iPhone 4 and iOS vs. Android: desktop and cloud services

in iPhone edited January 2014
Smartphone platforms from Apple and Google reflect the two company's home territories: Apple is firmly rooted in selling the Mac with iTunes as a digital hub for iPods and iPhones, while Google's base is web centric, focusing on web search and advertising. Here's how iOS and Android compare in terms of desktop and cloud services, including support for Exchange Server in the enterprise, part two in this series.

In this series:

iPhone 4 and iOS vs. Android: hardware features

iPhone 4 and iOS vs. Android: desktop and cloud services

Over the last decade, Apple has constructed a rich digital hub centered around iTunes, handling local device backup and the syncing, organizing, and management of user data (photos, email, calendars, contacts, notes, browser bookmarks), media services (music, audiobooks, TV shows, movies, videos, podcasts, iTunes U content), mobile apps, and the iOS itself.

This is unique among smartphone platforms (including Google's Android), all of which rely upon mobile carriers to deliver "over the air" software updates to their devices, and also rely upon such "cloud services" to provide device and data backup, media streaming and sales, online app and ebook stores, and push messaging services, including email and calendar events.

Apple began adding cloud access (a shorthand term for Internet services that don't require a middleman PC) in 2007 with the WiFi iTunes Store, then extended its desktop-based .Mac cloud service to iPhone users in 2008 with the renamed MobileMe, which provides push messaging (mail, contacts, calendar and notes), remote device find/message/alarm/lock/wipe management features, and cloud storage of documents (iDisk) and media files (Gallery).

Apple also opened a device-based cloud version of the iTunes App Store, and most recently has extended iBook support to the iPhone as well. All of these cloud stores maintain sync with content purchased, backed up, and cataloged in the desktop iTunes on the Mac and PC.

Google's Android platform is designed to be entirely cloud based; there's no equivalent to an iTunes desktop app from the company, although the third party DoubleTwist serves as a partial alternative, providing desktop access to Google's Android Market, Amazon's media store, and a podcast library. DoubleTwist is also available for a variety of other devices that lack an iTunes of their own, including RIM's BlackBerry, HP's Palm Pre, and Sony's PSP.

Other third party Android offerings also bridge the gaps in Android's out of the box experience, such as Amazon's Kindle app, which provides an online ebook store, and Missing Sync, which offers to sync music, videos, podcasts, ringtones, photos, contacts, calendars, and bookmarks.

Google's own Gmail, Calendar, Docs, and other cloud-based services are accessible from Android phones, using either the "with Google" Android apps or via the company's web-based apps from Android phones that don't bundle them. Google plans to open a future competitor to Apple's iTunes Music Store (and Amazon's) for Android that enables cloud-based streaming of media.

The dark side of the Cloud

The drawback to Google's cloud-only strategy for Android is that cloud services are notorious for falling offline and for losing users' data. From Microsoft's Danger, to the Palm Pre and Nokia's Ovi service, to RIM's BlackBerry NOC, everyone who has offered cloud services for smartphones has also lost users' data. That maxim also applies to both Google and Apple, which like everyone else in the industry has inadvertently interrupted services and lost user data related to their cloud operations.

However, with iTunes and its "local backups by default" design, if your cloud services fail (and history indicates they will at some point), you can always revert to a local copy of your data you own and control. Google's Android, like Microsoft, RIM, and other mobile platform vendors, not only bets that cloud services won't ever fail, but also puts users' backups in the cloud, ensuring that when they do fail, users will be completely helpless unless they've created a personal strategy to make their own local backups. Which nobody does, even when there is a way to do this.

Apple currently enjoys a strong lead in offering iTunes as a silver lining for cloud failures. Every iPhone is automatically backed up locally by default, making device replacement and upgrades easy and painless. Because Google and other vendors are focusing on improving and extending their cloud offerings, it looks like Apple will continue to enjoy an increasingly strong position with iTunes as a local sync hub, a factor that will prevent many iTunes users from even considering alternatives to iPhone, regardless of any potential, real advantages offered by Android. At the same time, Apple is pushing ahead its own cloud services in tandem with (and well integrated with) iTunes.

On page 2 of 3: MobileMe isn't free, Exchange Server & open enterprise cloud services support.

