New iPhone 4 prototype spotted in Vietnam



  • Reply 161 of 182
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post


    The fact is that there is no full version of Flash for mobile devices available from anyone today. Yes, Adobe is now claiming that they've figured out how to do a demo without crashing, but they've been making promises wrt mobile Flash since 2007. Pardon me if I wait until it's something real rather than vaporware.

    Funny post. First, you say that the OP's post doesn't count because it's a beta - and then you bring out a beta to try to counter them.

    In the real world, it's vapor. You have a beta - but Adobe says it's been in beta since 2007. When it comes out, then we can evaluate it - but since it requires an 800 MHz A8, it won't have more than a tiny percentage of cell phones EVEN IF ADOBE MEETS THEIR TARGETS and even if it's any good.

    That's going to be tough unless they also have a CPU accelerator built in. They claim that mobile Flash requires 800 MHz - which no iPhone in the market has.

    Funny. Most vaporware that I know of don't have videos of actual devices actually running the software. And it's not just in the hands of Adobe, Tech Mobile Blog (a blog site of all places) got their hands on one and played random videos and games with it.

    Once Google annouces it officiall at I/O next week, we can consider it as good of a stamp of approval that it's coming in the real world as it gets. If you still consider it vaporware after that, then I would have to guess that by your definition, iPhone OS 4.0 is still vaporware.

    No iPhone has a 800 Mhz processor. But the unrelease iPhone seems likely to have a 1 Ghz A4 processor. But it doesn't matter if it requires at least an 800 Mhz processor and no iPhone has one. Flash isn't going to iPhone. Period. Steve Jobs commanded it so.

    Let's not forget that since the Nexus One, 1 Ghz processors have been the norm for Android phones. Add to that Froyo (Android 2.2) optimizing the code to run much, much quicker, I'd say the Android platform is all set to play Flash.
  • Reply 162 of 182
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    As to your very first paragraph, I don't have to prove anything. Everyone already knows that as good as Flash is with animations, it's also good at crashing the browser.

    BTW he didn't hit the home button. Watch carefully again. His thumbs are not even touching the device. Also you don't say 'Whoops" just for kicks when hitting the home button.

    Everyone knows this, or Mac users know this? A lot of people seem to forget that Flash doesn't have issues in Windows like it does in OSX, and the reason for that is Microsoft worked with Adobe to make that happen. Now google is working with them, and they are making progress.

    I really don't know why the reviewer wouldn't be honest about hitting the home button, and if you're trying to show flash in the browser and you hit the home button on the tablet by accident (we can't see where they placed the home button) then yes, a big "Woops!" is appropriate lol.

    Besides ALL of that, when an app crashes in Android you get a notification. That alone makes it so that it doesn't matter if we can see whether or not he hit the home button, because clearly we can see Android not giving this crash notification.

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post


    The fact is that there is no full version of Flash for mobile devices available from anyone today. Yes, Adobe is now claiming that they've figured out how to do a demo without crashing, but they've been making promises wrt mobile Flash since 2007. Pardon me if I wait until it's something real rather than vaporware.

    Actually, the progress in 2.2 and Flash is as available as OS 4 and multitasking is. Surely you believe Apple when they say iPhone OS v4 will bring some level of multitasking, right? You've seen the videos of it working haven't you? Same exact situation here with Flash.

    I'm not gonna argue over when it'll get to us, but clearly they are making tremendous progress, and if they can get it working the way they promise, it'll be a major slap in the face to Steve Jobs and his credibility.

    My opinion on it is simple: People can't bash Apple for not having flash since no device has it, but at the very same time, Apple fans and Steve Jobs can't bash mobile flash because obviously they don't have it, so their opinions are as "vapor" as the software
  • Reply 163 of 182
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    I'm not going to believe whatever the Flash Mobile Blog says about battery life. It would be like basing my purchase of a Mac based off of solely reading reviews from Mac websites. The main video I saw off Vimeo had the battery life dwindling as 10 minutes went buy. This isn't a unique experience since I had the same experience on my MBP. Also, from a 2009 MBP of Anandtech (amended): [snip]

    I'm not saying that you should buy into that site. As crude as their experiment was, it's the only thing anyone has to go on for Flash on a smartphone. Like I said, take it for whatever you think it's worth.

    Once it's released into the wild, we'll all finally get to see for ourselves how it handles. If it sucks, it sucks. Then we'll all rightly complain. If they did it right and it isn't as big of a battery hog as we thought, then give them credit where it's due.
  • Reply 164 of 182
    the case manufacturers have to be loving this.
  • Reply 165 of 182
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Don't forget the battery is only a fraction of the size of the iPad's...

    And so is the screen, which is the real power consumer.
  • Reply 166 of 182
    sippincidersippincider Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Vietnamese forum Taoviet published a series of photos, including a teardown of the hardware

    Uh oh, another leak.

    Since this is outside of the US, who's going to be kicking down this journalist's door for Apple? The Marines?
  • Reply 167 of 182
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I just accidentally hit the ?home? button while I was really trying to hit the ?back? button.

    Bad design caused a similar result. At least it wasn't adobes fault.



  • Reply 168 of 182
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Hmm... I still suspect it might be a prototype case built for testing purposes. I am especially suspicious of the horrid seams. I think the final case will be without these, and may have a single piece all-aluminum back.

