Apple says iPhone 4 calculates bars wrong, software fix forthcoming



  • Reply 121 of 435
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Read. the. article. before. commenting. on. the. article.

    I could cut and paste it for you, but don't really feel like it. Anyway, he was able to have the phone report the strength numerically instead of with bars. He gives a great explanation.

    Thanks for the reply, I made a mistake. I'am sure I read the calibration method I described. It wasn't Anand though.

  • Reply 122 of 435
    thespazthespaz Posts: 71member
    Can someone help me out here. Is this going to fix the fact that when I hold my iPhone, I can't download any data? I never seemed to have that problem on my iPhone 3G.

    I was hopeful that a software fix would improve this problem, but I guess instead of improving the problem, they're just going to show the problem differently to us.

    If I have 2-3 bars at my house right now, am I going to have NONE now? This sucks. This really, really sucks.

    They should've just called this thing the new iPod touch. I have to be on wifi, if I want data to load and I need to use a different phone to make phone calls with it. Great.

    This does not make me happy at all. It's still going to be the same even after the update. People are still going to realize that they're unable to use their phone where their old iPhone was used flawlessly.

    It's not about showing the bars accurately, it's about touching the phone and losing all reception all together.
  • Reply 123 of 435
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    I think Apple knew AT&T's service was shit, so they left this flawed code for their own advantage.
  • Reply 124 of 435
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    Steve Jobs thinks we are all stupid idiots. What a way to thank loyal customers that do more marketing for a company than possibly any other company on earth.

    I don't think so.

    However, I do think that anybody that complains about something they don't have any experience with isn't very brilliant.
  • Reply 125 of 435
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    OK, let's review. There are 3 issues that may combine to produce call and signal issues:
    1. Attenuation caused by touching the antenna

    2. Complete data service intrruption caused by bridging the seam

    3. Misfuntioning of the proximity sensor

    The promised update doesn't actually address any of these, although, it seems that it will more accurately reflect what's going on in relation to the first issue. However, I don't think this was ever really as big an issue as many thought it was.

    The third issue, which is probably responsible for at least some "dropped calls", may be quietly addressed by a software update, and since it hasn't really been the focus of a lot of attention it's not too surprising that they haven't specifically mentioned it.

    The second issue, which seems to be the most significant real issue, doesn't seem to be addressed at all. Since it doesn't affect all phones, I don't think it's a design issue, which leaves the possibility of some sort of manufacturing issue, which could be hardware (e.g., improper assembly) or software related (e.g., improper firmware version). It will be interesting to see if this issue goes away after the update, or remains as an actual problem. But, it doesn't seem particularly reassuring to me, and I'm sure not to iP4 owners afflicted by this issue, that it remains unaddressed through this announcement.
  • Reply 126 of 435
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    This is true of iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, as well as many Droid, Nokia and RIM phones.

    Interesting that they refer to Android-based phones as simply Droid. Perhaps it's like most of the "Get a Mac" ads not referring to Windows, just PC, until the gaff with Vista made is sour name worth stating directly.


    This is a far bigger drop than normal, and as a result some have accused the iPhone 4 of having a faulty antenna design.

    Note that they aren't saying it's a faulty design, simply stating that some have made the accusation.


    We have discovered the cause of this dramatic drop in bars... Upon investigation,...

    I'm amazed that some of you actually have a problem with Apple stating they had to look into the problem. I know it doesn't jibe with your conspiracy theory that Apple designed the Bumpers to deal with reception issues, but perhaps it's time you let that silly drop for once, or am I asking too much from this community?


    We will issue a free software update within a few weeks that incorporates the corrected formula. Since this mistake has been present since the original iPhone, this software update will also be available for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G.

    A few weeks, eh? I have assume they will issue it sooner rather than later in that time frame, but it does suggest the resolved than altering the height or bars and what Db each bar represents.

    Originally Posted by thomasfxlt View Post

    "As a reminder, if you are not fully satisfied, you can return your undamaged iPhone to any Apple Retail Store or the online Apple Store within 30 days of purchase for a full refund."

    So there you go. Shut up or take it back.

    Wait, what?! I and others were saying this yesterday and were told we were liars and fanboys. g3pro in particular was posting an obnoxiously large font to refer to non-defective product returns and products that weren't phones. So is this a new policy or did some people run around like Chicken Little, yet again? inquiring minds want to know.

