Google compares Apple to 'Big Brother' from iconic 1984 ad



  • Reply 281 of 431
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    OH NOI HE DIDN'T!!!!!!!

    Let the flames from hell ignite a war noth seen by this realm before!!!

    Let me dispel that crap homeboy spat out from his jawls!!

    Google is a multi billion dollar company the exploits its users for profit! They sell information about people to advertisers through an elaborate scheme that appears HAPPY AND FREE but it ain't.

    Vic is a high paid doooosh. The masters always send out suckers like Vic to sell the corporate tag line and in the end Vic will get a cap in his a**. Here is a company that pays Apple 100 million dollars a year to carry its search engine. That is probably more money made by Apple than the sells of any single Android phone.

    Also, the cell phone industry has always sold millions of cell phones even before Apple or Android came on the scene.

    But with new business models comes new rhetoric. And that a**hole is showcasing just the latest winter, spring summer and fall collection.LOL!
  • Reply 282 of 431
    superbasssuperbass Posts: 688member
    Shouldn't the real story be that Froyo marks the first time Android has surpassed iPhone OS?

    Up until now, Android has been playing catchup, but with Froyo's wireless synching, mobile hotspot, flash 10.1 and music streaming without needing to sync, it's actually leapfrogged iPhone.

    Rather than focus on some stupid comment about who's the most evil corporation, why not focus on the actual product release?
  • Reply 283 of 431
    zc456zc456 Posts: 96member
    Despite the irony, I think Google is referring to Apple's massive control over the App Store. Considering this is during the Android segment of the keynote. Remember they still use Apple's products in their demos. On another note, I am impressed with the Android 2.2.
  • Reply 285 of 431
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Google v Apple? I think I would have to bet on Apple. As long as Steve Jobs is running things anyway.
  • Reply 286 of 431
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member

    read that. It's troubling to see any one of them get a monopoly, which is why I'm glad to see both apple, and google prosper in the space. However, we need at least a good 3rd and 4th, though if nokia and rim can keep their crap together perhaps they'll live to fight on.

    But 18 months before the iphone, anyone dumb enough to believe google wasn't aware of the development of the iphone? Really?

    froyo is indeed looking pretty damn good.
  • Reply 287 of 431
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I really don't understand why people get upset by iTunes. You don't need to buy iTunes/iBooks content and can easily add your own. You don't need a computer to run a iPhone or iPad. I rarely sync my phone. I would think that to use a Android phone you'd need to sign up for a Google account. Right now I trust Apple a bit more then Google. For the average user one stop shopping is much better.
  • Reply 288 of 431
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    read that. It's troubling to see any one of them get a monopoly, which is why I'm glad to see both apple, and google prosper in the space. However, we need at least a good 3rd and 4th, though if nokia and rim can keep their crap together perhaps they'll live to fight on.

    Exactly! The tech world should never allow another Microsoft (Google) to totally dominate the industry. It is not healthy. I'd much rather see a world where nobody stays on top for long. Constant tech war is what we need.
  • Reply 289 of 431
    emulatoremulator Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    I'm finding their search engine starting to become pretty useless at this point...I just skip to page 4 anymore to get through all the paid search results.

    So now apple fans dislike even the google search engine; your emperor's gotta love the moment.
  • Reply 290 of 431
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Blockbuster products that define the industry and set the bar.

    Not bad for "Big Brother", whatever THAT means.
  • Reply 291 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    I'm not promoting Google, I'm talking about the realities of the market. Android is hot right now, that's how it is.

    Just because it's not rah-rah-Apple doesn't mean it's promoting Google. I don't care who "wins", I'm happy with competition. As I said, I regularly use both my iPhone 3GS and Nexus One. I didn't even buy the N1, I got it for free...I bought the iPhone. I use a PC at work and a MacBook Pro at home. I've no allegiances, I just don't care.

    These companies don't do anything for me. I use what I like, period.

    Edit: But Google does give out better swag at conferences. I get phones each time I go to Google conferences...Apple gives me CDs of trial software. And Apple does reject apps for stupid reasons, which doesn't endear them to my heart much these days. My company's app was rejected after a 3 week wait because we implemented a VOIP system in a feature so people could connect with businesses without paying long distance. They forced us to remove it. Our Android version has that feature.

    Seriously, you think your message on these forums hasn't been overwhelmingly pro Google? Maybe there's an issue of lack of self-awareness there. You seem to care very much that Apple doesn't win and that Google does. Maybe that's just the swag talking, which you seem very excited about, but, are you really that shallow that you judge a company by the free stuff they give you?

    The bottom line is, a lot of us are disgusted by the lies and bullshit that come out of Google while they run around breaking the law (WiFi data collection, Google Books, etc. etc. etc.) and conducting surveillance on practically everyone on the planet that has a computer or smartphone. Google is Big Brother, and their success, if they are allowed to continue to do what they do comes at the expense of all of us, our privacy, and, in the end, our degree of freedom.

