US Sen. Schumer writes letter to Apple CEO over iPhone 4 antenna



  • Reply 21 of 197
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Ditto. (Except it isn't the antenna issues that bother me, it is Apple's reaction so far).

    There is a press conference tomorrow, (less than one month after the release) How would anyone else have reacted?
  • Reply 22 of 197
    jb510jb510 Posts: 129member
    I have a lot of respect for Senator Schumer and this isn't the first time he has gotten involved in consumer protection matters. I don't see anything wrong with the letter, letters like this get written all the time by senators and representatives.

    The timing of the letter is a bit questionable. Apple has already announced a press conference. While I suspect the letter was already in the works, why release it between the announcement of the PC and the PC. It makes it look like he's setting himself up to take credit for whatever comes out of the PC which would be complete BS.

    For the record I think Apple has little to no obligation to offer a solution to this aside from directions "not to hold your phone like that".

    If they do offer a solution I hope the call it the cry baby band aid and it's a 1" piece of flesh colored tape you apply to the bottom left corner of the phone.
  • Reply 23 of 197
    kyle76kyle76 Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    What's wrong with the Senator doing his job? Politicians are there to represent us on a very wide range of fronts that are of concern to the community. Though it's pretty unprecedented for a politician to give a crap about a single phone, I think it shows that Schumer has his finger on the pulse of what's annoying constituents. He ought be commended for gently encouraging Apple to make its phone deliver everything that users expected.

    I just wonder how a private letter from an individual to a company came into the public domain. I'm sure Apple didn't release it. Could it be that the right honorable gentleman is doing a little grandstanding?
  • Reply 24 of 197
    pslicepslice Posts: 153member
    Whilst I think that there are a lot of other pressing issues, the iPhone 4 problem is that, a problem. I wish Schumer and all of the other politicians would hunker down and fix the BP blow out, or fix my lost retirement due to the 2008 economic crash, but sending a quick memo to Steve J is okay with me. Like another commenter said, to write a memo to Steve, could have only taken two minutes. His comments included a lot of repeats, which tells me he sort of whipped it out without a lot of re-read to the thing. I think Apple should fix this thing. i just got through buying two of these iPhones and I have a lot invested. For this price, Apple should have corrected it. To shove it out in the market with all the hoopla and completely ignore and major piece of the product is neglectful in my eyes. Maybe Steve didn't even try it outside of Cupertino. He should have come out my way and tried it. \
  • Reply 25 of 197
    jinpa88jinpa88 Posts: 7member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    What's wrong with the Senator doing his job? Politicians are there to represent us on a very wide range of fronts that are of concern to the community. Though it's pretty unprecedented for a politician to give a crap about a single phone, I think it shows that Schumer has his finger on the pulse of what's annoying constituents. He ought be commended for gently encouraging Apple to make its phone deliver everything that users expected.

    Sorry, a Senator's job is not to write letter's to companies about they're, potentially, faulty products. The ONLY reason he's doing it is for the PR facetime (no pun intented ) And no, I'm not a Republican.
  • Reply 26 of 197
    Just when you think it couldn't get any stranger, something like this comes out of the woodwork. CR really opened a can of it with this. Question is, why is no one calling for CR to retest all other phones in the same manner. I've had some issues but nothing that is preventing me use the phone at all. It just amazes me that people are not patient for thorough research into what might be causing the issue, and the perfect a fix. It's this instant gratification world that we live in. Patient is very thin nowadays. I have to wonder that if we didn't have all the Toyota issues of them not be quite upfront about so many issues with there vehicles, that this would be a non-issue in the media.

    Samsung has new phones hitting the shevles today and Sunday. Is CR going to review them as thoroughly? Somehow, I doubt it.
  • Reply 27 of 197
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Kyle76 View Post

    I just wonder how a private letter from an individual to a company came into the public domain. I'm sure Apple didn't release it. Could it be that the right honorable gentleman is doing a little grandstanding?

    It's not a private letter from an individual to a company. It's an official letter, thus a public document, from a US Senator to a company, so it would be released by Sen Schumer's office as a matter of course.
  • Reply 28 of 197
    atlbucatlbuc Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by jb510 View Post

    I have a lot of respect for Senator Schumer and this isn't the first time he has gotten involved in consumer protection matters. I don't see anything wrong with the letter, letters like this get written all the time by senators and representatives.

    The timing of the letter is a bit questionable. Apple has already announced a press conference. While I suspect the letter was already in the works, why release it between the announcement of the PC and the PC. It makes it look like he's setting himself up to take credit for whatever comes out of the PC which would be complete BS.

