Verizon advertising partner rumored to be working on iPhone campaign

in iPhone edited January 2014
Rumors of a Verizon iPhone arriving this summer continue to surface, with CrunchGear claiming Landor Associates, which handles Verizon's branding, is working an advertising campaign regarding Apple's next-generation handset.

Author John Biggs simply cited a "tipster" in Tuesday's report, which said that Landor Associates are "hard at work" in preparation for the fourth-generation iPhone. The report said Brad Scott, senior director with Landor, is believed to be in charge of the team.

"Because Landor focuses a bit more on branding -- they, for example, created the dual-B logo for Blackberry -- don't expect TBWA, Apple's current iPhone agency, to get pushed out when it comes to TV advertisements," the report said.

Biggs went on to say that the rumor "very nearly confirms" a Verizon iPhone "at the end of the summer."

The rumor comes just a day after Engadget confirmed that AT&T and Apple originally agreed to a five-year exclusive deal for the iPhone, which would have extended through 2012. However, contracts can be amended, canceled or breached over time due to a variety of factors. Some believe that AT&T's contract for the iPhone was modified after it agreed to $30-per-month unlimited data plans for Apple's 3G iPad.

Last year, talk of a Verizon iPhone picked up when various reports alleged that Apple's deal with AT&T expires this summer. However, the Verizon-related rumors quickly cooled earlier this year, when Apple executives defended AT&T, and partnered with the wireless carrier once again for the iPad.

But the rumors picked up once again in late March, when The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is working on two new iPhones, including a CDMA-compatible model that could run on the Verizon network. The report alleged that the CDMA iPhones will not go into mass production until September, and when the hardware would go on sale was "unclear."

Apple is expected to introduce the new fourth-generation iPhone at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, to be held June 7 through June 11 at San Francisco's Moscone West. In years past, Apple has used the stage at WWDC to introduce its annual iPhone upgrade.


  • Reply 1 of 92
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,210member
    Here we go again!
  • Reply 2 of 92
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Here we go again!

    Who knows, maybe there really will be a Verizon iPhone this summer/fall. I'll be glad to see the iPhone on multiple networks finally.
  • Reply 3 of 92
    I truly believe that people who have a vested ($) interest in Verizon (read employees and shareholders) are the ones who keep creating and spreading these rumors. Their goal is simple: delay the exodus of more and more customers to AT&T until Verizon gets the iPhone in 2012 (or when their LTE has a big enough footprint in 2013-2014). Apple will never create a CDMA iPhone....CDMA is slow, has no future......which is why Verizon will be forced to support parallel networks for many years to come. At least with T-Mobile and AT&T, LTE is an 'upgrade' to the current network.

    Don't get me wrong, I like competition. However, Verizon can not compete: High termination fees ($350), no concurrent voice/data, slow speeds (CDMA).
  • Reply 4 of 92
    Verizon wishes they were getting an iphone this summer, but think about it really....would Apple waste it's time and money developing an iphone to run on a network that is out dated. Also, would they develope an iphone to run on a network that the carrier is switching away from? NOOOOOO!!!! I agree, i believe it's the poor share holders spreading these rumors, it's all they have. Also why would Apple give it's Ipad data over to AT&T? No it's not a mercy call, but proof that if Verizon was truely getting an iphone, the Ipad wouldn't be tied to the partner Apple just left, think about it. Plus didn't we all read the article that stated that in 2007 Apple and AT&T have an exclusive till 2012, so with that news, it just all seems to be nothing more than just verizon's wishful thinking at this point. Going forward, if i was Verizon, when some new technology comes out and they are approached with it, i'd just give in and give them what they wanted, i mean after all, wouldn't want another botched iphone miss....sorry, but can you guys hear me now?
  • Reply 5 of 92
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Don't get me wrong, I like competition. However, Verizon can not compete: High termination fees ($350), no concurrent voice/data, slow speeds (CDMA).

    Don't forget Verizon demands crippled versions of cell phones from manufacturers.

    I once sat down with a friend to pick a Verizon phone that would be best for sync'ing with his Mac.

    EVERY one of their phones didn't support the open standard sync'ing even when other phones made by the same manufacturer DID support the standards.
  • Reply 6 of 92
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    Remember kiddies, just because it's on Verizon doesn't mean it's automatically better. I'll be waiting to see if it's an improvement in my area. I don't live in SFO or NYC.
  • Reply 7 of 92
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member
    I've learned to always expect the unexpected where Apple is concerned. I still don't think it will ever be on Verizon's network due to the technical differences but I'd love to be proved wrong on this.

    It sounds to me like a desperate attempt by Verizon to keep its current installed base. If they did not have to worry, why do the two-for-one deal with Android phones? In addition, knowing how Verizon was notorious in the past for crippling phones, they would have to suck down their ego quite a bit to let Apple call the shots on how the phone works. I believe that is the main reason why Verizon blew the chance back when the iPhone was first introduced and I'm sure Verizon's execs got serious static for it.
  • Reply 8 of 92
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by briandouglas View Post

    ...No it's not a mercy call, but proof that if Verizon was truely getting an iphone, the Ipad wouldn't be tied to the partner Apple just left, think about it...

    No one ever said Apple was leaving AT&T. If they did decided to open up to Verizon (which they eventually will), they're still going to continue to have the iPhone on AT&T's network. I'll be staying with AT&T regardless as I can't stand VZW.
  • Reply 9 of 92
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    It's about time for a Verizon version. Too many people aren't interested in switching to AT&T, and there are enough viable Android competitors that they don't feel like they are giving up too much.

