AT&T will sell unlimited plans without iPad 3G hardware before June 7 [u]

in iPad edited January 2014
Customers who are looking to lock in an unlimited data plan for the iPad 3G, but don't have the scarcely available device before AT&T's 2GB cap goes into effect starting Monday may be in luck, as the wireless carrier is looking into the matter [Updated with more info].

Currently, customers must have an iPad with a 3G radio in order to purchase a data plan for AT&T. But starting Monday, the current unlimited bandwidth plan for $30-per-month will no longer be available. This presents a problem for U.S. customers, as many stores have had extremely limited availability since the 3G model launched.

According to Nick Bilton of The New York Times, AT&T may be looking to accommodate users who want to lock in an unlimited plan before it is no longer available for purchase. Customers who have an unlimited iPhone or iPad data plan before June 7 will be able to keep them.

An AT&T representative told the Times that the company is "looking into the situation and how they can accommodate these customers." An executive spoke anonymously with the paper and said that the company's efforts were still being discussed internally, but the hope is to be able to allow customers who pay for an iPad before June 7 but don't receive the hardware to still sign up for an unlimited data plan.

Update: AT&T notified one customer via its official Facebook page that the company "will honor the $29.99 unlimited data pricing for customers who order iPad by June 7." Details on how customers will be able to sign up for the plan without the hardware were not provided.

Whatever AT&T decides, they'll have to act fast -- based on the company's current schedule, the unlimited plans will no longer be available after 11:59 p.m. this Sunday, June 6.

Starting June 7, AT&T's new high-end data plan, dubbed "DataPro," offers 2GB of data for $25 per month. A less expensive "DataPlus" plan will offer 200MB for $15 per month. AT&T has said that 65 percent of its smartphone customers use less than 200MB per month, while 98 percent use less than 2GB per month.

Customers who near the newly instituted cap will be sent a notification to alert them when they reach a certain usage level. Customers who exceed the 2GB DataPro cap will pay $10 for an extra 1GB, while those who go over the 200MB DataPlus plan will pay $15 for another 200MB.

AT&T will also offer tethering for iPhone customers when Apple releases iPhone OS 4. Users will be required to relinquish their unlimited plan and sign up for a 2GB DataPro plan, as well as pay an additional $20 per month (on top of the base $25) to enable tethering.

Users will not, however, be able to tether their iPhone to their iPad. The issue exists because the iPhone can only tether over USB or Bluetooth, and the iPad cannot accept data in either of those formats. For iPhone-to-iPad tethering to become possible, Apple would have to update the software on one of the devices.


  • Reply 1 of 76
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    i find it funny how the media has since day one bought into at&t's claim that it's an "unlimited" plan.

    it's not.

    it's a 5GB plan.

    "unlimited" is a marketing term used to fool consumers into thinking they are getting something which they are actually not getting. and it worked. wonderfully.
  • Reply 2 of 76
    With unlimited data plans, I could understand the added price for tethering. With the new plans constraining data usage, the tethering fee seems excessive.
  • Reply 3 of 76
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    On the iPad page Apple says that the 3G unlimited plan is available if you ordered your 3G iPad by Jun 6th. AT&T says they are looking into the matter. Apple & AT&T need to work on their communication.
  • Reply 4 of 76
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    i find it funny how the media has since day one bought into at&t's claim that it's an "unlimited" plan.

    it's not.

    it's a 5GB plan.

    "unlimited" is a marketing term used to fool consumers into thinking they are getting something which they are actually not getting. and it worked. wonderfully.

    It "worked" how? Anyone here used over 5gb in a month and been billed for it?
  • Reply 5 of 76
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member

    An AT&T representative told the Times that the company is "looking into the situation and how they can screw over these customers."

    There, corrected that for you.

    My guess? They will allow the unlimited until the cutoff date and then screw up those unlimited customers billing a few months later. When they sign back up, they will be under the New Plan.

    AT&T illegally hangs/places it's phone books on/in people's mailboxes against Federal Law using shell contractors, not paying the Post Office a cent to do so. Then they go ahead and cooperate with the NSA with backdoor rooms off the internet backbone.

    Do you think they really give dam about doing what's right and fair? NOT.
  • Reply 6 of 76
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    No mention in this article of Apple's promise to get the option for unlimited by merely ordering??? Huge hole in this story.


    The NYT article has been updated to reflect at&t decision to accomodate those who order before Monday. A decision that comes more than 24 hours after Apple promised this EXPLICITLY on their iPad site.

    My prediction is at&t will kill this off after one year. And they will increase their packet sniffing dramatically to bill those who tether and publicize the hell out of it.
  • Reply 7 of 76
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    i find it funny how the media has since day one bought into at&t's claim that it's an "unlimited" plan.

    it's not.

    it's a 5GB plan.

    "unlimited" is a marketing term used to fool consumers into thinking they are getting something which they are actually not getting. and it worked. wonderfully.

    Back this up. Find thus mythical 5gb cap and post it. Let's see your evidence or retract your statement.
  • Reply 8 of 76
    hittrj01hittrj01 Posts: 753member
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    i find it funny how the media has since day one bought into at&t's claim that it's an "unlimited" plan.

    it's not.

    it's a 5GB plan.