MobileMe isn't free

On the other hand, while Google's online services (Gmail and Calendar/Contacts, with both sync and push messaging) are free (with ads), Apple's tightly integrated MobileMe service isn't. Of course, you don't have to pay for MobileMe to use your iPhone; it works just as easily with Google's free services as Android does, and in some cases is actually better. MobileMe is also not very expensive. At $69/year (with a new phone purchase, or from Amazon), it's less than $6/month.

In its previous form under the name .Mac, Apple's cloud service made some sense for users who wanted a simple messaging and content sync service that just worked. When Apple made it part of iPhone OS 2.0, it greatly enhanced the service conceptually with push services. But push came to shove, and the service debuted in flames of catastrophe.

Since that rough introduction, Apple has resolved its availability issues and introduced new apps that expose the services' features: iDisk for cloud file access, Gallery for uploaded pictures and movies, and most recently, Find My Phone, in addition to the built in apps that support sync: Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Notes. At the same time, Apple has now downplayed MobileMe's web hosting services, focusing its efforts on mobile cloud sync between iOS devices and the Mac or Windows desktop.

MobileMe isn't the most generous file and web hosting service, and certainly isn't the cheapest email, calendar & contact cloud service (although it is very affordable compared to hosted Exchange or BlackBerry push messaging services). What it does offer is a pretty complete set of unique features in a single package from one vendor, complete with push messaging, email aliases (something that is not supported from Gmail, but is now fully and automatically supported as sendable email addresses in iOS 4), iDisk file sharing with password protected sharing (useful for sending large file attachments that are too big to email), Gallery for direct photo and movie sharing, web browser bookmark sync, and the Back To My Mac and Find My iPhone features.

Most of those features can be assembled from various third party offerings on Android phones, but doing so requires multiple accounts and different vendors to complain to when things stop working correctly. Roll MobileMe in with Apple's App Store, iBooks, and iTunes music, audiobooks and movies (with rentals, something Android is missing support for entirely), and you get one account and a bunch of services that all work pretty seamlessly through tight integration from one vendor.

That's not to say MobileMe and Apple's other cloud services are perfect; the company should really integrate Gallery into iOS 4's Photos app, and things like Notes sync (new in iOS 4) don't always appear to work flawlessly yet. However, just as Apple has kept the latest iPhone 4 ahead of Android in terms of hardware features (which it wasn't supposed to be able to do, given Android's multiple hardware partners), it's also managed to keep its cloud features a couple steps ahead of Google's (also a seemingly improbable task, given Google's apparent home court advantage in offering cloud-based services), while also offering a solid foundation of "non-cloud" services within iTunes, something that no other smartphone maker has caught up with yet.

On page 3 of 3: Exchange Server & open enterprise cloud services support.

Exchange Server support

Apple originally marketed MobileMe as "Exchange for the rest of us," but the company also built Exchange ActiveSync support into iPhone OS 2.0 in order to also support push messaging for corporate users.

While the Android OS offers rudimentary support for Exchange Server sync, it fails to handle the remote wipe and other administration features (such as fleet provisioning and centralized enforcement of security policies) that Apple has increasingly perfected for iPhone users over the past two years.

Android hardware also lacks support for hardware encryption, making the devices ineligible for support by the default security policy of Exchange Server. Third party software for Android can only improve the situation by misrepresenting the security profile of the phone to fool Exchange into supporting Android phones. Apple's iPhone 3GS introduced hardware encryption features last year, but newer Android phones such as the Google Nexus One and Motorola Verizon Droid still don't support corporate use.

Additionally, part of Android's "openness" means that apps don't have to be signed by a trusted Certificate Authority; anyone can self-sign an app and distribute it. In fact, most Android apps are self-signed due to the hobbyist nature of the Android Marketplace. That does not make Android phones attractive to corporate users working in a secure environment.

Apple requires that all iOS apps in the App Store are signed using a developer certificate it issues, enabling it to revoke certificates for rogue apps or malicious developers. While Apple offers its corporate users tools to distribute their own internal apps using self-signed certificates, the App Store library is curated and secure, setting it apart from the shareware nature of Android and its app library using meaningless, randomly sourced self-signed certificates.

Open enterprise cloud services support

In addition to its own MobileMe service and support for Exchange Server ActiveSync (which is also used to give iOS devices sync support for Google's Gmail and Google Calendar cloud services), Apple is also building open source, standards based calendar and contact services in Mac OS X Server. iOS 4 adds support for the emerging CalDAV and CardDAV protocols used by Mac OS X Server, which are also supported by other third party products including Kerio, Scalix, Yahoo Calendar and Zimbra.