    The ways in which Apple is controlling are trivially unimportant compared to the dangers posed by the giant and ever growing, ever widening and deepening, database of information that Google is collecting on everyone. Their disrespect for the law shows that they are not a company to be trusted, and they should definitely not be trusted to not abuse the information they collect. Their control over access to information is equally disturbing, especially given their rapacious greed and obvious desire to dominate, and they will certainly end up abusing this control if they have not already. Google does evil, intends evil, and is evil.

    (And, let's not forget the danger of the government getting their hands on this data. Imagine, for a moment, that this database of information on practically every American were available to Joe McCarthy and/or the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Think you've done nothing wrong? Think again. There's McCarthy on the Senate floor waving a piece of paper with your name on it, denouncing you as a communist because you were among the people found to have visited some left wing website. Think it can't happen in America? It already has, it can happen again.)

    Maybe you just haven't thought these issues through, or think you don't care about them. Maybe you're so embedded in your geek life that all you can see is technology for technologies sake. Maybe you're just self-centered and can only focus on that app rejection from Apple and how it wounded your ego. I don't know which it is, I don't care which it is, but what I see is someone who can't see above the technological issues to what is really at stake here.

    Google is a dangerous, destructive company. Most of what they produce is imitative crap that is successful only because it's free or rides on the aura of the company's success. They are a threat to privacy and liberty, which depend on each other for their existence. Google represents the very worst of what American free enterprise is.

    Apple is a creative company. What they produce is the very best in almost every line of business they become involved in, and it succeeds because it is the best, and people recognize that, and by leading the way, and showing how good these things can be, they make everything from everybody better*. Apple represents the very best of what American free enterprise is supposed to be.

    So, think about exactly what it is you are promoting the next time you decide to tell everyone how great Google and Android are. Think about the consequences of a world where Google beats down Apple, which in Google's eyes in the only path to success, to destroy what stands in their way. Think about what Google domination in the tech and other sectors really means. Think about your personal responsibility in contributing to that. This is a battle of Good vs Evil, and it's pretty clear which company is which.

    * Android hasn't improved because of Google's commitment to excellence; remember what the first images of the Google phone looked like? Android has improved because Apple set the bar so high that everyone had to up their game to even stay in it. Anyone who thinks anything else is simply not being honest with themselves.
  • Reply 292 of 431
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Seriously, you think your message on these forums hasn't been overwhelmingly pro Google? Maybe there's an issue of lack of self-awareness there. You seem to care very much that Apple doesn't win and that Google does. Maybe that's just the swag talking, which you seem very excited about, but, are you really that shallow that you judge a company by the free stuff they give you?

    The bottom line is, a lot of us are disgusted by the lies and bullshit that come out of Google while they run around breaking the law (WiFi data collection, Google Books, etc. etc. etc.) and conducting surveillance on practically everyone on the planet that has a computer or smartphone. Google is Big Brother, and their success, if they are allowed to continue to do what they do comes at the expense of all of us, our privacy, and, in the end, our degree of freedom.

    The ways in which Apple is controlling are trivially unimportant compared to the dangers posed by the giant and ever growing, ever widening and deepening, database of information that Google is collecting on everyone. Their disrespect for the law shows that they are not a company to be trusted, and they should definitely not be trusted to not abuse the information they collect. Their control over access to information is equally disturbing, especially given their rapacious greed and obvious desire to dominate, and they will certainly end up abusing this control if they have not already. Google does evil, intends evil, and is evil.

    (And, let's not forget the danger of the government getting their hands on this data. Imagine, for a moment, that this database of information on practically every American were available to Joe McCarthy and/or the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Think you've done nothing wrong? Think again. There's McCarthy on the Senate floor waving a piece of paper with your name on it, denouncing you as a communist because you were among the people found to have visited some left wing website. Think it can't happen in America? It already has, it can happen again.)

    Maybe you just haven't thought these issues through, or think you don't care about them. Maybe you're so embedded in your geek life that all you can see is technology for technologies sake. Maybe you're just self-centered and can only focus on that app rejection from Apple and how it wounded your ego. I don't know which it is, I don't care which it is, but what I see is someone who can't see above the technological issues to what is really at stake here.

    Google is a dangerous, destructive company. Most of what they produce is imitative crap that is successful only because it's free or rides on the aura of the company's success. They are a threat to privacy and liberty, which depend on each other for their existence. Google represents the very worst of what American free enterprise is.

    Apple is a creative company. What they produce is the very best in almost every line of business they become involved in, and it succeeds because it is the best, and people recognize that, and by leading the way, and showing how good these things can be, they make everything from everybody better*. Apple represents the very best of what American free enterprise is supposed to be.

    So, think about exactly what it is you are promoting the next time you decide to tell everyone how great Google and Android are. Think about the consequences of a world where Google beats down Apple, which in Google's eyes in the only path to success, to destroy what stands in their way. Think about what Google domination in the tech and other sectors really means. Think about your personal responsibility in contributing to that. This is a battle of Good vs Evil, and it's pretty clear which company is which.

    * Android hasn't improved because of Google's commitment to excellence; remember what the first images of the Google phone looked like? Android has improved because Apple set the bar so high that everyone had to up their game to even stay in it. Anyone who thinks anything else is simply not being honest with themselves.

    it's understandable on an apple-centric forum for this kind of attack to occur, but seriously dude, if you think for one second a massive company like apple wouldn't leverage customer info to their benefit, you deluding yourself.