    The seams might be there so the device knows when it being held like a phone and when it is resting on a desk. Your hand could conduct a small current across the seam if held like phone (assuming you're not wearing gloves). I think it won't appear in the final design.
  • Reply 169 of 182
    federmoosefedermoose Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Don't forget the battery is only a fraction of the size of the iPad's...

    not to mention that the screen on the ipad is much larger as well. who knows how the ratios work out.

    edit: darn, someone else beat me to it.
  • Reply 170 of 182
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    Why ... is it pink? Or, do you mean flamenco?

    Actually, I meant to say "flaming" guitar.
  • Reply 171 of 182
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by shubidua View Post

    I can see and understand your point. It just disturbed me that the person wrote a post in italian as if it was most natural to do so, and that everybody would/could/should understand.

    Anyway, I changed the post and hope nobody feels offended anymore.

    Yeah, like most things on teh internets it's probably much ado about nothing.
  • Reply 172 of 182
    joedpa82joedpa82 Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by Vulcan1 View Post

    Chop chop, i hear heads falling!

    I'm still curious about the screen and resolution....Not so sure about the new design though, does honestly have a lot design similarities with the Nokia N78, N81, N85 etc the bezel on the sides i mean.

    quite true. the design is almost similar to a sony ericsson c902. the design is a major disappointment for me
  • Reply 173 of 182
    joedpa82joedpa82 Posts: 3member
    hahaha.....special black ops forces will probably be sent to extract this vietnamese guy
  • Reply 174 of 182
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Everyone knows this, or Mac users know this? A lot of people seem to forget that Flash doesn't have issues in Windows like it does in OSX, and the reason for that is Microsoft worked with Adobe to make that happen. Now google is working with them, and they are making progress.

    I really don't know why the reviewer wouldn't be honest about hitting the home button, and if you're trying to show flash in the browser and you hit the home button on the tablet by accident (we can't see where they placed the home button) then yes, a big "Woops!" is appropriate lol

    That "Whoops" didn't come from hitting a home button. His right Thumb was clearly off the device and the left thumb was elevated and hanging off the top right corner. His "whoops" came from gloating that the iPhone didn't have Flash. Read his original post. It was clearly biased.

    Like I said (referring to your first paragraph), if you don't work closely with Adobe you're screwed which is more serious when it comes to web video. That situation with MS existed with just three diffrent OSs. What do you think will happen with adding 5 different mobile OSs? Like Windows, everyone who isn't using Android is screwed. Those are a lot of devices including the yet unreleased WM7. This is why something as important as web video shouldn't be proprietary.

    A few months ago i read that Adobe cut 10,000 jobs. This is not the kind of company you can trust to provide equality to all OSs. Only standards can do that.

    I don't think Flash will go away but you can't have one company in control of all Internet media content. And yes, that includes Apple.
  • Reply 175 of 182
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    A few months ago i read that Adobe cut 10,000 jobs.

    Can you find the link? I think that is more employees than Adobe has.
  • Reply 176 of 182
    Another ploy to get buzz or just an accident? we shall see haha

    Personally I'd prefer the design to be closer to the ipad than these prototypes no matter how much I try to like it.
  • Reply 177 of 182
    seek3rseek3r Posts: 179member
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    For the millionth time, what part of: "it's illegal to buy stolen goods" do you not understand?

    Thing is, it's nowhere near that clear cut really. If the NYTimes had bought it for their tech column they might have come under fire, but they would have been shielded criminally by journalism laws. The question is, does gawker enjoy similar status, and through them giz?

    As far as being on topic goes, ::drool::!

    I can't wait to give my g/f my ipod touch and upgrade to an iphone (and replace 2 gadgets in my pocket with 1 in the process!)
  • Reply 178 of 182
    shubiduashubidua Posts: 157member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Can you find the link? I think that is more employees than Adobe has.

    Yes it is, according to wikipedia, Adobe has 8,660 employees (December 2009)
  • Reply 179 of 182
    buccibucci Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    While I'm sure there will be repercussions to the manufacturer, the difference is that they were not in possession of or fencing stolen (by statute) goods.

    Pretty simple.

    A Vietnamese guy in Vietnam with an iPhone prototype? How do you explain how he got it, unless it was stolen?
  • Reply 180 of 182
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I said the same thing when the first pictures came out. (Of course, I also thought it was fake...) But I have reserved judgement until I can hold one in my hand.

    I still remember seeing the pictures of the unibody case just before they came out with the unibody MBP and thinking that Apple had completely lost it. It looked boxy and industrial (not in a good way). A few weeks later at an Apple Store display window I saw one one of those sexy beasts up close and personal and had to throw out all my preconceptions.

    Apple knows how big this version of the iPhone is for the company--I cannot believe that Ive and co would drop the ball on this one...

    I agree that it's hard to evaluate the look and feel until you see one in person and have it in your hands, but from the photographs and video, I do like it less than the current iPhone. I kind of like the curves. You would have thought that the new phone would have emulated the look of the iPad. I'll be upgrading to this phone anyway, since my current 3G battery is starting to go and it should be a relatively cheap upgrade, but I'm not sure this new design is taking a step forward and that's surprising for Apple.
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