Google compares Apple to 'Big Brother' from iconic 1984 ad



  • Reply 161 of 431
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    It seems to me that the logical conclusion is that Apple's vertically integrated model is deficient, if market share is a priority.

    What makes you think Apple makes market share a priority?

    That strategy is for low value-added players, like PC manufacturers and Nokia, and increasingly Android manufacturers (who give one away for free for every one you 'buy').
  • Reply 162 of 431
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Schmidt <-> Aldrich Ames

    Gundotra <-> Sarah Palin

    Google <-> Larry "Big Brother" Flint

    "Do no evil" -> "Do nothing good, do nothing well"
  • Reply 163 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What makes you think Apple makes market share a priority?

    That strategy for low value-added players, like PC manufacturers and Nokia, and increasingly Android manufacturers (who give one away for free for every one you 'buy').
  • Reply 164 of 431
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Except that's a largely useless comparison.

    If you're an application vendor or an advertiser, the iPod Touches out there are essentially equivalent to iPhones. They're the same size, similar in price, and are used almost interchangeably. So who would be interested in iPhones but not iPod Touches?

    No one but Wireless carriers - and they have better information than this self-selecting survey that all the Android fans are bragging about.

    For once, I'll agree with you. I think the only valid comparison is between the number of devices running each OS. That's what really concerns most developers, vendors, etc.

    Keep that in mind though, when Android is running on cars, TV set-top boxes, phones, refrigerators....
  • Reply 165 of 431
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    If they didn't, then Windows PCs would dominate the PC market. Oops!

    If more people were willing (or able) to pay a premium for a better product, then Windows PCs would certainly not dominate the PC market.
  • Reply 166 of 431
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Why, of course. That is just brilliant, man!

    Why don't you keep going for 8 more quarters, and Google will sell 8.5 billions of these, more than the population of the world!

    They well might. LOL. Android will be running on your cable box, your phone and your in-dash infotainment system.....and then there's Google on your desktop....
  • Reply 167 of 431
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member

    Ummm..... I am not being snarky in the least, but seriously, I don't get your comment (the one that you referenced in the link above).
  • Reply 168 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    They well might. LOL. Android will be running on your cable box, your phone and your in-dash infotainment system.....and then there's Google on your desktop....

    ... your telescreen, ...

    Big Brother really will be watching us.
  • Reply 169 of 431
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    pot kettle etc.

    (honest, we collected that data from open wifi networks completely by accident)

    Definitely ironic that Google is calling out Apple. If Google wants they can virtually wipe your web site off of the internet. If people can't search and find your site then you're not getting traffic. They own over 80% of search at least in the US.

    It is a lie that Google bought Android to fend off Apple's closed environment. Google wants the control via ads. They are crying foul now that Apple is breaking into their territory.
  • Reply 170 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ummm..... I am not being snarky in the least, but seriously, I don't get your comment (the one that you referenced in the link above).

    Don't get the linked to comment, or its relevance to your post?

    The comment, I think, speaks for itself in the context of the thread, at least. In reference to your post, Google is like one of those low value-added players who dump products on the market, in their case, solely to prevent others from succeeding.
  • Reply 171 of 431
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by rorybalmer View Post

    I just can't get on board with this comment.

    Yes these things would be nice to alot of people, but almost all of them involve apple spending money with no real gaurentee of making money.

    Right. So let's not pretend it's all about "the user experience". It's not. It's about Apple's profit margins. Nothing wrong with that. But nobody should pretend that Apple (or Google or anybody else for that matter) is some kind of benevolent overlord who really cares about your "user experience". They care, only insofar as it helps them sell gadgets.
  • Reply 172 of 431
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    On a lighter note, did any of you catch today's Google Doodle?
  • Reply 173 of 431
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The Flash war is already over and Adobe has lost. For Google, the Flash thing is just an opportunity to poke Apple in the eye.

    Oh jeez, reading your completely out of touch die-hard "fanboist" comments make me feel real pity. The html5 web video codec(s) upcoming debacle is more and more obvious day after day (Apple & MS supporting the h.264 exclusively, Mozilla supporting Ogg Vorbis exclusively because of the h.264 patents, Google pushing forward a free VP8 that Jobs -childishly- quickly dismissed, etc), while flash has specifically fixed this cross-platforms multiple video codecs problem long ago: one example among many which indicates that it is here to stay, full flash player is just coming on Android OS (cf. numerous previews) and should be made available on most if not all others mobile OSes, excepting the iPhone OS of course, again because of control freak Big Brother Jobs telling you that this won't be allowed for you.
  • Reply 174 of 431
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Don't get the linked to comment, or its relevance to your post?

    The comment, I think, speaks for itself in the context of the thread, at least. In reference to your post, Google is like one of those low value-added players who dump products on the market, in their case, solely to prevent others from succeeding.

    Sorry..... I got it upon a couple of re-reads...... [whacks own head].
  • Reply 175 of 431
    axualaxual Posts: 244member
    So tell, what company tracks and stores more information about more people? Apple or Google?

    Google, quit whining about Apple.
  • Reply 176 of 431
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by GmanMac View Post

    The greatest danger to personal privacy in the world.

    Truly Orwellian to see them refer to 1984.

    I wonder what the anti trust implications are for them leveraging their complete dominance of the search market (with a totally closed and closely guarded proprietary search engine) to give away an OS in order to help further grow that search dominance.

    Presumably, there is. That's not to say that it's inherently illegal or that wrong-doing would be found, but it is illegal to use a monopoly in one market to leverage your entry into another market.

    In all likelihood, it's not an issue unless they give Android access to Google services that no one else has. If, for example, they were to stop offering Google search on iPhone or Safari, (as some have suggested), they would be in big trouble.
  • Reply 177 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Right. So let's not pretend it's all about "the user experience". It's not. It's about Apple's profit margins. Nothing wrong with that. But nobody should pretend that Apple (or Google or anybody else for that matter) is some kind of benevolent overlord who really cares about your "user experience". They care, only insofar as it helps them sell gadgets.

    Well, except that Apple's entire business model and philosophy is about succeeding by creating a superior user experience, so their profits and the quality of the user experience go hand in hand. They care, because that's the kind of company they've decided they want to be.

    What kind of company has Google decided to be? Product dumping to fend off competition, leveraging search to control other markets, serial law breaking, ...
  • Reply 178 of 431
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    ... your telescreen, ...

    Big Brother really will be watching us. long as he helps bring down my cable bill, I'm okay with it!
  • Reply 179 of 431
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

    Applies to both companies.
  • Reply 180 of 431
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    Android is open source and free to license (sans Google branding). I can make a toaster oven and run Android on it fully legally.

    I still dont get how Google is going to make money from an open source OS if they dont make the hardware either?!?
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