    It's good to see healthy competition, and should one use and abuse customer trust too far, customers can vote with their dollars. Pure and simple.
  • Reply 293 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    it's understandable on an apple-centric forum for this kind of attack to occur, but seriously dude, if you think for one second a massive company like apple wouldn't leverage customer info to their benefit, you deluding yourself.

    It's good to see healthy competition, and should one use and abuse customer trust too far, customers can vote with their dollars. Pure and simple.

    Your viewpoint is hopelessly naive. When Google has it's tracking mechanisms spread far and wide, it's almost impossible to avoid them even when you actively attempt to. There isn't really the possibility here of "customers" voting with their dollars. Not everything boils down to purely economic issues.

    As to whether Apple would leverage customer info for their benefit, there are at least two factors to consider: a) Apple's entire business model isn't based on collection and exploitation of "customer" information and b) every indication is that Steve Jobs and Apple understand and appreciate the value of privacy. Your comment is an example of the inability to differentiate degrees of risk: the degrees of risk posed by Apple and Google based on their actions to date and their corporate cultures.
  • Reply 294 of 431
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    -I'm- hopelessly naive? You're shouting from the mountain tops the altruistic and heavenly nature of a massive corporation over another and -I'm- hopelessly naive?

    ooooo K

  • Reply 295 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    It's just not that simple at all.

    no, we'll likely do what we've always done. Create content that has the ability to use multiple ways of delivery. I'm still doing it! That's the beauty of H.264. Something many people conveniently forget, that it allows 'choice'. There things flash video can do which is significant, which html5 -cannot-. Same for other things. html5 cannot despite the bleating of the know-it-alls who know what they read on some blog, do all what flash can. It never will.

    I see no drop in demand, and neither are any of the agencies I know of either. As I said, things will change. What will be significant, is what adobe's success (or not) in delivering a good player.

    Also, don't discount the fact that flash is always morphing. That AS language has become -aaaaawefully- close to javascript lately... and there's much movement on running flash content -natively without, a plugin... adobe makes nothing off their player, they make $$ on the ide...

    It both isn't and is that simple.

    There might be things Flash can do that HTML5 cannot (and we aren't just talking video here) but there are also things that HTML5 can do that Flash cannot. In the end, that doesn't really matter. What does matter is that Flash is no longer the medium with which one can reach everyone, particularly certain demographics, with a consistent experience. If you want to do that, you must use HTML. Whether you see a drop in demand in your business immediately is irrelevant. The fact is that content providers are coming to the realization, one by one now, and in increasing numbers, that Flash is harmful to their business and have, one by one, and in numbers that will accelerate over time until it looks like a stampede, decided that they must go another direction. Sure it's possible to maintain multiple versions of a site, but that increases costs and isn't the best strategy over time. The best strategy is to go with the technology that gives you the greatest ability to reach people and invest your efforts there, and that technology is no longer Flash.
  • Reply 296 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    -I'm- hopelessly naive? You're shouting from the mountain tops the altruistic and heavenly nature of a massive corporation over another and -I'm- hopelessly naive?

    ooooo K


    If that's all you can understand from what I wrote, then I can only say that you are either a hopelessly ignorant fool, or simply arguing for argument's sake.
  • Reply 297 of 431
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    It both isn't and is that simple.

    There might be things Flash can do that HTML5 cannot (and we aren't just talking video here) but there are also things that HTML5 can do that Flash cannot. In the end, that doesn't really matter. What does matter is that Flash is no longer the medium with which one can reach everyone, particularly certain demographics, with a consistent experience. If you want to do that, you must use HTML. Whether you see a drop in demand in your business immediately is irrelevant. The fact is that content providers are coming to the realization, one by one now, and in increasing numbers, that Flash is harmful to their business and have, one by one, and in numbers that will accelerate over time until it looks like a stampede, decided that they must go another direction. Sure it's possible to maintain multiple versions of a site, but that increases costs and isn't the best strategy over time. The best strategy is to go with the technology that gives you the greatest ability to reach people and invest your efforts there, and that technology is no longer Flash.


    Whether you see a drop in demand in your business immediately is irrelevant.

    Irrelevant? Says you?

  • Reply 298 of 431
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    If that's all you can understand from what I wrote, then I can only say that you are either a hopelessly ignorant fool, or simply arguing for argument's sake.

    gotcha. Ignorant fool. Well like being called a kid looking for a ban hammer, I suppose that's the way to "win" around here it seems.

  • Reply 299 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    Irrelevant? Says you?


    Yes, because, in the overall scheme of things, your company is just a minor data point.
  • Reply 300 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    gotcha. Ignorant fool. Well like being called a kid looking for a ban hammer, I suppose that's the way to "win" around here it seems.

    Well, when you don't offer any intelligent commentary, there's not much to respond to.

    It's pretty clear to me that you are at this point, simply arguing for argument's sake. You're annoyed that I'm proclaiming Flash is dead, so you're making snarky comments in response to other topics. Whether or not you are a fool, I leave to others to decide.
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