Apple says any mobile phone has reception issues when held wrong



  • Reply 361 of 444
    gijoeinlagijoeinla Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by kresh View Post

    I will agree that all of the video pro and con are anecdotal at best. It turned emotional for me when Steve said it is a non-issue, when I could hardly use mine. Then to add insult to injury I'm told I am just holding it wrong.

    I took mine back this morning. The first Apple product I have ever returned, going all the way back to 1981. When I look around and see so many having the same problems I am, even the 14 I personally know of, I realized Apple was blowing smoke. Being in Hollywood you know there is no smoke without fire, especially when a hot wind is blowing and hot wind is blowing hard out of Cupertino!

    Wait.. Being in Hollywood....Dude, this is THE town of Bitchers and Complainers, cry babys and more...I doubt there is a place on earth without more iphones per square inch than L.A.

    There were near 4000 people in line at the Apple Store at the Grove in L.A. Century City had over 1000 in line...etc etc etc.

    Should the CEO of the company issue a blanket statement to satisfy a few or should he satisfy the masses? I am not concerned what he said or did not say, why? because I have no fears that Apple will and always will stand behind you and your phone, so what's the problem? Take it back and stop wasting time posting if you are so hurt.

    I mean, I had a meltdown when I could not sync my new i4 to my G5 running Tiger. I immediately called Apple tech support and the guy without me asking overnighted me a free copy of Leopard to fix the situation at no cost to me. It is not Apples fault that I have a four year old mac at home. But I quickly acted like a baby because my new i4 couldn't be sync'd so I have no email, no contacts, no apps on my brand new phone. And I might add, I doubt I'm the only one with this issue. But they handled it professionally and for free when at the end of the day they did not have to. Dude, right now, I am reading my email's on my 3GS and making calls on my i4. Should I be pissed? How come Jobs didn't announce no support for the i4's on Tiger? Man, I think I'll take the phone back, they suck... Doh.
  • Reply 362 of 444
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    OMG, now you want to say "it's close to a cell tower" excuses or what else? Why would Apple say anything when this launch is BARELY 24 hours old? I wouldn't comment till I knew EXACTLY the extent of the situation if there is one. Clearly some are having issues. Clearly ANY product that is produced i n terms of the size of this device and the shear aspects of millions of parts and pieces and manufacturers things will NO DOUBT go wrong on some level.

    Knowing Apple's PR agency, they are not going to issue formal announcements until a consensus of issues are reported and a result has been decided. Maybe you are just being part of the I want it fixed now mentality which sorry to say is not reality. In fact the phone still functions, this is hardly a dire emergency. But, since shrills are out in force and so are the trolls, it's being made out to be a dire situation and clearly for me and my buddies, it's not an issue at all.

    I agree that Apple should withhold comment until a definitive diagnosis is obtained. Or perhaps they should acknowledge that they're investigating. I'm not faulting Apple for withholding comment so far though. It is important for them to be sure before commenting officially.

    Also note that many people are bending over backwards to agree that all products will have defective units.

    However it does seem that this problem is more widespread than just a few defective units. The real question is what percentage? 0.5%? 2%? 20%? 50%?

    So please... enough with the senseless name calling!
  • Reply 363 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It's shocking that those word are true. Ashamed Mac user here.


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I get called a troll a lot around here lately. Which just happened to miraculously occur along with one of the biggest design flaws in Cupertino history.

    It's weird isn't it, us Apple fans and enthusiasts, and Mac and iPhone cheerleaders for years, now called trolls or negative nannies. Have we ourselves changed so radically or has Apple?

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Engagdet are using my screenshot compilation.

    Well bloody done mate! Can't see that they attributed it to you though. Naughty of them. I sent them my "iPhone 4.1" 'otoshop and neither they nor Gizmodo have run it
  • Reply 364 of 444
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    This thread has really brought out the trolls. Great for getting my ignore list up to date.
  • Reply 364 of 444
    gijoeinlagijoeinla Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    AT&T uses two frequency bands (850 & 1900). My theory is that the iPhone 4 antenna issue is only affecting one of these bands. This would explain why some users are not experiencing the issue. Their service area is probably using the frequency band that would not be affected by holding the iphone issue spot.

    I think you are right. This new i4 was supposed to search for the band least used to provide better service, no? I thought I heard that.
  • Reply 366 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Ha, that's cute.

    OK, cool you did get credited w00t
  • Reply 367 of 444
    gijoeinlagijoeinla Posts: 215member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    "Yeah - according to Steve, every cellphone does the same thing when held in your hand."