As open specifications, CalDAV and CardDAV enable companies and institutions to set up their own messaging servers and enable their mobile clients to access these using iOS 4. Google is a member of the teams working on CalDAV and CardDAV, and has added CalDAV support to its own Google Calendar cloud service.

Android still lacks support for either protocol however, leaving its users largely tied to Google's ad-supported cloud services. Because that's the core of Google's business model, Android is not likely to rapidly move toward embracing open standards for enterprise cloud services, nor greatly enhance its support for Exchange Server. As a hardware vendor, Apple has strong motivations to improve in both areas.

The next segment in this series will look at how Android offerings compare against iOS 4 in terms of the mobile carriers available.


  • Reply 1 of 46
    mac31mac31 Posts: 44member
    That's what I think is really interesting. My friend gave up his iPhone for the Nexus One and we've found that while I, with my iPhone, use about 1GB per month of data, because of Google's cloud service, he uses about 4-5 GB.

    It seems as though if AT&T forced all of us to get rid of the unlimited plan, it would be Google users who are screwed, not *most* iPhone users.
  • Reply 2 of 46
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    As long as Apple charges for MobileMe the vast majority of people are not going to use it. I know lots of people with iPhones - some are Windows users, some have Macs - but none of them use MobileMe. The Google services, especially gmail, is extremely popular.
  • Reply 3 of 46
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    If you look at what Apple's doing, they are more interested in providing the software to access those "cloud" services than providing those services.

    But if they have the software to access those services, they might one day be providing those services, you never know.
  • Reply 4 of 46
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    As long as Apple charges for MobileMe the vast majority of people are not going to use it. I know lots of people with iPhones - some are Windows users, some have Macs - but none of them use MobileMe. The Google services, especially gmail, is extremely popular.

    All Apple has to do is role in the cost with the Telco.
  • Reply 5 of 46
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Mac31 View Post

    That's what I think is really interesting. My friend gave up his iPhone for the Nexus One and we've found that while I, with my iPhone, use about 1GB per month of data, because of Google's cloud service, he uses about 4-5 GB.

    It seems as though if AT&T forced all of us to get rid of the unlimited plan, it would be Google users who are screwed, not *most* iPhone users.

    It's because of his own individual usage, not the cloud services. I don't think I even reach 1gb a month
  • Reply 6 of 46
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In its previous form under the name .Mac, Apple's cloud service made some sense for users who wanted a simple messaging and content sync service that just worked. When Apple made it part of iPhone OS 2.0, it greatly enhanced the service conceptually with push services. But push came to shove, and the service debuted in flames of catastrophe.

    My friend J. writes on her facebook page:

    "MobileMe SUCKS!

    It's slow. It shows the wrong times on the calendar. (Yes, I'm in the correct time zone.) Find My iPhone isn't working. It wasn't syncing anything for a day.

    If I'm paying $100/year for this service, I sort of expect it to work. I'm funny that way."


    (She syncs iPhone and a Windows PC) She is a serious, professional user. this is her very real experience.

    I am as big a fan of Apple as anyone, but I still think we need to acknowledge when they fail. It seems this is one case. I have heard of these problems for a long time. I would hope they would have fixed them by now.

    I have to say that sometimes if feels like Apple is never listening.
  • Reply 7 of 46
    Sigh... Another post that isn't Apple announcing an iPhone 4 recall and redesign. :<
  • Reply 8 of 46
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    As long as Apple charges for MobileMe the vast majority of people are not going to use it. I know lots of people with iPhones - some are Windows users, some have Macs - but none of them use MobileMe. The Google services, especially gmail, is extremely popular.

    I pay for MobileMe. I like the very easy web/photo-gallery publishing. But mostly I rely on iDisk to provide secure storage for my writing - something that would be a real disaster to lose. (I also have multiple local copies but they do not cover fire or theft.)
  • Reply 9 of 46
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    My friend J. writes on her facebook page:

    "MobileMe SUCKS!

    It's slow. It shows the wrong times on the calendar. (Yes, I'm in the correct time zone.) Find My iPhone isn't working. It wasn't syncing anything for a day.