    There are also enough pissed AT&T customers that can't take any more dropped calls. It is really a pain when you are on a conference call with a 17-digit pass code that you have to re-type after redialing in. Likewise a pain when you have to wait a minute or two when calling another phone to avoid being dumped into voicemail. Breaks train of thought.
  • Reply 10 of 92
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Verizon! YAY!

    AT&T and Apple have a contract for 5 years. Apple doesn't have to give Verizon an "iPhone".
  • Reply 11 of 92
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    1. No proof that the contract was amended.

    2. Apple keeps all ads in house on their products. Even the iphone. No way would they let Verizon do anything like this

    3. they turned down a CDMA phone for China etc. Despite that standard being well over half the market in that area

    4. the talk of a dual CDMA/GSM chipset which started last summer has disappeared.

    5. no claims from Foxcomn etc that they are making said CDMA phone.

    6. there is no US law requiring a company to have a limit on an exclusive contract or to unlock a device at any point. nor a law requiring a company to support both tech.

    yeah, we are getting a Verizon iphone this year. it's 100% a done deal.
  • Reply 12 of 92
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 862member
    'TIPSTER' sounds good, but nobody is willing to come up to the plate.

    Hopefully we get to see a Verizon Iphone. However till there's more concrete substantiation or evidence, I'm not ready to believe it.
  • Reply 13 of 92
    isomorphicisomorphic Posts: 199member
    T-Mobile instead, please!

    Just add another 3G band, Apple!
  • Reply 14 of 92
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Don't get me wrong, I like competition. However, Verizon can not compete: High termination fees ($350), no concurrent voice/data, slow speeds (CDMA).

    ETF: You signed up for a contract with Verizon and that's the penalty to break it. If you're happy with the service, then this is a non-issue. It's also prorated depending on the length of time you're in the contract. That said, I also don't like how it jumped from $175...

    Voice/Data: Not as much of a problem as you make it out to be. My roommate used his iPhone to call me while he was using the Navigon app to navigate in his car. It didn't make for a pleasent conversation when the woman tossed in directions every few minutes. Most times I've had to ask someone to repeat themselves... Plus for some tasks, we do have the ability to use this thing called WiFi.

    Speed: Unless you're Jack Bauer and the fate of the world rests on those few precious seconds to defuse that bomb and you need the schematics from Chloe, this isn't as big of an issue as you make it out to be either. Both my roommates have iPhones and the difference in time it takes for browsing or downloading apps isn't earth-shattering.
  • Reply 15 of 92
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    I suspect Apple has some big announcements coming for the iPhone, they are threatened by Android taking more market share than they are.

    I suspect we will see any of the following:

    1: more carriers

    2: different iPhones, like different versions of the iPod

    3: better plans, even pay as you go monthly plans

    Apple is going to do to the iPhone like they did to iPod knockoffs, just blow the others out of the water.

    Guess this means the stock is going to rise soon.
  • Reply 16 of 92
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    1. No proof that the contract was amended.

    2. Apple keeps all ads in house on their products. Even the iphone. No way would they let Verizon do anything like this

    3. they turned down a CDMA phone for China etc. Despite that standard being well over half the market in that area

    4. the talk of a dual CDMA/GSM chipset which started last summer has disappeared.

    5. no claims from Foxcomn etc that they are making said CDMA phone.

    6. there is no US law requiring a company to have a limit on an exclusive contract or to unlock a device at any point. nor a law requiring a company to support both tech.

    yeah, we are getting a Verizon iphone this year. it's 100% a done deal.

    7. No hiring surge of CDMA engineers by Apple

    8. Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg practically begging for the iPhone a couple of months ago. Apple partners generally clam up real tight when there's a deal in the works.
  • Reply 17 of 92
    ron1701ron1701 Posts: 24member
    Whether a Verizon iPhone comes out this year is anybody's guess, but some of the arguments against it are bunk.

    1. "AT&T has an excusive agreement until 2012" Nobody knows the terms of this agreement or if its still in force. Its been reported by multiple sources that Verizon and Apple have tried to work out an agreement. Verizon's CEO recently said its up to Apple whether they wanted to make a Verizon compatible iPhone. None of this would have happened if there was a true exclusivity agreement in force. Besides, how likely is it that Steve Jobs would enter into an exclusivity agreement he couldn't get out of ?

    2. " Its too much trouble to support an 'obsolete' CDMA technolgy at the same time as GSM, especially when LTE is on the way"

    How is GSM a "better" technology than CDMA and how is CDMA an "old" technology but GSM isn't ? LTE will eventually replace them both. The idea that developing a CDMA cellphone isn't worth Apple's effort is nonsense. Every other manufacturer make both GSM and CDMA phones. By the time LTE gets rolled out, whatever iPhone comes out in June as well as every Droid, Blackberry and Palm/HP device will be obsolete for reasons other than protocol.

    Its true that Verizon has insisted on crippled phones in the past, although that doesn't seem to be the case with the Droid.

    Who knows ? A deal could be in the works only to be scuttled at the last minute because Apple and Verizon can't agree to terms. Or perhaps some idiots at Verizon really believe that Android will kill the iPhone.
  • Reply 18 of 92
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by briandouglas View Post

    .would Apple waste it's time and money developing an iphone to run on a network that is out dated. Also, would they develope an iphone to run on a network that the carrier is switching away from?

    Two big reasons:

    That network has 32% of the US market.

    That network is a huge seller of Android phones, which are giving the iPhone a run for its money.
  • Reply 19 of 92
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    Don't forget Verizon demands crippled versions of cell phones from manufacturers.


    That is true of some Verizon phones, but certainly not all.
  • Reply 20 of 92
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    EVERY one of their phones didn't support the open standard sync'ing

    What is open standard syncing? Does the iPhone use it?
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