Piper: Apple has 'little room for surprise' at WWDC 2010



  • Reply 81 of 105
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Oh ye of little faith!
  • Reply 83 of 105
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "The Mac OS has not seen the same level of innovation as iPhone software in recent years," Munster said. "With the next version of Mac OS X, we expect Apple to bring some of the same innovation to the Mac platform. Multi-touch technology, for example could be a key feature of Mac OS 10.7."

    That's kind of weird to say since iPhone OS is based on the OSX core. We won't be seeing touch like on the iPhone OS devices coming to OSX I don't believe anytime soon if every. The scroll pad and magic mouse are the main input devices for OSX hardware. It appears Munster is just grasping for straws where there is no information put forth by Apple.
  • Reply 84 of 105
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    I know this may come as a huge surprise, but there are actually a lot of people out there who don't read AppleInsider every day, and may find the WWDC announcements pretty darn cool.

    Please watch your language sir.
  • Reply 85 of 105
    jcsegenmdjcsegenmd Posts: 105member
    Like most of the people who surf on this site, I'm an apple fan; every once in a while I make a lucky guess; I called it iPad months before it was announced as such.

    Big deal

    With the 4G iPhone, it was inevitable that one big product was going to slip out early--it's a first in decades. So what might SJ have up his sleeve to compensate for the loss of his thunder?

    New Mac Pros--that's a yawn, but still nice

    New MBAs with a 15 screen would be kinda cool, but again a barely stifled yawn.

    Going with verizon as an additional carrier, would get some attention.

    But given that the apple design team is obsessed with simplicity and deleting cables wherever possible, AND the monitors haven't been updated in forever. AND Apple has a long term commitment for LCD displays, bundling apple TV inside of a real TV might be gasp worthy

    Just a thought or two
  • Reply 86 of 105
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by bartfat View Post

    To be honest, I don't see much point in Google TV. Sure, people watch Youtube and Hulu, but the problem is that Hulu would probably block Google TV from watching its shows, because that would make it too easy for people to drop cable.

    So, watching stuff on the web and watching cable is something that's already been done and solved on your TV.

    How has watching web content on your TV been done and solved? Certainly not the AppleTV with it's sole access to web content being YouTube.


    Making it a centralized experience where you have to have Google spy on your TV watching habits and possibly offer adverts in the future doesn't sound too appealing to me.

    As opposed to Apple spying on you instead via iTunes and iAd? Same problem, different source.


    Besides, how hard is it to switch sources on your TV? Two clicks on the remote and you're there.

    You're where? AppleTV and it's extremely limited functionality? All it does is provide access to iTunes content and YouTube videos. All things Google TV will do and more.


    Personally, I believe Apple TV is an extension of iTunes onto the TV.

    Which makes it a really expensive one trick pony.


    The problem is, why have Google TV if you could watch the same content already? Are you really willing to spend $300-500 for a device that makes you type in stuff to get to the content you want? I don't think Apple TV has to worry, Google TV will implode, as few people will buy something that seems rather built in search of a problem.

    How can you get it on your TV already? With an expensive HTPC? The GTV demo video shows it having a lot more sources than AppleTV. And if you're going by sales, ATV sales haven't exactly set the world on fire. Is that considered imploding as well? How is ATV not something "in search of a problem"? If you have a lot of iTunes content, chances are you have an iPod and the most cost effective way to watch that content on a TV is via a much cheaper A/V cable rather than ATV.


    EDIT: Other people commented that Amazon and Netflix would be possible contenders as well for content. What's to stop the content providers from saying Netflix and Amazon can't stream to Google TV or Apple TV unless they have a deal? And such a deal would be unprecedented, because that would eat into cable subscriptions.