    Originally Posted by brett_x View Post

    I guess that's one way to get "More bars in more places"

    Maybe this will lead to "More prototypes in more bars".

    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Wow. A software fix for a situation that half the community here said didn't even exist. And I thought you guys knew everything!

    Who said there was no issue? Who said that Apple and iOS 4.0 was perfect? The only thing the pragmatic posters stated was that there is no proof of the exposed antenna being a "design flaw". Big difference.

    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    A good company admits to its mistakes. Well done, Apple!

    Classic corporate misdirect. They admitted to one thing while ignoring another. But that's not their fault, it's the silly Chicken Littles who have clouded the issue this past week. All Apple did was their hysteria to their advantage by disclosing one issue as the issue.

    I think it's telling that it will takes up to a few weeks to release a fix for this. That makes me lean even further toward this being a driver issue for the UMTS chips; well, that they will try to fix with a driver issue.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is tantamount to confirmation from Apple that the iPhone 4 actually has a hardware/design problem.

    That is an erroneous conclusion and only works if all other things are equal, which they are not.

    Of course, the real test will come after the update. If you can touch the iPhone 4's "3G-Spot" and have a website stop completely and instantly, and then startup again the moment you release it then they would have successfully resolved the issue.

    Originally Posted by parksgm View Post

    I find it difficult to believe that a thirty year old computer company responsible for several revolutions in personal computing capable of engineering a state-of-the art network-integrated web browsing, media playing device somehow neglected to check the accuracy of the signal strength formula.

    Come on...this doesn't even make sense. This is an egregious error in the most basic functionality of a device that comes from a company so perfectionistic that people were debunking the first authentic pictures of the device because of asthetically unpleasing, millimeter-wide breaks in the side of the case.

    Your argument starts off saying Apple is too big and experienced to make such a gaff (which isn't true, look at MS et al.), but then your next paragraph talks about basic functionality that they have failed at. You can't have it both ways. You either to think that all companies, run by people, can make a mistake, or that they are infallible. If they don't mistakes then I guess we should never expect point updates to SW.

    Note, this is only their 4th device using cellular tech pushing the envelope of size, power and efficiency well beyond the longtime giants in this industry, and there are many who claim that Apple can't even get WiFI right even though they've had that under their belt since 1999.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You can't discount the possibility that you have a lemon. There must be some problem sets out there and the assumption they all have an issue is now more than likely wrong thus meaning yours might be a bad one.

    Have lemon, want working model, get new one. Have lemon, don't want new one, get money back. Have lemon, want new one, but only after SW fix proven to work, get money back.

    Originally Posted by adam937 View Post

    Maybe this change simply reverses the signal strength display "improvement" they made back in OS 2.1:

    I clearly remember the display began to show more bars after installing this update.

    Nice find!

    Originally Posted by dm3 View Post

    This is very sad. How embarrassing for those insisting that Apple would fix it.

    This fixes nothing, can't folks read?

    This doesn't address, not even admit the problem.

    Changing the pretty picture of the number of bars has nothing to do with reception.

    It doesn't take a few weeks to alter a "pretty picture".

    Originally Posted by neondiet View Post

    How about we wait and see what happens until after the update has been released.

    That sounds like a great idea.
  • Reply 127 of 435
    themousethemouse Posts: 10member
    "..stunned to find.." ? It's easy enough to understand how a provider would want more bars to be showing on their phone, provided there is enough of a signal to hang on to. After all, that's one of the things we compare with our friends standing in the same spot. It may be cosmetic and a selling factor at the same time. (Think over and under contrasted TV screens in certain showrooms).

    It's probably a great move for a company to advertise they are using a more correct and informative means of displaying signal strength. But I don't get how they were stunned to find what the bars are actually showing.
  • Reply 128 of 435
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by thomasfxlt View Post

    "As a reminder, if you are not fully satisfied, you can return your undamaged iPhone to any Apple Retail Store or the online Apple Store within 30 days of purchase for a full refund."

    So there you go. Shut up or take it back.

    Exactly..this is why the lawsuits are garbage at this point. They were filed even before the period of return expires. Any company has to be given a chance to correct a problem.

    Originally Posted by mr_cazorp View Post

    I guess when my web pages stop loading and my data speeds drop into the gutter, it's just a cosmetic issue. Whew, what a relief. Can't wait for this fix.

    There is no antenna issue.

    Your data speeds are as good as, or better, than they ever were.

    These are not the Droids (TM) you're looking for.