    "Steve also says that the iPad is magical."

    You know what's f***ing magical, when I hold my **** in my hand a certain way! FFS this is Apple epic failness. Seriously.

    Man, i cant agree here, there's a difference in what "hand" i use. Sorry.
  • Reply 368 of 444
  • Reply 369 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    is it just me, or do these "bumpers" remind anyone of those crazy colorful "Swatch Watch" Guards that were so popular in the 80's?

    Just saying...

    HEY, those were AWESOME... OH THE MEMORIES Swatch was great, Swatch Guards were hella cool... Ah, happier times... When the latest trendy thing was the latest Swatch not all this crazy techy newfangled jiggymahjigs.
  • Reply 370 of 444
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,129member
    I'm not an iP4 owner, but likly will upgrade my iPhone 3G to iP4 later this year.

    My $.02 only - Apple's response was a huge mistake. You can't ever -ever- even suggest that a potential, rumored, or even discussed shortcoming of one of your products is the fault of the user. Even if wholly true. All you can say is "we are looking into it" and "we want to users to have complete satisfaction" or similar. In short, a non-answer. Consumers simply do not react well to being blamed. The Steveorama has explicitly said he wants consumers to vote with their money, and this is one certain way to make sure those customers vote with their feet, not with handing over a credit card.

    Apple is usually a little better at media spin than this. AAPL is renowned for the world's best industrial design and "you can fix it by hiding the world's most gorgeously designed appliance by wrapping it in a plastic sheath" wasn't a stroke of genius. I tried a case for my 3G and regardless of whatever protection it provided, I simply didn't like how it looked and felt. Got rid of it.

    If this spins to far OOC, it might rival New Coke as a business teaching tool. The day Coca-Cola inc announced that, the PepsiCo ownership announced a company wide victory celebration. Gave employees the day off, party gifts, etc. All because they recognized the competition just *screwed the pooch*.

    Love my wifi iPad. It isn't in a case.
  • Reply 371 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Man, i cant agree here, there's a difference in what "hand" i use. Sorry.

    Fleshlight, huh... That's cool, whatever gives you more "bars" and "signal strength"
  • Reply 371 of 444
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    OMG, now you want to say "it's close to a cell tower" excuses or what else?


    Maybe you didn't read DaringFireball today:


    The key phrase is ?if you ever experience this?; most iPhone 4 users seem unaffected by this. Engadget has a video showing the same thing happening with an iPhone 3G from 2008, and Joshua Topolsky admits that in their testing of the iPhone 4, ?we had improved reception and fewer dropped calls than we experienced with the last generation, and we never noticed this issue.?

    My best guess at this point is that the issue pops up in areas with spotty 3G coverage. With nothing covering the antenna, the improved reception of the iPhone 4 gives you more bars, maybe even up to 5. But when you cover the antenna in these areas with poor coverage, the phone is unable to get a strong signal. I?ve seen several reports from people who can reproduce the problem, but only from certain locations.

    Now I disagree with the statement "most iPhone 4 users seem unaffected by this" because we don't know how many it is. However, at first glimpse, it seems to be a lot when CNet 7 iPhones that all don't work and every tech blog is reporting thes issue.

    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Why would Apple say anything when this launch is BARELY 24 hours old? I wouldn't comment till I knew EXACTLY the extent of the situation if there is one. Clearly some are having issues. Clearly ANY product that is produced in terms of the size of this device and the shear aspects of millions of parts and pieces and manufacturers things will NO DOUBT go wrong on some level.

    Apple sold ~1.5 million iPhones across many countries yesterday. I have never seen these many problems from this amount of units coming from so many tech blogs without the problem being widespread.

    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Knowing Apple's PR agency, they are not going to issue formal announcements until a consensus of issues are reported and a result has been decided.

    Apple has reported the feelings regarding this. They didn't state that they're looking into the issue or that they're faulty iPhones. Nor did they say a software patch that will fix the issue.

    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Maybe you are just being part of the I want it fixed now mentality which sorry to say is not reality. In fact the phone still functions, this is hardly a dire emergency. But, since shrills are out in force and so are the trolls, it's being made out to be a dire situation and clearly for me and my buddies, it's not an issue at all.

    Did you ever think that it may be you that has the problem? Where are the trolls and shills you speak of? Show me the shill website other than these views existing in your mind.

    Is Macworld a shill?


