AT&T not throttling iPhone 4 upload bandwidth



  • Reply 61 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by MOEW View Post

    According to apple, you are holding it wrong or are in a low service area. Ohhh I like this icon:

    What does the apple store say? Did they resolve your problem? Please stop making up stuff or post some proof please. KTHX MOEW!

    You don't know what you're talking about, or you don't read carefully. I said I still am using my 3G. I also tested this on my iPad.

    I know you think it's a funny joke, but it just makes you seem silly.

    And if you're going to insult me by accusing me of lying, you won't last long.
  • Reply 62 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by opmisk View Post

    Check the spreadsheet of speeds at the end of the article from Wired. Look at 7/3, 7/4, and 7/5 compared to dates prior. Certainly doesn't look sporadic to me.

    Sporadic in that not everyone is seeing this problem. Sol showed a short while ago that he isn't having the problem at all, for instance. Mine has bounced from between 40 to 140 in the same day. Mostly below 100 to be sure, but not always.
  • Reply 63 of 94
    amdahlamdahl Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post

    I'm having a hard time understanding why people are trying so hard to make this an iPhone 4 issue. This is happening to other devices too. I personally am experiencing it on an iPhone 3G, and it has been reported for android users and iPad too. You can't chalk it up to just the iPhone 4, just iOS 4, etc.

    Ah.. Then if it is intentional, it is probably a result of AT&T trying to favor download speed performance over upload speeds. However, 100kbps is probably a little bit too low. 100kbps generally implies you don't expect downloads over approximately 2000kbps.
  • Reply 64 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post

    It's not just iPhone 4, and it's not just upload speeds. I'm experiencing the same issues on an iPhone 3G, and I suspect everyone is seeing some degradation in download speed too.

    I've been getting less than ~150kbps down and less than 100kbps up (typically much less.)

    My download speeds are varying wildly. I just tried it twice. first time, I got 1868 down, and 94 up. Second time, I got 978 down, and 103 up.

    This is using Optima Online NY server as the point.
  • Reply 65 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Amdahl View Post

    Something seems to be going on.

    Could it be that AT&T has discovered that the poor transmission capability of iPhone 4 is harming the 3G network when it tries to upload fast, and they are capping to limit the damage?

    Suppose I'll also add that I think it could just be an accidental throttle. But it certainly looks like a throttle of some kind, with numerous devices (but apparently not all?) in widely dispersed areas suddenly hitting the same number, starting at the same time.

    We're not all using the iPhone 4.
  • Reply 66 of 94
    amdahlamdahl Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    My download speeds are varying wildly. I just tried it twice. first time, I got 1868 down, and 94 up. Second time, I got 978 down, and 103 up.

    This is using Optima Online NY server as the point.

    Yes, download speeds can vary greatly when the upload is overly constricted. It prevents the TCP ACK packets from getting back to the other host. A dropped ACK packet is no different than a dropped data packet. As far as the other end is concerned, you never got it, because you never confirmed it. The result: It slows down sending.

    Hmm.. I wonder if the throttle point isn't 100kbps, but a per packet rate? Maybe that is why some speed tests show 100kbps, and the other one is 200 or 250kbps. They set the per packet rate to be equal to the 100kbps divided by the maximum packet size.
  • Reply 67 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Amdahl View Post

    Yes, download speeds can vary greatly when the upload is overly constricted. It prevents the TCP ACK packets from getting back to the other host. A dropped ACK packet is no different than a dropped data packet. As far as the other end is concerned, you never got it, because you never confirmed it. The result: It slows down sending.

    Of course, All data networks do something similar.

    But that doesn't explain why download speeds can be so high one time, and much less another, unless something is causing packets to get lost or re-routed. I've gotten downloads today as low as 250, from my regular server, and as high as 2150, while the upload speeds were almost the same, and pretty low.

    In the past, I've gotten download speeds about as low, while upload speeds were in the 400 range.
  • Reply 68 of 94
    amdahlamdahl Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Of course, All data networks do something similar.

    But that doesn't explain why download speeds can be so high one time, and much less another, unless something is causing packets to get lost or re-routed. I've gotten downloads today as low as 250, from my regular server, and as high as 2150, while the upload speeds were almost the same, and pretty low.

    In the past, I've gotten download speeds about as low, while upload speeds were in the 400 range.

    What have the latency numbers been? If they are elevated (and I know I see a lot of what I would call lunar-high numbers on some people's tests) it can amplify the effect of packet loss, because odds are that you do not have a TCP Receive Window that is large enough to accommodate your 'hoped for' download speed and the latency.

