Death Grip hysteria may end Monday with iOS 4.01



  • Reply 141 of 613
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,177member
    Originally Posted by dubiousutility View Post

    To determine whether this is just a problem with the software measurement of the signal strength, I tested the actual data throughput speed in both unheld and held states. The impact of holding the iPhone in your hand is SEVERE, cutting up/down speeds to a fraction of their unheld potential. Here are the results.

    Maybe/hopefully this can be fixed in software, but it's not just about measurement in the UI, nor is it a typical issue that affects all phones.

    Nice try but you're forgetting one thing... that test is run on a phone that has a problem. A speed test is only going to be using the connection the system allows it to so if the system is monitoring things incorrectly and affecting the signal then the problem will flow to anything that uses that connection.

    Therefore your test does nothing to determine if the problem is hardware or software.
  • Reply 142 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    Yeah, flawless. I dont sit here and bitch about little "issues" which are really non-issues. Mine has worked well beyond my expectations.

    Well said, I totally agree. Certain people seem to be making a blogging career out of wanting Apple to have a major problem don't they? I have to think they will be very disappointed when this blows over and sales are through the roof.
  • Reply 143 of 613
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,177member
    Originally Posted by Mandricard View Post

    A question:

    This loss of signal that is happening (according to this article) has to do with the switching from one spectrum to another on ATT. It seems to be happening in England too. However, not in Germany. Do the carriers in England use the same two parts of the spectrum that ATT does?

    Also-- if it is an issue of reporting signal, what does it matter if there is no signal (once one touches the phone)? One still can't make a call, correct?

    Also-- while touching it is WiFi data speed affected?

    Hope Springs Eternal,



    This is an interesting point because England got the 1st Gen iPhone but I don't think Germany did. That would mean that England must have something like EDGE whereas Germany and other countries that didn't receive the 1st Gen iPhone don't. As a result they would be using different frequencies.
  • Reply 144 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by Plagen View Post

    Clearly, you don't understand it at all

    1. Take a regular multimeter and measure the resistance between the sides of the gap. Guess what, it's already very small, almost a short. Apparently, the resistance of the electrical circuit is already very low, much lower than your hand.

    2. No, the capacitive touch screen does not require your fingers to be conductive. Take any thin plastic film, or tape, and touch the screen through it.

    You see, somehow I think that Apple engineers understand the issue just a little bit better than all the backseat drivers on this forum.

    Backseat drivers ... "The less they know the less there is they don't know that they don't know."
  • Reply 145 of 613
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by MH01 View Post

    Yeah but he does not need to own a dictionary to know what the word flawless means.

    well yes he does

    yet no he does not

    a true egg cream drink is where the spoon is always upside down when releaseing the soda water into the choc milk mix

    ireland did a 40 post troll whine that rival mactrip and teckstud worst days here

    yet he does even not own one

    ireland does not own a OIS4 phone so when he comment'S like 8 x ok

    but hijacking topic after topic to call out and say look at me i am injured .. steve killed with this crap phone

    i am ashamed to even have ever loved apple >>>>

    apple took in 400.000. successful connections for the iphone4 with no real headaches . clients did not flood aapl with complaint calls

    except of course the over loaded san fran and nyc markets had troubles yesterday ////


    using a bumper or holding the phone in a changed manner could solve these head aches

    if not then return your phone

    apple knew about this .. ok so steve give out 20 million 30 ct bumpers for free

    this is a unique to apple problem ... yes it is .. its 4 problem iN fact

    one set will go away with software workarounds

    #3 will be problematic like the glare on my mac and my plasma tv

    #4 ATT really has a tiny bullt tower system country wide

    verizon has a massive 5 state metro area built out from south balt to north boston which mean 110 million east coast get great verizon coverage . rock solid

    verizon calls go thru nyc skycraper walls in many cases .

