I'm pretty sure you'll find that the laws regarding theft aren't that different anywhere else, and the California law would apply anyway since that is where the phone was found/stolen.
Find me one then. In NY - since that's the only other state that's relevant.
I never read Gizmodo before until this. And I must say, this whole incident makes them look like an ass. Their stories read like articles out of a tabloid. If it's tabloidism they want, tabloidism they will be part of when Apple sues their sorry asses.
Seems to me that Apple needs to be careful here. They might just end up creating an incentive to sell a future iDevice prototype to somebody who isn't based in the US and who won't be so cooperative as to give the device back.
They (perhaps) broke a California law. Gawker (owners of Gizmodo) is based in NYC. So what.
Hey - I got an idea - medical pot is legal in California - light up a joint in front of a policeman in New York City. Or a DEA office in Washington DC. Let me know how that works out for you, and don't forget to forward me the mug-shots.
The act was committed in California by a someone who represented Gawker. Gawker already admitted that they bought it. Whether they are based in NYC or any other state does not matter.
Therefore, they may have been in receipt of stolen goods across state lines, which would make this a federal crime.
/They absolutely knew it. ?That's why they keep printing article after article rehashing the story with what is now becoming different information.
"Left on a bar stool" is the most recent description.
Think about that for just a moment. Picture that in your mind.
"Left it on a bar stool".
Who in fuckdom has ever left ANYTHING on a bar stool?
One would have to step off the stool, and then place the phone on the stool and then walk away from it. None of those behaviors are normal or intuitive in the least, even when drunk. Even if he were sitting on his phone (yeah, that's likely), it would have been dragged from the stool the moment he climbed off it.
That phone was stolen, and it was likely stolen by some member of the Gawker staff, and then three weeks were spent trying to develop a cover story that didn't stink as bad as their adolescent writing style.
Funny, Gizmodo isn't publishing any cocky tell-alls about this investigation, huh?
The act was committed in California by a someone who represented Gawker. Gawker already admitted that they bought it willingly and knowingly. Whether they are based in NYC or any other state does not matter.
So go light a joint in front of a cop in NYC. I'm sure they'll honor the medical pot law from CA.
That's an awfully confident statement. How do you know that Apple didn't file a complaint?
No way the police are just sitting around reading tech gossip sites looking for possible criminal violations. Somebody had to file a complaint.
It's not just on tech gossip sites. You're right though, they could have filed a complaint, but at this point that is unsubstantiated speculation. I don't see the point of saying Apple has to be careful when this is a criminal investigation, not a civil one and there is no proof of their involvement at this time.
And Gizmodo - willfully took part in a crime by accepting obviously stolen property.
Stolen? So Apple filed a stolen property report? After all, something as valuable as an undisclosed iPhone prototype must be extremely valuable no? I'd imagine we are talking grand theft right?
Apple reported the theft as soon as they knew about it right?
That's an awfully confident statement. How do you know that Apple didn't file a complaint?
Unless I'm mistaken, most complains are of public record unless they involve underage individuals or involve a crime that warrants extraordinary privacy... Spousal abuse, rape and such.
Unless I'm mistaken, most complains are of public record unless they involve underage individuals or involve a crime that warrants extraordinary privacy... Spousal abuse, rape and such.
Perhaps Apple claimed they were raped. Makes sense.
So go light a joint in front of a cop in NYC. I'm sure they'll honor the medical pot law from CA.
Oh right - it doesn't matter.
Oh I see you turn to humor now that you know how wrong your initial comment was. Based on your logic I can steal stuff from our neighbor state and never worry since I don't live in that state. I am sure you will make an excellent defense lawyer
Oh I see you turn to humor now that you know how wrong your initial comment was. Based on your logic I can steal stuff from our neighbor state and never worry since I don't live in that state. I am sure you will make an excellent defense lawyer
If what you call "stealing" applies in both states. This isn't grand-theft, so nope.
I'm pretty sure you'll find that the laws regarding theft aren't that different anywhere else, and the California law would apply anyway since that is where the phone was found/stolen.
Find me one then. In NY - since that's the only other state that's relevant.
Oh right - I'm supposed to do your shit jobs.
Seems to me that Apple needs to be careful here. They might just end up creating an incentive to sell a future iDevice prototype to somebody who isn't based in the US and who won't be so cooperative as to give the device back.
Apple has nothing to do with this.
Find me one then. In NY - since that's the only other state that's relevant.