    If I'm paying $100/year for this service, I sort of expect it to work. I'm funny that way."


    (She syncs iPhone and a Windows PC) She is a serious, professional user. this is her very real experience.

    I am as big a fan of Apple as anyone, but I still think we need to acknowledge when they fail. It seems this is one case. I have heard of these problems for a long time. I would hope they would have fixed them by now.

    I have to say that sometimes if feels like Apple is never listening.

    I agree with every word you say and your friends experience. I've been in this club since day one (iTools anyone?) and still scratch my head at how slow it all is and where it's all going.

    And yet I continue to pay the shilling because:

    1, I like my email address

    2, I'm scared s***less that the day I leave something really cool will happen with it
  • Reply 10 of 46
    bertpbertp Posts: 274member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    As long as Apple charges for MobileMe the vast majority of people are not going to use it. I know lots of people with iPhones - some are Windows users, some have Macs - but none of them use MobileMe. The Google services, especially gmail, is extremely popular.

    I realize I am within a small minority, but I'll pay extra to avoid navigating around ads. I don't care for corporations or governments collecting data without my knowledge either.

    Nowadays, the 'cloud' is quite a buzzword. This AI article points out something I had not fully appreciated before: that iTunes is a repository of acquired data under your control.
  • Reply 11 of 46
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    [iTunes] is unique among smartphone platforms (including Google's Android), all of which rely upon mobile carriers to deliver "over the air" software updates to their devices, and also rely upon such "cloud services" to provide device and data backup, media streaming and sales, online app and ebook stores, and push messaging services, including email and calendar events.

    This is untrue.

    Nokia smartphones use Nokia PC Suite, Microsoft smartphones use Windows Mobile Device Center and RIM smartphones use Blackberry Desktop. That's 70% of the market delivering software updates (and other services) via a desktop computer even before including Apple. It's only Android that relies on OTA software updates.
  • Reply 12 of 46
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Uggh. I don't know how you reach the conclusion that Apple is ahead in cloud services. That's only debatably true if you are willing to pay for MobileMe. And that's based on your own argument that MobileMe is better than Google's services....a claim which is debatable. So how many people are willing to pay for MobileMe?

    iPhone users are just lucky that Google isn't Microsoft. They work to enable many of their services on the iPhone. So you don't have to get an Android to use Gmail. That said Android's integration with the cloud is simply better. For example, that little tidbit from Google I/O you neglected : cloud to device integration for maps and web bookmarks on the Chrome browser.

    Ultimately, when it comes to Google's cloud services on Android, it just works. Put in your email address during setup and your done. Android does the rest for you.

    The rest of the complaints are nonsense. No computer backup? My Mac downloads my Gmail and Google calendars. That's sync right there. Or does it not count because it doesnt go through an iTunes filter?Doubletwist works great with iTunes. And the Amazon Kindle app should be good when released. Why should anybody care if the app is from Google or not?

    There's many things the iOS does better than Android. Cloud services integration is not one of them....unless you spend an extra $6 per month. You may think that price is inconsequential. Most people don't. 70 bucks to do something the phone should do for free.
  • Reply 13 of 46
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by Mac31 View Post

    That's what I think is really interesting. My friend gave up his iPhone for the Nexus One and we've found that while I, with my iPhone, use about 1GB per month of data, because of Google's cloud service, he uses about 4-5 GB.

    It seems as though if AT&T forced all of us to get rid of the unlimited plan, it would be Google users who are screwed, not *most* iPhone users.

    I call BS. Gmail on a Nexus One is no different than Gmail on the iPhone. Your friends data usage went up for other reasons.
  • Reply 14 of 46
    mordak5mordak5 Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    My friend J. writes on her facebook page:

    "MobileMe SUCKS!

    It's slow. It shows the wrong times on the calendar. (Yes, I'm in the correct time zone.) Find My iPhone isn't working. It wasn't syncing anything for a day.

    If I'm paying $100/year for this service, I sort of expect it to work. I'm funny that way."


    I bought my first iMac in 2007, and signed up to mobile me. In all that time its worked great its syncs my account and my wife's, we share the iMac, her iTouch, my iPhone and her iPad, all in real time no fuss or bother. For me the price is worth it.