    ATT like sprint like t mobile are weak on the hardware and count on SW tricks to boost its ppor signals in bulilt up cities ...

    so please don't cry the iphone has had shit calls in nyc since day one

    i will wait for verizon

    fuck ATT

    but i won't buy something and then cry

    and i won't cry about something i did not even buy

    ireland had a med free meltdown yesterday

    his head grew so big that he feels he was the star

    mac tripper come home

  • Reply 146 of 613
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Yesterday, my wry tweet, "Blocking iPhone 4 antenna kills reception. Blocking mic kills audio, and covering the screen makes it impossible to see Retina Display" made it to the front page of Twitter and was retweeted more than a hundred times by people following the hullabaloo.

    What a fucking tool.

  • Reply 147 of 613
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    well yes he does

    yet no he does not

    a true egg cream drink is where the spoon is always upside down when releaseing the soda water into the choc milk mix

    ireland did a 40 post troll whine that rival mactrip and teckstud worst days here

    yet he does even not own one

    ireland does not own a OIS4 phone so when he comment'S like 8 x ok

    but hijacking topic after topic to call out and say look at me i am injured .. steve killed with this crap phone

    i am ashamed to even have ever loved apple >>>>

    apple took in 400.000. successful connections for the iphone4 with no real headaches . clients did not flood aapl with complaint calls

    except of course the over loaded san fran and nyc markets had troubles yesterday ////


    using a bumper or holding the phone in a changed manner could solve these head aches

    if not then return your phone

    apple knew about this .. ok so steve give out 20 million 30 ct bumpers for free

    this is a unique to apple problem ... yes it is .. its 4 problem iN fact

    one set will go away with software workarounds

    #3 will be problematic like the glare on my mac and my plasma tv

    #4 ATT really has a tiny bullt tower system country wide

    verizon has a massive 5 state metro area built out from south balt to north boston which mean 110 million east coast get great verizon coverage . rock solid

    verizon calls go thru nyc skycraper walls in many cases .

    ATT like sprint like t mobile are weak on the hardware and count on SW tricks to boost its ppor signals in bulilt up cities ...

    so please don't cry the iphone has had shit calls in nyc since day one

    i will wait for verizon

    fuck ATT

    but i won't buy something and then cry

    and i won't cry about something i did not even buy

    ireland had a med free meltdown yesterday

    his head grew so big that he feels he was the star

    mac tripper come home


    You're mental, aren't you?
  • Reply 148 of 613
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,177member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Because "Daniel" is a paid PR flack for Apple, and this is not some journalistic endeavor. It's his job to attack anybody who threatens Apple's reputation and it's his job to promote whatever is in Apple's best interests,

    It's a pity that Apple Insider doesn't feel it's necessary to declare that its "contributors" are not impartial, but heck, this stuff generates huge numbers of clicks and gosh, it's only the traffic that makes AI viable. And more than that, if you can't work this stuff for yourself, it's really not AppleInsider's job to do it for you.

    However, it's worth repeating that nothing written by Daniel Eran Dilger, Slash Lane, Prince McLean and sundry others is unbiased. It's the same well paid Apple-supported rort. And if that's what you're happiest hearing, enjoy.

    But it isn't impartial, and is at the least disingenuous. I'd go so far as to say he's actually a liar if I thought that I wouldn't get banned or whatever the punishment is for criticizing the favored contributors.

    Whatever, Daniel Prince John Slash is producing too many words to be other than somebody doing this for a living. About time AppleInsider came clean about this.

    Chopper you're a retard. What did Daniel do to you did he run off with your girlfriend/wife?

    I like Daniel's articles because unlike your drivel and most tech writers Daniel's articles have research behind them.

    Oh and I take the retard comment back... they are infinitely smarter than you.
  • Reply 149 of 613
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by lowededwookie View Post

    This is an interesting point because England got the 1st Gen iPhone but I don't think Germany did. That would mean that England must have something like EDGE whereas Germany and other countries that didn't receive the 1st Gen iPhone don't. As a result they would be using different frequencies.

    Say, aren't you a kiwi? If I'm wrong, then my apologies.

    But if so, nice to nail the Welshmen but pity round two wasn't as definitive, huh. Cowen was off song. Thank the good lord for Piri Weepu eh?