    Do you really not understand? You're in a weak signal area, but you think you're not. You could be in a place with "3 bars," whereas you only have one. You could think you're in a place with 1 bar, and you really have none. It's not Apple's's Craptastic AT&T.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post



    I wonder what effect this will have on the sue-ers [sic]?

    Will they. now, need to carry elaborate radiowave measurement tools to document their claim that the iP4 is dropping signal (rather than just misreporting the siglal strength)?


    'course, this could be the basis for a new lawsuit-- falsely over-reporting signal strength, or somesuch!

    BTW, I am stopping my postal mail delivery-- I just keep getting bills!


    They will likely lose or withdraw. Apple hasn't even had time to issue a fix yet. And to win or possibly even file the second lawsuit, you'd have to prove not only damages, but negligence. You'd have to prove that Apple knew of the calculation issue all along, and did nothing to fix it. Good luck.

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    So basically they are saying that they're going to update your phone to tell you that your reception is worse than it really is, bar wise. This doesn't fix anything. This isn't going to fix the people who live in lower reception areas from losing service completely or drop low enough to drop calls, where their previous iPhones or whatever they used works fine.

    This is just smoke and mirrors. They also need to address the proximity sensor, although I think they are going to sneak it in. It's a real simple fix, just give it more tolerance.

    Apple cannot fix where you live. That's simply an AT&T issue. AT&T sucks, by the way. As for the proximity sensor, it sounds like they need to give it less "tolerance," not more. It needs to be MORE sensitive, apparently.

    Originally Posted by Ed Pummelon View Post

    So how does this explain the testers who could make calls from their desk on the 3G S with no problem, but who get dropped calls from the same place using the 4G?

    Let's see those "testers" and their "reviews." The only thing I've seen is bars dropping.

    Originally Posted by Captain J View Post

    So basically, Apple is saying there is no problem with the antena, the only issue is you thought you were getting better reception thatn you were?

    Yes. Are you honestly surprised? Have I mentioned what a pile AT&T is in many places?


    Even more BS that they say they've always calculated things this way. This means people should not be seeing any worse problems with the 4 than the earlier 3. Evidence does not bear this out.

    "Evidence?" What "evidence" do you have?


    This makes no sense. People's calls are dropping and data speed is much slower when portions of the antenna and touched and/or bridged. Apple's solution is to show you that you have less signal all the time?

    Bullshit. There are only unconfirmed and/or isolated reports of this. There are reports of signal bars dropping. Those are different.


    I know all phones lose some signal when the antenna is covered, but APPLE'S IS THE ONLY EXTERNAL ANTENNA TOTALLY EXPOSED TO SKIN ETC.

    If this indeed Apple's solution, ie. screw you, then I suspect they'll get a lot of phones back. When mine comes, if I have this issue I will take the opportunity to return it and go Android (not what I want to do). Apple is still in denial there there is a problem.

    Then just cancel your order now, because you're being foolish. You're pre-judging what you're going to do about a problem that 1) You don't know you'll have, 2) Might not even really exist, and 3) Before even giving Apple a chance to fix it. If your phone constantly drops calls and generally sucks over a period of say, two weeks...then return it. Then get an Android phone ON THE SAME NETWORK and use it in THE SAME PLACES, and see if it's better. I say two weeks, because network conditions vary widely. AT&T has been shitty for me for the last couple of weeks, with dropped/unavailable 3G for no reason, dropped calls, etc. It will get better as it always does. But yeah...AT&T sucks. Surprise.
  • Reply 129 of 435
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by erybovic View Post

    Well F me, AT&T signal strength is shittier than the Iphone has been displaying all along. You don't think you would have figured that out years ago? Its funny how field test mode *3001#12345#* is taken out of IOS4.

    Can you somehow get the field test mode back if you jailbreak? Or something like it?
  • Reply 130 of 435
    This changes nothing. Again.

  • Reply 131 of 435
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Glockman View Post

    A software fix to only change the display behavior is a fail.

    It does not fix the REAL PROBLEM of DROPPED SIGNAL!

    I can reproduce the issue 100% of the time with my phone and it is truly insulting for Apple to refuse to accept this fact even after multiple independent studies.

    Are you interested in getting the issue resolved or just interested in complaining?

    Do you really have an iPhone 4, or do you just claim to?

