Apple says any mobile phone has reception issues when held wrong



  • Reply 401 of 444
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    There was a simple music keyboard which I said I would return, that's fine and I always wanted to return it, but she's asking for one of those tiny music speaker things she said she GAVE me, not lent. That's petty, and downright weird. Not that I want to keep it, it's $30 but... it feels weird.

    For $30 I'd just tell her they got broken and offer her the $30. Be mildly evasive about the circumstances without making a big deal out of it. Something along the lines of "Hey, sorry those speakers got messed up. We got a little drunk and they ended up in the tub. Lemme give you $30 and you can get new ones on Amazon."

    " the tub with us..." if you prefer less subtlety.
  • Reply 402 of 444
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Like you said you don't know if this a design flaw. As of today Apple has not publicly acknowledged a hardware or software issue. It is user error. In the past, they have said an update was coming for a software related issue. If they told Mossberg it was software issue, then why not say so officially?

    That being the said, why continue the flame with the phrase "irrational mob mentality"? Could not also the same be said of those who act irrationally in defense of Apple?

    A design flaw is a very realistic possibility and one can only point to the Mighty Mouse and Cube to see that's a fact.

    Yes, it's irrational trolling when you get fervently emotional, posting nonstop about how a company is screwing customers with a product you don't even own, even going so far as to post melodramic diatribes in threads that have nothing to do with that topic, with fervent absolutism that the worst possible outcome has happened despite having no proof to back up that claim.

    And no, I don't see how it can be a design flaw unless it's affecting all users (which was the claim previously made by suggesting all iPhone 4s be recalled). Since it's not affecting every iPhone 4 the flaw would have to be somewhere past the design of the device. It could poor production of a component, multiple components, assembly, and/or some combination therein, but being a cataclysmic flaw in the initial design of the device simply doesn't make sense to me. If you have an intelligent, logical counterargument to that, I'd love to hear it.

    PS: I returned my iPad because of issues with Safari that I attribute, at least in part, to it only having 256MB RAM. I've made mentions of my reasoning here and elsewhere. That's about as close to a design flaw as I've experience with Apple yet not one of those comments were tempestuous about the device not suiting my needs.
  • Reply 403 of 444
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Here is the solution. This is the prototype for the iPhone 5 which will solve all your antenna issues.

    This will move the antenna away from any human contact improving reception. Of course you will look like a douche carrying it around, but at least it will solve all the crying about how do I properly hold my cellphone?
  • Reply 404 of 444
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Since it's not affecting every iPhone 4 the flaw would have to be somewhere past the design of the device.

    The ones that hold the phone without touching the seams don't have a problem, that is why it doesn't affect every iPhone 4. Common sense. If you want a cell phone that fits in your hand, some part of your hand is going to come into contact with the area of the phone that contains the antenna (the bottom of the phone, required by FCC). There is no way to avoid it. I love the iPhone 4 and I do get better reception than the original iPhone, all the time. Yes, I can touch the two seams at the bottom and reduce the effectiveness of the antenna, but I know not to block that area of the phone. Just like I tried not to block the rear plastic portion of the original iPhone since the antenna was in that area.

    I am going to get a bumper mainly because I don't want to scratch the rear glass or camera lens if I set it down on a table or desk. As a bonus of the bumper, it will prevent me from making contact with the two seams.
  • Reply 405 of 444
    wildonewildone Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post

    I think some of you who are feeling offended by this "wrong" accusation should remember that that's AppleInsider's choice of words, not Apple's. Apple has never said you are "holding your phone wrong." Here's what they said:

    "Avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band."

    I don't know if AppleInsider was careless or if they're trying to stir the pot, but their headline should have been something like "Apple says be mindful of antenna location for best reception."

    Actually, Steve Jobs said "If the way you are holding the phone interferes with the signal, do not hold it that way" You should still be able to hold the phone anyway you want to!!! KMA
  • Reply 406 of 444
    hellacoolhellacool Posts: 759member
    Originally Posted by LongDukDong;

    Why would you go through all that trouble? No one is claiming that every phone is affected..

    Do you think you were going to settle the debate?

    Na, 15 posts. Apple plant.
  • Reply 407 of 444
    hellacoolhellacool Posts: 759member
    Originally Posted by gijoeinla;

    Dude, widespread from 300 posters ? Widespread can mean everyone. Clearly, I'm not in that group, dont ya think? Neither is my buddy who picked his phone up at the same time and place I did, in fact I am enjoying the AWESOME FACE TIME from his work while I'm here at a pub with wi-fi...

    Stop the alarm posts, widespread can imply a lot of things, frankly you have no way of judging what "widespread" means since you have no access to no "data" or factoid what so ever, just what you are reading here.

    Go away Apple plant. Every tech forum worth anything is reporting this issues from around the world. Come in post worthless pictures and everyone is supposed to sigh and all is well, not. So you have a buddy who's phone is great, well I have two who both have problems. Everyone of your posts are in response to a negative comment about Apple. First Apple release a jacked up phone then the bless us with geniuses like you, fail x 2.
  • Reply 408 of 444
    hellacoolhellacool Posts: 759member
    Originally Posted by Russell;

    He's trying to convince himself it wasn't a waste of time waiting in line 8hrs for a poorly designed cell phone.

    No he has 15 whole posts which most are in this thread. Just look at his posts, every one is in response to some form of negative comment against Apple all within the last 2 weeks. Apple is trying to put the crap back in the horse and send clowns like this to sing sweet praises on all the forums reporting this problem which is allot. Nice try Stevie, I think it is time for your meds.
  • Reply 409 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ...Sorry to hear about your breakup...