    "unlimited" is a marketing term used to fool consumers into thinking they are getting something which they are actually not getting. and it worked. wonderfully.

    You are mistaken. Only their aircards were capped at 5GB, and they never hid that fact. All of their smartphone plans, from the iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Palm, etc., as well as the iPad, were all truly unlimited.
  • Reply 9 of 76
    shobizshobiz Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    It "worked" how? Anyone here used over 5gb in a month and been billed for it?

  • Reply 10 of 76
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    meh... AT&T's way to lock people into a "contract".

    They should be sued for bait and switch.
  • Reply 11 of 76
    shobizshobiz Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    meh... AT&T's way to lock people into a "contract".

    They should be sued for bait and switch.

    Yeah, I know. Businesses like to do contracts for some dumb reason. Must have something to do with a business making money or some other stupid idea..
  • Reply 12 of 76
    radster360radster360 Posts: 547member
    This is not the first time AT&T announce something and then try to do damage control or try to find solutions around what they announce. Why don't they just thinks about all the possible outcome or concerns and make sure they address them before making such announcements. I mean it took less than 24-hrs by people on this board and other places on all the issues that this new rate change is going to create. If I function like the PR at AT&T my ass would have been fired long ago.

    What's with all these executives for big firms? They seems to be living on different planet, in a bubble, or just flat out clueless about how real people live, consume, spend money, etc. AT&T CEO, BP CEO, Facebook CEO - they are all clueless!
  • Reply 13 of 76
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by SHOBIZ View Post

    Yeah, I know. Businesses like to do contracts for some dumb reason. Must have something to do with a business making money or some other stupid idea..

    the problem with this "contract" is once you get out, you can't get back in.

    They probably have some fine print somewhere that says they can make any changes whenever they like.
  • Reply 14 of 76
    rorybalmerrorybalmer Posts: 169member
    I know how people love unlimited, but for all the people who are upset about the 2GB cap do they Honestly feel they are in the miniscule fraction of people who use anywhere even near 1GB a month. Like what difference will this actually make?

    I mean, on my iPhone I would deffinatley consider myself an above average data user, but I honestly never go over even 200mb a month.

    Now in retrospect I don't own an iPad so there may be a big difference.. Can someone who has an iPad answer that for me?? Does it suck up alot more data then iphone.. like in the 5 to 10 times more range??
  • Reply 15 of 76
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member
    I'm confused. The iPad 3G, which I own, allows you to buy 3G access on the fly. Pay for the month when you need it, let it cancel when you don't. Repeat as needed.

    Since I am an existing customer, I needn't worry.

    I haven't used my 3G yet on my iPad. If I use it after Monday, am I screwed? On the other hand, if I were a new customer and get my iPad before the cutoff date, would I have to activate 3G before the cutoff date or is the info stored in the system so that when I first use 3G, be it next week or in December, would I still be known as an "existing" customer and afforded the unlimited privileges?
  • Reply 16 of 76
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    meh... AT&T's way to lock people into a "contract".

    They should be sued for bait and switch.

    Exactly! Jobs stood on stage and exclaimed, "Cancel and sign up whenever you want", or very similar. What, all within the first month of buying but lose that option thereafter? He lied. He KNEW his change was coming.

    Consumers need protection from these bait and switch tactics. Apple will say they can't control att and att will say they can't control what Apple promises. But these products are unique. The 3g works with one carrier. The hardware and service are together make one product, at least based on the "bait" portion of the sales pitch.

    So, what will happen? There will be a suit, 4 years later there will be a settlement. The lawyers will get millions and those wronged will get 3 free months of 3g.
  • Reply 17 of 76
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I don't know why, but I suspect they are phasing this out to make way for a new kind of 'unlimited' plan for the video iPhone.
  • Reply 18 of 76
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    Exactly! Jobs stood on stage and exclaimed, "Cancel and sign up whenever you want", or very similar. What, all within the first month of buying but lose that option thereafter? He lied. He KNEW his change was coming.

    I agree with you that SJ messed up this time. However, I have a feeling that this has to do with AT&T and Apple not reaching an agreement on the next iPhone data plan. I've always thought that AT&T have two contract with Apple over the iPhone. One regarding exclusivity (long term) and the other is device specific (changes as a new iPhone is released). I could be wrong but that make sense to me.

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I don't know why, but I suspect they are phasing this out to make way for a new kind of 'unlimited' plan for the video iPhone.

    I don't think we will see unlimited anything now. AT&T merged all smartphones (iPhones, BBs.. etc) under the new DataPro and DataPlus plans.
  • Reply 19 of 76
    k1200k1200 Posts: 1member
    AT&T has said that 65 percent of its smartphone customers use less than 200MB per month, while 98 percent use less than 2GB per month.


    If 98% people use less then 2GB, then why even bother to put a cap?
  • Reply 20 of 76
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member
    I bought the 3G and estimated I would only need the 250MB plan. I just started my vacation and switched to the Unlimited plan for that. Glad I did. Now since I am locked in I will change my plan. I will use 3G as much as possible. I will stream videos from Netflix even when I am not watching. I will consume as much data as possible, I will waste as much as possible. I also may never buy another Apple product again. Pretty tacking behavior foe a company that has billions in cash.
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