    The reason I ask is, you joined AI :

    Join Date


    Total Posts


    And your posts all appear to be negative:

    here's your first post:

    Originally Posted by Glockman View Post

    Hats off to AppleInsider for this forum post and thread. Both reports from these independents describe my problems exactly since I unboxed my beloved iP4 1 week ago.

    iJobz cannot keep insulting us with his denial and useless rhetoric forever!

    Fix this freaking problem!

    Kinda' came out with your guns blazing! And, you ridiculed Jobs' name and questioned his sincerity.

    Why would you buy anything from someone you hold in such low regard?

    Do you believe that is a reasonable approach to resolving a problem?

  • Reply 132 of 435
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    This changes nothing. Again.

    Thanks for your informed, well-thought-out and excellently stated post.
  • Reply 133 of 435
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Thanks for your informed, well-thought-out and excellently stated post.

    Awe, his comment is funny. I'm all for the digs at a company, so long as they aren't hysteria driven.
  • Reply 134 of 435
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Apple/Steve Jobs: 2 + 2 = 5, 5 bars means 0 bars, 1 bar means 5 bars, antenna in grip of phone where one finger kills all reception = best antenna design ever, iPhone 4's inferior reception compared to iPhone 3gs means iPhone 4 has "best reception ever".
  • Reply 135 of 435
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    I don't think so.

    However, I do think that anybody that complains about something they don't have any experience with isn't very brilliant.

    Are you suggesting that because I want to buy a working phone that comes from a company that backs it with real customer support and honesty isn't very brilliant?

    Are they going to try to cover up the proximity sensor issues, too? Perhaps after you hang a call up it will display a message saying your face is too fat, and it is your fault.

    Yeah I don't have an iPhone, yet. I've been saving big for this. I'm not going to spend a ton of money on a product that sucks, and even moreso on one from a company that sucks.
  • Reply 136 of 435
    Originally Posted by thespaz View Post

    Can someone help me out here. Is this going to fix the fact that when I hold my iPhone, I can't download any data? I never seemed to have that problem on my iPhone 3G.


    I upgraded from a 3g as well and my issue is that when driving home, the iPhone 4 drops calls on the same hill that I never had an issue with my 3g. I am was never holding the phones, they were plugged into the car using the car's bluetooth.

    However, we could be dealing with quality control issues. All iPhone 4s that my company upgraded each have their own set of issues. Yesterday we tried replacing the some of the SIMs with new ones since that may help sometimes. I don't know if there is a benefit to that yet. Some just have straight-up hardware issues, speaker doesn't work, any call made with another has severe crackling. One will randomly stop all internet connections when the phones around it are working great, etc.

    We definitely feel like we got a bag of lemons! On the bright side, we determined that all the iPhones with battery issues have all had cases on them 100% of the time. All the "naked" haven't had a single dead battery.
  • Reply 137 of 435
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Who said there was no issue? Who said that Apple and iOS 4.0 was perfect? The only thing the pragmatic posters stated was that there is no proof of the exposed antenna being a "design flaw". Big difference.

    WHAT??? Better re-read some of the five hundred or so posts from yesterday. Many here screamed there was no problem with their iP4 so there were no problems with anyones. A typical post for this forum I might add.

    But I digress. I don't have an iP4 so I'm not supposed to comment. Just forget what I said.
  • Reply 138 of 435
    mobilitymobility Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    So basically they are saying that they're going to update your phone to tell you that your reception is worse than it really is, bar wise. This doesn't fix anything. This isn't going to fix the people who live in lower reception areas from losing service completely or drop low enough to drop calls, where their previous iPhones or whatever they used works fine.

    This is just smoke and mirrors. They also need to address the proximity sensor, although I think they are going to sneak it in. It's a real simple fix, just give it more tolerance.

    I think testing has shown that the phone does better than the previous models.
  • Reply 139 of 435
    mobilitymobility Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    Are you suggesting that because I want to buy a working phone that comes from a company that backs it with real customer support and honesty isn't very brilliant?

    Are they going to try to cover up the proximity sensor issues, too? Perhaps after you hang a call up it will display a message saying your face is too fat, and it is your fault.

    Yeah I don't have an iPhone, yet. I've been saving big for this. I'm not going to spend a ton of money on a product that sucks, and even moreso on one from a company that sucks.

    Then don't. Just don't, please.
  • Reply 140 of 435
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    Can you somehow get the field test mode back if you jailbreak? Or something like it?

    I think we've covered this. You can pretty much do anything with a jailbroken phone and you can get, at least the carrier DBs in the Menu Bar with a clever hack without jailbreaking.
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