finally adjusting the trailing earnings PE value on their crap sheets on line.. and we see it has fallen from a PE of 25 pre earnings announcement to a PE of 22.6 two days after they are made public. I have no patience for this - a split 4 or 5 to 1 would bring the stock price down to a level that they could add and subtract and even multiply a PE that Apple deserves. It should be 40!

    11.78 12 month trailing earnings x 22.6 = 266.45

    11.78 trailing earnings x 25 = 294.00

    11.78 trailing earnings x 30 = 353.00

    I agree 4 for 1 and 1 share of AAPL with each iPad purchase

  • Reply 68 of 95
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It would seem Google are not with holding killer apps from Apple possibly indicating their rivalry is not as bitter as some believe. That coffe meeting may have been more about strategy than mending fences.

    Maybe the Google app uses Flash.

  • Reply 69 of 95
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    If I read correctly from prior reports, the default Maps is that by Google. So, it is up to Google to revise this, assuming it will remain the default Maps.

    As I noted in my first response here, Apple bought a company that is a competitor to Google Maps. supposedly it is more "intelligent" kind of mapping.

    I am sure Apple is trying to take its time to develop its own Maps App, and creating something better than Google Maps, if it could, before it would introduce it, and possibly even replace the Google, as default.


    The default Maps app, as well as YouTube, are made by Apple and only Google data. It would require Apple and Google working together to implement this and they haven't been getting along lately.
  • Reply 70 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Oh and as for something not being a Sicilian rage moment?!?!?! You mean such an environment actually exists?!?!?! BREAKFAST can be a Sicilian rage moment in my family!

    Haha, I was married to an Italian ... tell me about it!
  • Reply 71 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Maybe the Google app uses Flash.


    I saw on MacRumors they back peddled so now I say bring in iSearch, iMap, and i anything else to replace anything from Google and Adobe and be free of them both asap!
  • Reply 72 of 95
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Is there a contest going on? What happens if Apple takes the lead?

    For us old-timers it's the satisfaction when you outperform a long-time rival... especially one whose top management belittles your products.

    Michael Dell suggested that Apple should close down and pay off the shareholders. AAPL's market cap is over 7 times that of Dell today.

    On another level it is nice to see targeted quality products win over one-size-fits-all cookie cutter products.

  • Reply 73 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by stompy View Post

    It starts out speaking a compass direction, but if I remember correctly from the 2-3 times I've used it, it will speak "left" or "right" turns.

    Text to speech (TTS) is not available as far as I'm aware. I wish it were more full-featured, but for now, I take it as a positive sign that some decent, free competition is coming to the iPhone. (The paid apps are already there.)

    Ok thanks, the wife just went off to her bridge game on the other side of town so I asked her to test it. If she gets lost I'll know it's not too hot
  • Reply 74 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    For us old-timers it's the satisfaction when you outperform a long-time rival... especially one whose top management belittles your products.

    Michael Dell suggested that Apple should close down and pay off the shareholders. AAPL's market cap is over 7 times that of Dell today.

    On another level it is nice to see targeted quality products win over one-size-fits-all cookie cutter products.


    Totally agree, this is so much fun
  • Reply 75 of 95
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Apple acquired PlaceBase:

    Follow the link to run some samples.

    From what I could gather, PlaceBase has a pretty good mapping capability. But the real jewels are the arrangements (contractual and logistical) that provide them (now Apple) with detailed demographic information.

    Here's a map:

    where the different colors could represent different demographic breakdowns, say:

    -- political party

    -- ethnicity

    -- average age

    -- household income

    -- number of children

    -- education level

    -- credit card debt

    -- investments value

    -- disposable income




    -- any combinations of the above

    as you zoom in the colors change to reflect more detail.

    I suspect the big advantage to Apple will be for iAd purposes. Consider how apple could target ads and provide analysis feedback to advertisers, venders (music, apps,TV, whatever) and customers, alike.


    That seems like some pretty nice tech but the one advantage that Google Maps always had IMO is Street View. If Apple ever released their own Maps app, this is a necessity. All of these maps services all use the data from services like Navteq.
  • Reply 76 of 95
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Perhaps but you detailed it much more eloquently.

    And I don't know about the rest of the readers but I don't give a CRAP about market-cap.... Wake ME up when STEVE on on a mammoth video projected screen with a tiny Bill Gates gushing over Apples generosity. ESPECIALLY when (just like Steve/Apple) MS doesn't actually need any 'cash infusion' in as much as they need the word to see APPLE is showing support to MS.

    Then the game will have TRULY been won!

    Apologies if this post sounded overly bitter but I can't help it... Sicilian blood can't just be replaced.

    Nah! It'll be when he sets up the SJ Foundation and it outperforms the B&M Gates Foundation!

  • Reply 77 of 95
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Agreed... I still own and have framed the first share of AAPL I ever purchased...

    8/18/97 - $23.50 (split adjusted... $5.80ish)

    Fast forward 13 years

    4/23/10 - $1076.00

    Hmm come to think of it I've got almost 2 iPads just hanging on my wall... I just wish I had the other 499 shares that went along with that first buy but I'm a buy low and sell high kind of investor and with hindsight being 20/20 I would made TONS more just holding on to it... It's really hard to not sell ANY stock once you've doubled your initial investment.

    Oh and as for something not being a Sicilian rage moment?!?!?! You mean such an environment actually exists?!?!?! BREAKFAST can be a Sicilian rage moment in my family!

    I still have my first 100 shares bought at $17 (2004) adjusted 2 for 1 == roughly 3074% increase in value,

    I just bought 100 for my daughter @ $270...

    Life is good!

  • Reply 78 of 95
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    If you want web based free turn by turn navigation, try Waze.
  • Reply 79 of 95
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Haha, I was married to an Italian ... tell me about it!

    I married a Croatian (right across the Aegean Sea from Italy)...

    ...Lucy was a beautiful person & personality... never lost her temper (once, maybe-- in 36 years)... but always got her way!

  • Reply 80 of 95
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Ok thanks, the wife just went off to her bridge game on the other side of town so I asked her to test it. If she gets lost I'll know it's not too hot

    Don't be too worried if it doesn't take your regular route, I've tested it around town and it rarely chooses routes I'd pick. (But then again, my 1 year old Garmin doesn't either.) I suppose what matters is whether it gets you there without too much trouble.

    I'd suppose if you enter your trip into MapQuest's website, you'll see a route close to what the app gives you.

    I'm on a business trip next week, I'm going to test my theories first hand, leaving the dedicated GPS at home.
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