    Because if you look at the number of devices those services are on, it seems pretty clear that studios don't have control over what devices they go onto. It was probably part of the original contract. The only reason Netflix isn't natively on the PS3 and Wii is because Microsoft paid for it not to be.
  • Reply 87 of 105
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    I want tethering! - my original iPhone is getting on in years and a 4G (or at least truly fully 3G supported functional working 3G where I need it) with tethering at a rate that is not obnoxious - would allow me to dump the 3G card in my notebook.
  • Reply 88 of 105
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "The Mac OS has not seen the same level of innovation as iPhone software in recent years," Munster said. "With the next version of Mac OS X, we expect Apple to bring some of the same innovation to the Mac platform. Multi-touch technology, for example could be a key feature of Mac OS 10.7."

    Gene Munster is an idiot. For anyone with a brain (Gene should have better insight into the industry he's constantly spouting about) is that 10.7 is posed to be a huge OS step forward, especially considering the volume of work that's gone into the Mac OS over the last 2+ years.

    10.6 was in itself 'a level of innovation' not seen OS development, taking the time to get everything tuned & refined and holding back on the bells and whistles... hello... earth to Munster... are you there?

    Not to mention the obvious, but the iPhone OS... IS all based on OS X!!! It has a few differences, but then so do laptops vs. desktop vs. server installations of OS X. Any tweaking to the iPhone OS, is really just development into OS X. But I'm guessing such fine distinctions don't trouble Gene who is more concerned with flapping his gapping trap no matter how stupid his ideas and analysis are.
  • Reply 89 of 105
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Gene Munster is an idiot. For anyone with a brain (Gene should have better insight into the industry he's constantly spouting about) is that 10.7 is posed to be a huge OS step forward, especially considering the volume of work that's gone into the Mac OS over the last 2+ years.

    10.6 was in itself 'a level of innovation' not seen OS development, taking the time to get everything tuned & refined and holding back on the bells and whistles... hello... earth to Munster... are you there?

    Not to mention the obvious, but the iPhone OS... IS all based on OS X!!! It has a few differences, but then so do laptops vs. desktop vs. server installations of OS X. Any tweaking to the iPhone OS, is really just development into OS X. But I'm guessing such fine distinctions don't trouble Gene who is more concerned with flapping his gapping trap no matter how stupid his ideas and analysis are.

    I don't think you understood him. He did say 10.7 will be a huge step forward.
  • Reply 90 of 105
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    People here keep talking as though Google TV is a stand alone device. It's not. It's an operating system. It'll show up on stuff made by various OEMs. In the keynote they noted Sony TVs and Blu-Ray players, and Logitech set-top boxes to start. Think of it, just like Android. In 2 years, virtually every TV, home theatre, blu-ray player, and set-top box vendor will offer a version with Google TV. It's not one box like Apple TV.
  • Reply 91 of 105
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    I disagree. An app store for the Apple TV would (potentially) give me access to BBC iPlayer, 4OD and Sky Player without hacking my box. There's plenty of applications that would make sense for the Apple TV.

    Either way, I don't care if WWDC is full of surprises or not. As long as I know that iPhone OS 4 is coming, I'll be happy.

    True enough. But it still won't be easier than Google TV. On there you type in "BBC" and you'll get the option of turning to the BBC channel, seeing BBC clips from youube or firing up the iPlayer. Or of course, you can just channel flick right through to the BBC, "the old fashioned way."

    And that's why I suggest that a cable card is needed. Right now, for the average person, Apple TV doesn't even compete with their regular cable box, let alone TiVo.
  • Reply 92 of 105
    eldernormeldernorm Posts: 232member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Well it's a nice change to see no wild speculation. I'd rather we go in with the share holders having lower expectation and SJ still wows us with a few secrets Apple managed to keep. Far better than disappointment because the iPhone G4 doesn't have some crazy feature the rumor mill dreamed up.

    I agree. Just because some blogger looks at everything pundits make wild guesses at,,,, or takes Apple at its word... (new iPhone OS 4) then Apple with either disappoint if EVERYTHING is not shown, or be a non event if EVERYTHING is shown...