Oh right - I'm supposed to do your shit jobs.
You're the one that's claiming that it wouldn't be a crime in New York.
They (perhaps) broke a California law. Gawker (owners of Gizmodo) is based in NYC. So what.
Hey - I got an idea - medical pot is legal in California - light up a joint in front of a policeman in New York City. Or a DEA office in Washington DC. Let me know how that works out for you, and don't forget to forward me the mug-shots.
The act was committed in California by a someone who represented Gawker. Gawker already admitted that they bought it. Whether they are based in NYC or any other state does not matter.
You're the one that's claiming that it wouldn't be a crime in New York.
And you're claiming that CA law applies in NY
you're funny!
Therefore, they may have been in receipt of stolen goods across state lines, which would make this a federal crime.
/They absolutely knew it. ?That's why they keep printing article after article rehashing the story with what is now becoming different information.
"Left on a bar stool" is the most recent description.
Think about that for just a moment. Picture that in your mind.
"Left it on a bar stool".
Who in fuckdom has ever left ANYTHING on a bar stool?
One would have to step off the stool, and then place the phone on the stool and then walk away from it. None of those behaviors are normal or intuitive in the least, even when drunk. Even if he were sitting on his phone (yeah, that's likely), it would have been dragged from the stool the moment he climbed off it.
That phone was stolen, and it was likely stolen by some member of the Gawker staff, and then three weeks were spent trying to develop a cover story that didn't stink as bad as their adolescent writing style.
Funny, Gizmodo isn't publishing any cocky tell-alls about this investigation, huh?
Apple has nothing to do with this.
That's an awfully confident statement. How do you know that Apple didn't file a complaint?
No way the police are just sitting around reading tech gossip sites looking for possible criminal violations. Somebody had to file a complaint.
The act was committed in California by a someone who represented Gawker. Gawker already admitted that they bought it willingly and knowingly. Whether they are based in NYC or any other state does not matter.
So go light a joint in front of a cop in NYC. I'm sure they'll honor the medical pot law from CA.
Oh right - it doesn't matter.
That's an awfully confident statement. How do you know that Apple didn't file a complaint?
No way the police are just sitting around reading tech gossip sites looking for possible criminal violations. Somebody had to file a complaint.
It's not just on tech gossip sites. You're right though, they could have filed a complaint, but at this point that is unsubstantiated speculation. I don't see the point of saying Apple has to be careful when this is a criminal investigation, not a civil one and there is no proof of their involvement at this time.
And Gizmodo - willfully took part in a crime by accepting obviously stolen property.
Stolen? So Apple filed a stolen property report? After all, something as valuable as an undisclosed iPhone prototype must be extremely valuable no? I'd imagine we are talking grand theft right?
Apple reported the theft as soon as they knew about it right?
This is a job for Dragnet's Joe Friday!...
Dum, Da, Dum, Dum.
Dum, Da, Dum, Dum, Daaaa.
Because California cops are great at their jobs.
That's an awfully confident statement. How do you know that Apple didn't file a complaint?
Unless I'm mistaken, most complains are of public record unless they involve underage individuals or involve a crime that warrants extraordinary privacy... Spousal abuse, rape and such.
So go light a joint in front of a cop in NYC. I'm sure they'll honor the medical pot law from CA.
Oh right - it doesn't matter.
California law applies to crimes committed in California obviously.
California law applies to crimes committed in California obviously.
And Gawker / Gizmodo is based in NYC obviously.
I'm rollin' that medical marijuana for your NYC trip. Be sure to smile for the camera.
And altho Engadget may not be much better
Recall Engadget's activity 3 years ago:
Unless I'm mistaken, most complains are of public record unless they involve underage individuals or involve a crime that warrants extraordinary privacy... Spousal abuse, rape and such.
Perhaps Apple claimed they were raped. Makes sense.
So go light a joint in front of a cop in NYC. I'm sure they'll honor the medical pot law from CA.
Oh right - it doesn't matter.
Oh I see you turn to humor now that you know how wrong your initial comment was. Based on your logic I can steal stuff from our neighbor state and never worry since I don't live in that state. I am sure you will make an excellent defense lawyer
Oh I see you turn to humor now that you know how wrong your initial comment was. Based on your logic I can steal stuff from our neighbor state and never worry since I don't live in that state. I am sure you will make an excellent defense lawyer
If what you call "stealing" applies in both states. This isn't grand-theft, so nope.
I'm sure you'll make a great prosecutor.