    Thanks for the support

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    For $30 I'd just tell her they got broken and offer her the $30. Be mildly evasive about the circumstances without making a big deal out of it. Something along the lines of "Hey, sorry those speakers got messed up. We got a little drunk and they ended up in the tub. Lemme give you $30 and you can get new ones on Amazon."

    " the tub with us..." if you prefer less subtlety.

  • Reply 410 of 444
    mplutkamplutka Posts: 3member
    A big german news magazine stated lately, that especially left handed persons suffer from bad reception because of their natural way of holding a cellphone.

    I personally think that its suitable for right handed guys to hold it the wrong way (as apple says). So left handed ones are clearly in advantage when it comes to antenna reception.

    This made me remember a funny episode of The Simpson and let to following pic. Hope you like it.

  • Reply 411 of 444
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    To use a quip thrown at me whenever I bring up Apples questionable behavior WRT the App Store...

    "Nobody is forcing you to buy an iPhone! If you don't how it works choose something else!"
  • Reply 412 of 444
    ok, here you can see that even apple holds it the wrong way:
  • Reply 413 of 444
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    To use a quip thrown at me whenever I bring up Apples questionable behavior WRT the App Store...

    "Nobody is forcing you to buy an iPhone! If you don't how it works choose something else!"

    Hopefully you're saying that in jest.

    What we're seeing here is an unexpected shortcoming as compared to a well known product eco-system alternative.
  • Reply 414 of 444
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Here is the solution. This is the prototype for the iPhone 5 which will solve all your antenna issues.

    This will move the antenna away from any human contact improving reception. Of course you will look like a douche carrying it around, but at least it will solve all the crying about how do I properly hold my cellphone?

    can't be - it's got a motorola chipset in it

    What we need is a liquid rubber coating such as this: to dip your hand into to prevent accidental contact between your skin and the phone - just leave a couple finger tips exposed so you can still use the touch screen.
  • Reply 415 of 444
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 779member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    na na na na

    hey hey

    good bye

    apple really doomed now

    the meds taken or not taken on this site boogles the mind

    and ireland is now a troll

    sorry dude you sound like spam sand / mac tripper

    yet even spamboy is cool now

    you went from cool dude to jerk-0 rama is like one day

    truth is the iphone was never a good phone anyway ATT

    and when verizon comes on board or t mobile i will wait on iphone anyhing

    You silly little man you. It was a joke to poke fun at those who can only think what Apple tells them to think as if they had had a problem with their phone and walked into the Apple store and saw the Hold Different sign someone had posted. A joke is just not that funny if it has to be explained ...
  • Reply 416 of 444
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Well done ...But Flanders is holding the phone with his right hand!

    Originally Posted by mplutka View Post

    A big german news magazine stated lately, that especially left handed persons suffer from bad reception because of their natural way of holding a cellphone.

    I personally think that its suitable for right handed guys to hold it the wrong way (as apple says). So left handed ones are clearly in advantage when it comes to antenna reception.

    This made me remember a funny episode of The Simpson and let to following pic. Hope you like it.

  • Reply 417 of 444
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by latafairam View Post

    Any sheep skin bumpers? I'm allergic to rubber.

    No problem. I'm sure I can find a used one around here somewhere.
  • Reply 418 of 444
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    Based on the countless cries of "troll" and dismissive attitude towards anyone who seemed to disagree, I have no need to hear more from him.

    And when you can, please let me know how many posts one has to make before being "qualified" to add someone to the ignore list. Thanks.


    Edit: Nm. I have no need for lock-step apologists, whether it be Apple or Microsoft. Plenty of other people to get honest opinion and information from. Read your last post where claiming no problem equals "sane poster," don't bother replying, unless of course you're wanting to show off (again) for your buds, you're nuked as well.

    There are many more people here who view solipsism's comments as well researched and informative rather than your current drivel. Neither they, or I, are lock-step apologists for anyone. But I will say that both of us have been around the industry, and here, long enough to see ridiculous people ignoring sane commenters.

    My comment about choosing to add them to your ignore list was to point out the sad fact that you haven't been around here enough to make an informed decision about them.

    The only thing that got nuked around here was your credibility,
  • Reply 419 of 444
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Thanks for the support :

    We broke up?

    When did this happen?
  • Reply 420 of 444
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    There are many more people here who view solipsism's comments as well researched and informative than your current drivel. Neither they, or I, are lock-step apologists for anyone. But I will say that both of us have been around the industry, and here, long enough to see ridiculous people ignoring sane commenters.

    My comment about choosing to add them to your ignore list was to point out the sad fact that you haven't been around here enough to make an informed decision about them.

    The only thing that got nuked around here was your credibility,

    Speak for yourself, a lot of people disagree. There has been insanity on both sides.

    In this particular case, solipsism in particular has been irrational, which is rather unusual for him. He went so far as to call me chicken-little and a troll while also rudely misrepresenting my well mannered and reasoned critique. An apology would restore some of his reputation. Unfortunately, the same rude behavior was dished out to quite a few other posters as well. I'll grant that some of them deserved it. But it is unfortunate that such a prolific poster went off the deep-end and started slinging mud at everyone. With such a high post-count, such behavior tends to start defining the culture of the board.

    Just keep in mind that there are irrational and rude people on both sides of this discussion and the existence of these people has nothing to do with what is factually substantiated or not. It also has nothing to do with what is reasonable speculation or not.
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