    Hey, we are still waiting for Anti-gravity, teleportation, and mind reading... LOL :-)

    Just a thought,

  • Reply 93 of 105
    leptonlepton Posts: 111member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    I get the feeling that we won't hear a peep from Apple about the ATV at WWDC. At this point, Apple either has to kill off the ATV, or go for complete reconstructive surgery. I think they will opt to make it really great to compete with the GoogleTV, but something liek this surely will get it's own press event, say in September/October? Just my feeling on the subject. I will however welcome the change whenever Apple decides to announce.

    *fingers crossed*

    The one more thing will be a new AppleTV with an A4 CPU, and video in and out. It will run iPhone OS 4 and all iPad apps. Old apps take over the screen, new ones will be able to overlay the video that passes through, letting it make all sorts of widgets. I wrote more about this Google TV killer on my blog.
  • Reply 94 of 105
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Why? Some half-assed solution --- like wifi-only videoconferencing --- delivered by Apple may sure be shock, which opens eyes wide enough...

    P.S. Steve presenting ATV?! Shock...

    Steve/Phil/Scott letting Tim on stage?! Heart attack!
  • Reply 95 of 105
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    Yet another idea... Apple TV comes with a wireless webcam (a la iSight) that's beefed up and allows the videoconferencing that's coming w/ the iPhone HD. That'd be kinda cool - video conferencing on your TV w/ someone that's on their iPhone or computer or whatever. It'd really start to get to the point where it could replace having either a computer or a second computer. Chatting with your loved one half the world away on your TV all with the new $299, 250GB, iPhone 4.0 running, HDMI capable Apple TV!
  • Reply 96 of 105
    mja8105mja8105 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Yet another idea... Apple TV comes with a wireless webcam (a la iSight) that's beefed up and allows the videoconferencing that's coming w/ the iPhone HD. That'd be kinda cool - video conferencing on your TV w/ someone that's on their iPhone or computer or whatever. It'd really start to get to the point where it could replace having either a computer or a second computer. Chatting with your loved one half the world away on your TV all with the new $299, 250GB, iPhone 4.0 running, HDMI capable Apple TV!

    I think this is spot on. iPhone HD with front facing camera, iPad with front facing camera, AppleTV with iSight webcam, gives you the ability to videoconference from anywhere.
  • Reply 97 of 105
    reliasonreliason Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by tubbytee View Post

    If a new ATV is introduced. It will be running on iPhone OS 4.


    the Apple TV will run iPhone OS 4. Run on Apple Silicon (A4 SOC). Integrate with an iApp universal remote/game controller.

    That is the future of Apple TV, if it has one at all.

    On the other hand, Apple could just BUY TiVo and NetFlix and get it all over with.

    Tivo gets Apple the only DVR IP that matters. Netflix gets Apple a streaming video service and a physical media delivery network. I don't see it happening....
  • Reply 98 of 105
    reliasonreliason Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by lepton View Post

    The one more thing will be a new AppleTV with an A4 CPU, and video in and out. It will run iPhone OS 4 and all iPad apps. Old apps take over the screen, new ones will be able to overlay the video that passes through, letting it make all sorts of widgets. I wrote more about this Google TV killer on my blog.

    re: Running iPad/iPhone apps: It is not going to happen.

    The iPhone OS doesn't have a cursor. It won't run the iPad apps, it won't run iPhone (thank god) apps at 400x magnification.

    It will run the iPhone OS on Apple silicon. But it will not run the iPhone UI, it will be something more similar to Front Row.
  • Reply 99 of 105
    I develop on the iPod Touch. After comparing it?s performance to my stupid, useless, slow, buggy, Windows Mobile 6 Palm Treo, I wish I would have gone with the iPhone.

    ** CHECK OUT MY IPHONE APPS: ShatterBall, BalloonMaker **
  • Reply 100 of 105
    Originally Posted by marokero View Post

    It would be interesting if Apple releases the new iPhone and it looks nothing like the leaked stuff. And makes a fool out of those who leaked the purposely wrong prototypes. But that's just me and my spiteful self

    If that happens then too bad for the Jason Chen & Brian fella.

    They were all just part of the grand plan
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