Apple's current iPad software won't allow iPhone tethering



  • Reply 41 of 88
    sky kingsky king Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    First argumentative post and it has to be a reply to me. I thought for once someone might agree.

    Yes, it is part of Apple's product strategy to limit a first gen product. Then they come out with a better one for less money. That's why I started visiting this site. To try to know when it's safe to "pull the trigger" on something new.

    Do you mean to suggest Apple is delibertly withholding tethering on the ipad so I'll buy the next one that will have it?

    If they did...would it be illegal, immoral, un-ethical, a good business move, or simply the way thing are at the moment?
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  • Reply 42 of 88
    dazweejadazweeja Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Yeah, I don't understand the big deal, either. The whole point of the 3G iPad was to have connectivity almost anywhere with the cheap pre-paid plans, not to tether them to an iPhone. Since I got the iPad 3G, I'm not using the iPhone for internet anyways, so the reduction in iPhone data plans is a good deal. Tethering makes no sense to me.

    It doesn't make a lot of sense when AT&T charges an extra $20 for tethering, but in a lot of countries outside the US there's no charge so if you carry your iPhone everywhere and you already have a decent data plan on that, why would you want to pay an extra $25-30 a month for an iPad plan too? Tethering to an iPhone (through WiFi) you get similar speeds, no cables, and no setup once you have configured your iPhone and iPad once.
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  • Reply 43 of 88
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,042member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    Are they discussing the iPad 3G? I thought they were discussing tethering any iPad (including Wifi only versions of the iPad) to an iPhone so we can access the internet using iPhone's 3G connection.

    Okay, and that's fine. My only issue on the thread (and it may not be a part of that particular post) is that people shouldn't complain about the lack of tethering on the iPad WiFi, when you can get 3G functionality by buying the other model. Buy the one that meets your needs, don't buy the one that doesn't and complain that Apple is not allowing some kind of workaround.
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  • Reply 44 of 88
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,042member
    Originally Posted by dazweeja View Post

    It doesn't make a lot of sense when AT&T charges an extra $20 for tethering, but in a lot of countries outside the US there's no charge so if you carry your iPhone everywhere and you already have a decent data plan on that, why would you want to pay an extra $25-30 a month for an iPad plan too? Tethering to an iPhone (through WiFi) you get similar speeds, no cables, and no setup once you have configured your iPhone and iPad once.

    Okay, that makes sense to me, thanks for clarifying. But I wonder how many of those complaining were living or planning on traveling in those countries.
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  • Reply 45 of 88
    mac31mac31 Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Yeah, I don't understand the big deal, either. The whole point of the 3G iPad was to have connectivity almost anywhere with the cheap pre-paid plans, not to tether them to an iPhone. Since I got the iPad 3G, I'm not using the iPhone for internet anyways, so the reduction in iPhone data plans is a good deal. Tethering makes no sense to me.

    The point is, for those of us that didn't want to spend the extra $130 for the 3G iPad, we want tethering from the iPhone to the wifi iPad. There's no reason for the $20 extra they can't make it a MiFi/MyWi. There's no need for "corded" tethering.

    Jailbroken iPhone with MyWi installed is amazing. I'm uber excited for iPhone 4.0, but this lame tethering restriction will keep me from upgrading.
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  • Reply 46 of 88
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Okay, and that's fine. My only issue on the thread (and it may not be a part of that particular post) is that people shouldn't complain about the lack of tethering on the iPad WiFi, when you can get 3G functionality by buying the other model. Buy the one that meets your needs, don't buy the one that doesn't and complain that Apple is not allowing some kind of workaround.

    Personally I think the "workaround" is a legitimate feature request. Why would you want to spend more money on a 3G iPad and a second data plan if an option like tethering could be implemented?
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  • Reply 47 of 88
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Why do some Mac lovers employ the language of trolls when they don't get everything they want right out of the gate? A little patience, please.

    How long have Mac users been waiting for net video that doesn't crash their machine?
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  • Reply 48 of 88
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Load of crap. Its easy as hell to implement teathering, especially since iPhone OS already supports it. This was done to make ATT look less bad in all of this. Possible because of the really cheap rates and lack of contract for iPad data.
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  • Reply 49 of 88
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Simple elegance versus complex options. It's up to you.

    I'll choose more capabilities for less money. Thanks.
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  • Reply 50 of 88
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by AppDev View Post

    What they meant was connecting to a phone that is serving as a hotspot. The newer android phones can do that.

    Palm can do it too. The iPhone is pretty far behind the curve at this point. But typically Apple products take longer to catch up to the rest of the industry, feature-wise.
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  • Reply 51 of 88
    cwfrederickcwfrederick Posts: 171member
    what's the likelyhood of apple allowing the iPhone to be a mobile wifi hotspot? it might disincentivise forking out $130 more for the 3g ipad, but it might exclude blackberry users from being able to tether, and it would also be useful for social applications once apple comes out with iChat. any thoughts?
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  • Reply 52 of 88
    stormjstormj Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    They don't mean jailbreaks. I expect AT&T doesn't care as long as you pay them $45 a month for 2GB limit.

    Well, most people who are bothered enough about this can do the jailbreak and have it. Plus, (I'm not holding my breath, but maybe...) an appstore app will get approved that lets the iPhone tether to the iPad.

    Seriously: if you even know what tethering is, you're probably someone who can install the jailbreak, get a program like MyWi. Then you can complain because it can't be done even though you do it.
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  • Reply 53 of 88
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Simple elegance versus complex options. It's up to you.