    I don't use the gallery much, or iDisk much, but for the syncing of contacts, email and calender alone its worth it.
  • Reply 15 of 46
    cjlaczcjlacz Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Uggh. I don't know how you reach the conclusion that Apple is ahead in cloud services. That's only debatably true if you are willing to pay for MobileMe. And that's based on your own argument that MobileMe is better than Google's services....a claim which is debatable. So how many people are willing to pay for MobileMe?

    Cost can be an issue, but you should compare to the two services on the features they do have and the user can decide if the cost is worth it. MobileMe is pretty competitive and offers a few features that Google doesn't. Yes, you can probably duplicate the functionality using a number of other apps and accounts for free or less money, but the experience isn't as good. It's not THAT much money if you value it just working.

    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Ultimately, when it comes to Google's cloud services on Android, it just works. Put in your email address during setup and your done. Android does the rest for you.

    The same can be said for MobileMe.

    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    The rest of the complaints are nonsense. No computer backup? My Mac downloads my Gmail and Google calendars. That's sync right there. Or does it not count because it doesnt go through an iTunes filter?Doubletwist works great with iTunes. And the Amazon Kindle app should be good when released. Why should anybody care if the app is from Google or not?

    There's many things the iOS does better than Android. Cloud services integration is not one of them....unless you spend an extra $6 per month. You may think that price is inconsequential. Most people don't. 70 bucks to do something the phone should do for free.

    I don't think you understand the iPhone backup. It's not just backing up your contacts or events. It backs up everything. All your apps, the data in your apps, the settings you have on your apps. Lose you iPhone or have to get a replacement? Plug it back in to your machine and everything expect passwords is restored. Absolutely painless. No one else comes close to offering such a painless backup and store as Apple does with the iPhone. Dan is right, that single feature will probably keep me with the iPhone until someone else offers the same thing. It's that good.
  • Reply 16 of 46
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    My friend J. writes on her facebook page:

    "MobileMe SUCKS!

    It's slow. It shows the wrong times on the calendar. (Yes, I'm in the correct time zone.) Find My iPhone isn't working. It wasn't syncing anything for a day.

    If I'm paying $100/year for this service, I sort of expect it to work. I'm funny that way."


    (She syncs iPhone and a Windows PC) She is a serious, professional user. this is her very real experience.

    I am as big a fan of Apple as anyone, but I still think we need to acknowledge when they fail. It seems this is one case. I have heard of these problems for a long time. I would hope they would have fixed them by now.

    I have to say that sometimes if feels like Apple is never listening.

    I hate these stupid inflammatory posts which don't give any specifics.

    My experience with MobileMe is that IT WORKS VERY WELL, and is entirely worth $100/year. I love the syncing and iDisk large file transfers and use them daily.

    The Find My iPhone feature has worked for me the one or two times I've used it, but is like insurance: the less often you need it the better, the best solution, like with insurance, being simply to keep good track of your belongings.
  • Reply 17 of 46
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    I agree with every word you say and your friends experience. I've been in this club since day one (iTools anyone?) and still scratch my head at how slow it all is and where it's all going.

    And yet I continue to pay the shilling because:

    1, I like my email address

    2, I'm scared s***less that the day I leave something really cool will happen with it

    What a weird, back-handed compliment for a good service!
  • Reply 18 of 46
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by cjlacz View Post

    Cost can be an issue, but you should compare to the two services on the features they do have and the user can decide if the cost is worth it. MobileMe is pretty competitive and offers a few features that Google doesn't. Yes, you can probably duplicate the functionality using a number of other apps and accounts for free or less money, but the experience isn't as good. It's not THAT much money if you value it just working.

    Originally Posted by cjlacz View Post

    The same can be said for MobileMe.

    Except you have to pay for it. And I don't care if it's $1 or $70, it's dollars. And that matters. I don't know about where you live, but here in Canada, the iPhone is only offered on networks that already charge high rates. So in effect, you are already paying a monthly premium for the mere privilege of owning an iPhone. To have to add $6 on top of that for what should be basic functionality in this day and age for a smartphone is egregious. In essence you are adding the price of MobileMe to the phone every year, just to achieve functionality that Android gives for free. Over a 3 year contract (the norm in Canada), you'll pay more MobileMe than you do for the iPhone.