    We don't know how this theorized cap is implemented. Is it an IP level thing, or is it at the cellular/3G level?
  • Reply 69 of 94
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    I'd really like to hear some good news or Positive news about AT&T. Its just unreal how they keep shooting themselves in the foot. And the sad part is that all the Iphone customers in the U.S. have to suffer for their mistakes.
  • Reply 70 of 94
    milan03milan03 Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Of course, All data networks do something similar.

    But that doesn't explain why download speeds can be so high one time, and much less another, unless something is causing packets to get lost or re-routed. I've gotten downloads today as low as 250, from my regular server, and as high as 2150, while the upload speeds were almost the same, and pretty low.

    In the past, I've gotten download speeds about as low, while upload speeds were in the 400 range.

    It's the upload that causes even download speed to underperform, as well as latency. It's something that isn't in favor of the regular tax payers. If they are working on something, that doesnt mean that the network incidentaly throttled itself to 100kbps. It means human came out with this number in order to offload the plants if they are doing a meaintenance for instance. THAT STILL MEANS THAT IF WE SEE THE UPLOAD BEING PULLED DOWN TO UNDER 100kbps THAT OUR SPEEDS ARE GETTING CAPPED.

    Why, I expect ATT to answer that, but there isnt a single proof that this is done by noone else but ATT. duh.....

    And I'm still waiting to see where did you guys get the "intel" confirming that ATT is NOT throttling the upload, as your front page topic claims.

    Thanks for your clarification.
  • Reply 71 of 94
    ipaladinipaladin Posts: 20member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Before going off half-cocked why not wait for some real information to emerge. I know it's the new nerd mantra to bash at&t but you will be depressed and suicidal if you actually think at&t will lose all of its iPhone customers, or even a significant percentage. Not going to happen. Just as the antenna issue is over hyped hysteria by a vocal minority so is this. You won't even get the trolls to agree. They'll swear it's the iPhone doing this and not at&t.

    I'm having no problems with upload speeds in my EDGE-only area. There, happy now?
  • Reply 72 of 94
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by iPaladin;

    I'm having no problems with upload speeds in my EDGE-only area. There, happy now?

    Funny. I'm in the same boat. I WISH I had these problems for almost a week (do I hear Class Action Lawsuit? Anyone?). Try a couple of years of being neglected in a rural town. Puts things into perspective.
  • Reply 73 of 94
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    a lot of iphone 3gs users are completely losing data access with the iOS 4 update.

    this too? and antenna "software issues"?

  • Reply 74 of 94
    shoozzshoozz Posts: 26member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ok, stop the trolling, or you're out.

    Don't argue with emotional ignorant trolls, it just detracts from the otherwise interesting and positive discussions on AI. Please do us all a favor and don't roll in the mud with the pigs cause the pigs like it.
  • Reply 75 of 94
    milan03milan03 Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by Shoozz View Post

    Don't argue with emotional ignorant trolls, it just detracts from the otherwise interesting and positive discussions on AI. Please do us all a favor and don't roll in the mud with the pigs cause the pigs like it.

    You must be new...
  • Reply 76 of 94
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    More BS, I'm uploading at 1.6 mbps over 3G in mid, Coastal, NJ

    Edit: How I do post a screen shot of my speedtest on my iPhone here?
  • Reply 77 of 94
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Ok, wtf, suddenly I'm not getting the upload speeds I've been getting for 2 weeks!

    now i'm getting 100 kbps instead of 1.6 mbps.............?
  • Reply 78 of 94
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If it was a simple matter of artificial throttling then this should easily be done to affect all phones on all networks with essentially the flip of a switch. The idea that you think companies ever willingly come clean about a boondoggle they created means you aren’t experienced with the world and therefore likely very young.

    How is it I am the only one with this magic iPhone? Note: These speeds up and down are well below what they were this morning and days prior, but it 6pm here.
    PS: The two fastest download and upload speeds are when I touched my iPhone 4 in the 3G-Spot. Go figure!

    You might be in an area with good coverage... err no, sorry I... how can you have an good iPhone. It's from a company who is evil and shows nothing but contempt for there customers. Buy Androids it's got Ehunixs-like kernel and a terminal.... oh terminal how we used to be together, me and you we 'apt-get' on Debian while the sun went down.
  • Reply 79 of 94
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Unreal, look at the trend of speeds, and where upload suddenly tanks the last few days.....

  • Reply 80 of 94
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Unreal, look at the trend of speeds, and where upload suddenly tanks the last few days.....

    Just what is that supposed to prove? For all we know, the last few days could have been tested in an entirely different location than the earlier ones. Or different conditions.
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