    Adding simple tethering/HotSpot can't be any more "complex" then simply trying to turn on/off Bluetooth -- something that should be easily accesible

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  • Reply 54 of 88
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by dazweeja View Post

    It doesn't make a lot of sense when AT&T charges an extra $20 for tethering, but in a lot of countries outside the US there's no charge so if you carry your iPhone everywhere and you already have a decent data plan on that, why would you want to pay an extra $25-30 a month for an iPad plan too? Tethering to an iPhone (through WiFi) you get similar speeds, no cables, and no setup once you have configured your iPhone and iPad once.

    What's the difference, if I pay $30 for unlimited data on the iPad and $30 for unlimited data on the iPhone, when Verizon or Sprint charge $60 for limited data on a phone that allows free tethering?
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  • Reply 55 of 88
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by Mac31 View Post

    The point is, for those of us that didn't want to spend the extra $130 for the 3G iPad, we want tethering from the iPhone to the wifi iPad. There's no reason for the $20 extra they can't make it a MiFi/MyWi. There's no need for "corded" tethering.

    Jailbroken iPhone with MyWi installed is amazing. I'm uber excited for iPhone 4.0, but this lame tethering restriction will keep me from upgrading.

    So you are just trying to be cheap, yet blame Apple and AT&T?
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  • Reply 56 of 88
    cinemagiccinemagic Posts: 67member
    It's pure greed on the part of both Apple and AT&T. Apple can sell their iPad 3G at higher dollars and AT&T can charge more for something they promised years ago. We really need a carrier in addition to AT&T to have some competition. We'll see if Apple makes any changes in response to Droid. Hopefully they'll make changes to the benefit of their customers rather Ghana lose market share to a device that does respond to customer desires.
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  • Reply 57 of 88
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    And Apple KNEW they were advertising those rates to thousands of new buyers that would never get the option for unlimited.

    yeah Steve actually demanded that ATT change the rates a month after sales started, just to screw folks. otherwise he was going to cut the iphone contract 2 years early and take the phone to Verizon exclusively.

    and there were two shooters on the knoll

    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Right, but they were discussing iPad 3G. Why worry about tethering that to a 3G phone? It's got it's own. Maybe I'm missing something? Really, not being sarcastic or bitchy, just want to know.

    it's called being cheap. they would rather pay $130 less for a wifi only ipad they can tether to an iphone etc and save that money, plus the monthly rate
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  • Reply 58 of 88
    radster360radster360 Posts: 547member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Just wondering, when iPhone Videochat is introduced by Steve Jobs, If this feature is a datahog to use, and AT&T skimpy 2GB is almost out, will a "caller" be able to call "Collect" to the other party who might have more GB left on their plan then you?

    Also, I bet AT&T will yank your MB's for accepting an videochat phone call just as much as they will for placing one!

    Hope iPhone OS 4 will have the option to tell the caller you are not accepting videocalls, go to regular call mode and just talk. That way at least you are just using minutes.

    Speaking of minutes, with this new plan does AT&T still offer rollover?

    The new data plan limitation will be secondary in this matter - I wouldn't be surprise if AT&T will tag additional feature charge just to use the new Videochat service. So, if I want to use all the new capabilities of the new iPhone 4G, it will easily cost me almost $100/month. This is what a "typical user" will be in near future. That is some serious cost to a normal user. I think AT&T is totally sending a wrong message here. I am surprised that Apple has nothing to say in this matter. This will certainly impact Apple's iPhone and iPad sales.

    It is really sad that Apple is coming out with some killer devices, but it requires donating your blood to pay for the cost to operate them on AT&T. Apple really need to find new providers because I am getting tired of AT&T and their tactics.
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  • Reply 59 of 88
    lxglxg Posts: 19member
    Jailbreak and MyWi works great with the iPad and MacBook. Won't upgrade to 4G either.
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  • Reply 60 of 88
    modul8trmodul8tr Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    Personally I think the "workaround" is a legitimate feature request. Why would you want to spend more money on a 3G iPad and a second data plan if an option like tethering could be implemented?

    I sort of agree with you both. Apple should allow this feature for people that own both iPhones and iPads, but don't necessarily have a need for the dedicated and more expensive 3G model. Some people don't have a need for 3G data on iPad regularly, but may need 3G data for short periods of time, randomly. Perhaps once or twice every other month.

    Let's just imagine that iPad had launched in a world where tethering was available on iPhone/AT&T with the current data caps. For the type of user described above, to not allow it doesn't make sense.

    To me, it seems that whatever task you would normally have performed on your iPhone, would transfer to your iPad (e.g. reviewing, revising and uploading a file a colleague just sent you on Dropbox) while you're in a taxi, or on a construction site. Since the task is simply transfering from one machine to another, it's not as if you're suddenly using more data. You are simply accessing it on a bigger screen, within an app that's offering enhanced functionality beyond the iPhone version. Therefore it should be free, especially in light of the fact that their current $20 tether fee gives you NOTHING. No extra data bucket. NOTHING.

    Putting the iPhone into hotspot/tether mode could be enabled with a simple toggle. Perhaps seamlessly by having iPad tell iPhone it needs a data connection. It adds value to the iPhone/iPad ecosystem and fits into Apple's design philosophy of simplicity, elegance, and ease.

    How AT&T loses in any meaningful way....I don't see. The data caps are in place. If you abuse, you pay.

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Adding simple tethering/HotSpot can't be any more "complex" then simply trying to turn on/off Bluetooth -- something that should be easily accesible

    I can't believe we've not seen this fixed. It can't be that hard to have key toggles pop up, or have them called upon via a gesture. Perhaps even as an overlay, Dashboard style.

    I don't understand why they've yet to implement various elegant tech that ALREADY exists within OSX. Like Expose for example.
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