    Originally Posted by cjlacz View Post

    I don't think you understand the iPhone backup. It's not just backing up your contacts or events. It backs up everything. All your apps, the data in your apps, the settings you have on your apps. Lose you iPhone or have to get a replacement? Plug it back in to your machine and everything expect passwords is restored. Absolutely painless. No one else comes close to offering such a painless backup and store as Apple does with the iPhone. Dan is right, that single feature will probably keep me with the iPhone until someone else offers the same thing. It's that good.

    Google does your contacts and events. But it also backs up your SMS and MMS. To the best of my knowledge iTunes does not do that. Correct me if I am wrong here. And as of FroYo, developers now have the option of enabling the backup of app data. Yes, it's developer driven, but it's there. Heck, if you use iGoogle, your search history is backed up too! And if you buy music and movies from Amazon. Well that's backed up by Amazon. Does it really matter if it's Google or Amazon backing up your music?

    But let's look at the model itself. Unless you have MobileMe, nothing is backed up until you sync your iPhone with iTunes. If you have not docked in a while, and you lose your phone, you'll lose data....and most importantly it's stuff like contacts, sms, etc. With Google, you lose nothing. Everytime you put in something into your phone it's synced to the cloud. And that's how a smartphone should be. You shouldn't need a computer at all. And Apple is fully capable of pulling that off. But for some reason they insist on making you use a computer. Why?

    I am not saying Android is flawless. There's lots of room to improve for them. And I do wish they'd come up with an iTunes style plug in to sync with a machine. But for stuff that really matters, like your contacts, events, emails, sms, etc. Google is better at keeping that repository current.

    Apple needs to make MobileMe free or offer some free variant with a basic service. And then focus on weening the iPhone off iTunes.
  • Reply 19 of 46
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Google does your contacts and events. But it also backs up your SMS and MMS. To the best of my knowledge iTunes does not do that. Correct me if I am wrong here. And as of FroYo, developers now have the option of enabling the backup of app data. Yes, it's developer driven, but it's there. Heck, if you use iGoogle, your search history is backed up too! And if you buy music and movies from Amazon. Well that's backed up by Amazon. Does it really matter if it's Google or Amazon backing up your music?

    iTunes does backup everything, including chat and browsing history. Requiring developer support is horrible in comparison. But yeah, cloud based backups would be an excellent addition!
  • Reply 20 of 46
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    You could set up Gmail as an exchange account and sync your contacts and calendars.

    Matter of fact I've done it for customers who don't have computers (or more likely is not working because of a virus) sending iPhones away for repair, set up a gmail account from their iPhone, set it up as an Exchange account and synced their contacts.

    When the replacement handset comes back, set up gmail again and all the contacts are synced back.

    MobileMe provides ANOTHER option.

    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Except you have to pay for it. And I don't care if it's $1 or $70, it's dollars. And that matters. I don't know about where you live, but here in Canada, the iPhone is only offered on networks that already charge high rates. So in effect, you are already paying a monthly premium for the mere privilege of owning an iPhone. To have to add $6 on top of that for what should be basic functionality in this day and age for a smartphone is egregious. In essence you are adding the price of MobileMe to the phone every year, just to achieve functionality that Android gives for free. Over a 3 year contract (the norm in Canada), you'll pay more MobileMe than you do for the iPhone.

    Google does your contacts and events. But it also backs up your SMS and MMS. To the best of my knowledge iTunes does not do that. Correct me if I am wrong here. And as of FroYo, developers now have the option of enabling the backup of app data. Yes, it's developer driven, but it's there. Heck, if you use iGoogle, your search history is backed up too! And if you buy music and movies from Amazon. Well that's backed up by Amazon. Does it really matter if it's Google or Amazon backing up your music?

    But let's look at the model itself. Unless you have MobileMe, nothing is backed up until you sync your iPhone with iTunes. If you have not docked in a while, and you lose your phone, you'll lose data....and most importantly it's stuff like contacts, sms, etc. With Google, you lose nothing. Everytime you put in something into your phone it's synced to the cloud. And that's how a smartphone should be. You shouldn't need a computer at all. And Apple is fully capable of pulling that off. But for some reason they insist on making you use a computer. Why?

    I am not saying Android is flawless. There's lots of room to improve for them. And I do wish they'd come up with an iTunes style plug in to sync with a machine. But for stuff that really matters, like your contacts, events, emails, sms, etc. Google is better at keeping that repository current.

    Apple needs to make MobileMe free or offer some free variant with a basic service. And then focus on weening the iPhone off iTunes.

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