    Ireland were also unlucky against the Wannabees, too.
  • Reply 150 of 613
    I'm sorry to say but to all your Americans, having a fit over the "death grip", you are all stupid.

    Stop over-reacting to silly little made up problems, silly girls!
  • Reply 151 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by slocummedia View Post

    AppleSauce. You are an idiot. This issue is FRONT PAGE of all major newspapers and even NBC NIGhTLY NEWS took a pretty nasty swipe at Apple's little "problem." It's a big deal applesauce, catch a clue. MORON.

    You think being front page news is a scientific measure of truth and accuracy AND you call Applesauce a *moron?

    *personally I am getting sick of people using insults on this forum, I am quoting you not calling you one.
  • Reply 152 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    ireland did a 40 post troll whine that rival mactrip and teckstud worst days here

    yet he does even not own one

    ireland does not own a OIS4 phone so when he comment'S like 8 x ok

    but hijacking topic after topic to call out and say look at me i am injure

    Are you sure? I truly believed and assumed he did since he almost single handedly insulted anyone with one saying it worked fine! Surely you are mistaken, he would not base all his vitriol and attacks on hearsay and media that was itself feeding of blogs ... that would be a feed-back loop of massive proportions!
  • Reply 153 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    My God man, this is exactly what I mean when I talk about passion for Apple products. The iPhone 4 has been front page news well before it was ever announced or released. There has always been praises and slanders, so nothing new there. The bottom line is that people are seeing, buying and using the iPhone 4 for themselves and continue to vote with their credit cards.

    The indisputable fact remains that after overwhelming pre-orders of the iPhone 4, the huge waiting lines to buy the Apple product are still overflowing across malls and streets all over the world where it has been available for several days.

    Evidently even the bashers are passionate as they hopelessly try to tare the bonds between Apple and their fans.

    Call me what you want, but the final "Non-Issue" verdict is being passed all over the world with credit cards right now. If the world says it's a "non-Issue", it's a "non-issue". The iPhone 4 will not be redesign and it will remain the most popular smart phone in the world because it's a "non-issue".

    Time will tell.

    What is amazing is watching the blogs get picked up my the mainstream media and the blogs quoting the mainstream media and the loop accelerating. This is only possible with such a news worthy and high profile company such as Apple, never the less it is a lesson in media psychology isn't it? You can almost hear the howling feedback in the posts !
  • Reply 154 of 613
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by lowededwookie View Post

    Chopper you're a retard. What did Daniel do to you did he run off with your girlfriend/wife?

    I like Daniel's articles because unlike your drivel and most tech writers Daniel's articles have research behind them.

    Oh and I take the retard comment back... they are infinitely smarter than you.


    Apparently you weren't reading what I wrote, but heck lowededwookie, don't worry.

    What I wrote is absolutely true. It takes one to know one, as they say, and I'm in the same business your hero Daniel, aka Prince McLean, John Gruber blah blah blah.

    The "research" you allude to is whatever Apple supplies him in order to deliver the most effective attack. But in reality, it doesn't mean much research is required because folk like you are happy to swallow whatever he writes.

    Dude, I'm not trying to change your mind. Enjoy your denial. Doesn't negatively affect me.

    And All Blacks FTW in 2011

  • Reply 155 of 613
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,851member
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    I'm sorry to say but to all your Americans, having a fit over the "death grip", you are all stupid.

    Stop over-reacting to silly little made up problems, silly girls!

    Well some of us Americans are not drinking the DroolAid. Remember the majority of trolls are probably holding their 'wanna be iPhone' copies from what ever manufacturer (that mocked virtual key boards not long ago) and hating Apple because they can't afford one or are so Anti-Apple due to their pro PC stance. They grasp at any straw to bash Apple on a blog ... once they have waited for the latest update to their Kaspersky and rebooted ten times that is.
  • Reply 156 of 613
    titantigertitantiger Posts: 300member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Because "Daniel" is a paid PR flack for Apple, and this is not some journalistic endeavor.

    I don't suppose you have any proof of this accusation. I realize that it's par for the course to just throw out unsubstantiated bullshit on forums and call it 'fact', but I'd say more than just your opinion would be in order here. How do you know Daniel isn't simply an Apple user/expert giving his honest opinion on things?