    But to Edwin?s question: Have we been able to reproduce it? Yes. It?s unclear if this particular hand jive will cause your iPhone to drop a call?though it might in cases where your reception is questionable to begin with. For what it?s worth, we?ve also seen reports that similar issues existed with the iPhone 3G and even Google?s Nexus One, which suggests that this may not be an iPhone 4-specific phenomenon?though the iPhone 4 could be more prone to it, given the placement of the antennas.

    I think you better look in the mirror and understand what a fanboy is.
  • Reply 373 of 444
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Take it back and stop wasting time posting if you are so hurt.

    I have already taken mine back. I reserve the right to bitch and moan because I still have invested in iOS software that I just can't take it with me to Android.

    By your reasoning Toyota came out smelling like a rose over the sudden acceleration thing that was so small and didn't effect everyone, right? Nope, they got hammered!

    I don't care if it is only 500 phones out of 1 million. There is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. I guess we differ on right and wrong. I think Apple is wrong and amoral to claim it is a non-issue, and by the way if it is an issue then you are just holding it wrong.
  • Reply 374 of 444
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post


    I waited one hour doh boy.

    I am still waiting for the *lines* to form for the DROIDS!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHH



    Jealousy and envy are a sign of weakness buddy. try again.

    Which I guess begs the question of why you take cell phone sales figures so personally? And who do you think you're dissing by bringing up the Droid?

    You're like pathetic sports fans who claim "we're number one!" when their side wins.

    Except there's no team. Just corporations. And a phone.
  • Reply 375 of 444
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    I disagree. Most phones have the antenna encased in plastic,

    Agreed, I think the issue is that Apple created the separators to that piece of the frame specifically so that the rest of the frame wouldn't impede signal. Along comes mister hand and bridges the gaps causing the signal to be toast!

    This was an engineering oversight and Apple needs to either give everyone a free bumper or come up with a fix that will be applied free of charge.

    My guess as to what went wrong is either their engineers aren't fully familiar with the human body as an electrical conductor or they just assumed the dropped calls were part of normal AT&T network issues.
  • Reply 376 of 444
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Well bloody done mate! Can't see that they attributed it to you though. Naughty of them. I sent them my "iPhone 4.1" 'otoshop and neither they nor Gizmodo have run it

    Someone just mentioned they credited me. I changed my signature for fun. I didn't do it for attention though, I never sent the image to anyone besides posting it here.

    BTW, thanks for backing me up man, you're alright.
  • Reply 377 of 444
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    It's weird isn't it, us Apple fans and enthusiasts, and Mac and iPhone cheerleaders for years, now called trolls or negative nannies. Have we ourselves changed so radically or has Apple?

    I haven't seen you post any trollish comments. Ireland, on the hand has. Making wild emotion fueled accusations based on very little data, and even going so far as to post this comments in threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the issue just further his agenda. How can that not be seen as trolling.

    This may well well affect more than 50% of iPhone 4s. This may result in recall that has never before been seen in CE. None of that can be determined by the anecdotal evidence at hand so making absolute claims that this is a design flaw is purely fallacious and done only to incite others. That is trolling!

    PS: If next year they sell 3x as many phones but cut the production issues average down by half there will be then be more issues reported than this year. Does that mean that there is an all inclusive design flaw calling for a recall, apology, call action lawsuit, etc.? Of course not.
  • Reply 378 of 444
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Someone just mentioned they credited me. I changed my signature for fun. I didn't do it for attention though, I never sent the image to anyone besides posting it here.

    BTW, thanks for backing me up man, you're alright.

    I emailed Thomas about thirty times so it would keep showing up in his inbox, somebody else made a post in the comments as well. It was not right watching 500 people cheering him as if he made the compilation.
  • Reply 379 of 444
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post

    My $.02 only - Apple's response was a huge mistake.

    As stated, Jobs email reply was a huge gaff. He shouldn't have stated anything about the way you hold the phone. It's not like we have hands of Michael Farraday.
  • Reply 380 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    BTW, thanks for backing me up man, you're alright.

    No worries. I'm calling it like I see it.

    Others have already observed in the past two months or so I've started "getting negative" on Apple, on certain points like how Apple is run in various "non-Western" countries. I had/have a bitter spell with regards to my MacBook bottom case, trackpad, and display clutch as well.

    This antenna thing is really the f***ing icing on the cake.

    Some people may not know, but I'm still out there, my day job, once in a while updating the website of the Apple Reseller I work for, and four days a week, I have an hour+ session teaching people new to Mac and iPhone.

    My stomach should be churning, but I'm just sitting here wondering what the hell is going on.
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