    For the record I think Apple has little to no obligation to offer a solution to this aside from directions "not to hold your phone like that".

    If they do offer a solution I hope the call it the cry baby band aid and it's a 1" piece of flesh colored tape you apply to the bottom left corner of the phone.

    Uhhh no the definitely have an obligation to fix this. Telling consumers to hold your phone a different way is unacceptable. Even more unacceptable is saying there isn't an issue then trying to issue a software fix to deflect what is really going on.
  • Reply 29 of 197
    kurt737kurt737 Posts: 8member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Someone needs to explain to this idiot that "senator' doesn't mean 'God-emperor".

    Yeah, this man who has 2 degrees from Harvard and has decades of experience in politics is an "idiot".

    It should be more like this: someone needs to explain to Steve Jobs that his name doesn't mean 'God Emperor'.
  • Reply 30 of 197
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Jinpa88 View Post

    Sorry, a Senator's job is not to write letter's to companies about they're, potentially, faulty products. The ONLY reason he's doing it is for the PR facetime (no pun intented ) And no, I'm not a Republican.

    Actually, this is exactly a Senator's job: to look after the interests of constituents.
  • Reply 31 of 197
    Sleazbag politician looking to take credit for whatever action that is to take place the next day.
  • Reply 32 of 197
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    I also encourage Apple to keep its promise


    Charles E. Schumer

    For the sake of accuracy, an addendum:

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    I also encourage Apple to keep its promise…[unlike I do myself and most of my political colleagues on both sides of the aisle]…


    Charles E. Schumer

  • Reply 33 of 197
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    This kind of crap pisses me off. Apple has always come through if there were issues. Give them some time to figure out if there really is an issue.

    Grandstanding by the honorable senator. He needs to STFU and only get involved if there really is a problem....

    And then he should call upon CR to test ALL phones for the same issue. Start writing that letter Senator.
  • Reply 34 of 197
    joelsaltjoelsalt Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Actually, this is exactly a Senator's job: to look after the interests of constituents.

    Should he write letters on behalf of stilted lovers in his constituency too?

    Dear Laura,

    Jon really misses you. The way you treated him was unfair, as he has a lot of stress with work and everything. He is really sorry, and I'm not going to rest until I hear an apology. Together, we can get through this!


    None of my fucking business.
  • Reply 35 of 197
    atlbucatlbuc Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    This kind of crap pisses me off. Apple has always come through if there were issues. Give them some time to figure out if there really is an issue.

    Grandstanding by the honorable senator. He needs to STFU and only get involved if there really is a problem....

    And then he should call upon CR to test ALL phones for the same issue. Start writing that letter Senator.

    It's the immediate response from Apple telling us to hold our phones a different way or get a bumper guard or better yet saying there isn't an issue. This is a real problem.
  • Reply 36 of 197
    atlbucatlbuc Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by joelsalt View Post

    Should he write letters on behalf of stilted lovers in his constituency too?

    Dear Laura,

    Jon really misses you. The way you treated him was unfair, as he has a lot of stress with work and everything. He is really sorry, and I'm not going to rest until I hear an apology. Together, we can get through this!


    None of my fucking business.

    Get real dude.
  • Reply 37 of 197
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Funny. I don't see the big deal with him writing this letter. It's not like it takes a long time to write this.

    No but it is all about politicians/government telling businesses what they can/can't/should/shouldn't do.

    (General Motors, AIG)
  • Reply 38 of 197
    atlbucatlbuc Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    No but it is all about politicians/government telling businesses what they can/can't/should/shouldn't do.

    (General Motors, AIG)

    No different from us telling them what they can/can't/should/shouldn't do. They need to be held accountable. When it all comes down to it, Apple doesn't have to do anything because of the letter but I think it adds a little more to the argument.
  • Reply 39 of 197
    freddychfreddych Posts: 266member
    I think the anger with this guy is not that it's not his place to be posturing over the iPhone 4 (maybe he actually has one), but that there are so many other things that require more urgent attention.

    Of course, making progress on the War on Terror, the financial crisis, or the oil spill require him to work with his colleagues so there could be bottlenecks in what he can actually do, most internet trolls don't realize this. Short of enlisting in the army, starting his own small business, or going down to Louisiana and actually doing the dirty work himself, there's not much any single Senator can do on any of these fronts.
  • Reply 40 of 197
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member
    Originally Posted by kurt737 View Post

    Yeah, this man who has 2 degrees from Harvard and has decades of experience in politics is an "idiot".

    Well, actually...Schumer is an idiot. And I suspect he also secretly regards himself as a God-emperor.
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