    It's a pity that Apple Insider doesn't feel it's necessary to declare that its "contributors" are not impartial, but heck, this stuff generates huge numbers of clicks and gosh, it's only the traffic that makes AI viable. And more than that, if you can't work this stuff for yourself, it's really not AppleInsider's job to do it for you.

    While we're discussing pities, let's discuss the pity that people can declare things about people and make accusations and feel no need to back it up with anything of substance.


    However, it's worth repeating that nothing written by Daniel Eran Dilger, Slash Lane, Prince McLean and sundry others is unbiased. It's the same well paid Apple-supported rort. And if that's what you're happiest hearing, enjoy.

    Well at least this is opinion and is stated as such.


    But it isn't impartial, and is at the least disingenuous. I'd go so far as to say he's actually a liar if I thought that I wouldn't get banned or whatever the punishment is for criticizing the favored contributors.

    Banned for criticizing? Nah. But if I could, I'd ban you if you couldn't produce something other than your fat mouth backing up the paid shill accusations.


    Whatever, Daniel Prince John Slash is producing too many words to be other than somebody doing this for a living. About time AppleInsider came clean about this.

    As soon as you cop to ranting about things you made up in your head as if they were fact and apologize for accusing people with no proof, I'd say the onus might be on them. Until then, they owe you nothing.
  • Reply 157 of 613
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by TitanTiger View Post

    I don't suppose you have any proof of this accusation. I realize that it's par for the course to just throw out unsubstantiated bullshit on forums and call it 'fact', but I'd say more than just your opinion would be in order here. How do you know Daniel isn't simply an Apple user/expert giving his honest opinion on things?

    While we're discussing pities, let's discuss the pity that people can declare things about people and make accusations and feel no need to back it up with anything of substance.

    Well at least this is opinion and is stated as such.

    Banned for criticizing? Nah. But if I could, I'd ban you if you couldn't produce something other than your fat mouth backing up the paid shill accusations.

    As soon as you cop to ranting about things you made up in your head as if they were fact and apologize for accusing people with no proof, I'd say the onus might be on them. Until then, they owe you nothing.

    It was abundantly clear that my claim was based on "Daniel's" track record as the most prolific Apple apologist/suck-up pseudo "journalist" that this forum or any other except perhaps MacDailyNews has ever witnessed. Show me one of his "articles" that isn't an attack on one of Apple's Enemies du jour, or some overly flattering pump piece that promotes Apple. You can't?

    I rest my case.

    What astonishes me about your attack on me is that you didn't take the time to consider whether what I wrote might be true. You simply decide it wasn't and went for it. Doesn't that make you wonder about your motives?

    If you have the courage of your convictions, then you'll show me where "daniel's" opinions are stated as such. Your claim. I'm waiting.
  • Reply 158 of 613
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,975member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    It was abundantly clear that my claim was based on "Daniel's" track record as the most prolific Apple apologist/suck-up pseudo "journalist" that this forum or any other except perhaps MacDailyNews has ever witnessed. Show me one of his "articles" that isn't an attack on one of Apple's Enemies du jour, or some overly flattering pump piece that promotes Apple. You can't?

    I rest my case.

    What astonishes me about your attack on me is that you didn't take the time to consider whether what I wrote might be true. You simply decide it wasn't and went for it. Doesn't that make you wonder about your motives?

    If you have the courage of your convictions, then you'll show me where "daniel's" opinions are stated as such. Your claim. I'm waiting.

    Why should we give any credence to your wild claims, you still haven't proven you didn't or even denied that you helped Glenn Beck murder that girl.
  • Reply 159 of 613
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Why should we give any credence to your wild claims, you still haven't proven you didn't or even denied that you helped Glenn Beck murder that girl.

    I assume that's an attempt at humour?

    Or do you have some point?
  • Reply 160 of 613
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,975member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    I assume that's an attempt at humour?

    Or do you have some point?

    Both, but apparently the point went right over your head.

    BTW, who do you work as a paid PR hack for? Fox News?
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